The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 13

It’s official, drunk me is a raging slut! I’ve barely slept since I ran away from the party last night, even with all the tequila I drank, because every time I closed my eyes all I could see was me telling Nova Darkmore I was going to suck his dick. Like those words actually came out of my mouth, and I said them to Nova freaking Darkmore! What the hell is wrong with me?

I mean, I am not entirely crazy. I was in search of a dick I could suck so I could feel the satisfaction of saying a silent fuck you to Bradley Thorne, but I did not expect that dick to be attached to the person who hates me most in the world. I went in search of Alexander Reign, the campus playboy, and the perfect candidate for a little secret oral payback. I would have sucked his dick, rocked his world, and then threatened that if he ever told anyone that I would kick said dick straight off his damn body, but none of that happened.

Instead I knocked on the wrong damn door, and when it opened and I found dark and broody Mr Darkmore, I didn’t back away. My drunken whore alter ego took one look at him and thought, yes this is the dick we are going to be sucking tonight. I mean, it’s not like he didn’t look good, even in my hatred I can appreciate how fucking hot he is. I just can’t appreciate what an utter asshole he is. But did slutty drunk Maddie care about that? No, she dropped to her knees like it was her fucking job and gobbled his broody dick right up.

What the hell am I going to do? I can never leave my house again, certainly never face Nova again, and fuck, if Josh finds out it will be World War Three. This is a disaster, and tequila has officially ruined my life. I roll onto my side and groan, as the thumping in my head pounds against my skull even harder as another reminder of how awful my night was, and let myself stew. My thoughts cloud together, flashes of the whole night blending as one, but one clear image sticks out everytime.

Fuck you look good with my cock in your mouth, Princess.

Those words were like molten lava in my veins, as I looked up at him, and god the way he said my name like it was his only salvation. I don’t think anyone has ever spoken to me like that before, and I didn’t realize how much I would enjoy it.

Fuck yes, Princess, just like that, your throat feels fucking perfect.

His praise, his tight hold on my hair, the look in his eyes as his stare remained locked with mine, fuck it was so erotic. I’m not ashamed to admit my thong was drenched at the feel of his cock on my tongue, and his words in my ears. That was probably the hottest thing I have ever done, but what is going to happen now?

Nova hates me, he hates my family even more, and now we share a dirty little secret. One I’m sure he will be quick to exploit, and I have no way to stop him. I could try, but all it would do is give him more ammunition to ruin me. I already begged to suck his cock, I’m not going to add to that by begging him not to tell anyone. Besides, we barely cross paths unless it’s at one of Josh’s games, so I just need to lay low, stay out of his way and pray he forgets all about me. I’m sure with the amount of girls he goes through that the name Maddie Peters isn’t even a blip on his radar. Everything will be fine.

My phone vibrates and any turmoil I was feeling about last night instantly disappears, as a message from my charmer rolls in. He is the only one who ever messages me this early. It’s Sunday, but that never stops him. I reach out and snatch my phone off the nightstand, ready to leer at my daily shirtless picture, and am only mildly disappointed when I see it’s just a message, no picture.

The Lonely Charm: You awake yet Grim?

Maddie: Awake and having a heart attack. Did you finally suffocate under that giant ego?

The Lonely Charm: Never! Why do you ask?

Maddie: No abs, just words…

It feels nice to mess with him and go into our daily routine of talking and flirting with one another. I see the bubbles appear and disappear a few times, and I know he must be trying to work out what I mean, and I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face at the next message.

The Lonely Charm: I knew you had a crush on me, Grim!

Maddie: You wish 🙄 you’re the one stalking me remember?

The Lonely Charm: Until the end of the earth if I have to…

Those words flow through me like a promise and I find myself blushing as I read them over and over. He does this everyday, pushes at my limits and I let it happen, enjoying the empty oaths he leaves in my inbox. I shouldn’t rely on them so much to make my day. I shouldn’t spur him on when I know I am already promised to another, but I can’t resist the simple push and pull between us. Is it possible to have feelings for someone you have never met?

Pushing that thought aside, one because it’s crazy, and two because it’s not something I can ever fully explore, I roll onto my stomach and lean up to write another message.

Maddie: Am I seeing the damn abs or not?

The Lonely Charm: Damn someone is grouchy this morning, is Harold not doing his job?

