The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

He rolls his eyes. “I’m fine. How hard could outside be?”

“Alright.” I sigh, opening the door to reveal our very bright city.

“It burns!” He cries as he starts rubbing his eyes; jumping back into darkness.

I close the door and pull at his arms. “Rubbing it only makes it worse. Just blink a lot.”

He yanks his hands back and covers his eyes. “Just lead me. Okay?”

“People are going to think you’re an idiot.” I warn as I laugh.

“I don’t care what people think.”

“Good.” I take his hand and lead him out. People stare at me with curiosity and smirks. I explain to the onlookers as I go, that he’s never been here, and has been in the isolation room for three days; I found that out while I gathered people to get him some food. They just chuckled and went about their business. But I heard rumors being spread as I got to the feeding hall. What was the rumor by the time that I got there? That I was there to treat him for a surprise before they hung him in the morning. People are idiots.

I open the hall door and reveal a long wooden table with individual tree stumps for seats. Food of all variations is lined up for him to eat. I only had them give him water because he has to be at his best for today and tomorrow. The people that I got to help me are grinning along the wall. They all want to see the person who saved my ass not once, not twice, but thrice.

“You can open them.” I tell him after we’ve been standing in the cold building for two minutes. I thought he would have gotten the hint. I mean you can smell the food.

He lowers his hand and opens his eyes. They widen as his jaw drops with an audible ‘pop’. Immediately he races to the table and starts eating. I roll my eyes as the others start laughing. I sign for them to watch him while I go to the inn to get him a room. They agreed with way too much enthusiasm. I might just regret leaving him alone.

When I get back, Gedric is staring at his empty plate of food. The others straighten immediately when they notice me, forcing their faces to be disciplined. The air is dead and tense. “Gedric?” I ask with concern in my voice, while I walk across the room. He jumps slightly but remains seated; still staring at his plate.

Confused, I pull a seat up next to him. He’s still just staring at his plate, not even paying me the slightest attention. “What’s wrong?” I ask when I see anger flash across his face.

“Where did you go?” He asks in a dead voice.

I blink in surprise. “To get you a hotel room. You’re not a prisoner, so I don’t see why you should be in the isolation rooms.”

That takes him off guard. He looks at me in surprise, but he’s guarded. “You guys aren’t going to hang me?”

I’m so stunned to hear that I laugh. “Where did you get that idea?”

He measures my reaction before responding. “The servers.”

I huff out air as I groan. “They aren’t servers. It’s their turn to work in the kitchen, and they owed me a favor. They’re just teasing you because you’re new…which I also apologize for.”

He stares at me carefully, measuring the sincerity in my voice. “So I’m free to go?”

I grimace, I wish he didn’t say that. Reluctantly, I shake my head. “Not yet. At the moment, we’re detaining you at the request of the Forest Folk. They have placed an order for your arrest.” I measure his staggered expression. “Which you already knew. Your hearing is tomorrow. We’re going to fight it because you saved me three times.” I touch my forehead and bow slightly at the waist. The kitchen personnel all gasp while he just looks confused.

Gedric looks around as I straighten, “What did you just do? Why are they looking at me as if I have grown an extra head?”

His imagery makes me laugh. When I get in control of myself, I give a small smile while I gently explain, “In my culture touching your forehead is a symbol of deep gratitude. If you do this while bending at the waist, it means you are placing yourself in their debt. In other words, I owe you a favor that I cannot deny. It’s rare when people do this. Especially me.”

He looks as if I have punched him in the stomach, and also a little panicked. “How rare?” He asks, his voice growing higher.

“I’ve only done it three times in my life.” I see the kitchen personnel glancing at each other in confusion. They only know of two.

He starts choking on his own saliva. “Wh-why?”

Is he hurt in the head or something? “You’ve saved my life three times. It’s the least I could do.”

His brow furrows. “I’ve only done it once.”

