The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 18

“We thought we killed you,” Alaric, kissed me, as I blinked my eyes open,

“Nope, you just gave the best orgasm ever and completed me, I feel whole and because we completed the claiming together, that is why I passed out,” I say with a smile,

“And slept for two days,” Alaric grumbled, in his mind,

“Ohh, now I can hear your thoughts, but honestly, I am fine, I feel refreshed, a little sore, and sorry for worrying you,”

“We thought it was the claiming, makes sense that you can hear my thoughts as well, a little disturbing,”

“Why would they be disturbing are they dirtier than what you have already done to me?”

He chuckles, “Damien is a little excited with how complete he feels, we have been in rotation on the shop and you, and we all love our gifts,” he says, avoiding my question.

I smile, “I am glad, you liked them, it took me a while to create each one, what time is it?”

“10am, Cassius is making breakfast, and Damien is in the shop, so no rush or panic,”

“Okay, I am famished, and smell, I should really shower, before food,” I say,

I literally feel amazing, as I wash myself in the shower, I cannot help but admire my marks in the mirror, they look amazing joined on one body.

Alaric’s is simple with the two fanged mark on my neck, Damein’s was larger with all his teeth, which sat on my shoulder, and Cassius mark is the biggest flowing from below my head hairline, across both shoulders, vine like way, which was a solid black colour, which is still nice but I much prefer the glow it had when it first drew itself.

Making sure they are on display, I pair a corset with a flowing skirt, which shows off just how big the marks are, and I cannot wait to show everyone.

Breakfast is waiting for me on the dining table, Damien watches like a predator as I sit, Alaric lets out a groan, I smile happily at them and devour the full English that sits in front of me, not realising how hungry I was.

“This is spectacular, thank you, I am just going to check in on Cassius and I shall be back,” I say,

They nod, with a hunger dancing in their eyes,

“How is it looking, good looking,” I say,

He is engulfed with the current customer, not noticing me, so I check the shop out, restock a few things and answered a few questions. I do not like people but when I am in the shop, my favourite thing is interacting with the customers, enjoying them like my products, and helping them in whichever way I can.

“You look exquisite, I cannot believe you are ours,” Cassius says through our minds,

“We can communicate through are minds as well,” I beam, though our minds,

“Interesting, I shall see you later, I am heading in once I help this customer,” I say, through our minds,

He nods continuing with the customers at the checkout, the customer I wanted to help had been staring at the wall since I walked in. I went up to offer my assistance, he wore a black cloak and a hat which was far too large for his head, which was a little out of place for the warm autumn day,

“Hello, sir is there anything I can help you with,” I ask,

He giggles a gnarly sound, “yes, I believe you can, Witch,” he shouts at me,

Turning grabbing my wrist, pulling me into him, to place the knife he had in his other hand to my throat, a little too hard as I feel the blood trickle down me, I notice a tattoo on his wrist, which block magic, causing me to be powerless in his grasp.

Cassius, ushers the customers out, and I try to remove myself, but his grasp is too strong around my wrist and the knife is a little too pressed against my neck.

I feel his wolf, but he is trapped inside, I have heard wolf shifters, with a locked wolf, but none this trapped, his seal has killed off the wolf spirit inside him.

“What seems to be the problem sir,” I ask in a calming voice, “have I offended you in any way,”

“Your potions nearly killed my wife,” he shouted, dragging the knife over my skin,

“Okay, lower you blade, we can rectify the situation, may I ask which potion she took, but I can sure you none of our potions are harmful,”

“She came her last week, bought a good luck potion, an elixir for good health and a curse remover, her name is Sally, the lucky potion is about as lucky as this knife in your side,” he shouts,

Plunging the knife into my side, “that is for miss selling my wife lies,”

I do not scream, not wanting the boys to worry as the walk through the door, Damien intuitively knew he was a shifter,

“Leave her go, I command you,” he booms in his alpha voice,

He does not react the way a shifter should, his wolf is no longer there, “not until she heals my wife,” he shouts back,

“It is okay I have this, just follow widely he is blinded by love,” I say into my mate’s minds,

They nod waiting for my lead, “okay, I remember Sally, I would like to see her, I could perhaps try a different treatment, or something else,”

“If you do not help her, I will kill you,” he whispers in my ear, I know the boys heard, as worry flitted past their eyes as we move around them.

I seem to be leaving a trail of blood as we walk closer to his home, I feel sick with the pain, but I need to do something, or the boys will get in trouble.

We enter his home which is a similar build to ours, the smell of death fills my nostrils as he guides me into the front living room, where he throws me down beside a hospital bed, which is sitting in the centre.

