The Sentinel of Cassendar: Resquarian

Chapter 11

Roderick led his horse out of the stables after having him saddled and readied. He checked his bridle one more time, seeing Galen and the High Captain were ready to go, their horses standing closer to the palace. He was about to mount when he heard someone say his name. Looking over to his right, he saw Lady Selene walk towards him.

“I didn’t want you to leave without saying goodbye,” said Lady Selene as he walked to meet her.

“I won’t be gone long,” he said as she looked down. “We will be back in less than five days.”

She nodded, both of them standing in silence for a few moments. “You will be careful, won’t you?” she asked looking up at him. “I would hate it if something happened to you.”

Roderick felt a small smile come upon his lips. “I have been in many battles, my lady. I have always come back.”

“Then make sure you come back from this one,” she said as he took her hand. “I hope you would go for a ride with me when you come back. I have missed you the past few days. I have not meant to avoid you.”

“Have you been avoiding me?” asked Roderick as he squeezed her hand gently. “I thought perhaps it was me avoiding you.”

“I guess we have been avoiding each other, but I am very sorry for my part. I, at least, wish I had danced with you at the High Winter feast.”

“I should have asked you,” said Roderick shaking his head. “I did want to dance with you.”

“Then the next time you have the chance, make sure you ask,” she said with a half-smile.

“I promise I shall,” said Roderick as she moved a bit closer to him.

“I wish I was going with you, but I cannot leave my sister when she is not feeling well, not with Ethen traveling with you.”

Roderick nodded. “I am rather glad you are staying here, though I know you are a fierce fighter. I would like you to be safe.”

“Though I meant it that I wish I was fighting with you, I am glad to hear you care about my safety. I like that you seem to care.”

“I do care, my lady. I care very much,” said Roderick as he looked into her lovely dark eyes. He had tried not to care so much, but she was quickly finding her way into his life, and he even daresay his heart, though he wouldn’t speak so to her, not yet.

“I care as well, Roderick. Perhaps, when you get back, we could talk more about it.”

“Yes, I would like that,” said Roderick. She looked up at him, her beautiful lips quivering slightly. He felt he would like very much to kiss those lips, but instead he pulled her hand up and kissed it very softly as he gazed into her eyes. “I must go, but I will be back soon.”

“I look forward to your return,” she said as he let her hand go. She looked over at Galen and Dracia nodding at them both. “Take care of your High Captain and your brother. I rather like both of them, and would be happy to see them back safely as well.”

Roderick smiled. “They are both very good at taking care of themselves, but I will do all I can to keep them safe, as they will do the same for me.”

“Good,” she said as walked past him towards Dracia.

“I am sorry to stall your second, High Captain,” said Lady Selene as she approached Dracia.

“It is no problem as we are a tad early. I am glad you came to see him off,” said Dracia looking down at Selene as Roderick mounted his horse.

“Watch over for Ethen if you can. Maia is very worried about him,” said Lady Selene.

“Reassure your sister that no matter what, I will see him back to her, and that is a promise,” said Dracia as Lady Selene nodded.

“Safe travels, High Captain, you as well, Galen,” said Lady Selene as Roderick rode over to Dracia’s side. “Farewell, Roderick, I look forward to your return.”

Roderick nodded at her as she turned and walked back towards the palace.

“I see your friendship is progressing nicely, Roderick,” said Dracia as she urged Aarit into slow walk, Galen and Roderick riding with her.

“I’m not sure it is,” said Roderick. “I haven’t talked to her much in almost a week. I’m not sure how she feels about me.”

“Well, I am,” said Dracia with a small laugh.

“I’m not sure how I feel about her,” said Roderick.

Dracia looked at him and rolled her eyes. “Yes, you are.”

“I really don’t like this new power you seem to have since coming to Siccaria,” said Roderick shaking his head. “I’d like to be able to have some secrets.”

“And you can, but I don’t think you want this one to be a secret, Roderick. Why would you? There are worse things than having feelings for a beautiful, worthy woman,” said Dracia.

Roderick looked over at her and smiled slightly. “So, you do like Lady Selene.”

