The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter Loyalty

Ch 22

Lucifer pov

I wander through my realm to my office and when I set down I just close my eyes and inhale her scent. I lean back just thinking about her, and can’t wait for an answer. The twenty four hours will take forever to get through. I can always have fun till then though since I can link directly to her. I think I will wait till the middle of the night though. Make it less obvious to her mate.

“So did you see her? Did you make the deal?”

“Yes Matecor, I made a deal and they have twenty four hours to give me an answer. So in twenty four hours I will go with you but stay out of sight until the exchange is made. Then and only then do you come to where I’m standing to collect your girl. Then once she is yours our deal is done. I let you borrow my men to do what you needed to do so we could make the deal. Once the exchange is made, my men will no longer serve you.”

“I understand, I will leave you to your work and go wait in my quarters.”

I watch him leave the room when I get a smirk on my face. Little does he know I made a deal alright, but not for him. This will benefit me and me alone. I look down at the paperwork on my desk but my mind is definitely not on my work. I try to focus when there is a knock on my door. I look up when Leona comes in wearing nothing. My stomach instantly turns when she shuts the door walking over behind my desk.

“What do you want?”

“How can I serve you tonight my master?”

“You can leave. That’s what you can do!”

“You really don’t mean that!”

She places her hand on my arm, having me lean back kneeling down in front of me reaching for my pants when I grab her hands.

“Get the fuck out of my office! I don’t want you anymore!”

She gets a confused look on her face and keeps trying to work on my pants when I have her stand up and nudge her away from me.

“Get out of my office now! I don’t want you anymore! I am looking at having actual mate material, and can have that in 24 hours. Not some half ass tramp that will suck anyone’s dick.”

She stomps off towards the door and slams it shut behind her. Did I use her when I needed to, of course I did! Except now that I can get an actual Queen for myself I would take that any day over some whore. I decide to call it an evening and make my way to my quarters. I need to try and relax before tomorrow. Some sleep would be nice so we shall see.


Jessara pov

We’re gathered around in the conference room and try to come up with a plan. Except no one is coming up with anything. I watch Killian just sit there while Rikar is at least trying to come up with ideas. Everyone is throwing out ideas while Killian just sits there. It almost looks like he just doesn’t care. Like he has already checked out, and figures that if my fate is sealed so be it. I see out of the corner of my eye Rikar look at me and follows my gaze to his dad. He looks at me when I raise my hand to have everyone stop talking.

I stand up leaning on the table looking straight at Killian. He looks up and sees me staring at him when he looks around the room.

“Do you, my mate even give two shits about what happens to me? It seems like you have already come to terms that I’ll be leaving.”

“What do you want Jessara? What can I do? There is no way around it! Either I lose you to Matecor or Lucifer. And from what I can it seems he is already able to mess with you, so I’m already losing. I don’t even know if there’s anything I can do.”

Both Rikar and I step back in shock at his answer. I just shake my head because I guess I have my answer. I take my leave walking upstairs to our room to start packing my stuff. I guess there is no reason to keep me around right? If I can get rid of Matecor I guess it’s a no brainer. At least I will be somewhere I’m wanted.

“Mom, don’t listen to dad! We can figure a way out of this!”

“Rikar I wish there was. The one person that I wanted and needed to know that they were willing to fight for me at all costs already checked out. So my fate is sealed, and sometimes we have to make sacrifices to protect others. That family didn’t deserve to almost lose their parents. There is one thing I will need to do first to save both me and your father from any further pain.”

“Mom, I’m begging you not to do it! We will find a way!”

I load up the rest of my stuff and just stare at it. I placed my ceramic wolf on his nightstand. The sooner I get this over with the sooner I can be away from him. He was never the same after Matecor got me and that was his fault. I grab my bags walking to the main area tossing them down walking over to the conference room. I walk in with Rikar on my heels begging me to stop. Everyone looks at me confused trying to figure out what is going on.

“Jessara, what are you doing?”

