The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Forty-Four

I look at Gedric when his mother leaves us, “I’ll leave you alone with your father.” I inform him, standing up slowly.

“Hold it,” Drew tells me, motioning me to come towards him. He spins me around gently and examines my sutures. I grimace as he prods along it, giving it a thorough exam.

He sighs. “I’ll need to redress your sutures, but it can wait until morning. Please be more careful Natasha. They’re covered in dirt.”

“That is on your son,” I look over my shoulder and flash him a breath taking smile. “But I will keep that in mind, and wear clothing that covers the wound better.”

“Please do.” He tells me sternly. “We’ll see you tomorrow when it gets dark for dinner.”

I keep the smile on my face while he blushes. “I’ll see you then.”

“Nat, where are you going?” Gedric demands when I start to leave the room.

“Either kill Halthin, or kiss him.” I tell him, giving a smirk to Gedric. “I’ll decide later.”

“Why kiss him?” Gedric demands, seeming uncomfortable with that thought.

“Just something Stanya told me.” I wink at him before leaving the room. The plan starts forming in my head as I walk towards my room. Gedric is right. Maybe I need to make my intentions clear with Halthin.

I nod to Silva as I go to the stairs. “I wouldn’t.” She calls after me.

I give her a curious look, stopping at the foot of the steps. “Why?”

“Halthin and Stanya are fighting. They’ve already managed to get a few complaints from the other guests.”

I groan. “Tell your brother I kissed Halthin.” I say, stomping up the stairs.

“I don’t know because I never explored them,” Halthin yells as I step within earshot.

“Then why did you even bother hooking up with me?” Stanya shrieks. “You can’t have us both Halthin. It’s Nat or me.”

I shove the door open and head straight to Halthin, breaking their argument. I shove Halthin up against the wall, making his breath catch while I slide my knee between his, holding him in place. I touch his chest as I lean in, hearing Stanya yell my name, and putting my lips on his. He puts his hand on the small of my back while he kisses me back. With his kiss, I just feel the kiss is like I have my lips resting on a warm slab of meat. Frustrated, he tries to make his mouth work with mine, still unable to raise any chemistry between us.

I step back when he drops his hands from my back, giving in. “Nothing.” I tell him, still hearing Stanya’s whimpered protests.

Halthin runs his fingers through his hair. “Not a damn thing either. I was sure…” he trails off, looking at a confused Stanya.

“You were in love with an idea, not the person.” I tell him while I grab Stanya’s hand. “This is the girl that you’re fucking up with. There will never be anything more than friendship between us, Halthin. A connection between us makes sense, but it’s not the case. Now move on.”

I squeeze Stanya’s hand, giving her an apologetic look. “Sorry I kissed your guy.”

She gives me a confused look. “It’s okay, I think.”

I kiss her cheek. “You finish him off, I’m going to bathe. Dinner in twenty?”

She smiles at me. “See you then.”

I grab a change of clothes, walk out of the room, and they go back to arguing. Well I tried. It could have been smoother, but not nearly as effective.

After I have cleaned myself of sweat and dirt, I brush my hair and leave it down, unable to do much else with it. I selected a velvet open back black top and black shorts, grateful to finally have some warmth in this city. After I’m satisfied with my appearance I slip on a pair of sandals and head out of the room. I hear Halthin and Stanya still going at it, which is never a good sign.

Deciding it’s best not to go into their room, I go sit at the bottom of the stairs and rest my head in my hand. I really miss being able to use both arms. I really did take my healing ability for granted, and I have truly been humbled by this fact. I swear I’ll see to it that the Forest Folk have healers visiting them after this.

Silva comes and sits next to me. “Why are you so sad?”

“Because my two best friends are fighting.” I say then puff the hair out of my face.

“I don’t think they’re fighting.” She tells me.

I cock my head and really listen to what is going on, then gag. “Okay, I did not need that mental image.”

She laughs. “They sure are passionate lovers.”

