The Tears Of My KingThe Tears Of My Kingdom Book 2

Chapter 9 To Reciprocate Or Not

Mama told me when it rains, it be pourin'

Mama told me it would rain, but it's stormin'

I got this chip on my shoulder forever

I got this chip on my shoulder forever

Mama told me when it rains, it be pourin'

Mama told me it would rain, but it's stormin'

I got this chip on my shoulder forever

I got this chip on my shoulder forever

Rod wave-Chip on my shoulder

Kimberly pov

I need to get out of here. I thought to myself as I turned on the shower and proceeded to do some self-care. I needed it after being locked up for almost a week; at least, that's what Saint told me.

It's been so long since I've had a good night's sleep. I haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time. I need to figure out how to get out of this. I feel like a crab stuck in a bucket at this point. I know I could leave, but what?

How far could I go with getting caught again?

I started to get dressed so I could finally get out of there. The clothes that they gave me miraculously fit. It was a denim skirt bleached a little bit and a crop top with some random band on it.

I think it may have been Kiss. It was a man with white makeup and a tongue hanging out on the front. It didn't matter who it was; I just found it weird that the clothes fit so perfectly.

Anyway, I was so worried about my clothes. I've noticed they didn't give me any shoes. How irritating. So now, before I leave, I must look for appropriate shoes. But at the same time, did it matter if I got a pair of appropriate shoes?

As soon as I got far enough, I would shift and run home anyway, but then they'll catch me. I'm sure pack members surround this house. The smarter decision would be to get to a vehicle. Maybe I could talk to Zach, and convince him into giving me his car and keys.

Sigh, I'm trying to do a whole lot like this is mission impossible, I just need to leave by any means. Why did this have to be so hard? It'd be different if I weren't kidnapped; I could just walk out of here, but the fact is that it's a trap of some sort. It was a sharp knock at the door.

I jumped a little bit, but I moved to open it. As I open the door, I notice it's a small girl the in the doorway. She's not that short, but she's not tall. She looks like she's around 16 long brown hair and braces. I wonder if she works for Saint, she kinda looks like Zach. Is she just here as one of their pack members?

She pulled me out of my thoughts again and asked me, "Are you hungry?" with a smile.

"You must be my brother's Ex, Kimberly, right?'

I looked at her as crazy because I didn't know who she was. She said I'm her brother's Ex. It shocked me. I never knew Zach had a sister. We dated for almost eight months. He never brought it up. I'm kind of shocked right now. I wonder why he would wait so long to tell me. Not that it matters because he's my ex.

I answer her and say "Yes I am hungry I could eat a cow" and giggle slightly. It was nice to be around another girl for once.

"Good follow me," she said with a giggle,

I walked with Lynn towards the kitchen, and she asked me little stuff; how old was I? Was it fun being a wolf? I think she was asking me things that could be considered a big deal because she was going thru wolf puberty, I knew some who shifted at 15, but I guess you can say a wolf moves differently or moves at a different pace.

So to say, I answered her questions and entered the kitchen as we walked in I made eye contact with Zach.

Once again, I'm lost for words. I don't know what to say, how to feel, the fact is, he brought me to my doom, but I can see he was hiding things that would change your perspective on how I felt about this whole thing because currently, I perceive him as the enemy.

Still, it might not be what it's looking like. He might be here to help, but how could he help if he brought me to my captor This is a lot to deal with; I just need to eat and figure it out later.

I noticed he was cooking Turkey bacon, eggs, pancakes, and waffles, and then I think he had some fresh fruit in the refrigerator as well.

He and I sat on the island' and ate joined by Lynn. It seemed like he was in a heated debate again, and his wolf was trying to take over, and I'm sure I'm the reason.

I finished eating, and I put my plate in the sink. After I wash my dish, I turn around and make eye contact again; are you going to explain or should I hate you forever?

"It would be easier for you to hate me forever," he said After a while, it made me wonder how deep this all went, other than Saint wanting to imprint on me as his mate.

That made me wonder, where was Saint mate? Did she die, or was she never found? It makes me wonder why he is so obsessed with me. I shuddered at the thought. He was batshit crazy, and I needed to get away from him.

I say again "you would rather me hate you for eternity instead of just being honest and explaining what's going on, Cause maybe your explaining would give me a different point of view of the whole situation. I might be able to be somewhat understanding, so please talk."

He just looks at me stuck, I Don't know if it was awe or love. I think he was looking like that because he assumed I already made my mind up. That he was dead to me, but it sucks because even if I have a mate he was my first organic love. It reminded me of having a child, the love of a mother is the greatest.

Lynn stands up randomly and blurts out,

"He did what he did to get me back because Saint took me!"


A Lil more context before the fighting continues could you guys see Kim try to reciprocate the love that Zach has for her? Even if it's just a friendship, I know I love my friends I'm just not in love with them but if I had a chance to be friends with somebody I'm in love with I'm selfish so I would run at the chance to even if I had to be her homie.

I ask the question of last chapter, what is real love?

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