The Sentinel of Cassendar: Resquarian

Chapter 10

Galen stood outside the palace as he worked on binding wind to three different leaves at once, all different colors. He hadn’t really gotten very far, as the conversation he was having with the High Captain was distracting him.

“You think the magic from the books is affecting you?” asked Galen as he lowered his hand, giving up on doing anything with Mystics at the moment.

“I think it might be, after what Leal told me happened the other night. I thought I was just having strange dreams, but I think there might be more to it,” said the High Captain as she raised her hand and sent all three leaves swirling in different directions before bringing them back together again to lay in front of Galen.

“Maybe we should stop trying to read that book,” said Galen as he looked down at the leaves. “I don’t want you to be hurt in anyway.”

“I don’t think we can stop. I think we need to learn more. I didn’t feel harmed by the magic in my dreams,” said the High Captain. “I actually felt very powerful and whole.”

“But you have said the magic feels evil,” said Galen as he lifted his hand and then put it down. “It doesn’t sound like something you should be using.”

“What if the magic itself isn’t evil? What if it is only the way it is used in certain spells or elixirs is what makes it evil?” asked the High Captain. “There are several spells and potions I have sensed in that book that felt perfectly safe, even mundane. Mystics are not evil, but they can be used to do horrible things. Why would old magic be any different?”

Galen nodded and then looked at the High Captain. “But we don’t know much about this old magic. We don’t even really know what it is. If Lady Belleth is using this, what if she can use it to form a bond with you? What if she can use it to hurt you?”

The High Captain took a deep breath. “I don’t know why, but I think I have some defenses against her. In the winter palace, I was able to hold her back for a few moments as I escaped. It was as if she couldn’t come close to me.”

“We need to know more about this magic Belleth seems to be using, and how she is using it,” said Galen.

“Have you found anything in the books you have read so far?” asked the High Captain.

“No, most of the books on the time before the kingdoms just focuses on the founding of Lanoxan and Siccaria as they were the first two kingdoms,” answered Galen.

“I will come get a few books from you myself after our lesson, which we need to get back to,” said the High Captain nodding at the leaves.

“I still think you need to be extremely cautious with that book and any use of old magic,” said Galen. “We promised to tell each other when one of us was going too far, and I think you might be headed in that direction.”

“I understand, and I will be cautious. This afternoon, I will let you see what you can get from the book, and how it might affect you. We will do no more than two pages,” said the High Captain.

Galen nodded, satisfied with her decision, and a bit excited he could try his hand with the book. He had worked some on other handwritten correspondence to see what he could do with getting feelings from writing, and had some limited success.

“Galen, go on with the leaves,” said the High Captain.

Galen raised his hand, and try to clear his mind, hoping the High Captain was right about the old magic not being able to hurt her in some way. After Galen achieved partial success with the leaves, they walked to the library together to meet with Lexine who was already sitting at the usual table. She had a large book opened in front of her and a large pile of old books to the side.

“How did training go?” she asked as they walked over and sat on either side of her.

“Not very well,” said Galen. “I could barely manage to do much at all.”

“It was my fault,” said the High Captain. “I distracted you with my talk of old magic and my dreams.”

“What is this?” asked Lexine with concern as she looked up from her book.

“I have been having some interesting dreams since I started working on that book,” said the High Captain dismissively. “It is not much more than that.”

“It is much more than that if the prince, I’m sorry, the king is noticing your sleep disturbed,” said Galen. “You said he noticed you were mumbling, and he felt something working within you.”

“Leal said that?” asked Lexine, raising her eyebrows. “Perhaps, we should stop working with that book for a few days and just concentrate on learning more of the history of our land.”

“No, we need to know what we can about this old magic if Belleth is using it; which we know she is since whatever she did to your father is in that book,” said the High Captain. “We will be more careful gong forward, and I am hoping Galen will be able to get something from the book. I will let him try today, only two pages.”

“I don’t know,” said Lexine with a sigh. “You both have enough to worry about with us moving on Lanoxan soon. I would hate for either of you to be harmed or even lose rest over this book.”

“The High Captain is right,” said Galen. He turned to the High Captain. “I can still call you the High Captain, can’t I, or should I refer to you as queen or your majesty.”

