The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Forty-Three

When we’re out of sight, I yank Gedric into the inside of a building, and push him against the inside wall so we’re hidden from outside viewers. I put my hand on his mouth and wait, keeping my eye on the entrance. A few minutes later Stanya and Halthin pass us.

“Halthin, I’m sorry but she’s interested in Gedric, not you. I told you she moved on.” Stanya tells him with patience in her tone.

“But she was interested in me first.” Halthin pouts.

“Halthin, just give it up already. She doesn’t like you as anything more than a friend.” Stanya snaps. “I liked you more than that but apparently that isn’t good enough for you.” She speeds up, leaving him behind.

“Stanya come on,” Halthin yells. “That’s not what I meant.”

I roll my eyes. That boy is going to drive Stanya insane. Gedric coughs and nods his head to signal to me to turn around. When I turn around, I see his mother staring at us, holding a crystalline blue dress, with the shopkeeper and several other onlookers observing us. I drop my hand from Gedric’s mouth and blush deeply.

“Mother,” Gedric says, nodding to her as he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door laughing.

“Well that was awkward,” I say, my blush spreading to my neck.

“I think the most awkward of what just happened was how you left Stanya and Halthin. What was that?” Gedric asks.

I groan. “I know. I just wanted him to know that they’re my best friends, and maybe if I put the word date, dinner, and your name in the same scenario it’ll get the message across.”

“Let me ask you something. When did you decide you needed to move on from Halthin?”

“Remember when I told you about the Fates?”

He nods, “Yes, why?”

“It was around that time. I saw how much Stanya cared for him, and since her feelings felt greater than mine, I had to let him go. I’ve never felt so much relief in my life when I decided that, so I know it was the right call. I guess since Halthin never got that closure, or to accept that decision, he’s having a hard time moving on.”

“You’re just a little naïve, aren’t you?” Gedric says, taking my hand to help me up into his father’s house.

“I’m not naïve about anything,” I tell him simply. “Halthin likes me, but likes Stanya as well. He’s made his intentions clear to her, but I haven’t made mine known to him.”

“That man needs to be firmly told no.” Gedric tells me sternly. “He’s not going to take you seriously until you tell him that.”

“Does this have anything to do with your feelings regarding me?” I ask him, squirming under his words just a little.

“Why would his feelings for you bother me, when I trust you?” Gedric asks, taking me into his old room. “Besides, we haven’t even gone on our first date, so it’s not exactly appropriate to have that exclusivity talk just now.”

I shrug, “You’re not wrong.” I fix him with a hard look before speaking. “Are you dating anyone else?”

“No, and we’re not even dating,” he tells me.

“Whose not dating?” Drew asks, coming into the room. “What happened to you?” He demands from Gedric, going to him immediately.

“Nat launched me into the sky,” Gedric tells him, chuckling while his dad pushes him to the bed.

“I’m not the one that flung you a few miles away,” I tell him, sitting on the chair in the corner. I’m also enjoying the fact that I’m not the one being examined for once.

“I thought we settled on that this was a group effort,” he grimaces, his father settling in to attempt clean his many many wounds.

“Your wind is what launched you, but I can agree to being partially at fault since I am the one that got you in the air.” I cover my mouth to hide my smile while Drew gives me a studying look. “You did go pretty far.”

“Yes I did.” He says, grimacing while his dad takes off his shirt, revealing a particularly wonderful looking set of muscles. How have I never noticed those before?

“My son did this?” Drew demands from me, ignoring the yelp his son makes when he prods his wrist.

“That’s the minor part of what he did.” I tell him, crossing my legs. “He almost destroyed the whole town.”

“What?” Drew yells in outrage while I smirk.

I fix him with a devastating look, very aware of how he feels about his son’s newly discovered assignment in this war. “Your son is actually pretty powerful, Andrew. He’s very attuned with the earth, and with the proper training, he can achieve skills that rival Ari’s.”

“My son is not going to become some soldier to follow in the Sheika’s footsteps.” Drew tells me, his tone reminding me of an angry father.

I cock my head. “That’s not up to you, now is it?” I keep my tone and body calm while Gedric gives me a stern look. “It’s not even up to Gedric. He was, unfortunately, born with this fate, just like I am. Being angry about the situation is not going to help in the slightest. Honestly, demanding he reject this life, and abandon learning this life saving skill, is going to be detrimental to him in the long run. It already has been.”

“How do you know he can’t just reject this?” Drew demands from me.

“Are you serious?” I scoff, motioning up and down around me.

“Yes, but you’re you, not him.”

“And you’re not him either, so listen to one who can speak in a place of experience. The longer you run from what is chasing you, the harder it’s going to hit when it finds you.” I point to Gedric. “Those are wounds he received learning this skill. Imagine what Ari can do when he’s actually trying to inflict damage.”

Drew’s eyes land on my shoulder, but I speak before he can. “Keep in mind, this wound wasn’t given to me by Ari. It was a result due to a battle where we were both magic tied. This was from natural elements. Now Halthin’s current state is an example of what can happen to Gedric if left defenseless and unprepared. He was once one of the most powerful warriors in all of Brighton, his magic used to help fuel several of our protective shields. He now has the skills of a level one Sheik.”

Drew flinches while I go to drive my point in. “Trust me Drew, even if Gedric spends the rest of his life hiding behind my shield, and reside in Frostula, this is a life that will follow him. He had a chance of normalcy in his life, but he lost that the moment he was chosen as the Champion.”

