The Rules of Dating

: Chapter 4

Deek kicked his feet up. “Why the hell would you tell him no? That dude is smoking hot, successful—he has everything going for him. Well, except that he doesn’t have tats. That I don’t like.”

It was Thursday afternoon, and I’d gone upstairs to Deek’s apartment in between clients. He and his boyfriend lived just above the shop. He was burning incense, probably because he’d smoked weed before I got here. Aside from working full time for me, he also did some freelance web design on his days off. He was good at it, but unlike when he tattooed, he usually got stoned to work on a website.

Deek had spent nearly all of this particular coffee chat giving me shit for turning Colby’s dinner offer down. Now I wished I’d never told him about it.

“Colby might seem like a catch, but there are other things to consider, Deek. Especially after the shit I’ve been through lately. I’m not gonna waste my time with anyone who has the potential to hurt me.”

“Uh, anyone you’re remotely interested in has the potential to hurt you,” he pointed out, raising an eyebrow. “But you’re going to write him off because of Tinder-swindler Kaiden? There’s no evidence Colby is anything like that. Name one thing wrong with him. I bet you can’t.”

I struggled to come up with something. Finally, I sighed. “There’s nothing wrong with him. But he has a kid. As stinkin’ adorable as she is, I can’t get involved. He has his hands full, so I’m not sure a relationship is his priority, either. Not to mention, I don’t know if I want to have kids myself, let alone raise someone else’s.” I took a long sip of my coffee. “So, it’s not about what’s wrong with him. It’s about what would be wrong with the whole situation.”

“Aren’t you jumping the gun a little?”

“No! When there’s a kid in the picture, there’s no such thing as jumping the gun. You have to decide from the get-go whether you’re in or out, whether you’d be okay with being a part of their life. If the answer is no or you’re not sure, you can’t start anything at all. Plain and simple. That’s not fair. All or nothing.”

He scratched his chin. “Alright. I guess I can understand that point of view. But maybe keep an open mind. It’s not like there’s an ex-wife in the picture. That’s a rarity. I hate to say it, but it makes things easier that the kid’s mother is MIA. At least you wouldn’t have that additional complication.” He drank the last drop of his coffee. “What’s the deal with that anyway? Why did she leave?”

“I don’t know the full story, just that the woman didn’t want to be a part of her baby’s life, so Colby is raising her himself.”

I’d thought a lot about Saylor’s “mother” recently. What kind of person would leave her kid and disappear? I’d wanted to ask Colby for more details the last time we were together, but I was almost afraid of the answer. Like, did he do something to scare her away? I doubted that, but I was damn curious, even if it wasn’t any of my business. Would he have married her if she’d stayed?

Either way, the whole thing was heartbreaking. Saylor was too young to understand the decision her mother had made. That shit would hit her like a ton of bricks someday. I’d thought I had it bad with a mother who was sometimes verbally abusive. But at least she was around, I guess.

Then I thought of something else to help my case. “You’re also forgetting that he’s the freaking landlord now, Deek. That’s a good way to have to pack up and move when things go sour.”

He wriggled his eyebrows. “It’s also a good way to get free rent.”

“For a whore, maybe.”

“I’m teasing.” He laughed. “It’s not just him who owns the building. You know that, right? There are four of them. It’s like they all grew from the same tree of fineness, too.”

“Yeah. They’re all friends. The only other one I really know is Holden, though I saw Owen two days ago when he dropped off a part for the AC.”

“Pretty crazy story how they ended up with this place,” he said. “A wealthy friend of theirs passed away from leukemia and left the four of them a huge inheritance. They kept it in the bank for a while, and they finally decided to buy this building. Pretty good investment, if you ask me. They all live here, so none of them has to pay rent, and they’re making money every month.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Where’d you hear about how they inherited the money?”

“Holden’s my buddy. We talk. Dude’s a talented drummer. Have you heard him play?”

“No.” I fiddled with the lid on my coffee. “Holden is cool, though. Owen seems like a stuck-up suit.”

“I would’ve thought that about Colby, too,” he said. “But you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

That was for damn sure. The first night I met Colby, I never imagined he had a little kid and was such a good dad. He looked like your typical hot player on the surface.

“Who’s the other one I haven’t met?” I asked. “What’s his deal?”

“Name’s Brayden. He’s some kind of business hot shot. Holden is the one who sticks out like a sore thumb—you know, the artsy, creative type. Kind of like someone else I know.” He winked. “But seriously, there had to be something in the water where they grew up, because the four of them are smoking hot and all successful in their own way.”

“Well, thanks for the insider info.”

“You can always count on me for that.” He grinned. “And my two cents.”

“That’s why I love you.” I stood up, stretched, and walked toward the door.

“So, I haven’t changed your mind about going out with the guy?”

