The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 14

The sweat pours off me as I deadlift the bar in front of me. I am on my fourth set, and I can feel my arms straining as I lower it to the floor for the final time. I’m spent, yet still there is this unrestrained energy burning off of me. It’s been there the last few days, and I’m finding it hard to shake it off. I would put it down to the confrontation with my dad, but every time I try and think about that, another image clouds my mind.

Madeline Peters on her goddamn knees.

Five days, five fucking days, and I can still see it so perfectly it’s as if she is in front of me. Feel the smooth length of her hair gripped into my palms, feel the wet warmth of her tongue as it scrapes against my shaft, and feel the tightening of her perfect little throat around my length. I fucking hate her, but the image of her sucking my cock like her life depended on it is imprinted into my brain and it won’t go away. Fuck, I can feel myself getting hard again at just the thoughts, and I have to grab my towel so I can conceal my fucking boner from the rest of the gym.

Unfortunately for me, my best friend never misses a thing. “Looking a little tense there, Darkmore.” I turn to find Archer smiling at me from where he rests on his weight machine.

“Get fucked, Gray!” I call out, flipping him off at the same time.

The bastard has not left me alone since he saw Maddie leaving my bedroom, and has since painted a number of filthy visuals in an attempt to try and get me to tell him what happened. I didn’t confirm or deny anything, but every scenario just dug deeper under my skin as I thought about them being true. If I had to guess, I would have said someone like her was timid, tame, vanilla for lack of a better word, but the way she swallowed my cock made me rethink everything.

I still fucking hate her, but now all I want to do is force her to her knees and watch her choke on my dick again. Punish her throat for every sin her father ever committed, and let her take my cum as a reward. It’s both maddening and intriguing, and completely throwing me off my fucking game.

Then there is Grim, my little text affair who could turn into so much more, if she would just give up this anonymous facade she has forced us to hide behind. She would be the perfect distraction to make me forget about what would ultimately be my downfall. We speak constantly, every day, and most nights I fuck my fist so hard to images of her that I am surprised the fucker hasn’t fallen off. The only night we didn’t talk is the night I spent with Maddie, which just makes me feel like a piece of shit. I don’t owe anything to Grim, we haven’t set any parameters in this weird situation, but I can’t help but feel like I should tell her about what happened. Or at least ask her what the fuck is going on with us.

Deciding that I am done with my workout, too distracted to go on anyway, I head into the showers, thankful my hard-on has now disappeared. I make quick work of rinsing off so I can be sure I make it to class on time, and move to get dressed for the day. Archer follows soon after, and given we have the same first class, we wait for one another so we can leave the gym together.

As we push through the doors we spot a couple of bunnies lingering around, which is normal behavior for them, but it’s one particular bunny that has me groaning inward as she moves towards us.

“Hello boys,” Brianna purrs, biting her lip seductively like she thinks it actually makes her look good. God why the fuck did I let her near me again? She is staring at me intensely, like she could devour my soul or some shit, as she waits for me to answer.

Thankfully Archer takes the lead. “What do you want, Brianna?”

I see her eyes flicker a little in annoyance as she finally moves her stare from me to him, but she hides it quickly, dipping her hand into her bag and pulling out two envelopes. “Just wanted to give these to you personally.” She hands the envelopes out to us, Archer taking his without pause, but I just stare at the remaining one in her hand.

“What is it?” I ask, not wanting any part in this conversation, or whatever the fuck is in the envelope. I should have kept my distance from her, and I won’t be making that same mistake again this season.

Her eyes flick to mine again, sparkling in delight as I finally address her, and I watch as she subtly pushes her chest out towards me. “It’s an invite for my birthday party, I’m turning twenty-one.” She winks at the end of the sentence, as if there is some private joke hidden there or something.

I ignore her desperate attempts for attention and force a smile as I say, “I can’t make it.”

A frown lines her face as she holds the envelope out to me again. “You don’t even know when it is yet,” she snaps in slight irritation, and I hear Archer smother a laugh beside me.

“Enlighten me,” I seethe through gritted teeth, my patience wearing thin, especially when I spy a flash of familiar blond hair across the quad from us. Hair I have had wrapped up in my fists.

Brianna flicks her own hair, not even picking up on my anger, as she launches into the tale of her birthday party of which I am no longer focused on, not that I gave a fuck anyway. No, instead my attention is on the little temptress who barged into my room, dropped to her knees, and let me fuck her throat so beautifully. I watch as she laughs at something her friend says, tossing her golden head of hair back so effortlessly that all I can think about is gripping hold of it again. She wouldn’t be smiling then, no instead she’d be at my mercy, begging once more until I gave in to this new found need inside of me.

“So you’ll be there tomorrow night?” Brianna’s voice interrupts my thoughts and I find myself nodding, until I hear her words again in my mind.

“Wait, tomorrow night?” For once I have something to thank my father for. “I can’t tomorrow night, I have family dinner plans and they can’t be rearranged.” My dad was adamant on having dinner with his wife and I at some fancy bullshit restaurant in town so we can talk. I have been dreading it all week, but now I am grateful to have a decent excuse to bail on this party.

“That’s too bad,” Brianna mewls, stepping forward, where she puts her hand on my chest and leans up to add in a whisper, “But you could always come by after.” Her touch makes my skin crawl when I don’t have alcohol in my veins to dull my bad choices, and it’s an effort to keep my face intact as she pulls back and steps away.

We both watch her leave with a tight smile, before I feel my body deflate from the forced interaction. “Fuck I need to stay away from her,” I curse, and Archer chuckles. “What you laughing at, Gray, your dick has been there too.”

