The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 38: A Deadly Premonition.

Gaia was breastfeeding her twin babies when an unpleasant feeling took hold. This feeling confused her; it was a beautiful day, and life had been smooth sailing recently, so why the discomfort?

“Gaia, leave the twins with me. Zelinko needs to talk to you.”

Gaia turned around, and she saw Nayanika. The Zetan woman had a stern look, and Gaia sensed that tensions were running high.

“What is this about? Why isn’t Zelinko coming himself?” Gaia asked.

“Because it would be unsuitable for you to leave the garden together. Tensions are running high between Master Zelinko and Master Arish,” Nayanika replied.

Gaia nodded. She knew about the rivalry between the two Zetans, who both yearned for power. It was a complication which True Maker had told her not to get involved in. For better or worse, the issue would resolve itself in due time. At least according to her omniscient mother.

“Okay, so I assume that he has already left the garden? Where do I meet him?” Gaia asked.

“Meet him in the Shamraz Caves to the south. I will mind your twins in your absence.” Nayanika replied.

Nayanika’s statement made Gaia uncomfortable. She had no desire to get involved in Zetan politics and schemes; her priority was safeguarding humanity. So, she telepathed her mother for advice. “Mother, Zelinko Siblexom summoned me to a secret meeting at the Shamraz Caves. What shall I do?” Gaia asked.

“Then you should meet him. He and Areela have pulled many strings to get you this far.” True Maker replied.

“But what is this about?” Gaia asked.

“Hear him out, and you’ll know what to do,” True Maker replied and broke the connection.

“Why do I even bother talking to her?” Gaia muttered, turned to Nayanika, and spoke. “I will accept Zelinko’s request. Please look after my twins for me.”

“Of course, Gaia. I owe you my life,” Nayanika said and bowed.

Gaia grabbed her backpack, kissed her twins goodbye, opened a section of the forcefield and left the Garden of Eden.


As Gaia arrived at Shamraz Caves, she noticed that mining robots were operating. This was confusing since no one had briefed her about this mining project. Then again, her focus was on raising the children that would form humanity’s future; the other aspects of the outpost were of lower importance.

As Gaia entered the cave, Zelinko approached her with a flashlight and a large sapphire in his hand. He shone the light through the gemstone and spoke. “Behold the Shamraz Sapphire, also known as the Terran Zeto Crystal.”

Gaia looked at Zelinko in confusion and replied, “What are you talking about? That is not the Terran Zeto Crystal.”

“I know, but it could have been. Imagine if it was Zeto-charged. How would an untrained eye see the difference?” Zelinko asked rhetorically.

“What are you getting at. What is going on?” Gaia asked.

Zelinko put down his flashlight, sighed, and replied, “I fear Arish has come to steal the Terran Zeto Crystal. However, I want to test him to confirm my suspicions.”

“Steal the Zeto Crystal? That’s madness; he would destroy the ecosystem we came to save.” Gaia exclaimed.

“Yes, that is why we need to test him. You know where Earth’s Zeto Crystal is, don’t you?” Zelinko asked.

“Yes,” Gaia replied with an afterthought.

“So, let’s test him. We charge this crystal with the power of the Terran Zeto crystal. Once we meet Arish, we will tell him that this is the Terran Zeto crystal. Arish will remove this crystal from Earth and return to Zetani Nova. Such an action would destroy the Terran ecosystem if it were the real Zeto Crystal, wouldn’t it?” Zelinko speculated.

Gaia contemplated Zelinko’s speculation. Life on Earth wasn’t closely aligned to the True Maker, so it could survive without the presence of the Zeto Crystal. Then again, if Arish were willing to risk all life on her home planet to increase his status and power in Zetani Nova, that made him an enemy. True Maker was correct. After speaking to Zelinko, Gaia knew what she needed to do. She needed to find a way to confirm or disprove her friend’s suspicions.

“The Zeto Crystal is at Mount Sinai, 1500 kilometres to the west. Let’s grab a hovercraft and leave tonight.” Gaia said and left the mine.


Gaia felt anxious as she snuck aboard a hovercraft in the middle of the night. While she needed to find out whether Arish was a traitor, she didn’t like sneaking out like a thief in the night. Gaia had refrained from seeking her mother’s guidance. True Maker had told her that she would know what to do, and she did, even if she had preferred resolving the issue in another manner.

Zelinko joined her in the hovercraft while carrying a bag of smaller crystals. “I brought our uncharged Zeto crystals. We might as well charge as many crystals as possible while we are there.”

Gaia nodded, but she didn’t reply. Instead, she felt tense, knowing that she had a multi-hour trip ahead of her with Areela’s husband.

A dark thought struck Gaia. If something were to happen to Zelinko, that would pave her path with Areela. She shook it off and grimaced in disgust. How could she even think such a terrible thought? Yet, she couldn’t let the idea go. While she would never harm Zelinko, she sensed that his death was approaching.

“Is everything alright, Gaia? Is something bothering you?” Zelinko said as they took off.

“Yes, I am fine. I was just thinking back on our first trip together last year when we faced the cannibals.” Gaia lied.

“Yes, that was gruesome. But at least Kuamsha and the other children we rescued on that day seem to be turning out fine.” Zelinko replied.

‘Rescuing? We attacked their parents and kidnapped them,’ Gaia thought but realised that she only had herself to blame for her actions. “Yes, Kuamsha’s development gives me hope for the future,” Gaia replied.

“Very well, I have set the hovercraft on autopilot. We should get some rest,” Zelinko said and leaned backwards.

Gaia watched Zelinko. She felt guilty knowing about Zelinko’s approaching death, yet it was meant to be. Fearing the terrible outcome that would soon happen, Gaia closed her eyes to catch some shuteye.

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