“Afraid not.” I laughed. “Anyway, I’m gonna get going. I want to organize some stuff in the shop before my client this afternoon.”

After I hugged my friend goodbye, I took the stairs down since Deek’s apartment was just on the third floor. When I got to the bottom of the stairwell at the second level, my heel got stuck in a big crack in the cement, and I nearly fell flat on my face. I did skin my knee.

“What the fuck?” My voice echoed. “Who the hell is in charge of maintaining the floors around here? They should be fired! Crack’s bigger than the one on my ass!” I rubbed my leg. “Ow!”

The door to the stairwell opened. “Is everything o—” He paused. “Oh my God, Billie? Are you okay?”

I looked up to find Colby with his eyes wide as I lay on the ground. Shit. He reached his hand out to help me up.

“Yeah.” I shook my head, feeling kind of bad for yelling like that, considering the look of concern on his face. “I’m fine. But your building isn’t. There’s a big crack in the cement right here.”

“Yeah, I heard. Bigger than the one on your ass. I’m intrigued.”

I rolled my eyes. “Sorry. I was a little worked up. My heel got stuck, and I nearly face planted.” I bent to pick up my heel, which had broken off of my studded, black stiletto.

“Shit.” He looked down at my knee. “You’re bleeding.”

“You don’t say? It was either my knee or my face. The knee saved my teeth.”

“My apartment is right over there. Let me help you clean up.”

Feeling a bit frazzled, I nodded as he took my arm and led me down the hall. I had a first-aid kit down at the shop, but I guess I was curious about his apartment. Well, that’s what I told myself. Curious about the apartment.

Colby’s apartment looked surprisingly neat for someone who had a kid. Were it not for the plastic cup on the counter featuring Elsa from Frozen, I would have never known a child lived here. Brown leather furniture and sleek, modern décor made it look more like a bachelor pad, fit for the wild bachelor I was sure Colby used to be.

I looked around. “Nice place.”

“Well, the cleaning lady came this morning. Otherwise, you would’ve been greeted by an explosion of Lalaloopsy dolls in every corner of the room. So, things are deceiving today.”

“Lalaloopsy… Are those the freaky-looking dolls with the button eyes?”

“Yeah, I’m surprised you know them.”

“I had to tattoo one on someone once. And my friend’s daughter collects them.”

“I should introduce her to Saylor.” He laughed.

“Where is Saylor?”

“Preschool,” he answered as he rummaged through some cabinets. “She goes to a full-day program. I have a nanny who watches her after while I’m at work, but two days a week I come home early so I can be here when she gets home. I just work the remainder of the day from here on days like today.”

Such a good dad. “Oh, that’s cool.” I sighed, limping with my broken shoe over to the open kitchen area. “It must be tough juggling it all, huh?”

“Yeah. But it’s worth it.” He smiled as he lifted a plastic container out of one of the cabinets and shook it. “Bingo! Found the first-aid kit.”

He carried it over to where I was sitting on the stool. He sat down next to me and inched closer. His spicy cologne drifted toward me, and my body was all too aware of his proximity as he opened a bottle of peroxide, dabbing it onto a cotton ball before he began gently cleaning my knee.

“I’m really sorry you fell,” he said in a low voice.

“No worries. I’m sorry I yelled.”

“You had every right to. And I’ll make sure to get that ass crack in the floor repaired. I’ll reimburse you for your shoes, too. Although, I’m pretty happy for the excuse to spend a little time with you, even if it’s under the wrong circumstances.” He smiled. “Because, you know, someone didn’t want to go out with me. So this is the next best thing.”

“You can always come to the shop to say hello. I don’t need to be injured so you can see me.”

He looked up briefly. “Well, I don’t want to disturb you when you’re working.” Then…he blew on my knee.

Oh. His hot breath against my skin felt like it permeated my entire body. Damn. Who knew a guy blowing on my knee could turn me on? I wonder if that’s a thing, if they have porn for that. Erotic skin-blowing. I swore I felt it in my damn vagina. I needed to get laid. Just not by Colby. Nope. I couldn’t fall for this amazingly gorgeous man in front of me who, based on his actions right now, clearly knew how to take care of a woman.

“Let’s let your wound air out a little before I put a bandage on it.”

Or you could blow on it again. I placed some hair behind my ear. “Thanks.”

There was something so sexy about the way he’d taken care of me. Being a father probably made him a natural caretaker. I supposed that would be one benefit of dating a single dad. It felt nice playing daddy’s girl for a minute. I’m apparently all sorts of kinky up in my head today.

I cleared my throat. “So what does your nanny do for you besides watch Saylor when you’re working?”

“She’s older and unattractive if you’re…insinuating something?”

“Actually, I wasn’t. But it’s interesting how quickly you went there. Dirty mind.” I’m one to talk.

