The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 91

Blair POV

I glared at the man who had the audacity to step into my path, feeling the sense of rage emanating from him. "You think you're so much better than me, don't you" he growled, looking me up and down with contempt, his lip curled back and his eyes glinting with


I sighed. It looked as though I had insulted poor Gary, first by winning the hunt and making him the loser, and then by refusing to kiss the poor bastard, hurting his feelings. Who would have known he was such a delicate flower? I was not in the mood for this bullshit. I was dirty and tired and all I wanted was a damn shower and to spend some time with Josie, watching a chick flick and binging on popcorn. Was that too much to ask for? Why did men have to be so much hassle? "Gary," I said evenly, aware of the way his eyes narrowed and the way his body was tensing "I don't think I'm better than you."

A lie. I didn't act like such a p***y but then again, I also didn't get butthurt over a damn kiss like he was.

"Really? Then what was with the refusal to kiss me?" he said mockingly, moving closer and peering pointedly at my neck "I don't see a mark on you, so it's not as though you have a mate. You did it intentionally, in order to humiliate me even further" he accused me with a snarl.

I stared at him in disbelief. "Do you even hear yourself right now? I would have thought you would have been relieved to have been spared the humiliation of having to kiss the winner. Am I wrong?" I challenged.

Was he just irrational or stupid? Maybe both. It's not like he was some sort of prize that had the women swooning for heavens sake.

He sneered "You find me disgusting. You think you're better than me and you look down at me as though I'm some sort of horrible thing you'd like to squish beneath those shoes of yours."

I rolled my eyes. Now he was being overly dramatic. I went to go past him and he grabbed my arm. "Not so fast" he growled, his fingers digging into my skin and causing bruises to appear "You little b***h, you're going to give me that kiss and you're going to give it to me now. Who knows I might even let you go after that, or I might demand more" he snarled "depends on how good it is."

Like f**k I would I thought fuming silently. What was it with men and having their egos bruised? First, they were insulted by the girls demanding a kiss and now this one was insulted because I didn't kiss him! There was no pleasing them! I would never understand a man's logic or rationale. I shook my head at him in warning. "You might want to rethink this Gary," I told him slowly, trying to give him an out "I have a mate and he won't be too pleased to find out what you're trying to do." Braedon was likely to tear this man's head off if he touched me and I was trying hard to give him the chance to walk away with a small, very small, remnant of his dignity still in tact. But of course, he being the complete moron he was, chose not to take that opportunity.

He scoffed and looked at me with disdain "as if a wolfless mutt like you has a mate. Stop lying to make yourself look better. Anybody worth their salt would reject you instantly."

Any ounce of sympathy I might have had towards him had vanished with those comments. But I didn't need Braedon to save me. I was capable of taking care of myself. I just needed to wait for the i***t to make the wrong move. Anticipation flooded through me. I knew it wouldn't be long before he made a vital mistake. He was too arrogant not to. Gary dug his fingers in even tighter and I held back my grunt of pain as he slowly pulled me towards him. I offered no resistance, further convincing him of my weakness. "Just like I thought" he snapped "all talk and no substance. Pathetic" he snorted. We'll see about that, I thought smugly, my own eyes beginning to narrow.

He grabbed the back of my neck roughly and began to bend his head towards me, a gleam in his eyes. I didn't hesitate. I wanted to cause as much physical pain to him as possible. I kicked him in the gonads and shoved my elbow into his stomach, before kicking him hard, wishing I had the strength of a wolf behind me. My mate by then had run outside, looking furious, and stormed up to us both "What the hell is going on here?" he roared, his eyes flashing, his body tense and his jaw tightly clenched.

I wondered what had brought him outside, looking so angry. It seemed no coincidence he had come out just as Gary had tried to manhandle me. I turned to my mate, my eyes blazing in anger and indignation, but Gary spoke up first, not realizing that King Braedon was my other half and my mate. He had no brains to speak of. I let him hang himself. "She was demanding a kiss from me for winning the hunt earlier and when I refused she got angry sir. I didn't want to hurt her, what with being a woman and all" he insisted, a small smirk on his face "And being wolfless. I'm just the victim here" he insisted, widening his eyes and feigning innocence.

I rudely snorted. My mate looked incredulous as he stared at Gary who awkwardly got to his feet, no longer holding his jewels. "You're telling me, that Blair" he nodded towards me "attacked you because she wanted a kiss?" he asked in a dangerously soft voice that had me tense.

It sounded so unbelievable when he said it but Gary nodded, feigning innocence. "Just ask Malcolm, all of the girls demanded kisses after they won the hunt. Blair didn't like it when I refused before and she didn't like it when I refused again just now" he bluffed. A lie. He was arrogant enough to assume that Braedon wouldn't contact Malcolm and believe his lies outright. If he did contact Malcolm he would be told that I had refused to kiss Gary. I opened my mouth and then shut it. What was the point? I shouldn't need to defend myself against such a ludicrous claim. Also, what did that say about Gary and his prowess as a warrior if he couldn't defend himself against a slip of a girl like me? Not much I thought wryly. The man's story was thick with holes. I shrugged and waited. Braedon frowned and for a moment there was nothing but silence. I glared at my mate. Surely he wasn't believing this bastard?

"Braedon," I said with irritation and Gary gasped staring at me in disbelief.

"How dare you speak to the King in that manner," he said indignantly "It's King Braedon to you" he snarled, trying to get on the Alpha King's good side.

My mate finally chuckled, sending relief flooding through me. He grabbed me and planted a large kiss on my mouth, leaving Gary pale and speechless. He was obviously connecting the dots with how horrified he was looking. It had taken him long enough I thought amused. "My mate wouldn't do that," Braedon said casually, Gary beginning to look sick "and it's obvious that you're lying to me, now Blair, perhaps you would like to tell me your version of the events" he added, looking at me and pinning me with his gaze.

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