“Yes, I do like her. She is a bit too forward at times, but who I am to fault it after how I have acted all these years. I believe she has a good heart, and her feelings toward you show she has good taste. I would not mind you falling in love with her, Roderick,” said Dracia.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” said Roderick as they came to the front of the palace. “We need to focus on the task at hand.”

“And you knowing you have something very worthwhile to come back to will aid in that task. It has always helped me,” said Dracia. “I am sure your brother agrees with that far off look in his eyes, dreaming of his princess.”

Roderick looked at Galen to see a slight blush on his cheeks.

“It is nice to remember why I fight, and to know I have someone waiting for me when I get back,” said Galen.

“I agree, Galen. I hate leaving Leal now, when he has taken on this new responsibility, and we have just begun to truly live as man and wife.”

“I’m surprised he didn’t put up more of a fight to come with you,” said Roderick.

“I hope he is learning there is no use in arguing with me about certain things. He will do better to stay here and prepare for our journey to Lanoxan. The less our king is in danger, the better,” said Dracia.

“And what of our queen?” asked Roderick, smiling at her.

“Your queen, like most queens, is more disposable than a king. It might not seem fair, but it is the way the world has worked for many years. How many kings have married more than once as their queens died or proved unable to provide an heir?”

“I’m not well versed in kingdom history,” said Roderick.

“I am, and I can tell you it is more than twenty. If I were to die, I am sure it would be difficult for Leal, but he could move on and find another to see to the Cassendar line.”

Roderick shook his head, knowing it was no use arguing with her. He doubted the king would ever get over losing her. He didn’t know if any of them truly would. They rode past the palace, over the bridge, and through the large gate to find a force of over 300 Siccarian soldiers gathered. Lord Owin and Lord Ethen were close to the gate, both dressed in red, seated up on impressive horses.

“High Captain,” said Lord Ethen in greeting. “Your Elites have just arrived as well.”

Roderick looked over to his left to see the fourteen Elites they had with them, gathered together on their black horses. He nodded to them, and then turned to look at Lord Ethen.

“Good, I believe we are ready to go then,” said Dracia as she looked at Lord Owin. “Do you have any commands for us before we begin, my lord?”

“I believe you know your business, your majesty,” said Lord Owin. “We will ride through the night to the west of the kingdom, stopping right before sunrise for a few hours of rest under the cover of the forest at the foot the mountains found there. After that, we will ride on to meet the armies of Navalia.”

Dracia nodded. “The Elites of the Sentinel will stand strong with you. We are used to strenuous journeys and hard battles.”

Lord Owin nodded. “Then we should be away.”

Roderick saw Lady Elise and Lord Quain nearby with Princess Lexine standing with them. He was surprise to not see King Leal amongst them, bidding Dracia farewell, but they had already probably said their goodbyes. Maybe the king couldn’t bare to see her go. They rode through the right side of the city, heading out west and south towards the border of Lanoxan and Siccaria. As they exited the city, the sun was getting low in the sky, and the temperatures were going down quickly.

They rode swiftly into the trees as the road became rockier and hiller, leading to the western mountains of the kingdom of Siccaria. Roderick kept by Dracia’s side, and Galen rode next to her as well. Their fellow Elites rode just behind them, all looking confident and sure of the battle ahead of them.

“Do we have any idea of a number we are facing?” asked Roderick to Dracia as they rode.

“Only that it is a sizeable force. I believe the number was rumored to be over 400, but we don’t know for sure. It is made up of Navalian soldiers, and many forces controlled by the numerous lords on the Siccarian border whose daughters married Navalian nobles,” answered Dracia.

“This is just half of the force assembled, correct? What of the other half? Do we know their plans?” asked Roderick

“They seemed to have ridden further into Lanoxan, and found a place to set up and wait. We believe they are waiting for others to join them before advancing. It has put the eastern side of the kingdom in a precarious position. My brothers went back to collect their wives and children to come stay in Siccaria. I do feel guilty about the other families who do not have that choice.”

“You should not feel guilty,” said Galen. “Your family is important to Lanoxan. The Yates are needed to secure the kingdom, and it is wise to keep the future of your family safe.”

