The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 51: The Exodus.

“What should I do with Siblex Junior? We need to stop Thorax, but I cannot bring him to Xenora, and I cannot leave him here,” Areela stated.

Gaia looked at Areela Kheeran, who was heartbroken after True Maker revealed the terrible atrocities Thorax would unleash on the Milky Way Galaxy unless they stopped him. Gaia felt sympathy for her lover. It was Areela’s destiny to find out about Thorax’s villainous plans, though it was a cruel ploy by the True Maker to ask Areela to stop him.

“Siblex will be safe on Earth. My children will protect him.” Gaia replied.

“And what will happen after they die? Humans live such short lives.” Areela said and bit her tongue.

Gaia looked away and didn’t reply.

“I am sorry. I should not have said that. It wasn’t a nice thing to say.” Areela whispered.

“It’s okay. I agree that your worries are warranted. Siblex Junior will be in trouble if we don’t return from our trip to Xenora.” Gaia replied.

“So, let’s go via Elvonia and leave him in Kailow’s care. My brother would never hurt him.” Areela replied.

Areela’s suggestion made Gaia flush with anger. She had vowed to never return to Elvonia after Kailow left her for Princess Imogen after the Snake of Truth had bitten her. His betrayal had broken her heart and left her children fatherless. The fact that everything turned out fine after she fell for Areela wouldn’t change that.

“You can’t be serious? Do you remember what he did to me?” Gaia exclaimed.

“He is my brother, and yes, I do remember. He sacrificed your relationship for our mission. Princess Imogen would not have let us go near the Elvonian Zeto Crystal if it wasn’t for Kailow.” Areela replied.

Gaia shook from anger and didn’t know what to say. She knew that Areela’s statement made sense, yet Kailow’s betrayal was something she had been unable to forgive.

“Aunty Gaia, what are you and mother fighting about?”

Gaia looked at the child-like Siblex Junior, who was still a child despite being an adult in human years. It was strange that two species that looked so similar had such differences in lifespan and growth development stages. Gaia felt guilty, walked up to the child, kneeled and said, “We are fighting about nothing. We are just silly adults.”

“Don’t patronise me. While I look young, I am more mature than a human child. Tell me what is going on.” Siblex Junior urged.

Hearing Siblex’s authoritative voice, Gaia had a flashback from when she envisioned his future when he was still in Areela’s womb. Siblex’s destiny was to change his name to Gromvir and become the King of the Dwarves. She had never revealed this vision to Areela, as she didn’t want to change the future by telling it. Yet in their current predicament, who was more suited to decide Siblex’s destiny than himself?

“Your mother and I must travel to Xenora to confront your evil brother, Thorax. But we worry about what will happen to you if we leave you behind on Earth. So, your mother wants to leave you with your uncle Kailow on Elvonia, while I want to bring you to Goldonia, where you are destined to become the King of the Dwarves. However, you are also free to stay on Earth if you like.” Gaia stated.

“I cannot stay on Earth without my mother. My Zetan longevity would curse me on this planet since humans die so young. I also do not really care nor want to see my uncle Kailow, Ava and Adan’s father. Goldonia seems like the most promising choice to follow my destiny.” Siblex Junior stated.

“But, Siblex… Your uncle and your cousins live on Elvonia. Wouldn’t that be a better alternative than going somewhere where there is no one to care for you?” Areela objected.

“No, mother. What uncle Kailow did to Gaia was indefensible. I love Gaia like my second mother. Besides, I cannot reject True Maker’s chosen path.” Siblex replied.

Areela bit her lip and gave Gaia a cold gaze. It infuriated her that Gaia had never revealed her vision of Siblex Junior’s future. Yet, Areela knew that Gaia would never do anything to harm the good-natured child.

“Well, then it’s decided. We are leaving tomorrow. I pray that the True Maker allows me to save Thorax from himself so we can all meet again.” Areela said, walked up to Junior, and carried him away to show her disapproval of Gaia’s intervention without verbalising it.

Gaia watched as Areela walked off. The conversation had been unpleasant, and she hoped that her upcoming farewell to Ava and Adan would be easier.


“Mother, why are you leaving? This came so sudden.”

Adan Gaian looked surprised as Gaia revealed her travel plans while barbecuing a rabbit with Areela and Siblex Junior. Gaia looked away. She didn’t want her son Adan to share her worries about the future, but she didn’t want to lie either. She soothed him and said, “I would never leave you or your sister if I had the choice, but leaving Earth is the only way to save you and the rest of humankind.”

“So, is another asshole from Zetani Nova planning to steal the Terran Zeto Crystal?” Adan asked.

‘It’s much worse than that,’ Gaia thought and replied, “Yes, something like that. But rest assured that your mother will keep you safe .”

“Thank you, dear mother,” Adan replied.

Gaia looked around, and Ava was nowhere to be seen. She feared that her daughter had left for one of her long wanderings as she had done so many times in the last five years. After finding out about her father, Ava blamed Gaia for their separation, and their relationship had never been the same.

“Where is Ava?” Gaia said, and she felt how a panic attack was approaching.

“She is far away. She left on a journey to contact the tribe living at the foot of the Euphrates River a week ago.” Adan replied.

Hearing this, Gaia regretted that she hadn’t sought her daughter when she returned from her travels the day before. It was a shame that she hadn’t sought to mend their relationship until the fear of her passing had taken hold of her.

‘Mother?’ Gaia whispered.

“This is not the time nor the place to mend the relationship with your daughter. Why have you wasted five years if it matters so much?” True Maker replied.

Gaia sighed. Sometimes, sorry was indeed the hardest word to say.

“Tell Ava that I am sorry and that I love her,” Gaia said, turned around and walked off into the night, unwilling to show her son the tears that were flooding her cheeks.

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