The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 19

The pool turns out to be just what I needed, I swim back and forth the length then relax on the chairs waiting for them to come back,

I think back to earlier, I could have died, he was more than happy to watch me bleed out, but I feel peace when I think of it, Sally made the moment worth it, and I know the boys would not have let me die.

“No, we would not have let that happen, we would have found a way to bring you back to us,” Alaric says,

They fill the table with all sorts of nibble foods, then join me around the table with some music, which helps with the silence.

“Tell us about all your scars, they intrigue me every time I see them, and I feel it will give us an insight to your life,” Damien says,

“Okay, is it not going to wind you up more,”

“Yes, but we want to know about all the scars, saves being annoyed again at a later date,” Cassius smiles,

“Are you going to speak, or are you going to blame yourself the whole time,”

Alaric just grunts,

So I shake my head and continue, watching as they growl and wince as I relay all the scars, “all the little dots are joint burns, mother tried stabbing me once, I blocked her with my hand, it was quite strange seeing the blade the other side, this is Damien’s bite, the scratches and bites are all from fathers animal and this one is where I accidently stuck my nails through my skin, worried I was going to die, your turn,”

“My scar on my hip is from Vera stabbing me, I have not got any others,” Cassius says,

“The claw marks are from Alaric, this one here if from you,” he chuckles, “and this burn is from Vera,”

We turn to face Alaric, “Damein shifted when we where fighting, and caught my eye, Vera, sliced up my leg, and your fathers bite marks on my arm,” Alaric says,

The silence is literally eating me up inside so I jump on them, splitting myself so they each gasp as I land on them, I kiss and tongue their mouths, Alaric was the hardest to get started but even he could not resist the grinding, they carry a me into the cave, placing me onto the table, but I slip down into the water, through their legs, then up to push them against the table, where I plunge my mouth over their hard shaft.

They groan in unison, holding onto my hair for support as I take them to their happy place, I bob continuously while gripping hard on their lower shaft before they all fill my mouth with their sweetness.

My bra and knickers are removed swiftly before I am placed on the table, I lean into my other selves as they slide us closer for better access, rubbing gently at my entrance then slamming in hard.

Moans and groans fill the air as they fill me, I pull them down for more kisses,

“I am sorry for scaring you, but I had to help Sally out,” I say though moans,

“Shh! Let yourself go” Alric purrs nibbling on a nipple,

“I love you,” I say to each of them as a triple orgasm ripples through me, causing them to release their juices inside me,

How did I get blessed with these three boys, who love and cherish me, with all their hearts, each of them unique, but one in the same at heart.

Every morning the boys are cwtched into me, Alaric to my left, Cassius to my right and Damien on my arse, I got to say this is the best feeling in the entire world, nothing can compare ever. Our weeks consist of dates, the shop, and parties, I think I have drunk so much my body rejects even the slightest drop of alcohol, but I fill their eyes with fruity mock tails which look the same, I have not quite worked out why yet, perhaps it is because I am not used to drinking this much, and now I drink too much, I am not sure, but either way I still make sure I enjoy.

The house is now running itself, with the few spells and tricks Aiden, Cassius and I came up with, the girls and I have been having mini dates without the boys which is super fun, while the boys go and have their play dates.

There is another ball coming up in December for Christmas, which everyone has agreed to go to, but for some reason my dress is two weeks late, I am crossing my fingers it will be here the week before the ball.

And it did, on the Wednesday before the main event, I was super excited and could not wait to open the box up to see the luscious red velvet, floor length dress and white fluffy trims I am just glad my boobs look amazing in it, it comes with a matching hooded shawl with a black and gold belt, I am Mrs Claus this year.

I am working the shop today, I managed to escape their cwtching grasps a little too fast, the room spins with the fast motion, making me gag and vomit, “body splitting, and orgasms are hard work,” I say to myself, as I shake off the creed.

Heading downstairs starving, I knew I should have brought more food into the party with me yesterday, there was not enough food in to feed the five hundred people in the room, I am only glad it was not one of our parties that failed to feed everyone, as usual I had no time after to eat, for I was too busy being stuffed in other ways.

I grab a snack while I make breakfast, the boys probably will not be up until later as they were very merry going to bed, then head to start on the potion prep, package all of the online orders which take three hours, with the amount bought yesterday.