“More like insane.” I roll my eyes. “I would have dumped Halthin if I were her.”

“But you’re not in love with him.” She pats my knee. “My brother does seem to be quite infatuated with you though.”

I chuckle. “That’s a mild description of it.”

Silva runs an appraising eye over me. “And what of you?”

I shrug. “I’m not really sure quite yet. I guess I need to explore it a bit more.”

“I guess that’s fair, but not really heard of.” She answers my confused look with a smirk. “You do know Forest Folk can sense who they’re destined to when we turn sixteen? It’s why it is very rare for a couple to break up once they hit that age.”

“Excuse me?” I cough, feeling as if the air has been knocked out of me, leaving it hard for me to breathe. I only agreed to a date, not a lifetime commitment.

She shrugs. “It’s a side effect from being so intune with our natural selves. So the fact that my brother is so protective of you, leaves little to the imagination of how he truly feels about you.”

Slowly things start to click into place. That’s why his mother wants to do dinner, and wants me to come to the next Friaha. The Forest Folk Clans hold family to a very high standard, and to be invited to one of them when you’re not family is nearly unheard of. How dense am I? How have I not seen this before? I just thought it was slightly more than a schoolboy crush.

Silva pats my knee. “You should be flattered. My brother is highly regarded in our society. Most girls would be honored to be his chosen one.”

“Chosen one?” I squeak, my air supply nearly gone.

“Hi Nat,” Gedric calls to me from the entrance.

I gasp, finally remembering to breathe. “I’ve got to go,” I say clumsily as I hastily get to my feet. I race past him while I hear him demand from Silva what she did to me.

Without wasting a second, I run down the walk, desperate to find something that can give me solace in my panicked mind. I did know about this unique attribute in Forest Folk. I just never heard of this happening to someone outside of their clans. I never thought it would be me. At the most of what I thought would happen is a few dates, some great sex, and maybe someone to spend time with until I die. There is no way I’d outlive him. Not with my luck. Now I’m looking at the possibility of a life partner. When did that happen? If we were to break up, this wouldn’t be as easy has it had been with Halthin. It would be devastating. Rarely does someone survive when the chosen one is taken.

I stop running when I trip over a fallen tree. I cry out in pain when I hit the ground, my shoulder trying to kill me from the exact moment I had made impact. I lay face down in the dirt, unable to find the strength to roll over, or get up for that matter. Gedric’s actions are definitely becoming more clear. Why he is always there for me. Why he’s always there to protect me. Why he’s so protective. Just why he’s here. Most people would have run from my life, terrified of the potential danger my life brings. Not Gedric. He seems to welcome the challenge with open arms. How in the name of all fuckery in this world is this a fair playout in my life?

Groaning, I sit up and move to sit on top of the log I just tripped over. When did I get into the forest? I wince when I look down, catching the image of blood running down my leg in the moonlight. Tired for the moment, I decide to rest and give myself a chance to think. Pulling my hair over my shoulder, I look up at the moon. Okay, for right now, it’s just a date. Nothing more. He might be interested in more, but I’m not sure about myself. I mean he’s cute and all, but he’s an overprotective ass somedays. He did promise to work on that. Let’s just take it slow Nat.

“Natasha!” I hear a voice calling from behind me.

“I’m here,” I call, starting to feel very foolish, and a growing blush is testimony to that. Why did I run? Because I got scared. I almost laugh. It’s been awhile since I’ve honestly been scared of something that isn’t life threatening.

A minute or so later, Gedric comes and sits on the log with me. “So do you want to tell me what happened back there, or do we want to ignore it?”

I fidget just a little with my hands while I speak. “I got scared.”

“I can see that,” he chuckles. “Do you want to tell me why?”

“Because your sister said I’m your chosen one.” I answer honestly, my heart beginning to pound a little faster with my words sinking further into my realization.

I hear him suck in his breath before he slowly lets it out. “That would do it,” he answers, his voice a little strained. He puts his hand on mine. “Sorry you had to find out that way. I figured it would be better for us to get to know each other better before I sprung that one on you.”

