The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 20 Tell Me Your Inner Most Thoughts

“Hey, Laina, girl I miss you. So what’s up with you and the prince? What happened last night? Did you get bent up like a pretzel? I hear their stamina is amazing and they have huge..” Oh my god, she is really not holding back, rolling my eyes I cut her short from finishing that last word. “Nicole! Nothing happened besides a kiss. You she-wolves have the dirtiest minds ever.” Nicole sucks her teeth, “Any who, what are you drinking?”

I pause from drinking to answer, “Pineapple juice, why?” Nikki freezes with a shocked look. “Wait a minute, I thought you said nothing happened or are you preparing for something to happen?” Huh, what was she getting at? “What are you talking about? I drink pineapple juice all the time like my parents.“ Nikki starts laughing uncontrollably. What is she finding so funny? “Usually when a couple drink and eat pineapple a lot, it makes them taste and smell sweeter during oral sex.”

Realization hit me, my parents were some nasty little freaks and I spray it out of my mouth on top of my new desk. No wonder my parents drank it religiously. Now thinking about it makes me nauseous. “Elaina, girl, are you okay?” After grabbing a napkin to clean up the table I answer Nikki, “Yeah I am, you just answered a twenty-year-old question about my parents and their obsession with pineapple.”

Nikki blinks when it dawns on her, ”I think I’m going to be sick, Aunt Del and Uncle Titus, I can’t wrap my head around the fact our parents had sex and freaky sex at that,” Nikki shivers at the thought. ”Nic, I got to go, he will be here in ten minutes, and I want to go over these reports quickly. See you Monday, Bye .”

I heat up the food I made him with my hands and replace the lid. Charles would let Nolan know that dinner is being served upstairs. Like clockwork he is in the room under a minute. “Good evening, Elaina, I heard you kept yourself occupied while I was away.” Of course his little spies sprayed me up.

“I did, I hope you don’t mind the alterations since this will technically be my home for the foreseeable future.” Just look at him eating up my words, like I’d really stay in this mansion with him forever. “Not at all. I want you to feel at ease and feel at home with me.” I bet, easing my panties off is what he really meant to say. “Please eat, I got hungry before you arrived and ate a little bit earlier, I hope you don’t mind?”

I switch screens to a DNA structure I was studying on my iPad, taking a seat next to Nolan with my anatomic molecular glasses Bryant and I were going to patent. This would be a game changer for genetic studies and medicine. Nolan ate in utter joy and surprise at how well I could cook. “I didn’t know you out of all people would need glasses.”

I might as well tell him what these are, ”They aren’t regular glasses. They allow me to see the molecular structure past the capabilities of a high-powered microscope to the atomic structure.” Handing him the glasses, he looks at the line of the DNA strand and is clearly beyond impressed. ”A master chef and breaking scientific barriers. I’m more than blessed having you as a mate.”

As soon as his words hit me, I get up to leave. Nolan stops me, kissing me even more passionately than he did last night. I pull away, covering my mouth, completely out of breath. I slowly walk around him starting my little news flash, “Let’s get one thing straight. You will not be having your way with me like you have so many others. Don’t get me wrong, you are fine, actually no, you are a magnificent specimen of a man. A face that puts all the gods to shame and a body to rival them all.”

I stop directly in front of him, leaning in closely, “But tell me this, what do you have once the lust runs out? It will take more than pure physical attraction to convince me to accept you.” I purposely let my lips graze his, turn and walk into the bedroom taking off my shirt as I went, exposing my bare back. I reveal I wasn’t wearing a bra, escaping into the closet to re-emerge with a pair of shorts and a sports bra.

Nolan comes further in the room, unbuttoning his sleeves. I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and apply moisturizer. Before I turn off the water, he is in the bathroom behind me, turning on the shower. This cheeky son of a bitch pulls down his boxers like I wasn’t there. I try not to look, but curiosity gets the better of me. Nolan is hung like an elephant trunk without even being hard.

I don’t think I could possibly handle his length and girth while it was soft much less fully erect! He would split me in two on the first try. I’m going to act cool and play it off like I don’t have a lump stuck in my throat. He starts to step in and says, “Care to join me, I promise nothing will happen you don’t want to happen. Plus you’ve upgraded me to fine and magnificent since this morning.” Nolan smirks; he is baiting me with his cunning maneuver. It almost worked too. “I took a shower just before you came home and washed my hair. Maybe next time,” taking a quick peak between his legs before exiting.