I groan in frustration. “Three times. Once in the woods near Gershwin. When you shot Ari with the arrow; which distracted him long enough so that I could get his magic out of my system. And when bringing me here.”

He looks lost. “I-I don’t remember the Gershwin one.”

“Oh!” I smack my forehead. “I forgot. I messed with your memories.” I catch his appalled expression. Damn it. I inhale deeply as I speak, “Which I also apologize for. Believe me when I say that it was necessary, during that time, for your own protection.”

After seeing the hurt in his eyes, I decide that only the memory will explain why. Taking the chance, I touch my necklace for a split second. A golden green dot moves with my finger when I pull away from the stone. Before I can absorb it, I lightly touch Gedric’s forehead. Slowly, I watch him carefully to give him some warning while I lean in, then softly blow on his forehead. In response, his back immediately straightens while his eyes grow distant. For a minute, I think I have done something I shouldn’t have; concerned that he’s staying perfectly still. When I’m about to touch him, he gasps and falls off the chair. Snickers light up the back room while I help him back into his seat.

I grimace and glance at him shyly. “Are you angry?”

Gedric stares at me in astonishment. “Why would I be mad? You only broke into my mind, and nearly erased a memory.”

I flinch. “You are angry.” I drop my head as a sign of acceptance. I deserve his anger. A persons mind is one of the few things they can always call theirs.

He takes a deep breath to calm him. “No I’m not angry. Just surprised.”

I raise my eyebrow as I look up. “Really?” I ask with doubt. “Because I’d be furious.”

He rolls his eyes. “I’ll get over it.”

Relieved, I laugh. “Great. What do you want to do now that you’re done eating?”

He stares at me in surprise. “I get to choose?”

I laugh again. “You can go anywhere you want. As long as you remain in the city. With someone or without.” I see him slightly pinch his wrist with his thumb. I can’t help but smile.

He shakes his head as he lets out a long, exaggerated breath. “What would you do if it were your first time here?”

I raise my eyebrow. “Are you hinting you want me to show you the sights?”

He blushes. “Is it that obvious?”

“Pretty much.” I stand up. “It’s nearly time for the rainbow. All visitors love it.” I motion for him to follow. This time he doesn’t hesitate. He follows me through the crowd of staring people, and even follows me all the way to the temple. The only time he hesitates is when I take him to the orchard in the back.

“Where are we going?” He asks when I jump to grab the low branch of a tall tree.

I grin at him. “Too see the rainbow.” I see a look that questions my sanity as I pull my body completely up. Quickly, I climb like a squirrel through the one hundred and sixty five foot tree. I crawl to a branch low enough and long enough. Once I reach the end of it, I jump onto the roof.

I look behind me and see Gedric hesitating. “Come on!” I call as I motion him over. He hesitates but follows with a little difficulty. Once on the pointed roof, he yelps; surprised by how hot it is. My feet are used to it, so I usually don’t pay it any mind. He crawls over to the edge while I walk like I normally would. Once at the edge, I sit down. Gedric clings to it and gives me a questioning look. I point toward the city.

The sun moves into position moments later. It hits the first building while people in the street stop to watch it. The light transfers to the next building, and then the next, each connected with an exquisitely crafted rainbow. The buildings sparkle while the rainbow bridges shines in the sunlight. The scene looks so peaceful and beautiful that I smile. I resist the urge to laugh when I glance at Gedric. His jaw is open, and eyes are wide. His body is leaning towards the city as he tries to get a closer look. I grab the back of his collar when he leans too far and almost loses his balance.

“Thanks.” He blushes when he’s able to straighten himself.

I just keep looking at the city. “It’s so peaceful up here.” I say when he goes back to looking. “People take that for granted. They never realize what they have until it is taken away.”

“Yeah.” He agrees. “It sucks when that happens. Good thing that’ll never happen to you.” He jokes.

I look down at my feet. My dress licks at it as a slight breeze blows our way. “Yeah. Never.” I sound a little distant in my head. Maybe because in my head I hear screaming.