I almost scoff at his message, and obsession with my damn sex toy, and I would if it didn’t delight me, but thoughts of Harold just conjure up forbidden images of last night. I physically shake my head to try and chase them away as I angrily tap out another text.

Maddie: Harold is not the man bothering me today

The Lonely Charmer: So there is a man, good to know

Shit, I probably shouldn’t have said that, he is going to think I am taken, which in hindsight I am. I doubt my father or my future fiancé would approve of our little texting situationship. At that thought, another image of last night flows through me, and I feel satisfaction at fucking over my intended.

Maddie: It’s not like that trust me

The Lonely Charm: What’s it like?

Maddie: Hate filled with a thousand hell-fires!!!

The Lonely Charm: Sounds kinky

Maddie: No, there is nothing kinky about it! Just hate! HATE HATE HATE!!!!

The Lonely Charm: Damn do I need to find this dude and save him from your wrath?

Maddie: You would probably get along with him, his ego rivals yours!

I smile as I compare them because I am right, and I swear a requirement of being that hot means you have to also be a cocky asshole. Something they both have in common. I don’t know how the hockey team makes it through the day, the coach must go insane dealing with them all together. I wonder if my Charmer plays any sports? We made a deal during the first week after we found out we both go to FU, that until we are ready we won’t talk about what classes we take or anything like that. Little does he know I will never be ready to reveal who I am, all it will do is ruin everything.

With that thought in my mind, I can no longer sit still and sulk. I toss the covers aside, grab my robe, and head downstairs to make a coffee. It’s barely 7am, so the sun isn’t even fully up yet, which means when I am ready, I will still be able to watch the sunrise on the back deck. I make myself a quick cup, and then another and put it into a disposable cup and head out front.

Hector is in his car, eyes sharp, meaning he spots me instantly, rolling down the window with a smile as I bring him his usual cup of morning coffee.

“You’re too good to me, Maddie, my wife is gonna start getting jealous,” he jokes, as he takes the coffee from my hand.

I roll my eyes. “Please, Hector, if your wife brings me those meatballs again, I’m gonna steal her right out from under you.” Hector’s wife, Neeve, is an angel sent from the gods. Hector brings me home-cooked meals made by her at least three times a week, and I swear it’s the only decent food I enjoy these days.

“I’ll fight you for her,” he quips at my back, as I retreat into the house, and I hear his laugh when I shrug as if to say bring it.

Locking the door behind me, I head to the back of the house and slide open the patio door quietly, slipping out into the dawn and closing it behind me. I take my usual seat in the comfy chair in the corner, and bring my feet up to rest on the little porch deck that surrounds the house. The lake is still this early in the morning, not tainted by anyone sailing, no ripples from children feeding the ducks. It’s just peaceful.

I pull my phone from my pocket and see another message waiting for me, ignoring the flutters it causes in my stomach.

The Lonely Charm: I doubt I would get along with anyone who covets your attention Grim, I want you all to myself.

His words turn those flutters into full on tornadoes as I imagine him having me. God what it would be like to have those abs hovering above me as he pounded into me. Would he be soft? Gentle? Or would he be rough and hard? I think I would enjoy both, especially with him. My imagination starts to run wild with possibilities, and when my phone vibrates again I almost drop my coffee all over me.

The Lonely Charm: Like someone smart once told me – always pay your debts.

*image attached*

Those glorious abs shine up brightly from my screen, and the picture is so close that I can see every defined muscle in his torso, including the defined v shape that dips down into his shorts. Now my thoughts turn to his cock, one I have a video of safely tucked away in my phone, that I know I will definitely be revisiting with Harold later, especially after last night.

It’s that thought that makes me think of Nova again, and his cock. I can barely remember looking at it. No, instead I was too busy shoving it down my throat like I was going for the deep-throat championships. I feel myself blush for the hundredth time this morning, as I choke down a swill of coffee to try and calm my now rapidly beating heart rate. God why do I get myself into these situations?

I put my phone away and vow to stop flirting with my Charmer and stop things from going any further than they already are. It’s not fair to him or me, and I don’t want to make him think there is a possibility of more when there isn’t. Christmas is only a couple months away, and unless a miracle happens, I will become engaged to Brad and be forced to stand by his side like a dutiful fiancée.

I also vow to avoid hockey players with dicks I have eagerly sucked.

I take another sip of my coffee and smile to myself and my new vows, they should definitely keep me out of trouble.

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