“You are my Elite and my second, you may refer to me as the High Captain, or as I believe we are becoming friends, you could just call me Dracia.”

Galen smiled. He was starting to think of her as a friend, but he would show her the respect he felt for her, and he would continue to refer to her as High Captain or his queen. He turned to look at Lexine.

“I will be careful, Lexine. Let me see the book, and I will try to see what I can do. If I feel anything that seems insidious, we will stop for the day,” said Galen with his hand out.

Lexine sighed, but she pulled the book out from under the one she had been reading and handed it to Galen. Galen opened it up to a page he knew the High Captain had not worked on yet, and placed his fingers over the words.

“It might be difficult for you working with such old ink, Galen, but try to sense the echo of the ink and water in the words. It will take a large amount of concentration, but I believe you can do it,” said the High Captain.

Galen nodded and closed his eyes. He moved his fingers very slowly across the page trying to feel something. He could sense a trace of something, but it was too weak to pick anything up from it. He opened his eyes and shook his head.

“Do not get frustrated,” said the High Captain. “Take your time, and take deep breaths. Try to envision the ink when it was first written, a dark thick liquid.”

Galen closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. His fingers moved slightly over the words, trying to imagine them when they were first written, fresh and wet on the page. He glided his hands very slowly across and down the page. He felt a small spark hit his fingers and he raised them very slightly before putting them back down. He again moved the tips of his fingers over the page, feeling something start to tingle his fingers. He let it move into his hands, and up into his arms.

“Control,” he said very quietly. “Control in your fingertips, persuading someone with your words and touch.”

“How does it work?” asked the High Captain very quietly.

“A spell, and an elixir taken once by the person you want to control. It doesn’t take much, just one drop,” said Galen.

“How long does it last?” asked the High Captain.

“A week, maybe more depending on the person. It can leave a link if it is not destroyed somehow,” said Galen as he moved his hands down, sensing the ingredients in the elixir. They were familiar. “I believe this is what was done to King Leal.”

Galen moved his hands down lower and lower, feeling a power flow through his body. It was a power like he had never felt, all consuming. It whispered to him ancient words that seem to set the blood running through him on fire. He felt like his fingers were pulsing, his heart was beating so fast. He could do anything.

“That’s enough,” said Lexine loudly as the High Captain reached over and took Galen’s hands. His eyes flew open and he sat back in his chair as the High Captain let his hands go.

“Do you really think this is what was used on Leal?” asked the High Captain as she took the book from Galen.

“I do. All of the ingredients I can sense on this page, I also found in the king’s bloodstream back in Navalia.”

“You said something about a link,” said the High Captain. “Do you think it could still be there? Could Belleth or Lilith still get to him?”

Galen shrugged as Lexine shook her head. “I would think the Cassendar power would have longed destroyed it in him, if he has use over it,” said Lexine. “He hasn’t mentioned any problems with his power, has he?”

“No,” said the High Captain. “He has been using it regularly, training with Ethen and me. I don’t think he has been having any issues with it. I can sense it in him regularly.”

“Then he should have no link with Lilith or Belleth left in him,” said Lexine. “I imagine you would have sensed it, if he did, Dracia.”

“Perhaps, I should try the next page, Galen,” said the High Captain as she opened the book.

Before she could put her fingers on the page, the door to the library opened, and King Leal and Lord Ethen walked into the room.

“Here you are, Dracia,” said the king as he walked over. “Galen and Lexine, you are here too, good. We need to have a meeting this afternoon.”

“Why, has something happened in Lanoxan?” asked the High Captain looking at the king and Lord Ethen.

“Nothing yet, but we have news of forces on the move on the border of Siccaria and Lanoxan. Half have gone further into Lanoxan, and half are moving towards us here in Siccaria,” said Lord Ethen.

“We shall ride out and meet them, won’t we?” asked the High Captain.

“We will discuss it soon when everyone gets here,” said Lord Ethen after looking over at King Leal.

“What have you three been up to?” asked the king as he walked to the High Captain’s side. “Is this the book you were telling me about?”

The High Captain nodded as the king picked up the book.

“You are being careful with this, aren’t you?” asked the king as he opened the book and looked through it.