I could not believe the how well Alaric’s books would sell in the shop and online, but every order I have packaged contained at least one of them, finally I tidied the shop up, restocked everything that was missed yesterday, just in time for the shop to open.

We have shortened the hours to 10am till 2pm as the online store is busier than in store, but we have the few people that like to come in from time to time, the day goes way faster this way as well and I can spend more time with the boys.

The shop nearly sells out today, Alaric’s books again were extremely popular with the customers as well as the cups, Damien had made as merchandise to go with the books, I wrapped quite a lot of the products as the customers informed me, they were gifts, and then I closed up for the day.

Finishing off my shift with a full restock of the shop and over flow, make up posts on social media for the next sixty days, as Alaric has forgotten again, package all the orders from the day, before sitting with a cup of tea.

The boys still have not come down, it is five o’clock, so I head upstairs to see what they are doing, the rest of the pack are up but with no trio, they are packing to head back for the Christmas period with their parents,

“I hope you do not miss us too much,” Gabby says,

“I will miss you all a lot, I like our little pack, but please enjoy your time away, we will see you in the ball on Saturday,” I reply,

“We have sent the boys a message, you must have really worn them out last night,” Aiden smirks,

I blush as we all hug farewell before they exit through the portal to their homeland, three days and we will be dancing on the dance floor at the ball, I cannot wait.

I fear the boys have been swallowed by the bed, as I head to the room where I left them, only to find and empty made bed, which has a note folded in the centre,

’We apologies in advance for not informing you of our departure, but we had to complete a mission which was weighing on our minds, we shall return before Christmas, we promise, for now try not to panic and we shall see you tomorrow,

The Trio,

Ps. If we had informed you of our mission, you would have insisted on joining us, but unfortunately this is one we must do on our own and you must not ask about it until it is time,’

“Time for what, urgh, now I am annoyed,” I shout to the note,

Which I crumple up, I just have to hope they know what they are doing, and they are not in too much trouble.

I watch the rest of season 2 of the Witcher by myself, I cannot seem to face my bed, nor sleep a wink anywhere as I worry, they may need my help.

The day drags as I wait for their return, I try my best not to worry or think of the worst, filling the day up with as much work as I could, I scrubbed the entire house by 10am, stayed open in the shop until four, luckily customers were queuing the whole day, and a welcome distraction to my aching heart.

After work, I had a load of deliveries which took a while, but they still were not home, I made myself dinner, before restocking the shelves one last time, then headed to watch a programme called, ‘Vampire diaries’ the books were amazing, so I was hoping the programme was as well. Sleep was the last thing on my mind, but I seemed to have slipped into dreamland.

My dreams were dark and lonely, vile beasts attacked me in my sleep, from the different realms, I woke when the fire demon knocked me out. Shit, it is 9.30am, I need to open the shop, I race around like a mad woman making sure I eat and sort everything.

Today is the last day the shop is open, and they can order up until 3pm online for same day delivery, at least that has kept me busy, it is strange without them, and I hate it.

I open the shop as usual, customers flocking through the door as soon as I unlock it, the girls have left me a pile of their worry stones/creatures they have made, which people really like, they are nothing special to look at, just a small coloured clay pebble with eyes, but they have meaning and heart, to ward off negative thoughts and feelings, to keep all your worries at bay. They range in assorted colours and shapes, eyes that shine, and tiny little smiles to complete them.

I get a few random questions on love potions and the syrups, a lady asks about the fertility kit, so I explain the contents,

“Take the monthly supplied vitamins, place your hair in the top of the pregnant doll and place it under your bed, leave her there the whole way through you conceiving, until the babies born,” I explained,

“What is the orb for?” she asks,

“It helps you see if you are pregnant without any human sticks, all you have to do is hold the mini orb in your hand like this” which I do to show her, “it should glow, like that, when your pregnant,”

“Congratulations, I will take one,” she says,

“What do you mean, Congratulations,”

“The orb is glowing in your hands,”

“Ohh, yes it seems it is, I think I have lost my mind,”

“I hear baby brain is not the kindest, I wish you all the luck and I shall see you I the new year,” she says, paying and leaving,

“And to you, Merry Christmas,” I wave her goodbye as she leaves and lock the door.

Luckily, she was the last as I locked up and grabbed a pregnancy kit of my own, I refilled the shop just as it turned 3pm which means I can get all the orders done and sent out as well, all the shop is locked and sealed ready for it to be closed through until the new year.

