The rebirth of a new Luna by Alexia Morgan

Chapter 34

Chapter 38 

Both Nadia and Vance turned their heads to see who was at the door. Vance quickly wiped his tears as he realized it was Iris‘ best friend. The one and only Selene. He turned away as he tried to hide the fact that he, a grown man, the all powerful leader of the pack was crying while he prostrated in front of a woman. It would make him seem weak. He turned to the other side as he tried to grab a cup of water and he emptied it into his mouth. 

elene, what brings you here?” Nadia asked as she tried to make the situation seem less intense and also less awkward. Selene must really have bad timing, in her opinion. 

‘Nothing much, I thought I should bring you something. Something to help with the 


loss and all that. The healer said you should take it a little later but knowing you and herbs, I think I want to see you take it now. Right now and so, take this and empty it inside your mouth.” She said to her friend who was seated on the ground. 

Nadia collected the cup of herbs from her friend as she watched her friends grab a chair beside the wall. Selene positioned the chair beside her as she sat on it and then turned to her. With her hands mid air, she signaled her friend to drink. Nadia felt the warmth of the liquid inside the cup as she touched it. It’s aroma felt calming as it filled the house up. She could sense the smell of hibiscus and another unfamiliar scent which was underlying the hibiscus. She smiled. It was her favorite. Hibiscus tea was one of her favorites as Nadia, was it also Iris‘ favorite? favorites as Nadia, was it 


  1. on. Drink it. You know we haven’t got all day. Besides, it would soon get cold if you keep sniffing at it and decide not to drink it.” Selene said as she lightly patted her friend on the back. Vance, who had already finished wiping his face clean and organizing himself now turned to his mate and his mate’s friend and smiled. 

“Yes dear, I think you need to drink the tea. Selene, is it from healer Sinus‘ home? Did she brew it herself?” Her mate asked. Nadia turned her head to see her friend’s reaction. Selene nodded her head. She told the alpha that it was indeed from Sinus‘ garden. She had watched the old woman pluck the leaves and brew the tea herself. “She had it specially made for Iris, here” she looked down at Nadia with a deepend smile. 

Nadia smiled back until the words sunk in her head. 

.specially made for Iris? 

Why did that situation look familiar? Had she experienced it somewhere else? She asked herself. 

Nadia held the cup in her hand as she tried to recall where she had found herself in a similar situation like the one she was in. Was it there in Oakland or was it back at Wildermont? She was still pondering when Selene said she was glad to have a friend 

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Chapter 38 

like her and then, it hit her. This was a similar situation she had had with Lyra. 

Lyra had given her a liquid to drink which she had taken in hopes of proving a point to the entire village but she ended up dying. Was that what was about to repeat itself again

Did Lyra also reincarnate into Selene’s b*dy and try to hurt her? She swallowed hard as her eyes moved from the cup in her hand to Selene’s face. Selene was still smiling. It was almost the same type of fake smile Lyra gave her. She hated it now. 

“Why don’t you 

have a taste first? You looked stressed and you should be the one taking some calming tea. Nadia said as she pointed the cup to Selene. Selene blocked the cup off with her hands as she tried to push it back to her friend. “I might be tired but this tea was made for you. Besides, it has some herbs in it that would help you remember things about your life. You need it more than I do, so take it” she pushed the cup back to Nadia. Ordinarily, Nadia would take it as a kind gesture but now, not having experienced Lyra. Nothing was nice. She could trust no one. 

Not even her mate, who she had turned to. Vance was smiling at her now as he still had the 

cup of water to his mouth. His eyes fixed on her. The same kind of eyes that were fixed on her before she was given poison to drink by Lyra. Lucian had those same eyes when she begged him to believe her. That she wasn’t the kind of person to poison Lyra’s drink but he did not believe her. He rather called her a liar and asked the guards to hand her the cup. He took the words of a nurse and doctor over hers, his Luna and the woman he claimed he had loved. 

As regards to Lyra, her best friend. Not only did her mate betray her by sleeping with her best friend, but he also took her side over hers. Nadia blew air through her nose. Not ever in her life would she let that happen to her again. No way. 

She lowered the cup from her mouth as she carefully and gently placed it on the table. 

There would be no need to drink from that cup if no one else was drinking from it. Nadia turned to her mate as she asked, “Are you going to have a sip from this tea?” Vance shook his head. He said no afterwards, explaining that there really was no need to drink tea meant for her. Nadia was becoming suspicious. She shifted her gaze to Selene as she angled her n*eck and raised her brow. 

“How about you? I need you to take a drink from this tea meant for me. Will you do it?” 

Before Selene could get the chance to shake her head, Nadia took the cup off the table and placed it in her hand. She leaned in closer to her friend as she whispered, “If you don’t drink from this c 

right now, I will assume you want it kill me. Drink it now. Open wide” she said as she raised her friend’s hand with the cup in it to Selene’s mouth. 

Selene stared wide eye at her. 

11:04 Sat, 20 Jan MO 

Chapter 35 

“Open wider” 


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