The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 38 Set Up

I stand in front of the obsidian mirror, bringing the interrogation room into focus. This is the only way my parents and Nolan would allow me to be near Ashton, which is just ridiculous in my opinion. Ashton couldn’t hurt me without assistance.

I haven’t talked to my god parents yet, but I know I needed to. Their guilt is suffocating, they took the blame for Ashton’s actions. Talking to them will help somewhat to relieve the burden they placed on themselves.

“Did you use this to look at me when I came to the palace?” What a way to put me on the spot just before an interrogation. “I did and watched you far longer than I care to admit at the time.” Nolan is very full of himself with my admission. ”The princess was clearly taken with me from the start.” I roll my eyes and click my tongue with his cheeky statement. “I wouldn’t say all that, but I guess I was.” Nolan left with my parents.

I watch as Nolan and my parents enter the room with Ashton chained to a bolted table inscribed with enchantments. No one is taking any chances, one thing no one accounted for was the effects of the sunstone in his body, specifically his mind. This is the reason why I wanted to physically be there; I can bypass that. This did come with consequences, too much pressure from me could kill Ashton before we get the information needed from him.

He forfeited his life the day he decided killing our parents would get him what he wanted.

I listen to my parents talk to Ashton and getting nowhere like I had predicted. Nolan gets somewhere instilling fear in him. I couldn’t shake the feeling that what he told my mate was off, as if there is more to it. “You’re certain they are attacking the coven in Vallejo? Who are they after?” Ashton answers my mate without hesitation, ”Elaina took the necromancer they originally targeted, this one is just as powerful.”

I watch them leave and portal into my command center. “When are we leaving, this attack happens at sundown. I need to get my team together so we can leave.” My parents look at me and then at Nolan, “Sweetheart, we thought it would be best if you sit this one out. They could deploy Persea, last time you were lucky. We don’t want to take any chances.” This totally pisses me off. They had no right to cut me out like this! “They are my team, my warriors; I am their commander! How dare you three make a decision like this. I’m more than stable enough to handle this!”

Nolan looks defeated at my clear protest, “Love, I know I can’t stop you but I’m begging you to let us take the lead on this one, just for now.” He is using our bond against me, guilting me to give in. “Fine, but I lead the planning and will monitor remotely. If anything goes wrong I will be there instantly whether you three like it or not.” I make my intentions clear, and no one objected.

I gather 25 members of my team and several from our army. Bryant brings up a projection of the coven, it is closer to the edge of the San Pablo Bay. Since the attack would be at sundown, the best cover would be achieved by arriving four hours earlier. I instruct every member to use the cloaking the gauntlets provided.

“Does everyone understand that this will be like no other intercept. I am sure you are all aware my abilities were neutralized by Persea. I don’t know how I survived but be aware Persea is even more deadly to the rest of you. One speck you come into contact with, you are gone forever. If this gets out of hand I will be coming.” Everyone agrees in unison, “Yes, Commander.” Everyone portals out to the designated area of the coven. The high priestess is very accommodating and understanding.

That annoying feeling is crawling up my spine. I become restless and orb out to the prison at the pack. The guards are very hesitant to let me in, I had to persuade them to allow me to talk to Ashton. The clicking of my heeled boots echoes through the long corridor. I pivot in front of Ashton’s cell, and he immediately lunges through the bars. Grabbing his hand, I sent searing pain through his arm.

“Now, that I have your attention, what is it that you are hiding about this attack?” Ashton chuckles manically, “Oh, Elaina, only if I knew, maybe if you would have chosen me years ago, we wouldn’t be here today.”

I can’t believe he is still stuck on stupid. This is clearly getting me nowhere, “Have it your way, Ashton, pain it is.” I push into his mind, as I surmised the sunstone had placed strong blocks in his mind and the illusion of telling the absolute truth. His nose begins to hemorrhage the harder I push.

I gasp as I let go of my hold on his mind. It is an ambush! They never intended to capture a witch, it is an assassination of my legion members, my parents, members of the army and them capturing of my mate. The Allister contingency was already there and had been there. ”You better pray not one soul is harmed. If so I’ll be back to break you in such a way, you’ll welcome death. Do you understand me, Ashton!” Ashton cowers to the back of his cell holding his head in his hands mumbling incoherently.

