The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 48: The Subjugation.

Thorax Zelinkom felt his anger and resentment grow as he tore a medium-sized rodent-like creature to shreds and ate it ravenously. As he drank its blood, his thoughts were circling around the event that had just happened. How could Dijana choose to leave him for such a brutish, fruitless existence?

As he thought about Dijana’s death, Thorax reflected on it with regret and anger. It was terrible that she had threatened to leave him for another man, which made him kill her. Now that he had bludgeoned her to death, he was alone in the universe. Yet, the episode also brought him a new meaning. He would never have unlocked the true potential of the Zeto crystal if he hadn’t used it to bludgeon Dijana. The crimson coloured Dark Zeto Crystal would make him unstoppable, as it was the ultimate arbiter of life and death. Furthermore, it would enable him to seek revenge against Gaia, Areela, and the other Zetans for outcasting him. He had been good to them, but they had always treated him with disgust due to his unnatural looks, so he vowed that they should suffer.

Thorax looked up, and he saw a flock of wildebeest running westwards. While he wasn’t hungry, he wanted to try out the power of the Dark Zeto Crystal. He had no one to help him, but he was destined to rule Xenora and dominate species on other planets.

Thorax aimed the Dark Zeto Crystal towards the flock of animals, focused his mind on controlling the power of the dark crystal, and smiled wickedly as he saw the group of wildebeest explode, which created a cascade of blood and scattered body parts.

‘Grichuk will pay for stealing Dijana from me. After his death, I will make his tribe my servants and build a fortress at the North Pole. Once I have subjugated the Xenos, I will conquer the galaxy.’ Thorax thought. He ran towards the southwest to avoid the searing midday sun and get his revenge on the man who made him murder Dijana.


“Growwl… Hey, filthy rat. Where is Dijana?”

As Thorax opened his eyes, Grichuk and his tribe surrounded him. His quest to find his enemy had ended, and the fool was clueless about the fate that awaited him; otherwise, Grichuk would have slit his throat while he slept.

“Dijana is dead,” Thorax said.

“What happened to my Dijana?” Grichuk exclaimed.

“She wanted to return to you. But a woman cannot serve two masters, so I had to put her down.” Thorax stated.

“You despicable creature! I will kill you for this!” Grichuk roared and extended his claws.

“Grahahaa… I hoped that you would say that. But don’t attack me now. Surely, a trial by combat is a better way of avenging Dijana? Let the whole tribe see how you tear me to shreds.” Thorax replied and smirked.

Grichuk gave Thorax a surprised look. What could the ugly halfling gain from trial by combat? Grichuk knew that Thorax was the most intelligent man he had ever come across, and this situation was a predicament. He feared that Thorax had a mischievous plan, yet he couldn’t deny him a trial by combat now that everyone had heard him. “I should have ripped his throat when he was asleep,” Grichuk muttered and proclaimed, “I accept your challenge. You’ll face death at Flame Rock Falls. Randug, tie him up and bring the skinny freak to the fight!”

Having said this, Grichuk turned around and left.

Thorax smiled as the Xeno leader rushed off in anger. This would be the perfect opportunity to show the Xenos the fearsome powers of the Crimson Zeto Crystal.

As Randug approached him, Thorax shouted with authority. “You are not tying me up because I am not a prisoner. I want this trial as much as Grichuk does.”

Hearing his confidence startled the Xenos, and none of them intervened as Thorax took the alternate route to Flame Rock Falls.


“Grichuk, Grichuk, Grichuk.”

Thorax smiled as the crowds chanted his rival’s name. They expected a slaughter, as Grichuk was 3.5 metres tall and weighed 950 kilos. Compared to him, Thorax was tiny, standing at 2 metres and weighing 150 kilos. Yet, what a great time to show the power of the Crimson Zeto Crystal.

Thorax walked to the centre of the ring, looked at the crowd, and shouted, “Where is Grichuk? I bet he is hiding away, trembling that his end is near.”

The crowd booed Thorax, and they threw gnawed bones toward him. Thorax smiled at the crowd. This was his destiny, to face despisal and mockery wherever he went. Yet soon, they would not have any choice. He would force them to serve him.

“Grichuk, Grichuk, Grichuk.”

Thorax smiled as Grichuk approached him from the east, which blocked the nasty UV radiation from Xenora’s blue star. One thing was certain, he would not miss the sunburns when he founded his city in the eternal twilight at the North Pole.

“Look who dared to show up. Do you have any last words?” Thorax taunted.

“GRRRR!! I will kill you for what you did to Dijana. No one steals my woman and lives.” Grichuk roared.

“No, you won’t,” Thorax replied and pulled out the Crimson Zeto Crystal.

Thorax squeezed the crystal and focused his mind. He had dreamt about this moment for a long time, and he wouldn’t grant Grichuk a swift death. He made a small flick with his hand, which caused Grichuk’s claws to dislodge and hit Randug with speed.

As Randug collapsed with Grichuk’s dislodged claws penetrating his throat, Thorax laughed. While he hadn’t intended to murder Randug, it was a funny incident that could prove helpful. If he were to become the new leader, what better way to start than eliminating the previous leadership?

Thorax walked up to Grichuk and taunted, “This is where I’ll kill you for murdering Dijana.”

“What are you talking about? I never touched her.” Grichuk moaned in pain.

“She would have returned to you. You were in MY way. You were in the way of destiny. As such, I sentence you to death.” Thorax replied.

Grichuk leapt towards Thorax, who saw it coming and stepped to the side. He made a chopping gesture, and the crystal split Grichuk in two.

Thorax ran up to Grichuk’s severed body, knocked the crimson crystal on his temple, and this caused the giant Xeno to explode into a cascade of blood and body parts and soak the crowds.

Thorax turned towards the crowds and spoke with a thundering voice, “Today, you are witnessing history. I will take you to the stars, and we will conquer this galaxy. Join me, and you shall have glory. Resist, and you must suffer. Now kneel to me.”

As the crowds kneeled, Thorax laughed maliciously. The ugly outcast had become the leader, and the Zetans would suffer for what they had put him through!

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