“But he will end up taking Ari’s life.” Drew protests.

“In cases where the victim is Ari, I believe an exception is to be made. Ari has killed hundreds, more like thousands, in his pursuit for infinite power and to be immortal. Life would be safer in the long run, and much more valuable without the threat of Ari in this world. We could actually lower the Sheika’s shields around the nation once Ari is removed.”

“It’s still a life.” Drew argues.

“A life can be taken, if one can be given,” I say, quoting their text. “It is used in the cases of mother’s carrying children that will be their demise, but it can be roughly applied to this situation as well. More than one life will be spared when Ari’s death is delivered.” My life might not be one of them. “In other words, the means outweigh the cost here.”

“Dad, stop,” Gedric says, interrupting his response. “Natasha is seeing this at a logical side, not an emotional side. At the end of the day, the choice is mine. Our laws limit me to Forest Folk only, not the Sheika or even Magicnites. My goal is to protect Natasha during this inevitable battle. If Ari must die to save her life, I’ll gladly make that choice.”

“How can you say that?” Drew demands from him. “You’re acting like she’s your wife, or family. Natasha is a Sheik. She deserves our respect, but not the loyalty you should show us. This battle does not involve us.”

I glare at Drew, making him flinch and turn around. “This isn’t a matter of which people I belong to Andrew. This is an all of scenario. If you believe you’re above helping the Sheika and Illusionists to defeat Ari, then maybe you no longer require our assistance.”

“Wait, I didn’t say that.” Drew says quickly.

“No but you did say that this doesn’t involve you. If that’s the case, Ari wouldn’t be hunting your people as well, now would he?”

“You’re twisting my words.” Drew responds, squirming.

“You’re twisting your view to justify your beliefs. I’m simply pointing out the hypocrisy in your views. You want the benefits of the Sheika Clans, without any of the risks. I’d like to see how you’d like to handle Ari, without the aide given to you by the Clans.”

“Natasha,” Drew says, looking me over.

I raise my eyebrow, waiting for his response, “Yes Andrew?”

“Please be aware that I’m currently providing services to the Sheika while taking care of the strongest Elder Sheik in existence. We are helping, just not in the way of battle.”

“You’re helping me, and I appreciate it greatly, but I would like to remind you that I’m not asking to join us in battle. I’m suggesting you let your son express his views and actions, without condemning him. He is within your guidelines, and you are still in yours.”

Drew glares at me while I lean back in my seat. I continue to speak in a sweet tone. “And I may be a Sheik, but I’m well educated in the lives of the Forest Folk, and even speak your language. You regard my family in a high standard as well, so I will continue to show my respect to you and your people, as long as I’m given that same courtesy.”

Drew takes a hard, deep breath. “I will show you my respect, but I do not agree with many actions your people have taken.”

“And I do not agree with yours, but adhering to either of our laws is not why we’re here. We’re here due to a man who will hunt down and kill anything that has any aspect of magic for him to steal and use as his own. We can all agree that Ari is much worse than a plague in our lands. He’s lethal, calculated, and is a whole lot stronger than most things these days. His soul purpose is to kill, and it doesn’t matter who you are, or your beliefs.”

Drew takes a deep breath. “We don’t want a war Natasha.”

“Again, I’m not asking for it. Though I am going to ask for you to reevaluate your views on those who belong to the Sheika Clans.” I look to Gedric. “Now on to a less sobering topic; is your son going to live?”

“Nat,” Gedric warns, looking at me.

Drew laughs in response, making Gedric give him a very surprised look. “So far, so good. I’m going to make him take his pants off for a more thorough evaluation, if you don’t mind leaving us for a few.”

“Not at all,” I answer, standing quickly.

“Sit right back down young lady,” a woman answers, coming into the room. I purse my lips as I sink slowly back into my seat, watching Angela walk over to her son and husband.

She ignores me and looks at Gedric. “What did you do to your sister?”

That captures my attention, and makes me look right at Gedric. Gedric grimaces. “I yelled at her this morning, because she thinks I’m too protective of Natasha.”

“Something that I’m sure every woman in this family, Natasha included, can agree on.” Angela says, folding her arms. “The Forest men all have this problem dear, so don’t let it deter you,” she tells me quickly before returning her attention back to Gedric. “Now why did you get angry this morning with her? Is it simply because she mentioned that a couple of the men here are showing interest in Natasha?”

“What, no.” Gedric snorts. “I was mad because I couldn’t find her this morning, after we had a big fight.”

“Gedric, you need to let Natasha calm down after a fight, and not go looking for her.” Drew admonishes. “If she’s still interested in a relationship with you, she’ll find you after she calms down.”

“Oh get off your latent views.” Angela snaps at him. “You’ve always known Gedric is not a traditionalist, and never truly followed our beliefs. Stop pushing your values on your son.” She turns her attention to Gedric. “Gedric, I want you to apologize to your sister. If Natasha isn’t interested in you, stop your advances.”

“Wait, what?” Gedric asks, trying to catch up with his mother’s words. “Natasha and I are actually going on our first date after this.”

“Then why did she have you pinned up against the wall in the shop today?”

“Because we were eavesdropping on a conversation between her two best friends, and the guy friend is interested in her, but she’s not.”

“Oh,” she says simply, looking at me in another appraising glance. “Then in that case, I expect you two for dinner tomorrow.” She turns on her heels and leaves us both reeling from that conversation…was that a conversation?

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