The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter Easy way out

Ch 6

Jessara pov

All through the night I wasn’t left alone and even when I wanted to fight he would pull in his warriors threatening me. So I had no choice but to comply with what he wanted. Luckily he left a few hours ago but not before beating me one last time. I can feel my lip has been split open and my eyes are swollen shut. Lita has been silent this whole time, unable to help, and won’t last much longer.

Lying here I know today we are heading to the palace. I have heard that Killian is giving up the throne to save me, but he can’t! We cannot let Matecor win, we promised Hasaan we wouldn’t. I feel so disgusted that the first time they’ll see me is in this state. What will Killian think? What will he say? Will he even be able to look at me? I keep running through my thoughts when I smell him.

Before he even comes into the room I can smell him and my stomach turns. I cannot even move as I’m still handcuffed to the bedpost, but I do manage to pull myself up into a sitting position. I hear the door open and hear him walk in sitting on the edge of the bed. My body tenses when I feel him move the hair off my face. He slowly caresses my cheek when I feel tears start to fall down my face onto my arms which a tremble waiting for the next blow to come.

But it never does....

“Jessara I dunno why I’m this way or what caused me to be like this. I’m a monster and I know it. Every once in a while though I do have a moment of clarity and see what I’m doing. I cannot apologize enough for what I’ve done to you. I’ve no doubt that when I take you back I’ll be killed on site. I also have no doubt that there is a plan that I will not get the throne. I understand why and will not fight it. If you should end up pupped, I understand if you want to kill it. Do it if you feel the need to. You have made an amazing mom for Rikar and I couldn’t be more proud of the man he’s become. I should have never treated his mom like I did you. Maybe things would have turned out differently. But what’s done is done, and I cannot go back. So let’s get loaded up and get you back so I can end this.”

“Matecor, why do you care now? Why stop now when you have done so much damage?”

“Because deep inside I still have a heart. Actually instead let’s do this, so that way you won’t have to deal with me again. I’ll have my Beta come in here to watch.”

I start to panic inside when I hear the door open a few moments later and his Beta John comes in slowly closing the door behind him.

“Matecor what’s going on? We need to get going!”

“I know I just don’t want Jessara to suffer anymore. She’s suffered enough at my hand.”

“Matecor I don’t understand? What are you talking about? No shit what are you doing! Why do you....”

In a split second a single shot rings out with a thud hitting the floor. I start screaming in fear because I cannot see what’s going on. I just hear John yelling for other guards to come in. Soon there is a bunch of commotion around me when snarls start to erupt.

“That son of a bitch left us all to deal with this mess that he caused. He used a silver bullet and now what, we have to march to our own fate? We have to deal with the mess he created! We are all going to march to our own death’s?”

I hear shuffling and soon someone comes over releasing my hands from the cuffs. I feel them sit down and I scramble across the bed to get away.

“Queen Jasara, I have the guard sending a message to the King to come and retrieve you. So please just stay here. We will leave some food for you to eat, but when they come we will not be alive. We will be taking care of ourselves because we know we cannot run. I pray that you can find some pity for us as we were only obeying our Alpha. I pray you find some comfort once this is over, but I know the damage has already been done.”

I feel the weight lift off the bed when there is some shuffling, and I can smell food being brought in. I feel it set right at my hands and quickly start eating while I sob. The door closes and I’m left to eat with Matecor’s dead body on the floor. Never would I’ve pictured this ending this way in any of the scenarios. I just pray Killian can get here quickly. I quickly scarfed down a piece of bread when I started working on a second when multiple gun shots rang out making me jump. Lita whines because she knows this nightmare is finally over.


Killian pov

Laying here in a spare room after a very long night I just stare at the ceiling. I couldn’t stay in our room anymore feeling what Matecor was doing to her. I just want my mate back but know I will need time to adjust and so will she. Matecor is supposed to bring her back today, and I hope it’s soon. I just lie here in my thoughts when my room is barged into by Rikar.

“Get dressed now we need to go get mom from Matecor’s territory!”

I jump up and throw on clothes as quickly as possible.

“Why what happened? He was supposed to bring her here!”

“His guards said he killed himself. His beta got on the phone and confirmed it when I heard a bunch of gunshots ring out. The phone just hit the ground im asuming but I didn’t hear anything more just the background!”

I quickly throw on my shoes and run with him down to the waiting cars. We load up and rush off the palace grounds with all our warriors shifting and following. My heart is pounding hard in my chest. That son of a bitch killed himself so he wouldn’t have to deal with us. What a little chicken shit! We drive like a bunch of crazy people but it seems like we just cannot go fast enough.

when we reach the border we see pack members lined up afraid to cross over into the territory. I jump out when they just stare knowing what lies on the other side. They felt the bonds snap between the Alpha, Beta, and guards and no doubt are confused on what to do. I see women and children crying and can assume the guards were their mates.

What kind of Alpha leads this kind of shit show then takes the easy way out? Just for the members he led and forced them to follow him to deal with it knowing the outcome would be their own death. I have Rikar standing next to me and we slowly make our way onto the territory where it is eerily quiet. We walk for miles with our own guards and their pack members in tow, and when we see the pack house come into view we see the bodies all lined up.

There are the guards and the Beta John laying outside. All with silver bullets to the head and only one gun. John must have shot each one then himself to make sure the job was done. As much as I wanted the satisfaction of doing it myself, it’s done. I quickly make my way inside the pack house and make my way up the stairs. Rikar is right on my tail, and I turn to stop him.

“Let me get her. I didn’t protect her when I should have, and now I have to fix this.”

I see his hesitation, but he nods and starts to walk back. My heart aches when I start walking down the hall closer to the door. I can smell her scent. The scent I have longed to smell for days, and haven’t been able to. Milak is going crazy wanting to bust through the door and grab her, but I know I can’t. I place my hand on the door knob, turning it to slowly open it.

When it slowly opens I see Matecor laying on the floor with blood around him and just stare. When I push the door open further, I see my mate naked on the bed bent over sleeping. I slowly walk in when she sits up with her hair covering her face. She starts whimpering and can hear her whisper my name. I stop in my tracks and just close my eyes. How long I’ve waited to hear her voice again. Even if it is a whisper.

“Killian is that you? Please answer me!”

“Yes Jessara, I’m here!”

I quickly walk over to the bed pushing the hair out of her face and quickly pull my hand back. Her poor face and the smell that’s radiating off of her. I take some steps back because I instantly feel nauseous. She starts whining while I step back trying to reach for me. I can’t sense Lita so she doesn’t even know yet. It can’t be right! There’s no way it happened that quick.

I slowly pick her up, taking her to the shower and placing her in it while I turn on the shower. I slowly start to wash her and try to not pay attention to the bruising all over especially on her face. When I get to her private area she starts to panic, swiping my hands away. She starts screaming and tries to run past me but runs smack into the wall before I can grab her fast enough. I hold her trying to talk to her but she just keeps screaming.

Within minutes I have guards and Rikar come running in. They quickly remove Matecor when I let out a growl, getting her to stop and hold still.

“Jessara! Please stop, baby! It’s just me and Rikar, that’s it. I’m trying to get you cleaned up, now here I will give you the soap to clean up, and I will wait outside the bathroom. I set her back in the shower with the soap in her hands when I walked outside.

“Dad, she smells! Something isn’t right! It’s like she is….”

“I know! But she doesn’t yet so don’t say a fucking word! Her wolf isn’t coherent and is out of it. Don’t say anything! Once her wolf gets better she will find out then Goddess help us!”

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