The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 7

Blair POV

For the first time in what felt like forever, I slept like a log. The couch was more comfortable than the threadbare mattress I was used to and the fire that flickered away provided heat that allowed the coldness of my body to dissipate. It was bliss. I was almost sobbing with gratitude. Unfortunately, I was woken by icy cold water, flung right into my face as I shrieked and bolted upright, confused and annoyed.

"What in the hell are you doing in my house you loser" Brynn spat out, a smile hovering on her lips.

"Alpha Johnathon instructed me to" I snarled, getting up and facing her.

My shriek had alerted the Alpha and Luna who came running. Alpha Johnathon took in the situation at a glance.

"Brynn" he snapped "Blair is staying in the pack house from now on at my instructions. Go and get ready for school" he snarled.

She pouted and shot me a glower. I pushed my hair back, feeling some of the wet strands against my back, soaking through my shirt. I tried not to shudder.

"Sorry Blair" Alpha Johnathon apologized "Why don't you go get freshened up so that you can go to school" he suggested with a sigh.

He pointed to my backpack sitting neatly on the floor. "I had some of your clothes brought over, your room is the first one on the left on this floor" he added with some exasperation, before leaving the room.

I grabbed my backpack and went to head to the nearest bathroom, when I heard Brynn and her mother talking to each other in hushed whispers in the foyer, behind some large potted plants, unaware that I was eavesdropping.

"Mother, you have to do something! Father has gone too far. He's let her into the house!"

"I know darling. He didn't discuss it with me either. But he is the Alpha and we can't question his decision, as much as we disagree with it" Luna Bianca said angrily.

"I don't want her here. Send her away" Brynn hissed "father's too softhearted for his own good. He refuses to see how bad Blair is for our pack. You're the Luna, why can't you do something?"

"It's not that easy Brynn. Don't you think he'll notice if she suddenly goes missing?" her mother growled.

I inched a little bit closer, trying hard to steady my pounding heart. They wouldn't really go that far to get rid of me, would they? I mean, I was almost eighteen, the same as Brynn. Couldn't they just wait until then? Then I remembered. Guardians had responsibilities of their wards until they were 21 not 18. Crap. No wonder Luna Bianca was pissed. She knew that I would be in the pack house for a few more years unless I made a run for it or left of my own accord.

"There has to be something" Brynn's voice was almost hysterical now, tinged with desperation.

"What do you suggest I do? I've already made her life a living hell and that doesn't seem to be working out to plan" Luna Bianca said tightly "she just continues as though nothing is amiss and it doesn't affect her. It's bloody infuriating" she snapped "it's almost impossible to get a rise out of the little b***h and she hasn't done anything worthy of banishment."

I could picture the look of disappointment on Brynn's face and almost chuckled. It must be hard, not being able to just, demand I leave and never come back, without her father's interference. Shame, I thought, my eyes twinkling.

Then I heard Brynn mention something that made me stiffen, my heart racing in my chest as I fought to keep myself breathing steadily. "What about the breeding program?"

No, no, no, anything but that. They wouldn't go that far, would they? I could feel myself beginning to panic. The breeding program was utilized only by the most cruelest of packs. Alpha's would take, the majority of the time, unwilling female shifters that were sold to them, by other packs, in order to be forcibly bred by the Alphas and provide them with heirs, when their own Luna's could not, or because the Alpha required more children than what his wife could safely carry. They did not care about the girl's consent, or that she had no desire to participate in the program. Most often, it was the lowly omegas who were sold off or pawned off to the Alphas, some of the girls dying during labor, their bodies simply giving out after giving birth multiple times.

My hands went clammy. I wiped them on my pants. Alpha Johnathon would never allow Luna Bianca to do such a thing to me, I thought desperately, would he?

"You know," Luna Bianca said, her voice full of approval "that's not a bad idea at all Brynn. As part guardian of Blair, I do get a say in her upbringing and her future. Breeders are provided for financially, and if they survive long enough, even offered a chance to be mated to a warrior once they have fulfilled their obligations and are able to still provide children."

"I bet you could really sell it to dad," Brynn said enthusiastically, her voice still hushed "especially if you emphasize the money part of it. Blair is never going to get a mate without a wolf anyway, so this would be like her only chance," she said with a giggle.

I scowled. Just because I was wolfless didn't mean I was worthless. My wolf could still come, I might just be slightly delayed.

"Well, if anything it would get her out of the pack. I know for a fact that we received a message the other day about an Alpha seeking a female breeder" Luna Bianca said with some glee "I might just dig it back out again and see if Blair fits the criteria. I'm not letting Johnathon dismiss me this time. As part guardian, I can overrule him on certain matters and this may be one of those times, I'm willing to fight him on this. Brynn, you've really done well, in thinking of something that we could use. Well done" she congratulated her daughter, who preened.

I had heard enough. I sidled away, careful to keep my footsteps practically silent, and headed to the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. A breeder. A damn breeder. There was no way I was going to allow that to happen. I shook at the thought of some Alpha male, rutting over me, while I was restrained, unable to fight back, and felt tears come to my eyes. Death would be preferable to that. I had just a few days until it was Brynn's and mine's eighteenth birthday and if Luna Biacnca kept to her threat, I was going to have to leave and soon. I splashed water on my face and began to carefully plan. Whatever I did, I couldn't give away that I knew what they were planning. Any sign that I did and they would lock me away for sure. I had to feign ignorance if I had half a chance of getting away and making it to a nearby pack. One that did not have a breeding program in place. Everything hinged on what I did next and I found myself praying that I didn't have another attack that would leave me weak and defenseless. My heart condition was a burden, one that I could live with for the most part, but one attack right now and I was a goner, I thought miserably and there was nobody to save me.

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