The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter Double take

Ch 18

Killian pov

It’s about six in the morning when I get a mind link about training from Tanook.

“Not this morning!”

I stretch my arms and legs when I feel something move in front of me. I stop immediately and shift my eyes to look down when I see Jessara snuggled against my chest. This floor is so uncomfortable why sleep down here. Why not just stay in bed? I don’t dare move but now I have the urge to go to the bathroom. I slowly try to move when she growls, wrapping her arm around my waist. Shit! I don’t want to wake her, and can come right back.

“Jessara baby, I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back in a few minutes I promise.”

She rolls over and in a flash I jump up sprinting to the bathroom. I quickly relieved myself and let out a sigh I didn’t even know I was holding. Once done I quickly wash my hands and walk back out of the room. When I exit I see Jessara back in the bed. Damnit man, I just had to go. I decided since I was up already I’ll shower then just sit in a chair and wait for her to wake up.

I have some clothes brought over for me to be left outside the door and in a few minutes I’m in the shower just letting the hot water roll off my back. I keep thinking about everything that has happened over the years and how I could turn into such an asshole? How could I treat her this way? She doesn’t deserve this shit for one minute, let alone from me of all people. Instead of helping her cope with everything I just saw red. I feel the tears start to fall and just sit down on the shower floor. My arms are resting on my knees and just hang my head as the sobbing takes over.

I lean my head back against the shower wall when I hear the bathroom door open. I just stare over towards the door when it slowly opens and Jessara peeks in. She sees the mess I’m in and quickly jumps in looking me over trying to figure out what’s wrong.

“Killian, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Why are you crying? Talk to me Killian?”

She pauses just staring at me while more tears fall down my face. She keeps searching my face for any kind of answer.

“I’m so so sorry! I screwed up so bad! I don’t deserve you! I should just leave and save us both the hurt.”

“Killian, I know we have a lot to work through. Please stay and work with me!”

“Jessara what could I possibly do to even begin to make this right?”

“Be with me, show me you want this? Show me that your focus is on me for once. I love you beyond anything Killian, but I can’t be ignored. We have been through so much to get to this point.”

“Jessara I’ll do anything, and everything I can!”

“Well then start by finishing up your shower and let’s have some breakfast.”

I nod my head and start to stand up when she wraps her arms around my waist. I just hold her against me, relishing in her touch. This girl stood by me in the beginning and we have stood by each other since. Except lately I pushed her aside when she needed me the most. She removes her arms and exits the shower leaving me to finish. Right when I’m getting out Tanook knocks at the bedroom door saying he has breakfast. I quickly throw on my shorts, opening the door wheeling the food in.

I take a seat in the sitting area and start filling a plate for her, setting it in front of her and placing a kiss on her cheek. She gives me a smile then digs in eating her food while I quickly serve mine. I keep thinking about what I can do and where I can take her today. I want to spoil her and show her that she is my priority.


Tanook pov

While I make my way back downstairs I get a mind link from Killian. I just stare wide eyed. He wants to do what? Go where? A beach? Where is there a beach around here? We live in a forest!

“Hey Tessa, where is there a beach around here?”

She looked at me confused and I didn’t need her to say anything more. I pull out my phone. Ok browser open...check! Ok search....check! Local beach near me.... Tolina beach... 4 hour drive! What else is around there? Oh wait, it’s an amusement park! I look up at Tessa with a big grin. I pull out my phone and call a hotel nearby. Fifteen rooms booked! I mind link the guards to get suv’s outside. We will need an escort. If we take single guards and they find their mates, goddess help us. Mated guards going and not taking families or kids... that would put them in the dog house.

Mated guards with their families, we will all blend in easily. To say the pups are going to be excited is going to be an understatement. We get the suv’s pulled up filled with drinks, snacks, beach essentials and overnight bags. The guards show up with their families, and stand around waiting for the next bit of info. Within minutes Killian and Jessara come down, seeing us all standing around.

“Alright pups, we are going to Tolina beach! Let’s all load up!”

The screams and hollering from these pups was ear piercing! Everyone starts loading up and we get on the road because it is going to be a long drive. Halfway there we had to do a pitstop that you normally do with pups. We had a line for the bathrooms, and while everyone was waiting we got more food. Soon as everyone ate we were on our way again. Right as the pups started getting annoyed with sitting we finally arrived.

They start bouncing up and down with their excitement, when I see Killian and Jessara just smile at each other. This is going to be a fun day. When we unload we suggest we all stick together until we figure out how the crowds are. Mingling with humans can be scary because you never know how they will react. If they will freak out or even realize what we are.

We start walking into the amusement park when we smell humans and werewolves, bears, and some other animal shifters. Goddess it’s an amusement park but almost doubles as a zoo! Once we have realized it’s safe everyone takes off doing their own thing, but staying close by. I see Killian take off with Jessara while Tessa and I tag along behind.


Jessara pov

I absolutely love Killian’s idea of coming to the beach. Even if we just stay in the park all day I’d be happy with that. We walk around looking at the different little shops when I see one that I want to go into. When I walk in I see a lovely straw hat that I want to wear, and some really cute sunglasses. I show Tessa and put them on looking in the mirror and when I see myself My heart stops. It’s not me that I am looking at but what is in the reflection out the door staring at me from outside. Lita starts panicking in my head and I rip off the glasses turning around with my hands shaking.

Killian grabs my hands making me look at him, and the moment I look at him I can see the panic on his face. No doubt I’m pale from fright, because who wouldn’t be. There’s no way it’s him! I killed him! I saw and heard him take his last breath!

“Jessara, please talk to me!”

“I swore I saw him in the mirror standing outside.”

“There’s no way! You killed him! I saw you after you did, he had no heartbeat! Hades made sure!”

I just nod my head, because I must be going crazy right! I know he was dead. It must just be my mind playing tricks on me. We quickly pay for the items and when we exit we go walking down the road looking at more shops. I try to get my mind off of it, but something keeps nagging at me. I see a baby clothing store and I slow down touching the window when tears start to fall. I’m quickly pulled into Killian’s arms when we just stand while I bury my face. What could have been, but will never be. I hear Lita whining in my mind because she is also heartbroken over our loss.

I cling to Killian when all the hairs raise up. He is watching me! I can feel him staring at me. I stiffen my body and feel Killian respond by stiffening up as well. Lita tells Millak that he is watching us. I feel him relay a message to Tanook through the mind link. I can hear them talking and moving to point to different things looking around when they both let out low growls.

“Tessa take her into the shop and hide in a back room, and guard her with your life!”

Before we can respond we hear growls erupt from the guards when I’m shoved to Tessa and the men bolt at full speed. We see through the crowd people running away when I run into the shop to a back room with Tessa. She shoves me in a corner, shutting the door and stripping to shift. I huddle crying with her in front of me begging for it to stop. I can’t keep going through this!

Minutes go by when I hear Tessa shift back getting dressed when she sits with me. Right after the door opens and Killian comes in with Tanook.

“We didn’t find him so we are going to the hotel. It’s too dangerous right now, and until we can figure out what the hell is goin on I don’t want us out in public. We need to figure out how he is back when we all confirmed he was dead.”

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