The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 37 Up In The Air

Nolan looks around my little pocket dimension in awe as we stand on the mountain peak, “You call this little? It stretches so far beyond my Lycan vision. How big is it?” I couldn’t really be certain, it expanded every year on its own, “Last I checked more than five hundred and fifty square miles. I created this for Yana originally, but I used it a lot when I just wanted to get away. "

As he is looking at the tree line I ask, "Are you ready, babe?” Yana rubs between Nolan’s legs giving him a little reassurance before jumping into my arms. “Should I put my goggles on now?” I nod my head in response.

I put my feet into my kick boxing wraps and remove my sweat shirt. My undershirt had the back cut out. I turned to my mate, “Do you trust me?” Nolan nods while stating, “Yes, I do, Love.” I stretch and suggest he do the same. ”I want you to base jump with me and Yana.” His eyes bulge out of his head, “Are you mad, we have no parachutes or gliders!” My mate is clearly scared, “Trust me as I trusted you with my secret.”

I turn facing out past the mountain with my feet perched on the edge. Yana and I jump off the mountain, I can hear Nolan screaming our names. “Yana, be a dear and shift, show my mate what you are,” Yana shifts mid glide and flew back up to the peak. I release my wings looping back up to follow her. We both land near Nolan, “Yana, shift.” Nolan looks like he is about to shit himself. “A griffon? Yana is a griffon, and your wings were real?!”

“I did say it would be easier to show you than tell you. You might not have wings like me, but I know for certain you can air glide.” I show him a special buggy board we use in and out of the realm. “I would never let anything happen to you , nor would Yana. What’s mine is yours, being a mate in my family gives you access to parts of my gifts to a degree. I’m not sure to the extent of what you can do. I am the first of my kind in eons, you will likely surpass all of those we’ve mated in the past. There is only one way to find out.”

I toss the board to him, Yana leaps off the mountain flying about in front of us. I give Nolan a tether hooked to my waist, coaxing him to plant his feet to the board. “I’m ready.” Just as I am about to jump Nolan chickens out, “Wait, wait, give me a second! I can’t believe you want me to do this. Here I thought you would have wanted to chain me up and have your way with me.” I let out a laugh, “We are definitely doing that later, but for now I need you to let your fear go and trust me, trust us.”

Nolan is so stalling, he kept backing up off the edge. I step behind him and float to his shoulders, rubbing them to relieve his tension. “Close your eyes, babe, and take in slow deep breaths.” Yana is becoming inpatient, “You should just knock him off, fight or flight.” She is right, we will be up here forever with him if I didn’t . Soon as Nolan is relaxed, I give him a hard shove off the edge as I take the lead in front.

He screams his bloody head off until he realizes he is gliding; I'm just navigating his way through the air. “Let go of the line and see for yourself. Come on, babe, if you fall I will catch you. I swear on both my hearts.” Nolan reluctantly let go and just like that he is surfing the air on his own, he let out a ‘woohoo’. “This is amazing, Love; I never would have thought this was possible!” Thank goodness he didn’t flip out and fall off the board. “I want to see if you can keep up, follow me.”

Yana and I zip through the high tree line with Nolan close behind us. He is keeping up. “Laina, let’s do a high climb with a nose dive, if he can keep up with that, he can likely do even more.” We did exactly that meeting the height of the clouds, “Babe, are you good?” Nolan nods giving me a thumbs up, “I’m good, so what’s next?”

Yana and I look at each other, we plummet downward at a rapid pace. “Hey, you two are you going to pull up?” He is getting nervous, one hundred feet from the bottom we spiral out with our wings. Nolan made it gliding up to us, “You two are insane, you know that!” Yana and I could get a little rambunctious out here alone, it was nice being able to share it with someone else. Nolan being my mate made sharing this part of my life even more special.

We all land back at the mountain peak, gathering our belongings. Before we step through the portal I had to tell Nolan something important about my pocket dimension. “Babe, you can come here anytime you want with or without me. This place helped me destress and master my abilities in ways I couldn’t at home or in the realm. No one else knows about it except you, Yana and my brother. I always had eyes on me with everyone expecting so much from me. Don’t get me wrong, I was allowed to be a kid, but with a timeline hanging over your head it gets a bit overwhelming. It is the reason I decided to advance so quickly in school, I wanted to free up all the years of education I would have spent getting my doctorate. I could have done a slower pace like Bryant but look how fast time passes us.”

Nolan cups my face, “I know all too well about time constraints, I’ve had pressure applied to me since the day I was born. It can’t compare to what you’ve gone through but believe me I understand.” He places a kiss on my lips and we all went through the portal.

Entering the mansion from the back Yana went straight to the kitchen. We follow and I pull out some ground turkey for Yana to eat. After washing my hands I make us a light brunch.

Nolan and I sat down to eat as I picked up he had a few questions he wanted to ask.

“I know you told me that the warriors are chosen by the tree, but how does that happen precisely?” That is a legit question because one day with the grace of the universe, our future children will be chosen just like everyone else in our family. “I know we glossed over some intricate details. You’ve read or at least you seen Harry Potter?”

Nolan nods, ”Remember that the children were picked after birth, then sent letters to notify them of their enrollment to Hogwarts?” Nolan answers, “Yes, I’m following.” So far I hadn’t lost him in my explanation. “It works in a similar way for us, this is how warriors are picked every generation. The Tree of Life decides similar to the sorting hat, and the elders execute the invitations.”

My mate ponders on the word invitation. “Has anyone ever decided to scrap the invite and not send their child?” I thought about it for a minute to recall all of the realm history I studied, “Not that I know of, however, you can be kicked out. Not sure when is the last time that happened, but it has as far as I know.”

As we ate and talked I couldn’t help wondering why I couldn’t remember the name of the only person to be expelled from the realm. Something about this was nagging me. I will definitely look into it. There is a connection there that could give the answers I was looking for. I casually brought up interrogating Ashton once more, Nolan begrudgingly said yes only if I looked into through my obsidian mirror. I took what I could get at this point. At least we weren’t fighting over it anymore.

“I never asked you what do you actually like to watch on television? You usually keep it on documentaries or the music channel.” Nolan chuckles before he answers. ”Don’t roast me when I tell you. I like Vampire Diaries, Charmed, the Charmed reboot, Originals and Stranger Things. I’ve watched a few episodes of Love and Hip-Hop, occasional Maury and American God’s.” I am dumb struck; I pretty much watched the same shows minus Maury. “I like to watch almost the same things, I just don’t particularly care for reality tv shows.” We continue to share our likes and dislikes in more detail than we had before.

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