“Yeah,” I breathe, agreeing with him.

“We’ll still take it slow, and I’m not putting you under any obligations in this relationship. You’re still Nat, and I’m still Gedric, and we’re just going on our very first date.”

I look at him, watching him give me an assuring smile in the moonlight. “Really?”

He nods. “Really Nat. I’m not wanting you to do anything you don’t want to do. Even if you decide I’m the biggest loser on the planet and reject me, I won’t hold it against you.”

I lean into him, feeling some relief break through my panicked mind. “Thank you for that.”

He snorts. “I get a thank you for being a decent partner, but I get eyerolls when I’m trying to help you.”

I roll my eyes and poke him. “Try being less of a jerk, and you’ll get more thank yous.”

“Less of a jerk,” he asks, leaning away from me, making me giggle.

“Yes you jerk,” I say laughing, relief sweeping through me. I’m so glad he has a sense of humor.

“Fine,” he says, picking up a twig on the ground. “I, Sir Jerk, pledge to be nicer to Natasha of the Royal Pain in My Ass Sheik.”

“I’ll show you pain in your ass,” I say, trying to reach for the stick.

“Nope, this is my scepter.” He tells me, leaning away from me. I try to reach for it and laugh when he falls to the ground. He shoots me a mischievous look and pulls me onto him gently, dragging me onto his chest. I pull myself up, trying to reach the stick.

Gedric freezes under me, making me look down. His face is so close to mine, the moonlight illuminating his face, highlighting every feature to enhance his beauty. My breath catches as we stare at one another, unsure what to do. Heat is coursing through me, bringing a deep blush through me and centering between my legs.

I lean into him, giving into an overwhelming sense of desire that is coursing through me. My stomach flips as if little fireworks were exploding inside me. My lips tingle, aware of every move his makes, unwilling in the slightest to move away from him. I grab his shirt, pulling myself further into him, causing him to slightly tense.

He breaks for air, burying his head into my neck, kissing it feverishly while his hands trace my waist, ending at the small of my back. I pull his lips back to mine while I move my hand underneath his shirt, tracing his muscles as I work my way up. My hips work unconsciously against me, pushing further into him, feeling every bit of growth of girth that has started below his waist.

He pulls away from me, touching my cheek slightly, “Natasha, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to stop this from going further if we continue.”

“Then don’t,” I tell him, sitting up on him, pulling him with me. I lock my lips with his, removing his shirt as I grind my hips into him. I push into him again, pushing my body into him as he relaxes, wrapping his arms around me, giving no space between us.

He rolls on top of me, careful not to put weight on my shoulder. His hand travels down my waist, slipping inside of me, causing me to squirm under him. I pull him into me, holding him in place while I deepen my kiss. I tremble under his touch as he quickens his pace, making breathing harder than it should be intended. A gasped yell breaks through me as pressure rises through me, a moaned scream escaping me as it releases.

While I pant, he backs off, giving me a chance to come to my senses. I get to my knees and push him over, pulling his pants off and immediately replacing it with my mouth, more than willing to return the favor of what he had just done to me.

He stiffens as I swallow him, slightly taken off guard. I move my head up and down, moving my hand around him and following my mouths up and down movements in quick rhythms, making him moan out loud. He folds into me, gripping my hair as he moves my head up and down in his urgency.

Hungrily he pushes me over and pulls down my pants, entering in me in a quick and swift motion, making me gasp as I grip his shoulder. His lips find mine and he pumps into me, working with my hips to bring toe curling pleasure. I gasp as my hand claws at his back, a pleasured scream pulling through me, making me bite his shoulder to silence it. He doesn’t expect my entire body to tighten as my core pulsates, coaxing every drop of his release I can out of him. He folds into me, making him moan as his body quakes.

I pull his lips to mine, lingering on a long kiss as he goes through his release, leaning into me as heat goes through us. He wraps his arms around me, making me smile as we kiss long into the night.

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