The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 28 Uninvited Guest

The lack of extra body heat woke me up. I frown from his absence, pulling my knees close to my body and resting my chin in a pout.” Good morning my princess.” Nolan enters the room with a bright smile and a tray in his hand. “Good morning, what do you have there?” Nolan came to the bench coaxing me to sit, I wrap the sheet around me sliding down.

He lifts the cover revealing my Nana’s porridge, “How did you get the recipe for my grandmother’s porridge? She gives it to no one, except for me, even my dad doesn’t know it.”

Nolan looks proud of himself for making it.

“I called your mother, and she gave me your grandmother’s number. She was very happy I was trying to find ways to impress you outside of buying you things, she gave it to me because she knows you love it. Plus she misses you, I promised to bring you to see her soon. We should go to Jamaica to see her and your grandfather after you’ve graduated, maybe for your birthday.” Look at that, he is making future plans. I think I made the right choice after all. I dig in and was instantly in heaven, he had this recipe down packed.

I pause from eating, “Nolan, I want to talk about last night…,” he cut me off before I could finish. “Actually, I need to apologize for the way I’ve been acting. I just wanted to prove to myself I could be with you without trying to have sex with you. I didn’t factor in your heat going full blast, which wasn’t fair to you at all. You’re scent overpowered me after I had Ms. Brown lock down the house. I didn’t just want to fuck you, I wanted to make love to every inch of you, body and soul. I wanted you to feel the love I have for you.”

Aw, that was the sweetest thing I ever heard. “I think I fell in love with you the moment I found myself thinking about you constantly..” His phone rings cutting into our moment.

“No, she can’t come through the gate. I don’t care if she is with Zeus himself or Iron Man. It’s finished; it’s been finished and there is nothing more to discuss!” Nolan throws the phone across the room breaking it into a million pieces. I’ve been there before; apple has made a hefty profit for my ‘accidents’.

“Laina, I’ll be right back. It seems my former betrothed invited herself with my sister and is trying to gain entry. It was already announced to her I found my mate. She just won’t quit. I’m going to handle it.”

Moving from the bench I stand letting the sheet fall from my body, walking up to Nolan as I press my body into his. Raising up on my tippy toes I gave him a kiss. “Go and handle it, then handle me later, unless you have other plans.” Nolan palms my butt cheek , gripping it before leaving out the door. He turns around twice before actually leaving. I think I need to stock up on more pineapple juice.

I finish the porridge and took my straightening brush through my hair then flat ironing it. He was going to be gone at least thirty minutes dealing with Evil Lynn. I can pick up her thoughts so easily, she is truly a bitch, actually more like a cunt. I don’t know how it even lasted as long as it did between them.

This ambush tactic she used isn’t going to go the way she is expecting. Nolan is also pissed with his sister for even letting her tag along. From what I just heard; he is only allowing her access to the guest house until her flight leaves in the next two days.

After taking a shower I put my hair in a sleek ponytail, l got dressed in my olive-colored flight jumpsuit walking downstairs. I observe Nolan being interrogated by Alexus; his sister wasn’t letting up. I’m just going to say hello to jail break him out of this torture session. As I got to the last landing Alexus let out a gasp, “She is stunning more stunning in person!”

By the time my heels make contact with the floor Alexus clears the distance hugging me. “Oh my goodness, where are my manners. My name is Alexus, Nolan’s baby sister and you need no introduction, princess.” Nolan made his way over to me wrapping his arm around my middle. “You two look magnificent together.”

Picking up on her thoughts, she was truly happy for her brother and impressed with me. “How long are you in town for, Alexus?” She ponders my question, “Well, I’m undecided. I think maybe until New Year’s if that’s ok with you both. I promise I won’t be a third wheel and staying out of your hair. You won’t even know I’m here.” Nolan looks at me for my answer. “Stay as long as you like, his family is my family.”

Alexus went to the second floor to settle in and Nolan turned his attention back on me. “Why are you dressed?” He says with a frown on his face. “Clearly I can’t run around naked all day. I think that would give Ms. Brown and Charles a heart attack. You’d probably love it though. Plus, it’s fair to say you don’t care too much for anyone seeing me in all my glory.”

Nolan couldn’t deny my argument, “You are very correct,” while locking his arms around me. “I think you should invite your ex to dinner tonight.” He was scowling now, ”Why in the hell would I do that?” His shoulders tense up at my proposal, “I think her putting a face to the name and seeing us together would solidify that anything you had with her is truly over.” As he mulls it over, I pick up he s in agreement. “If you’re comfortable with it, I’ll send word to her.”

“How do you feel about dark chocolate?”

“I’ve had it once or twice as a kid, but I don’t recall really liking it, why?”

“I think you’ll like dessert tonight if you’re willing to give it another try. Oh, and gumbo is on the menu.”

“You’re just full of surprises, love.” Nolan gave me a peck on the lips. “I have to meet Bryant at the office, I’ll be back soon.”

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