The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 14



I fell hard, on something, my eyes widening in shock as I felt the softness of the fur beneath me, the wolf a large black one, as it faced the rogues which looked stunned by the sudden appearance of the Alpha one. I knew it wasn't Brynn, there was no way she would have risked her life to save me. The wolf eyed me as I slid off of them, before snarling and snapping its jaws as one of the rogues leaped forward in a brazen attack. The black wolf jumped to meet it, both of them clawing in mid-air. My savior managed to get ahold of its neck and tore at it, severing its spinal cord and letting it drop to the ground. He jumped back in front of me as the other rogues hissed, their eyes glowing bright red in anger. Who was this wolf? Why was it defending me? I swallowed hard, grabbing a giant stick from behind me. It wouldn't do much damage, but it was better than being indefensible. A rogue tried to sneak in from behind and I whirled around, hitting it with the stick as it hissed and jumped back in alarm. The wolf in front of me gave me a sidelong glance. I could feel my breathing become shallow and the pain in my chest increased. If anything was going to bring on an attack, it was going to be this and I fought for control, clenching my hands and focussing. To collapse now, was to die, I told myself, as the black wolf jumped onto another rogue and took care of it, while two others tried to tackle it from behind. I gave a cry of distress, but two other wolves came leaping out of the forest, giving a hand to the wolf as I sank back against the trunk of the tree, my legs trembling.

The battle was fierce and bloody. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the black wolf which was fighting so strongly. He turned and helped to fight the other two wolves, his huge paws swiping and clawing, blood splattering the nearby trees and onto the forest floor as my eyes widened. I felt bile rise up in my throat. I was weak, I thought, trying not to sink to the ground. I couldn't even help. Visit Job ni to read the complete chapters for free. If you are not reading this novel on Job ni b .com, some sentences are incomplete. All I could do was stand there, brandishing a stick of all things. It was embarrassing and I stood there, mute, watching as the three wolves all took care of the rogues, until there was nothing left but dead bodies, lying on the ground, mutilated, their eyes now blank and staring off into the distance, as I fought back the urge to vomit up my stomach contents.

The two silver wolves gave me a look of disgust and stalked back into the woods, but the black wolf halted, looking at me consideringly. I flinched. Was it angry that it had to save me? I heard bones cracking and adjusting, closing my eyes and waiting for the inevitable scolding. When he spoke, I realized how stupid I was. I should have instantly known that it would have been him. Who else would have had a wolf that strong, that capable of taking out the rogues? Especially since it was rumored that Brynn was considering taking him as her chosen mate. The knowledge of that hurt for some inexplicable


"You could have been killed" he snarled, not in the mood for pleasantries.

I opened my eyes and faced him, dropping the stick weakly to the ground. He looked exasperated, his eyes glittering with some unknown emotion I couldn't pick up on.

"I um, they came out of nowhere" I protested lamely.

He gave a snort, holding his hands out "So you thought, I'll climb a tree and hope they don't see me" he shouted, his voice carrying through the forest as I flinched from the rage in it.

Why did he care so much? I looked at him confused. "I didn't have time to do anything else," I said, the pain in my chest lessening now that the danger had passed "They were too fast to outrun."

"You could have screamed for help sooner" he yelled, raising his hands up in the air.

That was it. Now I was angry and pissed off. I stepped forward and poked him in the chest. "What good would that have done?" I snarled "To be honest I'm surprised you came to my rescue! But has it escaped your notice that two wolves only came when you needed help, not me? That the Alpha and Luna didn't come to save me? That pack members didn't come running after I screamed?" My voice was bitter, my finger shaking, my head lowered, unable to look him in the eye.

He stiffened and glanced around, only now noticing the lack of response from the pack. I gave a laugh devoid of emotion "I'm grateful to you for saving me, but don't think the actions I took were wrong. They were the only ones available to me" I said choking "Not that you would understand. You're not despised by the pack. Or are you forgetting what you yourself did to me, only days ago?"

He was silent. I could have sworn something like regret passed against his face.

"I heard the scream and I reacted" he said quietly "it didn't matter who was in trouble, I was going to help" he added.

"Even if you knew it was me?" I asked disbelieving him.

"Even you" he snapped "you're still a member of the pack. One day I'm going to be Alpha and I don't intend to let any members die, not even weak useless wolfless ones like you. It's a matter of pride for me."

"So it's true then. Brynn wants to take you as a chosen mate" I whispered and he looked guilty for a moment.

"We've been discussing it, nothing more. Say a word about it and I'll..."

"I don't care" I interrupted him, even as tears threatened to fall, "okay, whatever you and Brynn do is your business."

He gave a grim nod. He motioned to me. "What?" I asked looking at him now with bewilderment.

"I went to all this trouble to keep your damn a's safe, you can start walking in front of me back to the pack house," he said slowly, as though he was explaining something to a child "I don't know if there are more rogues around and somebody as weak as you, is likely to attract them. I just said, I wasn't about to let somebody die under my watch, so let's go back to the pack house, where it's safe" he sniped.

Oh. I glared at him but obediently turned my back and began to stomp my way to the pack house. I could sense his eyes boring into the back of me and I clenched my jaw. He was the most infuriating, frustrating, stubborn, jackass I had ever met, I fumed, as he walked silently behind me, and yet I still owed him, for saving my life.

We reached the grounds. Brynn was waiting, looking panicked. As soon as she saw Ashton, she flung herself at him. I noticed Alpha Johnathon and Luna Bianca standing in the background. They said nothing. Ashton clutched Brynn to him, patting her back. "Thank god you're okay" Brynn cried and then glared at me "but you shouldn't have wasted your time trying to save such a loser. What if you'd been hurt?" she said as I strode past them all.

"It was nothing" Ashton murmured.

Luna Bianca walked forward and grasped my arm "you put my daughter in danger" she hissed, bending low to talk in my ear "if that happens again, you won't step foot out of that dungeon until you leave. Count yourself luck you didn't die" she added coldly.

I eyed her. "To be honest, dying might have been preferable" I spat in her face, leaving her stunned. Even Ashton looked shocked by my admission, as I stormed my way back into the pack house, which felt more like a prison than the sanctuary that it's intended to be. I was no member of this pack and part of me felt like maybe Ashton should have left me back in the woods for the rogues.

But another part of me was grateful. Because of him, I got to live another day, giving me another chance to plot a way to escape this life and determine a way to get myself to another pack. There had to be a way, I just had to find it. There had to be a loophole in the words that Alpha Johnathon had used, I thought, trying to remember the exact words he had used, what had he said to me again? "You are not to try and run away until Alpha Daxton gets here?" or something like that? My eyes widened and I began to smile. Suddenly, I saw a way out. If I was brave enough to act on it.

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