The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter An Offer

Ch 21

Jessara pov

We take everyone up to the main world with Hades and sit in the conference room. The three men are still shackled when Hades sits down next to them. The looks on their faces look like they just got pulled into the principal’s office. We gather all the head warriors including Rikar. Everyone is down in the bunkers per our instructions. Killian is waiting patiently for me to state my plan which I know the first thing out of his mouth will be “like hell you will!” What? I already know it’s coming.

“This is my plan! Killian I don’t care what you think, and until we come up with something better this is how it will go! I will go with the three guards of Matecor’s and they will lead me to the border. Hades will be watching and when Matecor shows up he grabs him and then does whatever he needs to do to make sure this doesn’t happen again!”

“Like hell you will!”

See, called it. I had a feeling that is exactly what he would say. Except what choice do we have? That family has been through hell and everything is on my hands because of Hades screwup! So now what do we do? We have to lure him here somehow! It seems only logical that since he is only after me to not subject others to him.

“Wesley, is there any other option that we have? We don’t know where he got his army from or what we are up against! If I can get on the inside or if Hades can grab him right then we should be ok right?”

“I can come up with a spell since us elders have access to higher power. It could keep you safe, and end him for good. Although if he is too powerful it may not phase him. Hades has power on the dark side, but that may not be enough!”

“Well then what do we fucking do? It’s only a matter of time before he gets me! How many more will be hurt or possibly die beforehand?”

“Look I know I’m not the most popular guy in this room right now, but I do have a friend. More like my mentor who could help and fix this. He is the leader of all of the underworlds. We all have to report to him, and when this gets to him he won’t be happy. So I might as well bring him in to get this dealt with. Just when he comes don’t freak out ok! You think you lycans are huge!”

I nod my head when he takes out his phone calling a number. We hear a deep voice pick up, and Hades quickly states he has a problem. We hear a click, and we patiently wait for whoever this is to appear. Minutes go by when I hear a knock on the door, and when I open it I see this large beast of a man standing there looking down at me. He’s larger than Killian that his body barely is visible in the door opening. I can see his red eyes against his tanned skin with dark features and he just stares down at me. He is dressed in a full black suit with a tie and it fits every muscle.

“You better be the fucking backup plan that Hades called for or so help me heads are going to fucking roll starting with his!”

I see him adjust his stance when he bends over looking at me with a smirk. Goddess this man is intoxicating, and I’m doing my damndest to keep it together.

“Are you mated?”

“Yes she is to me!”

Killian stands up just looking at him. I can feel the irritation coming off of Killian.

“Shame! I would have loved to have you torture souls with me! It can always be arranged though if you should ever find yourself unmated.”

He looks directly at Killian who I can tell feels a little uneasy.

I backed up watching him duck down, turning sideways to enter the room. Everyone I swear almost pissed themselves just looking at this man. Hades stands up to greet him and he folds his arms looking down at him.

“Why didn’t you come to me sooner! I know what happened and that this trash has been wreaking havoc. I just didn’t know who was the one that fucked up! Who is he after?”

Hades points to me, and when he looks over at me his eyes glow even more. He walks over around the table kneeling down to be closer to eye level with me, but still has to look down.

“So you are the little vixen who everyone’s after? What is your name?”

“Jessara, and you are?”

“Lucifer love.”

The blood drains from my face. Holy shit! Tell me he did not bring up the devil himself! His scent though is amazing and I can even feel my wolf getting drunk on it also. I shake my head backing up towards Killian.

“Ah so you have heard of me! Listen to me Jessara and believe me when I say I can see why everyone is after you! Might want to keep her in your sights! It would be a shame if she ended up being the Queen to the devil himself King Killian.”

I see Killian gulp sitting down when I look over at him. He looks at me wide eyed when I feel Lucifer smell my neck making me stop moving. Once he backs up I turn, grabbing his suit tie, and yanking him down to my level.

“I never gave you fucking permission to smell me! I suggest you stay out of my personal space unless invited in! I’m mated and do not intend on breaking that willingly. Do not come near me or into my personal space again!”

