The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 29 Healing Fractured Pieces

I finally did what Bryant said and started using the app for the car. The roadster is my baby next to my old Expedition. Once I am in the garage, I orb to Bryant’s lab. “What a nice surprise, you’re early today. Why are you smiling like that?” Bryant sniffs me when he realizes what is different. “No! you didn’t? I thought you were hell bent of getting rid of him, what changed your mind?”

“I’ve deeply reconsidered my original position. I’m keeping him and before you ask I’ll be marked soon. Enough about me, tell me what you got from everything we salvaged.” Bryant pulls up an aerial map on our giant touch screen.

“From the phones alone I gathered they get a location sent to them once the dossier for the target is sent. I was able to trace the wire transfers to most of buyers for the trafficked individuals. We have teams retrieving them as we speak. The others are dummy accounts to a small island off the coast of Portugal. I sent Shelia to do some surveillance and little to no activity. No hidden bunkers or any signs of the missing sups. I’m using a piggyback from one of the neighboring satellites to monitor incoming and outgoing transmissions. And before you say it, decryption has been deployed.”

He had it all covered. ”Have Shelia, Haven, Maddox and Travis suit up and ready to go for Greece. The eight-hour difference is going to be brutal; we leave at 11."

The Darkness Within

We were set up near the Acropolis, I took point, stealthing on the top of the remaining pillars. This target is not just any ordinary witch, but a necromancer. I admired her skills. I could never get into it the way I should, but it does come in handy. We all hear the approaching footsteps. A dark haze came rolling out from the east. A flash of electric current and a scream rang out.

They had bound her hands with electrically charged cuffs and her ankles, keeping her subdued. Their knowledge of the rarely known weaknesses was too extensive. Electric currents only works on witches for short periods, for necromancers a constant stream disrupts them from summoning the dead to defend themselves.

“I think some water is in order, don’t you, Haven? Give them some ocean. They’ve learned from their mistakes and doubled their ground forces. I smell ogres and goblin.” Haven summons sea water, sending it out in tendrils before making contact with the cuffs.

It wouldn’t stun them for long but gives us our opening window. These beasts could fight to no end, I gave the order to use whatever weapons necessary and scale myself down the column. I am going to be the distraction, while Travis secured the necromancer.

Preparing myself to strike the assailants. I took out the knees of the ogres at the front, they recoiled from the pain, making it easier for me to sever the heads. The others grinned, circling my position, twenty-two to one didn’t seem like good odds--for them.

Straight brute force it is then, as I crack my knuckles to prepare. Thrusting my knee, breaking a collarbone, I took the ogres arm extending it, sending hard knuckle punches breaking ribs. I thrust my claws in, shoving bone straight to the heart.

Jump scissor kicking the two parallel to me sent them back, two more charge the front of me like raging bulls. I kick my legs back, bouncing from the pillar countering them. I grabbed their throats, ripping them out, suffocating them in their own blood. Growling and snarling in the direction of my enemies put fear in their eyes, fear they never knew was possible.

The last few backed up with my slow stalking advances as my fangs extended. I moved at the speed of light slashing through them with my claws. The dead silence snapped me out of my bloody rampage, I killed them all, not one spark of life left. “Commander, we secured the necromancer, only one goblin left for interrogation.”

I look down to my hands with blood drenched to my elbows. Turning around to see the mess I made, I eviscerated all of the ogres as intestines lay in a tangled mess. “Commander?” Haven caught my attention as I turn to face her, “I’m okay, lets clear the scene. I’ll take care of these; help clean up the rest.”

Haven bows her head before leaving me. I can’t believe I did this again, I thought I had better control since the realm. At this rate I’m no better than Allister. I started to send the bodies and dismembered parts to the lab, knowing Bryant was going to give me an ear full later. Ten minutes later, there was not one sign that we were in the acropolis.

I orb to the underground lab, stripping completely out of my tactical gear before entering the shower room. I turned the water to the hottest temperature possible; flash backs attack me from the realm. I couldn’t breathe as my chest tightened and my vision doubled.