I look up. “Look. It’s about to be taken away.” He looks and watches as the sun moves to the next five minute mark. And like it had been a flame on a candle, it’s vanished.

When he looks back to me, my face is back to normal. He looks me over. “What are the stars on your back for?”

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “The stars represent a different Sheik clan. If they are colored in, that means you have passed their tests and are accepted into their culture as brethren. No matter what, you’re accepted into Sheik culture. However, when you’re on the level of brethren, you are in the Elders Council for that clan.”

He looks it over as I turn my back to show him. “How many clans are there?”

“Nine.” I answer, spotting a runner coming this way.

“Why is there a green one in the center?”

I laugh. “Because that is the clan I was born into.”

“So this clans color is green?”

I shake my head. “It’s red.”

“What about the other tattoos?” He asks, unconsciously touching them.

“Natasha!” Halthin yells from below us. Apparently, the runner had spotted me. Gedric jumps and nearly falls off the roof again. Maybe I should invest in getting him a harness. I look down. Halthin just waves me down.

I sigh and roll my eyes. “Looks like I am needed. Can you get down?”

He chuckles nervously. “How would you do it?”

I look at him and smirk. “Normally teleport. Since that option isn’t currently available to me, it looks like we’re going the fun way.”

He grows slightly pale. “Fun way?”

I giggle and playfully shove him. “Follow me.” I get up and run down my side of the steep roof. Once I hit the end I jump. Right as I hit the net, I hear Gedric scream. Skillfully, I flip off the net and swing down the tree. Still hearing Gedric call for help, I go out to the front and stand next to Halthin. Halthin is grinning at me, amused by my new friend.

“Are you coming down!” I yell up to Gedric since I can’t see him.

Gedric’s head pops over the edge in disbelief. “How-what-how did you do that?”

I laugh while Halthin’s grin grows. “There is a net there. I had to improvise since I kept getting magic overload.” His head disappears and I don’t see it for five minutes. Halthin shrugs when I give him a questioning look.

“Gedric!” I yell up, still not receiving any sign he’s even alive.

“Yeah?” He yells again. I recognize that high little voice. He’s hyperventilating and trying to hide it.

I sigh and Halthin starts laughing. I elbow him in the stomach. “Do you want Halthin to get you down? He’s very good.”

About a minute later he answers. “Yes please.” Halthin sighs an glows a bright red. I see a bright red bubble on the roof of the temple while Halthin gives me a wink. Within seconds Gedric is standing in front of me. He’s pale and can’t really seem to stand straight. I help hold him up and notice something. He’s a head shorter than Halthin. Interesting. Once Gedric gets in control of himself, the boys look each other over. I just roll my eyes as Halthin gives Gedric a smug smirk.

“Halthin, this is Gedric. Gedric, this is Halthin,” I introduce them once Gedric can stand on his own.

“Elder Halthin,” he says as he sticks his hand out.

Protector Halthin.” I correct as Gedric extends his hand. I smirk when Halthin glares at me. “You’re not there yet.”

“Like it’s hard to get that title.”

“Then why haven’t you gotten it yet? Just take the damn test.”

He glares at me. “I would, if all the Elders were here.”

I grin. “Well I’m here all week at minimum. The day after tomorrow maybe?” I challenge.

His face freezes before he regains control. “Whatever. We need you in the meeting.”

I groan. “I just woke up from a coma. Surely that excuses me.”

He grins. “Sorry, Elder, Natasha.”

I stick my tongue out at him. “Fine. You can keep Gedric company.” Both of their faces fall slightly.

“I’ll just go get dinner.” Gedric says quickly. “I’ll be alright by myself.” Just then Halthin’s stomach growls.

I smirk as Halthin grimaces. “In that case, Halthin will be going since he is clearly famished.” Before they can respond, I blow them a kiss and race towards the Hall.

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