The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

The reason the Hall is called the Hall, is because it’s like a hall. It’s in the center of the town. It’s long and rectangular, and completely see through. During the hot season, we have to keep the doors open just to remain cool.

Once I enter all hell breaks loose. They all run to me screaming my name and pointing out their points of view. I groan. This is one of the many reasons I choose to travel. I put my fingers in my mouth and let out a loud whistle; the crystal makes an excellent acoustic to highlight the sound, it even stops people on the street. They cover their ears to hide from the shrill sound.

“One at a time!” I yell. “Now what is the dilemma?”

Mary and her sagging face explains. “Everyone seems to think that Ari is out to kill everyone right now. Another Sheik has turned up dead.”

My face drops. They fall silent as I take this in. “Nomad?”

They nod.

“Had he received the news?”

They shake their head.

“When did he die?”

“Two weeks ago.” Stanya answers, sounding incredibly annoyed.

I sigh in relief, then immediately feel guilty. “What killed him?”

“Tribesman.” Mary answers.

Okay now I’m confused. “Then how is this such a heated discussion?”

Mary grins, seeing that I’m on her side over this. “Because they thought it was relevant and wanted to use it as a valid argument to keep you within the city for a while. They’re worried that with Brin dead, Ari will do whatever it takes to find you, and drain you of everything you have.”

“Well it is,” I muse, trying to think about it. “Ari is out to kill Sheiks for their power, so each of one of their deaths will increase his power. Since he’s confirmed I’m still alive, he won’t stop hunting me simply because I’m within the cities walls. Without a doubt, the attacks on nomad sheiks will increase, and therefore so will his power level. So technically, it is safer for me here, but it won’t stop Ari.” They are all looking at me with wide eyes. They’re surprised I agree with them. “But the question is; how do we stop Ari?”

My words stun them, so Stanya answers first. “You teleport to him and take him out?”

I shake my head. “It is impossible to get a lock on Ari, for the very same reason it is impossible to get a lock on me. Too much power. Which is why our cities is fueled by all of our magic. To block anyone from transporting in. Ari’s man, Stylus, is a superb tracker, which is how he finds his victims, and ambushes them.”

“So what does that mean?” Stanya demands.

“It means we can’t blindly hunt him, because if we fail he steals our magic, our memories, and our secrets. The risk is too high for us to assume that we can simply find him and kill him.” I reason with her. “But we can’t allow him to keep killing all of the Sheika he can find. Just the loss of one life is critical to us.” I think this through and keep coming up blank. “The best we can do is call all nomads into the cities and protect them, while Stanya and I attempt to track Ari down.”

“What!” They all cry, drawing attention from everybody outside.

“We can’t lose you at all Natasha.” Mary says quickly. “If he were to get your power, we wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Then there is nothing we can do, until there is a new plan formed. If you have any ideas, please feel free to speak.” I take a step back and give them the lead. They look at one another, and each shrug. I nearly groan. Their indecisiveness is crippling.

We get nowhere fast. They spent the rest of the time arguing about how to order all the nomads into the city. That is the only thing they agreed on for the night. We’ve also discovered that I’m no longer a viable option to fight Ari. With these three symbols, and Master Brin’s warning, it’s clear it would be disastrous if I were to inherit the wolf. My only option is to train the one who can fight him. It’s what I have been doing most of the time, as a back up option if I were to be captured; however now it’s our only option.

It’s well past dark by the time they decided to call it a night. I say goodnight to Stanya at the door, and explained I want to privately say goodnight to Brin. She understood. It’s my first time in this town without him and his god-awful devil eggs. It just doesn’t feel like home until he’s guilted one down my throat.

I walk through the dead city to the temple silently, taking the back way to avoid being noticed. The moonlight is being directed in here through the buildings for extra light, though the torches keep it pretty well lit. I stare up at Brin and smile as I imagine his four toothed grin as he watched the birds feed. I guess the saying is right. It’s the little things we miss the most. I hear footsteps and catch the scent of lemon.

“It wasn’t always like this you know.” I say out loud. I don’t know what prompted this out of my mouth.

It takes him a second to realize I am talking to him. “Like what?” Gedric asks.

“The sense of safety that is in the air. The ability to sleep without worrying about someone slicing your throat as you slept.” I grab my arm as I look at Brin’s face. “And it won’t always be like this. Everything comes to an end. Even life. Though it’s having a hell of a time screwing with everyone while it still can.”

