The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 37: Double Births.

Gaia munched on some delicate grapes and watched the sunset with Areela when she felt odd. She felt like she had felt towards Kailow before he left her for an elven princess. Thinking of Kailow made Gaia feel bittersweet. While she was happy that he had impregnated her with her future twins, she couldn’t forgive him for what he did. Gaia didn’t care what the others had said; there must have been a better way to secure access to the Elvonian Zeto Crystal than cheating while she was at death’s door.

Thinking about Kailow’s betrayal no longer angered Gaia. She knew True Maker made him choose the elven princess over her. Instead, she felt a warm feeling. She wanted to stroke the beautiful Areela Kheeran, who sat next to her. Their sisterhood had grown more intense since they landed on Earth, and Gaia knew that Areela would never abandon her as Kailow did. She secretly wanted to own Areela for herself. There were, however, two issues.

The first was that Areela was married to Zelinko and expected her second child. Knowing that Podixa kept Thorax safe, they were eager to have another child, whom they hoped to be normal. Everything indicated that they were happy together. Did Gaia have the right to break up a happy and loving couple to pursue her happiness?

The second issue was more debatable. Since they were both females, wouldn’t their sisterhood relationship breach the natural order?

Gaia decided to telepath her mother and ask for advice. “Mother, I am struggling with a dilemma,”

“I am listening,” True Maker replied.

“So, Areela and I…” Gaia stuttered.

“Oh yes, you and Areela are destined to be together. Let her come to you.” True Maker replied.

“Uhm, you never tell me about the future. What made you change your mind?” Gaia asked.

“Well, I guess I want to see my daughter happy again,” True Maker replied.

“Okay. But isn’t it unnatural for me and Areela to be together?” Gaia asked.

True Maker stroked her cheek, pondered on Gaia’s question for a few seconds, and replied, “Well, that’s debatable. On the one hand, humans and Zetans are separate species. But, on the other hand, you are genetically similar and can interbreed, so I would say it’s natural. Besides, you are part-Zetan, so your attraction to Zetans is completely natural.”

“Uhm, I meant because we are both females,” Gaia replied.

“Oh. While homosexuality is not ideal for spreading your genes, I have no objections regarding mortals’ choices for sexual partners.” True Maker replied.

Gaia looked at her mother in confusion. Her mother had been against her relationship with Kailow, but she approved of a relationship with Areela. What was going on? Gaia remembered that her mother was omniscient; thus, she knew what would happen.

“I need to disconnect with you now. You and Areela will soon be in labour. Best of luck, Gaia.” True Maker said, and the Divine Dimension faded away.

“How is your mother?”

As Gaia opened her eyes, she looked at Areela’s beautiful smile. She smiled back and replied, “My mother is fine. She gave me some good news.”

“I have an urgent need,” Areela squealed in pain.

“Tell me, Areela,” Gaia asked.

“I am going into labour,” Areela exclaimed in excitement and fear.

Upon hearing these words, Gaia felt how her water also broke. As it would seem, destiny enabled her and her best friend to give birth on the same day.

Zelinko and the other Zetans arrived and rushed the two heavily pregnant women to the medical ward.


Areela felt blissful as she looked at her handsome baby boy, whom they had named Siblex, after Zelinko’s father. Areela hated the name, but she hadn’t voiced her concerns. While Siblex had been terrible and allowed Judge Jasper to sentence her to death, she understood Zelinko’s predicament. Her husband had to kill his father to save her, so she understood why Zelinko wanted to make amends by naming their child after his father.

Areela compared Siblex Junior with a photo of Thorax. She hadn’t seen her mutant son since she left Zetani Nova, and while she should miss him, she didn’t feel that way. Thorax had been a terrifying freak, and it was relieving to not be in his presence. Siblex would be what Thorax never was; he would be her and Zelinko’s beautiful boy.

Areela looked at Gaia, who was nursing her twins Ava and Adan. The children looked more Zetan than human, yet they had some features that distinguished them from other Zetans. For instance, their skin was purple-blue as a mix between Gaia’s red blood and Kailow’s silver-blue blood ran through their veins. Apart from that, they were beautiful children, and Areela couldn’t be happier to be their aunt.

Areela turned to Gaia and spoke, “Hey, do you think our children will be best friends?”

“I don’t know. I need to ask my mother whether that would be possible.” Gaia replied with an afterthought.

“What do you mean?” Areela asked.

“It’s a matter of life expectancy. If they have human life expectancy and development, they will be adults at 18 and dead by 90. But if they inherited Zetan life expectancy, they will be adults by the age of 200, and they would die around the millennia mark.” Gaia replied.

“I understand. Why don’t you ask her?” Areela suggested.

“Well, you know what she will reply,” Gaia replied and smiled.

“That she cannot reveal our future without changing it.” Areela teased.

“Yes, so let’s enjoy life for now,” Gaia said and turned her eyes to her babies.

There and then, they were both at peace, shielded from the tragedy that would soon strike.

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