I see him smirk reaching up to slightly lift my hand off his tie so he can stand back up. I see him walk over to a guard, and leaves walking out the door. Now where the fuck is he going? I’m going to the bathroom to get my bearings, and get my shit together.


Lucifer pov

I had to get out of that room before I grabbed her, bending her over the table and fucking her in front of everyone including her little mate. Little do they know that one bite from me undoes any bond she may have with anyone. I had to find a bathroom before I do something stupid! I make my way down the hallway when I see photos going by and stop to look at one. It’s Jessara in a royal gown, and holy shit she is the Queen herself. I snap back my gaze and find the bathroom quickly. I lock the door behind me standing in front of the toilet, and undo my pants releasing my throbbing cock imagining myself deep inside her.

I can still smell her scent and I lock onto it weaving my way into her mind. She is in a bathroom, and can see her standing at the counter splashing water on her face and washing her hands. I imagine myself walking up behind her when she stiffens, turning around knowing someone is there but sees nothing. I start filling the room with my scent and can feel her trying to fight it. I see her clench her legs together while I start stroking myself. I imagine touching every inch of her body when she turns around leaning over the counter for support. The enjoyment I’m getting when I start to pick up speed hearing her breaths get faster and faster.

I start stroking myself harder and harder and soon I’m slamming myself into my fist and can feel her body start to tense up. I start getting closer to my climax when I feel her muscles start to spasm uncontrollably, and she screams out loud collapsing to the floor with her hands between her legs. I look down right when I shoot my load straight into the toilet. Fuck me that screaming was music to my ears. I can guarantee that I wasn’t the only one hearing it also. I know I can’t have her but oh I can dream can’t I?

I quickly tuck myself away and start washing my hands trying to relax, but apparently that was the teaser because my cock wants an encore. I finally get it to relax by standing there leaning against the counter when I exit the bathroom to some chaos winding down. Apparently something happened down the hall with the Queen from what I’ve gathered. I just smirk to myself when I enter the room and see she hasn’t come back yet. I guess the King isn’t back either with a lot of the guards.

I pull over a chair and sit down when Hades looks at me with a disgusted look on his face. He mind links me and I just sit and stare down fixing my suit and tie.

‘What the fuck did you do?’

‘I didn’t do shit! I went to the bathroom and that was it!’

‘Like hell you did! We all heard her scream, and it wasn’t because someone scared her!’

I just shrug my shoulders when the door opens and Killian comes in with Jessara walking very slowly behind him. Oh this little vixen is something beyond even I could have imagined. I watch her sit down leaning to the side which makes my cock twitch, and can see her visibly flinch clenching her legs. She won’t even look up at me, but I’m getting the death stare from Killian. The thing is that only she can smell my scent. I have the luxury to direct it to one person and one person only. No one knows what I can do to another person in another room, and have never felt the need to use it until her.

I look over at Killian placing my hands behind my head when I twitch my cock again harder. She instantly grips the arms to the chair trying to control herself, and I just smile internally. What I wouldn’t give to be able to fuck her day in and day out. I know she has a side to her that even they don’t know about. I know what she did to Matecor the first time and when I heard about it I couldn’t control myself. So when Hades called me I had to see her for myself, and she is beyond anything I could have imagined.

“Fine, I’ll take care of your little problem. I will undo the evil that Matecor and his little minions have caused. Except I want something in return!”

“It’s not happening! I will die before you get what you want?”

“Now Killian, you haven’t even heard what I want in return!”

“I know what you want! You want me in return for getting rid of Matecor.”

“See gorgeous, feisty, and smart! See Killian you have a choice. If I do nothing Matecor gets her, but if I stop him she is mine. I will give you 24 hours to think it over. Talk about it with your son. She can always come to visit.”

“Over my dead body!”

“See that can be arranged quite quickly! Except I like this suit and prefer it not to get dirty unless necessary. I could have easily just marked her and taken her, but I’m putting the ball in your court as they say. Twenty four hours and I will be back wanting my answer.”

I instantly disappear and enter into my realm when screams fill the air. So now begins the countdown.

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