“Your time to talk is over Killian. I have sacrificed and been through hell multiple times because of you! Yet the one time I wanted you to fight for me you checked out! The one time I needed you to fight for me you kept silent. So this will be your doing and yours alone! I Jessara, reject you Killian as my mate and release you from our mate bond!”

We both grab our chests when I stumble from the room grabbing my bags heading for the door. I hear a loud growl erupt from inside the palace and I don’t care anymore. I walk out to the field when I start screaming his name.


He instantly walks into the field seeing my bags when Killian and Rikar come outside into the field screaming after me.

“Jessara, don’t do this!”

I whip around slamming down my bags. Storming over to him holding my chest.

“Now you want to fight for me? Too late! You made your choice when you stayed silent! Don’t pretend to give a shit now!”

“Jessara sweetie, I was giving you twenty four hours to make a choice! It’s been less than six hours! You do understand what will be happening right?”

“Lucifer I know! Just please keep up your end of the bargain before we leave!”

I see him nod his head when he points to the tree line motioning for someone to come forward. That’s when I see Matecor come out of the tree line, and I instantly start getting sick to my stomach. I walk towards Lucifer when Matecor walks up beside him reaching for me. I start to back up when he looks confused. This wasn’t the deal I agreed to!

“Lucifer, what is going on? This wasn’t what the agreement was!”

“What is she talking about Lucifer? We agreed on a deal to get her for me!”

The color instantly drains from my face when I look up at Lucifer. He smirks at me when he looks at Matecor.

“See we did make a deal, and that was fine with me. That was until I came to make the deal, and saw her for myself. So I made a new deal. Bring you to them, and end you for my new queen.”

I watch Lucifer snap his fingers when demons come out of the ground grabbing Matecor and holding him in place. We hear some movement from the tree line, and see guards all in black walk forward to help with Matecor. I see him smirk over to me kneeling down on his heels to be more on my level.

“Now my Queen, I have one more part to fulfill of the deal but before that is done I want to make sure you will be leaving with me. I see your marks are gone so I’m assuming you have broken your bond with the former King. In going forward I will want to have you be my mate and I yours. After the markings we will then finish Matecor once and for all. Then we will rule the underworld together.”

I just nod my head when I tilt my head baring my neck to him. I can feel him surround us with his scent when I instantly relax. He lightly kisses down my neck until he hits just the right spot sinking in his teeth. I can hear Rikar growling from behind me, but hear nothing from Killian. When he withdraws his canines licking my neck I instantly clench my legs together. I smirk at him when I climb into his arms finding the right spot and sinking my teeth in licking his neck closed and crashing my lips to his. We fight for dominance, and soon I’m allowed to take control. I bit his lip drawing blood when he smirks at me running his tongue over it.

“Now my Queen the first order of business. Ending Matecor forever. As much as I would love to do it myself. I will give you the honors. It is a poisoned tip so be careful please. It can kill anyone including yours truly.”

I nod my head when he snaps his finger and a dagger shows up in his hands. I smirk looking at it, taking it into my hands, and look directly at Matecor. I can see the fear in his eyes when I stab him in the gut, cutting his stomach wide open. I continue to stab him feeling the warm blood splatter against my face when I finish by slicing his neck wide open. This time there will be no coming back when I take one more swipe, taking his head clean off.

I toss it at Killian when he looks over at me in shock. I feel Lucifer kneel behind me when I turn around and crash my lips to his. I focus all his attention on me when I lean back staring at him. He looks at me wide eyed looking down to his chest. The blood starts dripping down when he looks straight at me.

“You fucking bitch! Do you know what you have done!”

I smirk giving him a kiss on his cheek when I take the knife slicing his neck open stepping back.

“Don’t you for one second ever question where my loyalties lie! It will always be with my true mate!”

The demons that were standing there holding Matecor kneel down to me when I tell them to take the bodies and lock them up. I will be down shortly to attend to affairs. They nod and soon they all disappear. I turn around running to Killian throwing my arms around his neck crashing my lips to his. Everyone just stares in utter confusion. They had no clue we had shit planned out and could fake anything.

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