I look at him. His face, though lit by torches, is twisted in mix emotions. He’s not sure what to feel. I keep going. “But we still keep fighting. Knowing what we know. Just on the remote possibility tomorrow could be better than today.”

I look back at Brin. “And it all ends in the same result. But tomorrow is always better for someone else. That’s all we want in life. Security for tomorrow. It’s when people forget about the dream of tomorrow that nightmares are created.” I close my eyes. “And that’s when monsters are born.”

Gedric hesitates. “What you said today. About peace being taken away. You were talking about yourself.”

I open my eyes. I still don’t look at him. “Yes.”

“What happened to your peace?”

I take a deep breath. “It was stolen. By Ari and his greed. They slaughtered my father as he slept. My mother got away to tell me to hide under the bed and never come out until she told me. She never had the chance to come and tell me it was alright. He killed her in the kitchen since she refused to tell him where I was.

“He then decided to smoke me out. He created an illusion of fire. I was six. I couldn’t spot the trick. My brain really thought it did smell smoke and felt the heat. I was literally sweating. The whole time I hid I kept hearing my mother scream out for me. A beam fell and scared me. I screamed and somehow my instincts took over and teleported me to the barn.”

I close my eyes as my mother’s screams invade my mind. “Ari was waiting. He was about to kill me when my instincts took over again and teleported me to the safety of the woods. I was suffering from magic overload when Master Brin found me. He rescued me and took me to this clan. He’s raised me ever since. He adopted Stanya when he thought that would get me out of my depressed state. It worked, sorta.”

I open my eyes to meet Brin’s face again. “It wasn’t until Ari slaughtered another family that we sealed ourselves off from the world. People are now slowly forgetting about the nightmare he created. But when we did this we blocked the rest of the world from us. Ari formed the group called the Magicnites. It’s dedicated to hunting the Sheika and anything with a slight chance of magic.”

I drop my other arm. “And in our haste as well, we forgot about the others Ari hunted. The result was the slaughter of your people Gerdric. When we learned of this we sealed your cities off as well. Most of you do not know this because hate is a form of comfort. Instead of questioning why you’re rarely killed these days you believe it’s because Ari is too involved in hunting the Sheika. And the sad thing is, you’re partially right.”

It’s silent for a long while so I speak. “You’re wanting to know why Ari was so insistent on killing me.” I state.

“Yes.” He whispers.

I still don’t look at him. “Do you remember when you asked about the animals on my back?”


“Legend has it that these are power sources for our world. The raven is the symbol of death and intelligence. The owl is for wisdom and fate. The deer is for independence and kindness. The missing one, the wolf, is for strength and brutality. You’ll notice none of these symbolize life. That is because that is what is needed for life to be created. The fate of all creatures tie together and result in death. Intelligence and wisdom makes us humble and makes us learn to sustain life. Independence and strength causes us to challenge and create new things to add to more life. Kindness and brutality are necessary to keep the world in order. Some kill, which prevents over population and adds new energy for more life. Kindness is for us to respect and keep us from killing one another. One falls out of the equation and all life fails. But it is said that when these four animals come together all life will be thrown off balance. Resulting in a slow and torturous death for all.

“It is said that the people born with these symbols assume that role in life. When it is stolen from their holder, the thief’s power takes over and overtakes that form of life. If the symbol is given, that person must protect that role from now on.”

I look at him. His face is blank. He doesn’t want me reading his emotions. “I was born with the raven symbol, Gedric. If Ari was to steal that particular symbol, death and intelligence would cease to exist. We would become dumb idiots that went around beating each other. Sure some would learn and be kind in this world, but it would be weak compared to the new dominating power.

“That is why I am the most valuable. If death was stolen, Ari would forever live. Thus none would die. And the world we know would be a dark and dangerous place. Without death there can be no new life. No food. Just a never ending cycle of pain. Ari just wants the immortality. He doesn’t think of tomorrow. He thinks of himself and creates that nightmare I just described.”

It falls silent again before Gedric speaks. “Why do you have the other two symbols?”

I look back at Brin. “Brin. He gave them to me. Just before he went out into the street, for the whole town to see, and let Ari kill him. He sacrificed himself so that tomorrow would live on, Gedric. He didn’t want the nightmare he saw come true. He didn’t want the monster to be created. He wanted what we have a taste of in our bubble. He wanted peace.”

Gedric pauses. “So his symbol was the owl?”

I nod. “Born with it. It allowed him to see what was coming in this world. So he was wise and prevented it when it turned out to be a horrible outcome. I’m alive because of him.”

“You were very close.” He states.