I slumped back to the shower wall sliding to the floor. Bryant is next to me somehow without me knowing it, “Focus your breathing, it has already happened. Focus on one thing in front of you, tap your fingers and count from 100 slowly. Move your eyes from left to right, up and down.” I got to sixty before my panic attack stopped, it took longer this time. Bryant helped me wash up and scrubbed the blood from my nails. He wrapped me in two towels, one for my hair and the other for my body.

Bryant began blow drying my hair and set up the flat iron. “I need to make sure you look exactly like you did earlier. I should be done with this in a few minutes.” He didn’t say anything else as he secured my ponytail but gives me a tight hug.

“Its gonna get better, Laina, you are nothing like Allister and never will be.” I put my jump suit back on with my heels and orb to the morgue. Layla was making fast work with the bodies I sent. ”Hey, boss lady, I have something for you. They each have a distinct mark, almost like a birthmark. It wasn’t so easily found; under the atomic glasses it is more than a simple anomaly.”

Layla hands the glasses to me. “I’m sure you see the symbol.” It is more than a symbol, it was magic. Magic more ancient than anything I studied in the realm or with Aunt Brie. “Send the best pictures you have and let me do some digging. Double encrypt them, before you say it, I know my brothers security is infallible. But there have been indications to inside interference, we send our protocols worldwide. It could be anyone outside of us at this point.” Layla nods, “Yes, commander, as you wish.” Looking at my watch to see it is a few minutes past 1, telling me it was time to head back to Nolan for our dinner.

I drove to the mansion by 1:30, Ms. Brown had prepped everything I needed. I went to work and finished up by 4, using my gifts subtly to get the job done in half the time. I used the elevator to the third floor, I caught Nolan before he hopped in the shower, popping my head in, “Would you like some company?”

I made him very happy with my question, “Yes, please and thank you!” Nolan began to undress me slowly, kneeling down removing my panties. Nolan gave me a lick sending shivers up my spine. “I rather have you for dinner tonight.” He lifted me up by my thighs carrying me into the shower. Nolan washed my body from head-to-toe planting kisses with every inch he touched. Returning the favor, my hands travelled to his already erect cock. He clamps his hand on my wrist, shaking his head. “If you do that we will never leave out this room tonight.” I let out a sigh, “Point taken.”

We both get out, drying each other. Twisting my hair along my forehead, I pinned it in place, leaving the length in curls cascading down my back. I apply my make-up, leaving Nolan in the bathroom to finish up. I picked a long-sleeved fitted shirt dress and pairing it with a leather corset belt to accentuate my curves, putting them on display. He entered into the closet never taking his eyes off of me and somehow picked out a hunter green button down with royal blue pants. Nolan grabs my hand, “Let’s do this.”

We used the elevator, once the doors opened I could hear Alexus talking to Evil Lynn. Evelyn had jet black hair, green eyes and warm ivory skin, she also had long legs. As she stood up I could see she is super thin and had a three-inch advantage in height. I would still beat her ass no matter if she was taller than Nolan.

I had to admit she is beautiful. Rising from her seat, gliding towards us with Alexus right behind her. “Good evening, Elaina, let me introduce myself, I am…” I interrupt her, “Evelyn and you can call me Princess Elaina,” as I extended my hand to her. “I am or should I say was Nolan’s fiancé.” I gave her hand a tight squeeze place a deep red impression from my touch. “Pleasure to meet you, Nolan has told me so much about you already.” Nolan nudges me to take our seats in the dining room, opposite Evelyn and Alexus.

The dinner conversation was quite superficial with Nolan only giving one-word answers to Evil Lynn but a complete dialogue for me and Alexus. Dessert was finally served. It is dark chocolate mousse cake with wild berry compote. Nolan digs in immediately and beamed from ear to ear with my selection.

”Laina, this is so delectable; you must let me have the recipe for our chefs at home.” Alexus was in love with the contrast in flavors. Then the bitch spoke, ”Nolan, I am surprised you’ve acquired an appetite for this, if memory serves me…” Not tonight you skank. “He likes it dark and exotic!” I retorted making Nolan slightly choke. I could pick up Alexus’ thoughts, “Oh shit, Elaina is not playing tonight, going straight for the jugular.”