“You have no idea.” His eyes twinkled. “But definitely not when it comes to my nanny.” He laughed. “Kay is in her fifties, actually. She’s great. Her job is to watch Saylor and nothing more. I don’t expect her to pick up the house or cook or anything like that. I also don’t like having people in my house, you know? I don’t want my daughter to have all of her important memories with someone other than me. So, the second I’m home, the nanny is gone.”

“You cook dinner every night?” I asked.

“I try. I limit takeout to once or twice a week.” He chuckled. “Saylor loves sugary crap. I can’t control what they give her at preschool, and everyone is always giving her candy left and right. So I try to cook as healthy as possible. I have to sneak a lot of things into her food because she won’t eat vegetables—sweet potato into spaghetti sauce and greens into various things. It’s like a science experiment sometimes, putting just the right amount in—not so much that the taste is overpowering.”

I scrunched my nose. “I’m not a fan of veggies, either. Can you teach me your tricks?”

“Hang on.” He went over to the fridge and took out something wrapped in foil. When he unwrapped it, it looked like a dessert. He offered it to me. “Take a bite.”

“What is it?”

“Brownie. I want you to taste it.” He held it to my mouth. His fingers grazed my lips as I opened.

As I chewed, it tasted like any other brownie—chocolatey, moist in the middle, a bit of frosting on top.

“It’s good,” I said with my mouth full.

“Yeah?” He raised his brow. “Well, there’s a load of spinach in that thing.”

“Really? I wouldn’t have known.” I swallowed. “You’re sneaky, Colby. What else are you sneaky about?”

“Don’t use my brownies against me. That’s being sneaky for a good cause.”

“Seriously…” I laughed. “That’s a brilliant idea.”

He reached out and swiped just under my bottom lip. “Sorry. You had some chocolate there.”

Damn, I felt that, too. Just like every other bit of contact with him today. I needed to get out of here before my freaking panties melted. “Thanks.” I licked my lips and noticed the way his eyes seemed glued to them. “What else do you have up your sleeve?”

“I might have a few other tricks I could show you.” His eyes sparkled.

His gaze burned into mine, and that left no doubt what he was referring to. And given the state of my panties, my body, if not my mind, heard it loud and clear. He reached into the first-aid container and took out a Band-Aid, which he placed over the cut on my knee. He lightly rubbed over the area with his thumb, once again lighting a small fire inside me.

He watched as I devoured the rest of the brownie. His piercing blue eyes then fell to my breasts, and rather than call him out on it, I took a few moments to enjoy his lusty stare. When he looked up at me, our eyes locked, and I could’ve sworn he leaned in a little. Was he looking for silent permission to kiss me? My heart sped up. Jesus. I wanted that so badly.

Then the door opened, and I instinctively moved back.

Colby ran a hand through his thick mane of light brown hair and tried to act casual. “Hi,” he said to the woman coming in.

“Oh, you’re here already.” She smiled.

“Daddy!” Saylor ran straight to her father. He lifted her up and showered her face with kisses before tickling under her neck, causing her to squeal in delight. It was a heartwarming sight, even for my cold, black heart.

He put her down, and the little girl’s cheeks were rosy from laughter.

“Hi, Saylor!” I waved.

“Hi, Billie!”

It was cute that she remembered my name. It had taken a bit for her to notice me, though, because she’d only had eyes for her father from the moment she walked in the door. The nanny, meanwhile, gave me a once-over. I was sure her imagination was running wild about me and my broken shoe. I suppose there were all sorts of ways I could’ve broken a shoe with Colby.

“Thanks again for dressing my wound, Colby. I’m gonna let you guys get back to your afternoon.”

“You don’t have to leave,” he urged. “I can make some coffee or something…”

I pointed my thumb toward the door. “Already had some caffeine upstairs with Deek.” Looking down at my phone, I added, “I also have a client in twenty minutes.”

“Ah. I should’ve known you had to get back to work.”

“Yeah. Thanks for the brownie, too.”

He nodded. “You need to let me know how much those shoes cost.”

“Don’t worry about it. They were on clearance when I bought them.”

“Well, I have to pay you back somehow.” He slipped his hands in his pockets. “Dinner would be one way, if that weren’t off the table.”

“Make me more brownies.” I winked, then bent down and pinched Saylor’s cheek. “See ya around, cutie. Enjoy your afternoon with Daddy.” Your hot freaking daddy I currently want to ride the shit out of.

I smiled at her, trying to rid my mind of those dirty thoughts. I nodded toward the nanny and booked it out of there, feeling flushed and second-guessing my vow of resilience because I hadn’t had the hots for someone like this in as long as I could remember.

I might have been saved by the bell when it came to that almost-kiss, but thoughts of the hot single dad upstairs continued to consume my mind for the rest of the afternoon.

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