He rolls his eyes. “Please, that girl wants one hockey dick only and it’s attached to you.” I shrug off his statement and let my stare float back across the quad where Maddie and her friend are still lingering, as we continue to walk in their direction. Archer must finally notice them too because as we get near he mutters, “Speaking of things attached to your dick,” before loudly shouting, “Good morning, ladies!”

They both turn at the sound of his voice and I see Maddie and her friend both smile, until Maddie spots me and then her smile instantly drops. This is the first time I have laid eyes on her since she thanked me for sucking my dick, and ran from my room like her ass was on fire. I’m not exactly sure how she is going to react.

Her friend, whose name I now remember as Hallie, reaches out and accepts a hug from Archer, and when he moves on to do the same to Maddie I feel my spine involuntary stiffen. Why the fuck is he touching her? And more importantly, why the fuck do I care? Her wary eyes are still on mine, as if she is waiting for me to out our dirty little secret right here in the quad, and when Archer pulls back I notice a bandage on her hand.

“What happened to your hand, Princess, did jerking off every guy on campus suddenly become too much?” The words are juvenile, a baseless taunt, but it feels good to slip back into familiar territory with her.

She assesses me coolly before she finally responds, “Not that it’s any of your business, but I burnt my hand.” I can practically feel the anger pouring off of her as I smirk.

“What, did someone finally splash some holy water on you?” I ask, my smile turning sweet and innocent, as if I could ever be such a thing.

Her stare hardens, that fire burning even brighter, and I can’t help but let my eyes drag over her. She’s wearing some preppy fucking outfit that consists of a fitted shirt and some pleated skirt with pumps, and I can’t stop my brain from imagining tearing if off her until every inch of her was bared to me. Anger now courses down my own spine, as I push to suppress that image and new found lust I have for the princess of the Peters family.

“Please go and bother someone else, Nova!” she drawls, and I wonder what she would sound like if she moaned that name with my hands around her throat as I pounded into her from above.

That image spurs me into action and before I can stop myself, I am moving forward and gripping her forearm. “No can do, Princess, you and I need to talk.” I don’t wait for her protests, or those of her little friend, I just drag her with me until we are around the side of the building, and more importantly, alone.

As soon as we are out of sight she rips herself from my grip. “What the hell is wrong with you?” She pushes away from me and darts her eyes around to see if anyone just saw us. When her stare comes back to mine, it’s furious, and I have to bite back my new found smile for her.

“You’re what’s wrong with me right now, Princess.” I close the distance between us, and press her back against the wall until she has to tip her head to look up at me. Her eyes shine from beneath her lashes, and all I can think about is how she looked on her knees with those same eyes staring up at me.

Can you despise someone and lust after them at the same time?

“I thought maybe we should talk about the other night,” I purr. “You know when you barged into my room and begged to put my cock down this pretty little throat.” My hand reaches up to cup her neck and I let my thumb trail across her pulse point slowly.

“Absolutely not,” she snaps, her lips trembling slightly, and she gasps as my hold on her neck tightens. “I was drunk and it was a mistake, and trust me it won’t ever happen again.” Her words are husky, and I don’t miss the way her thighs press together. She’s enjoying this. The thought sends a thrill down my spine.

I lean forward and her eyes widen like she is scared I might kiss her. I thought she knew me better than that. I don’t want to kiss her, but I do want to play with her. “Come on now, Peters,” I whisper, my breath ghosting along her ear. “We both know how much you liked being my little slut.” I let my tongue trace the tip of her ear, and it’s as if I electrocuted her.

Her body flinches in my hold, and her hands fly up to try and push me away, but I don’t back down. “In your dreams, Darkmore, I don’t like anything about you,” she spits, pushing against my hold, but all I do is grip her tighter.

“Lie to me all you want, Princess, but I can feel your pulse against my fingers.” I squeeze her throat, pressing against that spot on her neck that tells me her heart is beating rapidly in her chest. “Or do you need another taste of me on your tongue to remind yourself of what it was like?”

Images of me pushing her to her knees right here flood my brain, and I feel my cock harden beneath my jeans as I remember the wet heat of her mouth. Fuck it was good, so fucking good that I am practically vibrating with the need to do it again and again.

My hand tightens even more around her neck, and she has to gasp out her next words between panted breaths. “Let me go or I’ll scream.”

Adrenaline pulses through me at her warning, and all I can do is smile as I dare, “Go ahead, Princess, I’d love nothing more than to hear you scream for me.”

Before she can answer or decide whether she really wants to scream, I hear the scuffle of footsteps heading in our direction, and I push away from her so fast that she almost stumbles from where I had her against the wall. By the time her friend comes into view I am four clear paces away from her with a smile on my face.

“Everything okay?” Hallie asks, Archer just a step behind her, and both their eyes flick between the two of us in question. They can feel it too, this shift between us that is dangerous, but oh so tempting.

Maddie keeps her eyes on mine until I smile and she finally snaps out of her stupor. “Everything’s fine, let’s go.” She walks away from me, grabbing Hallie by the arm and pulling her along as they disappear from sight.

Archer watches them leave before he turns to me and smiles. “There is nothing quite like a bit of hate sex to make life more interesting, right?”

I don’t bother answering him, just follow his lead as we continue on to class, and I pretend that I can’t still smell the sweet scent of the Mayor’s daughter clinging to me like an unspoken promise of something more. Madeline Peters has always been a thorn in my side, but now it’s something else, something new. I can’t get her father back for what he did to my mom, but maybe I can take some of that anger out on his little princess. She is clearly a worthy opponent and more than aware of the game.

And besides, who knew playing with her would be so much fun?

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