Dracia nodded. “Have you written your mother, yet?”

“I have written my brother,” said Roderick. “But there is no telling if it will reach them with what is going on in the kingdom. I sent it by bird as I didn’t want to risk a man’s life.”

“It is a long way for a bird, but perhaps it will make it. As we move into Lanoxan soon, you can send more messages. I hate to think of your poor mother mourning your deaths,” said Dracia.

“She has not been kind to you,” said Roderick.

“You are surprised by my concern for her?” asked Dracia.

“No, your kindness and goodness doesn’t surprise me anymore,” said Roderick. “I was only stating a fact.”

“She has suffered much it seems, and I will not fault her for lashing out. She does not have all the information,” said Dracia. “She is yours and Galen’s mother, and you are both very dear to me, therefore she is dear to me as well. How could I not like a woman who raised such two wonderful men?”

“By that logic, I shouldn’t dislike your mother so,” said Roderick. “But I am not sure I posses the grace that you do. I find it hard to forgive how she treated you, and sometimes treats you still.”

“I can understand her better now, but I can see why you will never hold her in high esteem. How could you? She almost broke up your family, and she caused your mother a great deal of pain,” said Dracia.

“What of our father then?” asked Galen. “He went to her willingly. He must have been very in love with your mother.”

“Perhaps, but he had made a choice to marry your mother, and he had a commitment to her he needed to see through as your mother did nothing to break her promises. What a good woman she must be to welcome your father back, and produce yet another son for him,” said Dracia. “I find myself admiring the strength of your mother.”

“Or perhaps she was weak for my father,” said Roderick.

“In weakness is where we find strength many times,” said Dracia. “Her love for your father may be seen as a weakness, but she was strong enough to forgive him and live with him as his wife, despite his broken promises. She could have demanded release and for him to support her away from him, but she choose forgiveness for him and for the sake of her sons.”

Roderick nodded, and they were all three silent for a while. He found that he did not hold his father any ill will. Roderick knew what it was to love, and he believed he was learning more and more about love every minute. Love could drive you to do things that didn’t seem sensible or right to the outside world. If his father really did love Lady Owena, how could Roderick fault him for going to her. He did feel for his mother, and the pain and betrayal she must have felt. He wondered if she always knew her husband’s heart belonged to another.

They rode through the night, making good time for such a large group. An hour or so before sunrise, they found places in the trees on the base of the mountains in which to rest. Dracia sparked a small fire as she, Roderick, and Galen settled in around it after seeing to their horses. Lord Ethen came over to join them, sitting down across from Dracia.

“How are you feeling, Captain?” asked Lord Ethen.

“Very well, Ethen. How about you? I know it cannot be easy being away from Maia at this time,” replied Dracia.

“It is never easy to be away from her, but I am more anxious for her than usual. Our healer says she is very well, and she has her sister with her. As much as they argue, I know they depend on each other, and Selene will take good care of her,” said Lord Ethen.

“You didn’t need to come, Ethen,” said Dracia. “I wished you had stayed behind.”

“I need to fight for my kingdom, and I wasn’t going to let you go represent our family alone. My grandmother may complain about us both going, but in truth I am sure she was only really bemoaning you going to fight.”

“It is who I am,” said Dracia. “One day when I eventually do leave my position as High Captain, I will still not be content to sit in a palace and let others fight for me. If I am able to fight, I will.”

“I do understand,” said Lord Ethen. “But you must see how you need to start thinking differently of your own safety.”

“How so?” asked Dracia with a frown.

Lord Ethen glanced at Roderick and Galen before looking back at Dracia. “You have not only the future of your husband’s family to think of, but the future of Siccaria as well.”

“What do you mean?” asked Dracia.

Ethen hesitated.

“He means you need to not only produce an heir for the Cassendar line, but also help secure the line of High Nobles as well,” said Roderick as he looked at Ethen who nodded.

“We have dwindled down to a small family, Dracia. Before you were discovered, it was just I who could produce an heir, but now there is you. Your first born son will be the ruler of Lanoxan, but your second born son or any daughters you have could come and rule in Siccaria along side his or her kin.”

