The Tormented Soul

Chapter 6: second time I opend my eyes

Aleera's POV
In the distance I could hear the beeping sound again. And I know once again that I am alive. I could hear footsteps close to me.
My eyes flickered a little before I started to open them. They felt heavy to open, but they opened slowly only to shut them again
from the bright light that's shining in the room.
I tried again but this time I squeezed opened my eyes so they could adjust to the light. It felt like it took hours for me to open
them when it only took minutes. I looked around and I saw that I am in the same room I woke up in before.
I noticed something soft behind my head, that felt amazing and I knew it was a pillow. I was in such a panic state before that I did
not notice it last time. It was years ago I actually had one. I looked down and noticed a white duvet covering me, it was nice and
I moved my hand and felt the needle that I pulled out before was now back in. I noticed my body was connected to some
machines and the irritating sound was coming from them. It was so annoying that I wanted to smash it against the wall.
I moved my head around the room and I could see the same unknown woman as before in the white lab coat. She had her back
towards me and was doing something but I can’t see. All of a sudden she turns around like she knew I was awake. She meets
my eyes with a warm smile and takes a deep breath.
"Oh good morning, my dear, please take it easy and what you did last time, don't you ever do that again. I almost lost you." She
said in a disproving tone and paused for a few seconds before she continued.
"You were out for three days and we were so worried about you, so please whatever you do don't try to fight to get away again.
We just want to help you get better. You are safe here. No one here will hurt you." The unknown woman said.
'Pixie, we need to get out of here, I don't trust her!' I screamed out through our mind link.

'Aleera, we don't have the strength to run at the moment. I don't know but I have a feeling that we can trust her but we have to be
careful.' She said back.
I looked at her and she gave me a warm smile. "My name is Celia and I'm the pack doctor." She tells me in a calming voice. I still
just looked at her but did not say anything in response.
She came closer to me but when she was just two meters away I shrugged back. That made her stop and raise her hands. Her
smile disappeared.
"I am here to help you, not to hurt you." She still had a calm voice and her smile started to grow on her face again. She started to
move closer but at a very slow pace.
"Will you let me help you?" She asked me.
I didn’t answer her. I just looked at her and I slowly nodded my head. Celia gave me a warm smile and walked to me at a slow
pace so she didn't frighten me.
"I will just take a look at your Iv-drip so please don't be afraid. I am here just for you and I promise that you can trust me." She
informs me. I did not give her any response, I just nodded again.
She took the last few steps and once next to me she took a look at the IV line that was in my hand, She was gentle and had a
friendly smile. When she was done with all her check-ups she walked behind the bed and started to push the handle to get the
bed up in a sitting position. I moved my head to look at her and I believe she saw some fear in my eyes.
"I am going to get the bed up so you can sit up and so you can eat." She tells me.
I shook my head so fast that I started to see stars. She looked at me with a confused look on her face.
"But my dear, you need to get nutrition so you can heal and get better." She answered me. She inhaled a breath and continued.
"Just by the look of your condition you were in when you came here, and still are in, I'm guessing it has been a long time since
you had something to eat. That's why it's really important for you to get some nutrients." It was no question from her but more
like a statement. She had this kind of doctor’s facial expression on her face that she was not going to give up and she was right,
it has been a long time ago.
"If I eat, what will you do to me?" I said, stuttering my words out in a whispering voice.

Celia looked taken back when she heard me ask that. "My dear, what do you mean, what will I do to you if you eat?" She looked
confused when she asked me why I had asked her that.
"It always costs me something to get some food." I whisper out as tears start to creep out from my eyes and my body starts to
"Cost you something? You can't be serious? We all need nutrition. You will eat and get some more rest so you’ll get better.” She
had a mothering but stern voice when she said it to me.
She was standing beside my bed when she said that and after she finished she turned around to walk towards the door.
"I'll be back very soon. I'm going to get your food." She said as she started to walk out of the room.
I started to sob as tears spilled down my cheeks.
"No please, don't leave me alone." The words leave my lips stuttering. Celia comes back right away and starts slowly putting her
arms around me to see if I would be okay with it. At first, I looked at her and she stopped but she slowly moved her arms around
me in the end. When she had her arms around me it felt weird at first but comfortable at the same time. It has been a long time
since I had a protected hug.
Celia's POV
Omg, what has happened to this girl? She is afraid to eat, she is afraid to be alone, and she is so undernourished. I am afraid I
will break her if I hug her too hard.
'Cassie, can you please get some food and come to the hospital wing.' I mind linked my baby sister, who was also a nurse here.
'Of course. Is it for you?' She asked me back.
'No, it is for the patient. She started to cry so bad and said she didn't want to be left alone.' I answer Cassie.
'I’ll go and get the food. I'll be there In five minutes.' She said before she cut off the mind link. I still have my arms around her and
she was still crying but she has settled down a bit.

"My dear, I don't know your name so I don't know what to call you. Would you please tell me your name?" I asked her in a
calming voice.
"You can use some of the nicknames I got over the years." She stuttered the words out.
"What nicknames?" I asked her, afraid of what she was going to tell me.
"Slut, bitch, whore....." I pulled away from her when I heard those horrible nicknames and cut her off before she finished. My
blood was boiling.
"Who in the hell has given you these ugly and disgusting nicknames? I will never use any of those names, I want to use your real
name." I said to her in an angry and sad voice while looking her in the eyes.
She looked at me with sad eyes. "Everyone did. They all give me their own nickname. I just got used to it since they never used
my real name." She told me in a soft and broken voice.
"But I want to use your real name, can I?" I asked her.
"I don't want to tell you my real name at the moment but you can call me Alea." She told me in a whispering tone. I moved my
hand over to her face to wipe away the tears.
"What a beautiful name. I hope that one day you will trust me and the other pack members to tell us your real name but that day
will come by itself." I told Alea in a trusting voice.
I put my arms around Alea once again to make sure she would someday gain trust in me. Alea closed her eyes as I moved my
hand up and down her back to comfort her.

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