The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 68



My heart was thumping loudly in my chest. Nothing. I breathed a sigh of relief. It was my damn imagination working in overdrive I thought grimly. Probably because of that spider from before. I scolded myself and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself. I heard the strange rattling sound again and frowned, before turning and stopping completely in my tracks, horrified and struggling not to scream out loud. It was impossible but I was seeing it with my own two eyes. I fought the urge to scream, my mouth trembling. That would only cause it to strike. I stared at it fearfully. It continued to rattle, its forked tongue hissing as it flickered in and out of its mouth. A rattlesnake of all things. How the f**k did a rattlesnake slither under the bathroom door? The gap underneath it must have been big enough because the door hadn't been opened to grant it access. It was staring at me with its eyes and I knew any movement would make it attack. f**k. I should have listened to my instincts. My heart beat even faster and I knew that an attack was imminent. I couldn't prevent this one from happening. I needed to act and quickly. No wonder my body had screamed at me to stay in the shower, it had been the safest place to be. Unless rattlesnakes could climb up the glass. I eyed the shower, wondering if I could climb back in before the rattlesnake could strike. I was pretty sure I would be too slow and get bitten in the process. I took a deep breath, trying to maintain my cool. The only other option was to go out the bathroom window and fall to my death. Not a particularly appealing one but there was a slim chance I could survive the fall. A very slim chance. I could feel my terror increasing, the walls of the bathroom feeling like they were closing in on me. The longer I stood there, the higher the chance the snake would attack. My body was trembling so violently that it was all I could do to keep myself from sinking to the floor or collapsing.

I had one chance and no idea if it would work. But to keep standing still would only result in being bitten and dying. I had to take the chance and pray it worked. At least it had a slight shot of keeping me alive which was better than nothing. I felt my fingers shaking as I slowly undid my towel, the snake's eyes watching my every move as it continued to flicker its tongue. I licked my dry lips, feeling like my mouth was full of cotton balls. "Nice snake" I whispered, undoing the towel and slowly bringing it to the front of me. It reared up and I flung the towel in its face, jumping up and into the shower, slamming the glass door shut, and sobbing. The snake hissed loudly, moving around violently, managing to shake the towel off of it as it hissed and stared at me. I had pissed it off. I sat on the ground, my back against the tiles, shivering. That had been close. Too close.

My chest was beginning to tighten as I struggled to breath as well as starting to hurt and I knew I didn't have much time until I couldn't breathe at all. Would Braedon hear my screams all the way up here? Would the screams cause the snake to become even more violent? Could it break the glass? I gave a small sob, looking at the snake fearfully as its head swiveled to look at me and its beady eyes gazed at me. I didn't have much choice. It was either scream or be stuck in here for who knows how long, while I had an attack that possibly proved to be fatal. I knew that the snake couldn't have just magically found its way inside. Somebody had to have put it here, which meant this was intentional. What I couldn't figure out was why. I hadn't hurt anyone. Was this all because I was the Alpha King's mate or was there more to it? Had I made an enemy simply by being here? The notion didn't surprise me but it stung to know that this was far more serious than a simple prank. It meant the spider had been a warning, I thought with realization dawning and I had failed to heed it.

I didn't have time to keep thinking about it. I gave one last glance towards the rattlesnake and then flung my head back and opened my mouth as wide as I could, letting out a bloodcurdling scream for help, at the top of my lungs. I heaved for breath. The snake rattled and hissed, displeased at the noise. My chest tightened. I wished I had a damn wolf to take care of the snake or some kind of weapon to use against it, but I doubted a hairdryer was going to do the trick somehow. I took some shallow breaths steeling myself and then opened my mouth again, screaming for all I was worth for help, my voice petering out. I wheezed. If you are not reading this novel on Jobni, some sentences are incomplete. I didn't have the strength within me to scream anymore. I put a hand to my chest as my heart began to slow and I lay on the floor of the shower, feeling cold and shivering. My vision became blurry, my eyes fixated on the rattlesnake that stood between me and freedom. I desperately tried to draw in oxygen. Just as I was about to give up hope completely, the bathroom door came crashing down, and Braedon saw the rattlesnake, his claws deftly slicing across it and killing it as I succumbed to the darkness surrounding me, unable to hold onto consciousness any longer. The last thing I saw, was the desperation on his face as he moved toward me, and all I could hear was him calling my name "Blair, wake up Blair!"

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