If I stayed here much longer I’ll be bouncing right on his dick. I can’t deny the physical attraction. Is this how the wolves and Lycans felt all the time with their mates? I wonder how it would feel with his head between my …Oh no, I need to stop it! I’m acting like a little slut right now.

Old school Sunday was tomorrow at Ominous, and my Uncle Reggie would be there. He was our best tracker in the world and could even find the forbidden fruit if put to the task. One third of my team works with Reggie and the others were scattered between the club, tech company, my clothing line and the outreach center. Keeping them financially secure was my duty; they pledged their lives to me as I did mine for them. I’m sure I will get an earful when they see me tomorrow, they all know I’ve been claimed as a destined mate through our group chat.

Nolan comes out of the bathroom going straight to the closet. His towel was low almost exposing the base of his manhood. He emerges with his hair tousled and a pair of blue basketball shorts with no shirt once again. He plops his massive body on the bed making me bounce up. Nolan has a thousand questions, and I was going to ask some of my own.

“Elaina, you’ve never done anything with another male?” Why was that so hard to believe I had no deeply intimate interactions with the opposite sex. “Please be more specific. I’ve done training with the other men, danced with other men, projects with other men.”

He thought carefully before posing the question again, “Have you done anything sexually with other men.”

The peck on the lips at twelve with Rowan didn’t count either, that was a victory kiss in the realm. I kissed one human I briefly dated when I was 18, I felt absolutely nothing. “No, I have not been groped, dry humped, fingered or had oral sex with any other man.” Going to throw my own questions out there, “And you, when was the last time you had sex. I clearly smelled the lingering scent of other women in this room specifically.” He wasn’t expecting that bold of a question. “Fair question, it was almost three years ago come February. However, I did have the woman I was engaged to here even after that. But I didn’t sleep with her.”

“Did you love her?”

“No, I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone I’ve dated. Not until I saw you. I saw you close to three years ago on a billboard for Rarissime clothing and couldn’t stop thinking about you. I had no idea you were the heir to the throne then. No one ever saw what you looked like since you were born.” Okay that was kinda creepy to tell her I fell in love with a billboard featuring her face.

”Were you serious with any others besides your fiancé or was it a wham, bam, thank you ma’am?” he chuckles, “I was placed in an arranged marriage when I was born against my mother’s wishes. With the understanding that if I found my destined mate by the time I was one hundred and twenty, that contract would be null and void. It was the best my mother could do trying to save me. I tried to make it work with Evelyn like humans do, settling for what you have versus what you want. It was more fucking and fighting, I couldn’t take it anymore and broke it off.”

He only had two years left before he was saddled with someone he didn’t even like, “Wait you only have two years left, why do you want me, why do you want this?”

“I want you because you were made for me. I want this because I don’t want what I’ve seen with almost all the others of our kind. Rejecting a mate for money, status, and selfishness; that leaves them broken with tons of regret decades later. I understand your apprehension with this, especially under our original circumstances. This is not a game to me or a power play by my father’s hand. I was just as surprised as you were with all of this.”

Now I felt really terrible for even plotting to have him reject me. Aunt Brie was right, my magic did flow into the food, and he did tell me about his deepest inner thoughts without a need for me to dive into the recesses of his mind. “How did you know I was the princess from the billboard? It could have been anyone.”

He pauses for a moment before answering. But I already got what I wanted to know from his head, I just want to see if he would admit it or try to omit the truth. “When my father brought us to the palace. I didn’t have any expectations, since the news of you rejecting two years’ worth of suitors was widely known. I truly thought you’d put me in the same category. When I looked at your portrait I was completely drawn in just like I was almost three years before. I put the puzzle together; you were the woman on the billboard. Your complete name under your portrait was the final key factor, the same name as your fashion line. I researched you after that. Of course there are gaps of time I know nothing about. I will leave it to you to decide if you wish to share that part of your life with me.”

I’ll be damned he was being genuine with his feelings. We continued our Q&A session until midnight. Nolan rubs his fingers up and down my arm, occasionally playing with my curls. We passed out facing each other, waking up with our legs wrapped together. I stayed like that until my bladder couldn’t hold much longer. I hop back in bed letting him relieve himself. It was a pretty peaceful morning and to my surprise I allowed him to touch me more. We had a light breakfast upstairs, making my plans known after dinner.

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