“We are,” said the High Captain. “Galen thinks he has found what was used on you in the Winter Palace in that book.”

King Leal looked at Galen as Galen nodded. “I found something used to control someone with just a touch. All it takes is one swallow of a special elixir. They could have slipped just a small amount in your drink one night at supper. After that, they could have each control you with just a touch.”

The king nodded as he looked at Galen. “I don’t remember much of that time, and I am thankful for it. What I do remember of it was very dark, and I was very unhappy.”

“Galen believes the spell could leave a link in you for some time, but Lexine believes your Cassendar power should have destroyed it. You haven’t sensed anything since we left the winter palace, have you?” asked the High Captain.

“No, I haven’t at all. I think Lexine must be right, or Belleth or Lilith would have used the link to their advantage by now, wouldn’t they?” asked the king.

“More than likely,” said Lexine. “I am sure you are safe, Leal. I wish I could say the same for Dracia or even Galen. I do not think they should be messing with that book so much.”

“I agree with you, sister,” said the king as he looked down at the High Captain. “Not after the other night, Dracia. I could sense something in you, and it did not feel like something that should have been there.”

“Galen and I will be extremely cautious going forward, but we must keep looking at this book as we try to figure out whatever this magic Belleth is using really is. I believe it will be important,” said the High Captain.

“I think she is right, your majesty,” said Galen. “We will need to keep trying to sense things from this book as we study about the history of the land.”

The king put the book back on the table. “Very well, but if even the smallest thing seems to harm you at all, Dracia, you will stop.”

“Of course,” said the High Captain as she handed the book back to Lexine.

They all sat at the table together as others soon joined them. Roderick came in first, greeting them all, and sitting down by Galen. The High Captain smiled at him.

“I have not seen you in over a day, Roderick. I hope you are well,” said the High Captain.

“I have been busy training with the Elites, and riding out in the city and forest,” said Roderick.

“Perhaps you would ride with me one morning soon?” asked the High Captain.

“I could hardly say no to my queen, even if I wanted to,” answered Roderick with a smile. “I will be happy to ride out with you.”

“Good, then we will find a convenient morning in the next few days.”

After this, Lord Quain, Lord Owin, and Lady Elise walked in together. As they sat down, Lord Arwel and his wife came in, closing the door behind them.

“Will your father be joining us, your majesty?” asked Lady Elise as she looked at King Leal.

“No, he and my mother are taking a walk through the city. He says he has handed off the crown, and any right to any say in our decisions. He did say if any of us would like any help or opinions, he will comply,” answered Leal.

“We should get started, then,” said Lady Elise looking at her son.

“We have word that a large force of soldiers are on the move in our kingdom and headed this way. We believe they are about four days away. They will move through two villages if their path stays true. They will arrive at the first village in two and a half days,” said Lord Quain.

“I have a force ready to leave tonight,” said Lord Owin. “We can move quickly and overtake the enemy before they hit the first village.”

“My Elites and I can be ready to leave as soon as possible,” said the High Captain.

“We have a very strong and large force ready to go, your majesty. There is no need to put yourself or your men in danger,” said Lord Owin.

“We are asking Siccaria to come to Lanoxan’s aid. The Elites of the Sentinel will not leave you in your time of need,” said the High Captain.

“Then send your men as you stay here,” said Lord Owin. “You have two seconds in this room, I understand. One of them can lead your Elites.”

“I will not stay behind when my Elites are fighting. I will lead them as I am very able,” said the High Captain.

“Dracia, perhaps you should stay behind. It does sound as if Lord Owin and his forces can take care of this,” said King Leal to his wife. “You will have plenty of battles to deal with in the near future.”

“I will go fight with my Elites, and for my kingdom. I am a High Noble of Siccaria, and I will fight for this kingdom,” said the High Captain. “You understand who I am, your majesty.”

The king closed his eyes for one moment before nodding. “I do,” he said quietly as he turned to Lord Owin. “It will do no good to argue with her. She will ride out with you, and I think you will find yourself glad she did.”

Lord Owin gave on angry snort before continuing. “Very well, we will leave in two hours if that meets with your approval, High Captain.”

The High Captain nodded. “My Elites and I will be very ready.”