Without a second to waste I grab my spare Ducati keys and my helmet. I had no time to notify anyone, it would have done them no good in stopping anything from happening or saving anyone.

Nolan’s POV

Something feels wrong, off so to speak. I cannot narrow down what it is. Maybe Elaina was right to want to come, she usually picked up on things in plain sight according to her legion members.

They all love her from what I have gathered, saving many of them from death. Keeping Elaina from Ashton was our ultimate goal, he is too unstable to trust around her. My mate is brutal and highly skilled in the art of war. There has never been any doubt that she can protect herself, she has mastered every fighting style to have ever existed, just that mutt made me and her parents on edge.

The coven continues functioning as if we are not here, making it perfect. As I set myself up near the area the necromancer worked in their temple, something catches my eye. If I wasn’t awake I would swear I am dreaming, I saw a shimmer . I tap Lex on the shoulder, “Lex, look right over there, do you see anything off?” Lex narrows his vision before becoming wide eyed, “Arrow!” Lex pushes me out the way and deploys his shield.

I must have hit my head, because a Ducati comes out of thin air with a rider all in black holding a dagger tipped whip in hand. Wait that scent, Elaina?

Elaina’s POV

I start my bike when a chill runs up my spine, a vision began, showing me the aftermath of the ambush. Most of my warriors laid dead or dying, Lennox sobbing over Michelle’s body, Lex missing his arms, my parents mutilated. I snapped out of it quickly and orb with my bike and whip in hand.

“May my soul be stained with a million deaths, no one I love will die today.” The first arrow is aimed towards Lex and Nolan, hitting my gear, spinning on one wheel, letting my whip hit the archer. The glamour is now dissolved with a head of a warlock rolling to the ground.

I sent a massive link to all supes in the vicinity, “Ambush, full shields up, the target is Nolan!”

I reeve the engine taking off, hitting the corner of a stump launching the bike in the air, sending my whip in a 360 degree arc. Bodies fell from the trees with limbs following. Once I'm back on the ground, I sent an energy pulse out destroying the camouflage of the assassins. “Michelle, Lennox, let loose. Lex, cover Nolan and deploy your shield!” Infinity arrows go flying about as I orb in and out, using my Ducati to flush out our enemies. Camille zooms in and out with her sword along with several others.

My parents are pinned down with several of the older warriors, taking my helmet off as I orb in, using it as my weapon for now. The helmet beams off of the heads of the opposing warriors in a pinball fashion. Double back flip kicking through them, I take my position with Bryant by my side. “How are we doing this, Laina?”

I felt energy building up in my body, “Tag team.” I dodge and duck under one, setting my body into my dragon stance, baring my claws. Ripping into the shoulder while simultaneously striking his neck, collapsing the windpipe.

Making twenty strikes per second to each opponent as Bryant uses a short axe with the others. Their bodies jerk from one direction to the other in rhythm with each hit, using weapons from my brother as I went. Blood is splattering from every orifice, bodies lay splayed about.

More are in the farther tree line, attempting to make an escape, on instinct my gauntlet gears me for battle in armor mid stride through the trees. My team is handling the rest near the covens temple. I orb into their exit path, throwing my shield like Captain America, knocking them down like dominoes. Several more head to the left of me out of the territory, with my infinity bow I rang out arrows. The sounds of them dropping echoes the slightest thud on impact. I use my speed to gather the bodies, stringing them all together, flying back to the coven.

“Thank you, Princess, we are grateful to you and your warriors. If there is anything you may ever need, please do not hesitate to ask.” I bow in return. Nolan and my parents begin striding towards me. Nolan is angry, I couldn’t say if it was for me coming or is it because I saved him instead of the other way around.

“Sweetheart, you shouldn’t be here. You are putting yourself at unnecessary risk.” I scoff at my mother, “Please, if you three weren’t so hell bent on keeping me away from Ashton this would have never happened. It was set up! They never wanted the necromancer, they wanted Nolan and to kill both of you! When is it going to dawn on you, you can’t protect me, you can’t shield me from my fate. What is happening has to happen or this will never end. But you purposely undermining me could make this all far worse. I love you but you both need to let this go!”

Nolan opens his mouth to speak, I link him that our conversation would happen at home and not here. Bryant hands me my motorcycle helmet, placing my hand on my Ducati I open a portal to the mansion.

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