Dracia looked down. “I am ashamed I had not thought of that. I know if I did perish, the line of Cassendars could still go on as long as either Leal or Lexine is living. Even Leal could find another if I did die,” said Dracia.

“You don’t really believe that,” said Ethen. “Your king would not find another after you, not after how he loves you.”

“Those are pretty words that I am sure have been spoken many times before, but you know it is not true. How many people have lost their first loves to go on and marry another? Leal is strong, and he would go on.”

“I am not saying I agree with you, but so be it. The Cassendar line can be safe without you, but what of Siccaria?”

“You have already proved you are able to produce an heir. I am sure this will not be your last,” said Dracia. “The line of High Nobles is strong under your watch.”

“Our family and leadership is strong because we have others to depend on. What if my child or children are all alone some day? They need family around them, and you can provide that family.”

Dracia shook her head.

“Why are you so set on getting yourself killed somehow?” asked Ethen angrily. “Besides your usefulness to two kingdoms, do you not see how well you are loved? Do you know what it would do to your king to lose you? What about my grandmother, father, and me? Maia is very attached to you as well. Look at these two men at your side. Do you not see your value to them?”

“I don’t wish to die, Ethen,” said Dracia quietly. “But I…” She shook her head and looked down. Roderick could see she was holding back tears.

“But what?” asked Roderick quietly.

“I have had feelings and dreams,” said Dracia in a whisper. “I know it sounds silly, but I can’t shake the feeling that I might have to give up my life to save my kingdom, to save all of you.”

“No,” said Ethen. “All of this is not on you. Whatever these feelings and dreams you are having are only due to the danger you have been in and continue to be in. I will not accept that you are destined to die for Lanoxan or Siccaria or anything else.”

“I hope you are right, Ethen,” said Dracia as she looked up at him.

They rested for a few hours, waking, and eating a small breakfast and drinking some water. They were soon on the road again, riding hard at the front of the large group. They went around one village, passing a few farms and small homes on the way. Roderick could see people come out of each to watch them pass, a young boy running along side them for a time.

By nightfall, Lord Owin, settled them in for another rest. After they had set up a space to sleep for a bit, Lord Owin came over to speak with Dracia, telling them they should rest until dawn and would probably come face to face with the Navalian army by mid-morning. He had sent a few scouts up ahead to see what they could find.

Roderick slept off and on through the night. He woke up a few times to see Dracia sitting up, looking at the fire. He asked her if she was alright, but she only nodded.

“You need to sleep at least a little,” he said quietly to her.

“I know,” she said.

“Is there something you want to talk about?” asked Roderick. “or something I could do for you?”

She shook her head. “I truly am well, Roderick. I am just not feeing as if I could sleep.”

“Maybe if you laid down actually tried, it would help,” said Roderick with a small smile.

She stared at him for a moment. “You aren’t going to go back to sleep until I try, are you?”

“No,” he said as she sighed.

She laid down on her side, looking at him. He laid down, facing her, watching as she held out her hand out to him. He took it, feeling concerned. He had never seen her so unsettled before a battle.

“I am well, Roderick,” she said as she closed her eyes and squeezed his hand.

Roderick closed his eyes as he whispered, “Of course, High Captain.” He fell asleep still holding her hand.

They woke up and were on the road as the sun rose. Dracia had a hard look on her face as she rode, barely looking anywhere but the road up ahead of them. The scouts had come back, saying the large force of at least 500 were about five hours ahead of the next village. They passed by the village around the seventh bell of morning, meaning they would probably meet the Navalian army around half pass the tenth bell.

As they rode on and the morning started disappearing, Roderick looked ahead, expecting to see enemy soldiers at any time. They had climbed up and up, going into the western mountains of Siccaria, but had seen no signs of any enemies. The road they were on eventually flatten out at the top of a small mountain, the area was a very large open space, with boulders and rocks all over the ground. One three sides were trees all around, with one side being a sheer cliff.

As they rode into the middle of the area, Dracia stopped and looked to Ethen who looked back at her.

“Ethen,” she breathed, looking all around.