“We will ride through much of the night, and rest little before we fight,” said Lord Owin as he looked at her.

“You will find the Elites of the Sentinel more than ready to keep up with any rigorous schedule you set,” replied the High Captain.

Lord Owin nodded. “I am leaving a good size of our forces here in Radarial to protect the city and the palace. I expect you can lead them if need be, Lord Ethen.”

“Actually, I will ride out with you and the High Captain,” said Lord Ethen. “I am sure my father can command any forces necessary.”

Lord Owin looked slightly surprised, but he said nothing.

“So, both you and Dracia will put yourself in danger?” asked Lady Elise in a shaky voice. “You are both putting the future of our family in jeopardy.”

“I will see to his safety, my lady,” said Dracia as she glanced at Ethen. “I promise I will bring him back to you.”

“The future of our family is very set, grandmother. Maia is not here this afternoon because she is tired and not feeling well, but for good reason. This is not how I wished to let you know, but she is with child.”

Lady Elise raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly as Lord Quain gave his congratulations to his son.

“Then I will for sure see you back safely, cousin,” said the High Captain. “I will not let your child grow up without his father.”

“I should see you both safe,” said King Leal. “I would like to go with you.”

“No,” said the High Captain as she turned to her husband. “I would feel better if you were here to help secure the city and palace as you continue training. You can start helping your sister as well. Both of you having better use of your power will help us in the long run.”

“Dracia,” started the king.

“I will come back to you,” she said to him. “I always do.”

He stared at her for a moment before nodding.

“Now, I need to go prepare my Elites. We can talk of our strategy on the way,” said the High Captain. “Roderick, Galen, you both go get ready, and I will meet you in thirty minutes to gather our Elites.”

“Be outside the gates of the palace in two hours, your majesty. We will leave immediately,” said Lord Owin

The High Captain nodded as she stood. She patted Lord Ethen on the shoulder before walking out of the room with the king at her side.

“I don’t like you going,” said Lexine quietly as she stood with Galen. “I understand you have to, but I will worry the whole time you are gone.”

“Walk with me to my room,” said Galen quietly. Lexine nodded and they walked from the room, Galen nodding to his brother.

“While I am gone, keeping going through all the books you can on kingdom history. Anything you think is even of mild importance, mark it and we will discuss it when I come back.”

“You will come back, won’t you?” asked Lexine as they arrived at Galen’s door.

Galen looked at her as he opened it and let her in, closing the door behind him. He turned to her and she rushed to his arms and their lips meet automatically.

“You will come back,” said Lexine breathlessly as she pulled back. “Tell me you will come back.”

“Yes, of course, I will,” said Galen before he kissed her again. “How could I not come back, knowing you are here waiting for me?”

“You have to make sure Dracia comes back as well. My brother cannot do without her, and neither can our kingdom.”

“She will be well, Lexine. You know what she can do.”

“I do know, but I also know what she will do to save others over herself. You have to watch out for her,” said Lexine.

“I will, so will Roderick. You know Lord Ethen will not let anything happen to her. Do not worry, Lexine. We will be back in less than five days, I am sure.”

She nodded as Galen let her go to pack a few things. He stuffed some things into a small bag before turning to look at her.

“I love you, Galen. I love you, very much. I want you to know it,” said Lexine as Galen walked closer to her.

“I do know it, and I love you as well. I never thought to love anyone as I love you, but it cannot be helped. I love you so much it scares me a little,” said Galen as he slung his bag over his arm and took her hands.

“It scares you?” asked Lexine and Galen pulled her close once again.

“Yes, because I cannot imagine my life without you, and I am afraid I will never truly deserve you. I cannot give you up, Lexine. It is impossible,” said Galen as he kissed her forehead.

“You will never have to give me up. You do not need to be afraid, because I will not have anyone but you. I don’t care what your future holds, I will be in it,” said Lexine as she leaned up and kissed him.

“I have to go,” said Galen as they broke apart, “But I will come back.”

“I know,” said Lexine. “And perhaps when you do, we can talk of our future together.”

Galen nodded before he kissed her one more time. He soon walked out of his room knowing he faced danger, but never feeling so light in his life.

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