I nearly laugh. I thought that would have become clear by now. “Yes. He raised me and taught me how to control my magic. Though it’s still rogue enough to kill me. As you have already seen.”

“And you want revenge on Ari for killing him?”

This time I laugh. Just a small one. “Yes, but it would be wise to stay away from him. Especially because I have the three of the four symbols. The wolf must never meet my skin. If I kill him, it will come to me. Then chaos.”

“Why would that happen?”

“Ari would never give up his symbol. I would have to steal it. His parts of the world would become tainted and offset the balance of life.”

He huffs in frustration. “So he can kill you, but you can’t kill him?”

“Basically.” I sigh. “It’s not easy though. To sit back and have someone else do a job that should rightfully be mine. But I dream of tomorrow and force myself to listen to a better sense and stay away.”

“Why can’t the others kill him?” He demands.

“He’s too strong. Even if I was to assist by giving them my magic, the wolf would register it and still come to me. Even if I was a hundred leagues away.”

“So you can’t even help?” He demands as his jaw clenches.

“I’m afraid not.” I look at him and see rage in his face. “But I can prepare my people. Teach them how to use their powers to the maximum level, and teach them how to fight. That is why I travel Gedric, instead of remaining here. I am brought to a potential pupil and sharpen their magic; but so far, none have even come close to surpassing Ari.”

“How did Ari get so strong?”

“Once he captures an Illusionist or Sheik he drains them of their power. He absorbs their power and kills them to prevent it from returning to its host. He goes through a forced magic overload as his body prepares for that level of power. Then it constantly remakes that amount. He cheats the system.”

“Then why don’t you guys do this?” He demands.

“Because it is wrong. Once you steal their magic you take their soul. They’re trapped forever here. Watching what Ari does with his added power. The power he created from you. It’s agonizing.”

Gedric kicks at the floor. “So the only person with the power to stop him, is trapped by a bunch of god damn symbols?” I nod. His face is twisted in rage. He wants revenge on Ari. For what he has done to his people.

His face lights up for a bit. “Why don’t you just give the symbols to someone else?”

I shake my head and watch his shoulders slump. “In order for the symbols to be passed, the host must die in a matter of minutes. That is why it is necessary to kill the host to steal the symbols. I’m young, which is unfortunate. I’d have to pass off my symbols, kill Ari, and pass his symbol off to another person in a matter of minutes. I’d also have to kill myself if I succeed in killing Ari in time. With his magic level, that is impossible.”

“But you’re more powerful.” He protests.

I nod, enjoying this conversation. It’s giving me time to process ideas, without more than one person arguing with me. “I am, by a significant amount; but his magic is dark-which makes it harder to fight-and he has back up sources. Tons of them. Once those overload stones run out he can feed off the spirits of the Sheika, and Illusionist, he has killed. I may be stronger, but he can last longer. Also, since I am prone to magic overload, I can’t risk engaging in a long battle with him. If I were to overload, and he won, he’ll get more power than what he was originally going to get. That’ll make him a lot stronger.”

“How do you know all of this?” Gedric demands. “Surely some of this is guess work.”

I shake my head again. “Sadly no. There was a Sheik who was stronger than Ari. He was born with the raven symbol as well. He challenged Ari. That is how we discovered Ari’s back up sources. The Sheik saw that he was about to lose so he closed his eyes and pictured his son. He sliced his own throat before Ari could reach him, and the raven vanished.”

I look at the ground. “Instead of attaching itself to his son like it was supposed to, the raven attached himself to me. The Sheik’s granddaughter.”

I look back up at Gedric. His face is all mixed up again, but understanding has announced itself. “Unfortunately, Ari drained my grandfather’s magic from his useless body. My grandfather was the second strongest ever recorded in our history. Me being the strongest. That’s why Ari suddenly got so strong twenty years ago. Why he was suddenly so powerful that even the Sheika couldn’t fight him off. I won’t be the reason why the world was turned into Hell.”

It takes several minutes but Gedric speaks. “So you are forced to reside in the back lines, playing teacher, instead of killing the man who has slaughtered and killed so many?” He asks just for clarification.

I nod.

“All because of your grandfather?”

Again I nod. Then smile to soften the air. “It was a screw up. No one knew of Ari’s back up sources until then. So I guess it did have its benefits.”

Gedric takes a step closer. “So if we were to find his back up sources and destroy them, we would have a chance of killing Ari?”

I nod and smile. He’s catching on. “And if I wore him to the point of exhaustion….”

“Then find someone who can kill him, to absorb the wolf symbol so you won’t have to.”