I race upstairs with the urge to pee and grab out the barley, which was in the pack wait five minutes and it grows another sign that I am pregnant, the orb that was in the new pack is glowing as well, shit, I am pregnant and they are not here for me to share it with them, my emotions get the better of me as I cry, tiding up the mess and disintegrating the evidence.

I panic trying to work out when I could have gotten pregnant, I never have regular periods which makes things even harder, so I try calming myself with warming a curry one of the customers had given me in trade for a strawberry tea refill, of course I said yes, she was such a sweat young lady, so polite, I could not help myself, and I am so glad I had, it was divine warming ever taste bud in my mouth.

I lay in the nook downstairs in hopes the boys return soon, trailing soft touches over my belly, I have a child growing in there, it is exciting as well as scary but either way, I am okay with it, what I am not okay with, is that the boys are not back on Christmas eve.

Anger fills me as they should be here with me, but they are somewhere I was not a loud to go to, I took a deep breath locating where they were, I said I would not go find them, but if I open a portal under them they can fall back into the house, and I cannot be blamed, which works like a charm as they all came toppling through it.

I smile at my job well done, until the smell of burnt flesh blood and fear filled the air, anger coursed through me stronger the more I looked at them.

Cassius was unconscious with large slices, purple bruises and burns over him where the clothes have been singed off. Alaric has larger wounds, burns fucking branches sticking out of him, with dirt covering the rest of him. Damien, had just as many as Alaric,

“What is going on,” I shout,

“Keep it down, I know you must be panicked but, shouting hurts my head, the mission lasted longer than we expected, especially when they took out Cassius,” Alaric says,

“Is he alive,” I ask,

“Yes, can you heal him,” he says, kneeling to the ground,

“I hate you all right now but the last thing I want is for you to die,” I start healing Cassius sewing up the larger wounds, and applying healing elixirs and feeding him a potion,

“Can you feed him your blood to heal him faster,”

“No, that only works with mates, or I would have done it already,” he says wincing as he leans against the chair,

“Stay here, I will wash him and wrap him in badges and come back for you,”

I fill the bath, levitating Cassius slowly into it so I can wash him, his body covered in small cuts and bruises, I dry him gently and bandage the larger wounds tucking him into the nook,

“I will not ask about the mission details, but did you at least finish it,”

“Yes,” Damien says,

He was next to receive my treatment, he growled at me when I stitched the huge claw marks up across his chest, applied aloe to the burns, he enjoyed a little too much when I washed him and his genitals, but was not pleased when I bandaged him and dressed him,

He tried kissing me, but I growled at him, pushing him down onto his nest, where he is now unconscious after I started stroking his hair, obviously they have not had sleep where they have been either.

Alaric was last but seemed to have the worst wounds, he was covered in claw marks on his chest and back which I sewed up, he insisted on washing himself, but I ended up helping him, then applied aloe to his burns, levitated him to the bed, where I bandaged him up and tucked him in, instead of watching him struggle,

“May I have a bite,” he asks weakly,

“Sure, but nothing else,” I reply,

He chuckles, when I hand him my wrist, but does not say no, he falls asleep midway through, then I tuck him in and head to clean the bathroom and kitchen.

It is Christmas tomorrow, and nothing is ready, the boys said that they would be back in time to help with the preparations, but it looks like it is up to me, the turkey gets all the attention first, a I hand stuff in with a stuffing recipe I find, peal the skin back, to place the butter and add a layer of bacon over the top, before placing it in for five hours, after weighing it at five pounds.

As for the table, I looked at all the pretty Pinterest table layouts, found what we had in the cupboard I changed the worn out scratched Santa’s for a snowman with red eyes, a lion with a hat and gloves on, an elf, and snowflake for me, then created some handmade crackers, filled them with cute hats, a dad joke and a small cocktail bottle.

I am glad they did the decorating the beginning of the month which only consisted of a tree in the living room and kitchen, a larger tree in the garden, a wreath on the front door, and tree parts and light on the handrail, it made the house very festive which I liked and missed.

I had not bought them anything, but I made them each something special, including the other pack members, which I know they will love, I pulled out the cooked turkey, and I was ready for bed.

I was not sure who to cwtch into, I missed each one of them equally, but I knew what I needed to do, I wash and change before cwtching into Alaric, levitated Cassius over, placing him behind me and Damien onto my bum which he instantly shuffled into, which filled the hole they had taken when they had not returned like they promised.

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