The rebirth of a new Luna by Alexia Morgan

Chapter 30

Chapter 34 

“….I never took care of you. I never looked at you or took my time to 

attend to your needs and so. I believe that was why I lost you. That is what I believed and I will never make that kind of mistake again. I promised to be a good man. I promised to live better now. To love you and value you. To show you that I can do better. To make 

you feel loved am cared for. I will never make you feel inadequate ever again he said as he turned fully to his mate. He stood up and gave her a forehead k*ss. 

“Before, I prioritized work and leadership over you. I never had time for you and neither did I want to make time. I never wanted to know you and I accept that. It is all my fault. I am so sorry. I feel so sad and stupid because of that. I feel that maybe that was why you left me. I saw my fault and I have promised that I will never be the same way ever again. I dreaded this conversation but now that it is here, let me formally apologize and beg for your forgiveness. I promise that I will never let you go and I will try to be a better man. For you and for our son now. Please “he said again as he k*ssed. her forehead again. Please, never leave me. Whatever happens, just discuss it with me okay?” He begged with puppy eyes. He leaned in forward as he snuggled himself into Nadia’s chest. Nadia was left shocked as her mouth fell open. She hadn’t expected that. It felt weird and awkward for her. 

Nadia had no idea what had gone wrong between Vance and the owner of the b*dy she was in, but it had to be something very awful for him to think his mate left because of their argument. Maybe he wasn’t a good man then but she loved to see him plead to do better for her. She had never felt this kind of emotion before. Usually, she was always the one who had to beg her mate, Lucian for his audience. For him to be a better man or for him to give her the least amount of attention but here she was, seated with an attractive man, begging her for a second chance and deciding he would be the best version of himself for her. She somewhat enjoyed it. 

She let him sink the moment in for a while and then made a move to look at his face. She cubbed his chin in her hands as she lifted them up to her face. 

“I totally understand what you mean, Vance. I accept you for who you were before and who you are trying to be for me. It’s totally alright. Okay? There is really nothing to be worried about. I promise not to let go of you again. I am here for you and I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Okay?” She said as she glanced down into his eyes. He had a mole on his l*p and she hadn’t noticed it before. It was probably because she had never been that close to him before. What a relief!! 

Vance’s face looked brighter as she said those words to him. She expected him to smile at her or something related to that but something strange happened. Instead of a smile, he bursted into tears. Nadia was confused as she stared in disbelief. She had never seen a man cry. No man at all. Not even her brother, Aiden and so it felt weird to witness 


Chapter 34 

She waited for him to finish and then gently bent him over her shoulder. She slowly patted him and rubbed him on his back until he stopped crying. When he was done, she brought him up to her face again and then asked him if everything was alright. 

“You can talk to me if you want, I am here for you” she said to him. It seemed those words broke him even more because he soon let out another batch of tears roll of his eyes. Nadia found the experience very weird and she was unsure of how to handle it and so she tightened her l*ps as she sat beside him waiting for him to say a word, 

Soon after he calmed down, Vance decided he needed to say a few words. 

“I am not sure you remember but the last time we met, we had a big fight. You said I was not sensitive to your needs. You were pregnant then and also very emotional. You asked me to spend more time with you but I blantly refused. I remember the last words that came from you were, if I ever came back home one day and couldn’t find you, I should live well. You wouldn’t be coming home anyway, I took you for a joker. To me, it wasn’t possible. You were my Luna and I felt you couldn’t do it. But when I returned from the war and couldn’t find you, I panicked. I asked the fighter where you were but everyone said you had died on the battlefield‘ he exhaled deeply and then took another breath in. 

“I ran over to the battlefield, turning over every dead b*dy I could find, just to search for yours but I couldn’t. I looked throughout the forest and still couldn’t find you. I felt someone had taken you hostage and so I even went as far as fostering peace with our enemies, just to get you back but still, no one had you. I roamed for these months aimlessly searching for you while our child was with Selene. I never had time for that child. I had almost lost my mind in the process and that was when I realized it….. 

You had left me for good and you weren’t coming back. I felt devasted until I found something strange one morning. 


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