“I know,” he said as he turned. “Lord Owin, have the soldiers ready, now!”

“Ready for what, my lord? The force is too large to be hiding anywhere around here,” said Lord Owin as more and more of the Siccarian army came into the clearing.

Ethen opened his mouth to argue, when suddenly the Navalian army was upon them, somehow coming out from the trees around them, hidden until now. Roderick took off his gloves and unsheathed his sword as he saw the High Captain do the same. She threw up her hands and some boulders broke up around them, hitting a group of Navalian soldiers that surrounded her Galen, and Roderick, giving them some room.

She rode closer to Ethen where he was fighting with two men on horseback. She threw a column of fire at one side, as Galen threw some wind at the other. Roderick took out two soldiers with a slice of his sword as he followed her.

They all three fought with Lord Ethen, throwing Mystics and taking out soldiers with their swords where they could. Roderick was aware of others fighting all around him. He could hear the sound of dying soldiers, and see the blood start to stain the lightly snow covered ground. He could see Dracia out of the corner of his eye as she had put her sword away, and was manipulating stones in large groups, taking out many soldiers at once. Roderick could see the sweat on her brow and the exhaustion on her face. She was using too much energy.

Roderick took out three soldiers and then turned to look at Dracia. She had turned in her saddle, looking behind her, her eyes wide. She abruptly turned Aarit and started riding towards the other side of the area. Roderick looked to see a fresh group of soldiers coming their way, and in the front of the trees on a light gray horse sat Lady Belleth with Darron on his own Sentinel black horse standing next to her.

Roderick yelled for Ethen and Galen as he turned his own horse to follow Dracia. As he rode towards her, he realized something was very wrong. Aarit reared up on hind legs high into the air before going back down on all fours and bucking wildly. Dracia looked like she would stay on as she tried to calm Aarit when he reared back again, and she lost her grip, falling back onto the ground hard. She rolled as Aarit looked like he was trying to stomp on her. Roderick tried to reach her, but he was met by the charging soldiers.

He fought through them as best he could, taking out a large line with a blast of fire, while swinging his sword at others on his other side. He had just sliced through two men when he heard Dracia scream as Ethen cried out, trying to get to her. Roderick looked over to see her clutching her leg as Aarit continued to stomp around her.

She sat up slightly and threw up her hand, a harsh wind blowing downward, causing Aarit to bend his head down toward her. She sat up completely and put her hands on his head and closed her eyes. Aarit seemed to calm, standing still as he threw his head away from her hands. A group of soldiers ran towards her, including Darron. Roderick tried to get to her, trying to fight his way through the group of soldiers in front of him. He could see Ethen and Galen doing the same. Fire and stones were thrown all around him.

Roderick stabbed a man and looked over. Dracia was up on one foot, her other leg hanging at a strange angle, and she seemed unable to put her foot on the ground. She threw out her hands sending stones crashing into soldiers as she hopped back towards the sheer cliff behind her. Darron rode his horse toward her, Belleth smiling from her own horse at the edge of the field.

As Darron approached Dracia he threw out a hand, sending a harsh wind at her, throwing her on her side and towards the cliff. Some of the soldiers she had not managed to take out, advanced on her. Roderick tried to get to her, breaking free of the last line, but he didn’t think he would make it in time. She was so close to the edge, her arm almost dangling off the edge, and the soldiers were coming up to her quick, Darron behind them with Lady Belleth riding close by.

Roderick said her name, riding hard toward her when he saw a bright light to the left of him. He turned away for a moment and then looked to see Dracia laying on the very edge of the cliff, but all the soldiers around her were on the ground, not moving. Darron had been thrown to the ground, his horse lying dead close by.

Darron stood up and looked over to where the attack had come up from as Roderick pulled up his horse, Ethen and Galen coming up beside him. Roderick looked over to Dracia to see King Leal walking up to her, glancing at her before looking at Darron. Darron’s eyes grew wide as Leal put up his hand as his eyes turned bright green. As Leal threw out his hand, Lady Belleth rode up hard behind Darron, putting her hand on his back, both of them disappearing in a blast of bright light.

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