The Tormented Soul

Chapter 7: her name is Alea

Aleera's POV
A knock at the door made both of us jump. The door opened and Cassie walked in with a plate full of food on it. Celia noticed the
frightened look that was all over my face.
"Don't worry, she is my sister Cassie, I asked her to bring some food because you asked me not to leave you alone." Celia told
me in a composed voice.
Cassie put the plate with food on the table that Celia had put over the bed and left the room.
I looked down at the plate and was shocked, was this all for me. The plate had mashed potatoes and meatloaf, it looked so
good. As if on queue my stomach starts to make a growling sound. I look up at Celia. I was still afraid to eat.
"Come hun, eat up." Celia told me in a calming tone. I shook my head again, still afraid. Celia noticed the fear in my eyes. She
put her hands on my shoulder so she could make eye contact with me.
"You need to eat, so you can heal faster. I promise nothing will happen to you if you take the food." She tells me in a trusting
I stretched out my hand to take the spoon, my hand shaking the whole time. I got some food on the spoon and moved it to my
mouth. My hand was shaking so I almost spilled the food and the IV line in my hand did not help me at all. I was so frightened
someone would beat, or rape me if I eat so I was on a high alert.
When the food came in contact with my taste buds, it was like an explosion, the taste was so good. I loved it. I swallowed the first
spoon with food. I hope Celia was telling me the truth, I don't know if I will be able to handle more stuff like I had to suffer in my
past. I took another spoon full of food and put it in my mouth. When I had swallowed the second one the door opened and he
walked in. I don't remember the name. He saw that I was awake and a huge smile formed on his face.
I saw him walk towards me at a normal speed. When he was really close he reached out his hand and my instinct kicked in and I
flinched back. He froze in his spot as I shivered in fear. He stood there looking at me and I could feel the inside of my stomach
turn inside out and I leaned over the bed side and puked up the small amount I managed to eat.
Celia got up from her seat to help me. She takes a hold of my hair to make sure it's not in the way. When everything was out I
laid back on my right side and breathed heavily. It felt like the air couldn’t get through my lungs right. I did see Celia look back at
the man that was standing beside me. Her face lit up in anger.

"Outside now." The tone of her voice was like a volcano before it woke up. She put her hand on my forehead. "I will just be
outside that door. I will be back in a second." She walked to the door and the man from before was right behind her and he
closed the door behind them.
Celia's POV
"What the hell was that?" I asked Darius
I heard Darius growl at me. I looked at him, my insides were boiling and ready to explode.
"What? Don't use that look on me, I am your alpha." He was angry. I could tell by the way he looked at me and the tone of his
"Yes, I know you are the alpha, but she is my patient. Do you have any idea what you just did?" I asked him, still holding my
head high and my eyes locked with his. No one dared to do that. But I had to stand my ground.
"No. What did I do? I just wanted to check up on her. She is still my mate and I wanted to see how she was doing."
"All the work I had done is gone like the wind, just because you decided to walk in. I finally managed to get her to eat." I told
Darius a little frustrated.
Darius looked at me. He was still angry and breathing heavy, his eyes were pitch black.
"It can't be just because I walked into the room." He said.
"Yes, she is afraid of what you would have done to her if you saw her eating. We have no idea what she has been through. Did
you see how she flinched when you reached out your hand? She is scared of us." I took in some deep breaths. As Darius was
about to answer me I put up my hand to show him that I was not done.
"From now on no one is allowed to walk in that room except me and Cassie. If you want to come in then mind link me and ask if
it is the right time. We have to get her to trust us and we have to go slow, otherwise she will probably do something to herself like
she did last time."
Darius had almost calmed himself down and his eyes were almost back to normal but after what I said his anger flared back up
and his eyes turned pitch black once again.

"You can't forbid me! I AM THE ALPHA!"
I raised my voice. No one was prepared for that, not even myself.
When I had finished that sentence I felt Darius hand around my neck. My head and back hit the wall behind me. The impact
made me see stars just for a few seconds. I put my hands on Darius and tried to push him away, but it was useless. I heard
footsteps coming running towards us and Darius’s hand disappeared from around my neck. I hadn't noticed that I had screamed
for help. When I looked up I saw James and the pack’s third in command, Samuel.
Both of them have a grip on Darius, he looked at me with black eyes. I have never seen that much black in his eyes before. He
started to take deep breaths to try and calm himself down.
"I am sorry alpha but if you want her to live then you have to do what I said. I am not doing this to keep you apart, I am doing it to
make sure she will survive. I want her to live and I know you want that too, so please listen." I said and I touched my neck where
his hand was just a few seconds ago.
James and Samuel did not let their grip on Darius. I could see in their eyes that they were mind linking each other.
"Darius, get out, take a run to calm down.” James said. Darius looked up at him and nodded and turned his back against us and
started walking.
"Her name is Alea." I told him and he stops in his tracks and looks back at me before he turns away again and runs out from the
hospital wing.

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