I pour Nolan some water to help clear his throat while patting him on the back. “Thank you, love.” Evelyn is seething on the inside although keeping her face composed on the outside. She is hiding something, I link Bryant to get intel on Evelyn Bowers.

After dessert we all enter the drawing room. Nolan pours a glass of red wine for me and for himself. Charles made martini’s for Alexus and Evelyn. “Nolan, I see you’ve changed your drinking preference as well.” I answer before he could even utter one syllable, “You can’t keep drinking and doing the same OLD thing over and over again, when your heart wants something that suits you better. It never has the same appeal as it did before.”

This time Alexus almost choked but caught herself. Nolan looks up smiling at me then pulls me on his lap and plants a kiss on my cheek. Evil Lynn’s anger is hitting its peak, giving me a glimpse of her hidden thoughts. I wish I had the time to break her mind, what I see tells me she has her hands in dirty places.

Evelyn excused herself shortly after, stating she was jet lagged from her flight. One of the guards escorts her to the guest house as we watch her retreating form. “That uppity mixed bitch is going to get hers; she will be out of the way soon. She might have Nolan now, but mark my words, he will be mine in the end. He hasn’t marked her yet, I still have time to win him back.”

Who was she trying to contend with? It’s her death sentence. Walking back inside, we close the door. Alexus made a grand ovation, ”You are a very formidable opponent. You are far more impressive than I imagined. My brother is beyond blessed to have you. Quick question, why have you two not marked each other yet?”

There goes the elephant in the room. “Lexi, we want to wait till the timing is right. We want to be 100% in alignment with our union before we complete the mating process. Besides, it isn’t official until we are hand fasted by the elders. Her lineage demands it, so no rush.” I look at him so enamored, I am claiming him and marking him tonight. “If you say so, big brother, but father is becoming impatient. Just a heads up.”

We escort Alexus to the second floor saying our good nights while walking hand in hand to the third floor. I start unstrapping my corset belt, which is not fast enough for Nolan. He made haste popping all the buttons on my dress, carrying me to the bed and laying me down ever so gently.

Nolan quickly undresses and relieves me of the rest of my clothing. I was about to take my shoes off as Nolan stops me, “Leave these sexy shoes on for now.” He caresses the length of my legs sending goosebumps through my entire body. Nolan raises my arms over my head pinning them as he laid directly flush with my body and licking the crease of my lips causing me to open them wide.

Our tongues fought for dominance, Nolan suddenly flips me over, laying me flat licking from my buttocks to the nape of my neck, his hand caressing my folds. Before I knew what was happening Nolan entered my pussy causing me to gasp as he filled me completely, “You’re so tight, making me want to come right now,” latching on to my mating spot. With every push he generating a wet clapping sound from him connecting to my cheeks.

Nolan strokes me out for what felt like an eternity of pleasure, suddenly turning my body around, removing my shoes. He lays on his back, placing me on top of his face, his tongue traveling from my crack to my clit.

I'm falling apart on the verge of exploding; Nolan lifts me up planting me on his pelvis. I slid down licking from his navel to the base of his dick, making his thighs twitch. I swallow him in with my mouth, causing him to buck his hips off the bed. I mounted him and begin rolling my hips, he is close to the abyss ready to dive off. Nolan grabs my hips, speeding my momentum and sits up to lock our lips together.

An urge overtook me with my fangs elongating as I caress his head. I puncture his skin directly on the spot for marking. He grips me tightly and begins to pump his seed in my womb with me experiencing his canine’s entering my neck, marking me. My orgasm washes over me. Everything clashed together, moving as one, our heart beats, our breathing and our souls were unified. I remain draped over his shoulder as he made circles on my back. “I love you, Nolan.” My revelation had him squeeze me tighter, “I love you more.” Nolan laid back, sliding me down to lay on his chest. He slowly pulled out of me, holding me close, my eyes flutter before closing shut.

Elaina definitely glowed tonight, even brighter than the first time. I knew she was different, special even, but I wasn’t expecting that. She is more than just the descendant of our forefather. What exactly I don’t know yet. We can change the sheets tomorrow; I rather like her essence on me.

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