“Then Ari would cease to exist, and the balance of the symbols would still be intact.” I smile at him. “There is a problem. Master Brin saw none in his visions who had the capability to bear the wolf symbol without it poisoning their mind. If it were as simple as finding someone who had the capability while he was weak I’d just use Halthin; but he wouldn’t last a week.”

Gedric’s face falls. “Who have you tested?”

“All of the Sheika and Illusionists.” I smile. “I’ve been the only one to pass the test, but the other symbols are holding me back.”

He groans. “We’re back on square one.”

I shake my head. “No. We just need to destroy Ari’s back up sources.”

“What about the spirits he has captured?”

I shake my head. “They’ll burn up quickly. Once he uses their spirit they are released from his hold and move onto the next life.”

“And how do you know this?” He demands again.

I sigh. “Because, as an overseer of death, I can see spirits if I choose so.”

Gedrics thinks over what I have told him. He’s stuck on something. “How did Ari steal your grandfather’s magic, if he was already dead?”

I touch my nose. “Magic resides in our bodies long after death. It takes a couple of days for it to return to the world.” I motion for Gedric to come over. Once he does, I take his arm and place his hand on the statue of Master Brin.

He yelps and takes his hand back. “What in the name of fate was that?”

I chuckle. “That is magic. This is why we bury our dead this way. Marble absorbs magic and holds it. It also protects. It allows the magic to choose who it would go to. This prevents it from being stolen. It’s also an extra cautionary step, in case Ari somehow breaks into our clans.”

He rubs his hand. “It felt weird. Like it was a heart.”

I grin. “That’s good. It means it is weakening.”

Gedric looks at me. “When you gave me your power, Stanya said it was a small amount.”

I wait for him to continue, but he remains silent. “Yeah?”

“How small?”

“A pin drop.” I look him over as he suddenly pales. “What is wrong?”

He takes an automatic step back. “How strong are you?”

“Without even trying, I could wipe out a hundred leagues of where I stand. At least that is what it is at with my current power spike. It used to be that I could only wipe out twenty leagues worth of land. But my energy drops quicker if I use a strong attack.”

He chokes on air. “It more than quadrupled.”

I shrug. “Hopefully it’ll be the last one. The next one could likely kill me.”

“You’re not done yet?” He demands as he takes another step back.

I ignore him. “I was supposed to have finished when I turned seventeen. I’m twenty now and still growing.”

“How strong is Ari?”

I think about it. “Ari could only do about forty leagues worth of damage. However, if he gets the jump on me, like he so often has, he could easily paralyze me before I can even think of using it. That is because his magic is dark. It attacks the body and stuns it. In some cases poisons it. Then when you’re frozen he drains you of your power.”

He hesitates. “Can you show me? How your magic works.”

I laugh. “I thought you’ve seen enough already. You’re getting scared at just hearing about it.”

Gedric blushes. “I still want you to show me.”

I laugh as I shake my head. “Unfortunately I can’t. I’m as weak as a baby deer right now. There is no magic left in my body. It’s all in this.” I point at the necklace without really touching it. He watches, completely entranced, as the gold swirls around at the pace of lava. He reaches out to touch it, his eyes completely black. I smack his hand away as I cover the gem up with my hand.

“Ouch.” Gedric says as he shakes out his hand. “What was that for?”

“My magic was drawing you in. You were taken in by its power and were about to touch it. It’s still in its rogue stage, so all of the magic in this would have exited the stone through you. The force of it would have killed you and what follows would have been astronomical.”

He takes another step back. “What would have happened?”

“The rogue magic would explode and kill everyone within a hundred leagues of here. Including this city.”

He grimaces. “Ouch.” Then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the stone I had lent him. “Do you want this back?”

I smile and shake my head. “You keep it.” I push his arm instead of the stone. Touching one stone is a risk. Two is suicidal.

“How come I don’t feel the need to touch this one?” He asks as he stares at the stone. It’s a dark green right now.

“Because that magic has settled. The one in the star is still wild. It’ll take a couple of days for it to cool off.” I smile as I let my hand drop.

He automatically looks away. “How long until you’re recovered?”

I think about it. I think Mary is right. “About a week. This one was a big one.”

It fall silent again. “When do I get to leave?”

“It depends on your hearing tomorrow.” I answer calmly. “If it goes over well, you can leave after it.” I yawn. “You should probably go to bed. You’ll want to be able to stay awake for your hearing.”

He follows me out and looks at the moons position. We only get about four hours of sleep. I walk him to his hotel and then head off to my room.

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