The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 52: A Pre-Destined Regency.

“You have arrived at Goldonia.”

Gaia woke up with a twitch as the autopilot of their hovercraft stopped in the Divine Dimension, just above the planet of Goldonia. How long had it been? As they started their journey from Earth, Gaia had decided to leave her life in True Maker’s hands instead of manoeuvring the hovercraft. It was a risky move, as they could have collided with a black hole like they did many years earlier during their trip to Earth. Yet, Gaia knew that she would reach Xenora and face Thorax, so in the grand scheme of things, how did her actions until then even matter? That was the danger of foresight. Knowing that one would reach a specific destination made the journey less meaningful.

“Is this it? Is this the planet where my son’s destiny lays?” Areela sighed.

“Why are you sighing? This is a great day.” Gaia enthused.

“Is it? I have seen our future. We are landing amid a great dwarven war. I regret listening to you. We should have brought Siblex Junior to my brother on Elvonia.” Areela objected.

“War can be a great harbinger of change, as can the arrival of a new Messiah,” True Maker whispered to Gaia.

“What did your mother say?” Areela asked.

“That we are where we are meant to be,” Gaia replied.

“And that is, in this foreign warzone?” Areela asked.

“Yes,” Gaia replied.

“Hmm, I guess I must put my trust in you.” Areela pondered.

“Sometimes, faith is all we have in life,” Gaia replied.

Areela nodded, turned to the door, and called out, “Siblex, come to me. We must travel to your new home.”

As the Zetan boy came running, Areela hugged him and whispered, “Everything will be alright, my son.”

“I know, mother. Let’s go.” Siblex Junior replied excitedly.

Areela nodded and went outside the hovercraft with her son and her lover. Gaia opened the portal to Goldonia, and there was a bright flash as the trio travelled through time and space.


“Stop this madness! Let’s settle this war with a duel.”

King Vir of the Bluetongue Clan looked at his counterpart King Grom of the Redneck Clan, who had made this utterance. It made sense for him to accept. The conflict had spanned for centuries, and this battle was still in the balance. If he could avoid thousands of extra deaths by accepting the challenge, so be it.

“I accept your challenge. What are your terms.” King Vir shouted.

“We fight a duel to the death. Whoever emerges alive from the duelling ground will unite our clans and sit on the Golden Throne.” King Grom shouted back.

“I agree. Prepare to die.” King Vir shouted and blew his horn to signal his troops to withdraw.

King Grom followed suit, and a gap formed between the two sides, with each side forming a shield wall. The Dwarven kings explained the rules of the duel to their followers, that whoever exited the duelling ring alive should rule both kingdoms under the name Gromvir.

As King Grom walked towards the duelling ground, he saw the many dead and maimed dwarves on both sides. Such a tragedy that their followers had died for their vanity. No matter if he survived the day, he hoped that his actions would set an example for settling political feuds in the future.

The two kings entered the ring, gave short speeches to their followers, and charged at each other. Suddenly, a blue light appeared from the sky, and Siblex Junior got out of the portal first, followed by Areela and then Gaia. Siblex Junior’s fall from the divine dimension caused an explosion, and it shattered the dwarven kings, instantly killing them.


Gaia panicked as she opened her eyes. She felt very heavy, and the lifeless gaze of two dead dwarves stared into her soul. She heard the nearby dwarves chant something in an incomprehensible language, but one word stood out, “…Hvala Gromvir! ….hvala Gromvir!”

“What happened?” Gaia asked True Maker.

“Everything went as I meant for it to happen,” True Maker replied.

“Why do I feel so heavy?” Gaia asked.

“Goldonia’s core consists of gold, making the planet much denser. This causes it to have higher gravity than Earth and the other Zeto Crystal worlds. The high gravity is why the inhabitants here are dwarf-like, short but human-like, and that’s why Areela’s son is the only one of you who can stand up.” True Maker replied.

“So, what happens now?” Gaia asked.

“I have granted Areela’s second son, who shall henceforth be known as King Gromvir, the ability to speak the local language. Here on Goldonia, you and Areela will improve your physique for your true purpose.” True Maker replied.

“And that is to stop Thorax from invading the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy with his Xeno hordes?” Gaia asked.

“Yes…” True Maker replied and disconnected.

Hearing the reassuring message from the True Maker, Gaia felt better. Knowing that she experienced heavy gravity, she pushed herself to a kneeling position and crawled over to Areela.

“What is happening? What are those strange dwarves doing to my son?” Areela yelled.

“They are making him their king,” Gaia replied.

“Why?” Areela asked.

“It is his destiny,” Gaia replied.

“Be that as it may, but the dwarves must have a reason.” Areela objected.

“We can ask your son. My mother granted him the ability to speak in the dwarven tongue. Now rise, my love. We are not injured; it feels that way because of Goldonia’s strong gravity.” Gaia said, got up, and helped Areela back on her feet.

After helping Areela, they followed the procession of dwarves taking Gromvir to the castle. Gaia felt good about herself as she had helped Areela’s second son reach his destiny, and she used her mind to overcome her physical burden. Spending some time on this planet was precisely what she needed to build her physique for the trial and tribulations ahead.

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