I glance at the set up that is beside the bed, it looks like it has been here longer than the shop has been open, which means this is an ongoing illness.

Gathering my strength, I pull myself to stand next to the bed, Cassius and Damien are standing outside, they look like they are arguing, and Alaric is standing in the doorway, his eyes have not been taken off the cloaked man who stands behind me.

The human that lay still in the bed sparks a memory of when I saw her, we discussed a few things when she came to the shop with her friend, but death followed her, which is proven that when he is around it is inevitable that the person he is stalking will die sooner or later.

The main thing I remember about her was the confidence she had that she was nearing the end of the treatment, and she was excited to be able to grow her hair back, but death and her frail bony body said otherwise.

Today she looked even worse, her eyes had red rings around them, which puffed around the edges, a clear sign she had been crying, but she was still beautiful as all her glory shone through her, I drop to one knee with the pain, in my side.

“Hello, Sally I am the witch from down the road, your husband has brought me here to help you, but it seems death is already here for you,” I say,

She grabs my hand, which looks huge in her small frail ones, “Dearie, I have been dying for some time now. I do not fear death I open my arms willing to embrace him, I am in too much pain to be here any longer, your little potions made me feel alive again, and for that I am thankful, but I am ready now, to leave this world, my husband just does not want that to happen yet,” she says, with a small smile,

He is back by me, “with his knife against my back, fix her now or I will thrust this in you,” he threatens,

I smile, “you know the mark you put on yourself and sally, that stops me from preforming magic, I am surprised the potions even worked, either way she clearly does not want any help, only into the afterlife, hold your wife’s hand so she can leave peacefully,

“Help, her now,” he screamed,

But I just held on to her hand as she was slowly taken away, pain free and with the brightest smile upon her face, Alaric swooped in removing the knife from the husbands hand, before he tore the husbands throat open, I could feel the rage coming off of Alaric, as he scooped me up off the floor,

“Drink, it will heal you faster,” he says, slicing a small vein of his,

We walk past the Cassius who heads in to make sure the man is dead, Damien walks with us back toward the house, just as Aiden runs at us, to help Cassius with the disposal of the man’s body.

“It heals a lot faster with blood,” I say, after being dumped into the armchair in the kitchen,

Alaric could not even look at me, he was so annoyed, he headed straight into he garden, away from me,

“He will be fine I will be back now,” Damien says following him,

“We have disposed of the body, it should not be found or if what is left is found, they will have a hard time finding Alaric, we also informed the nurses that Sally was dead using the husbands voice,” Cassius says, walking through to the back with Aiden and Jasper,

I can hear a pounding noise coming from outside as they walk through the door,

“Willow, come and watch,” Aria calls,

I head to where I hear them, making strange noises, they were in the attic hanging over the side,

“What is going on?” I ask,

“The boys are letting off steam,” Lyla says,

My eyes widen as anger and shock fills me, “this is not something I want to watch, they are fighting each other,”

“But this makes the pack stronger, they rely on each other to keep us safe, if we cannot do that the boys fight,” Gabby says,

“You were harmed today, and they felt helpless, all of them, so this is the only way they will feel slightly netter, which I am hoping they do quickly, I booked tickets for us to go to the cinema,” Aria says,

“This is making me angry, I will get ready for the cinema,” I say,

“Ohh Alaric said you would not want to go the cinema,” Aria said,

“Urgh, fine,”

I strut to my room and change before heading to the matt Cassius had made,

“If we need a fight to bond the pack together, I want in,” I shout,

Jasper and Aiden laugh, Damien steps back,

I fly over the net into Jasper who gasps at the sudden assault, I lean in,

“You thought I was weak because I am a female, tut, you are solely mistaken I am far from weak,”

He grunts with a smile, flicking me off him, I land on my feet, ready for the next one, Aiden and Jasper look at the boys, who nod, now I am in trouble as they double attack me, I manage to roll Aiden over me, slamming him to the ground, Jasper runs at me, but I dodge him with a smirk,

“Too confident,” Alaric says, knocking me over,

Jasper tries again, I shoulder him in the chest, he grunts, as we lock in pushing and trying to grab, Damien reaches around me holding me to his chest,

“The boys are going to miss their movie” Damien says into my ear,

“Nice moves Luna, if the Alpha’s will allow it I would love to spar with you again,” Jasper says, with a smile before heading with Aiden into the house,

“They are going to the cinema, I thought you would like to spend some alone time with us,” Alaric says,

Grabbing my legs while Damien still holds onto my arms, they swing mw back and forth,

“What on earth are you doing,” I say,

“On three, 1, 2, 3,” Cassius says, with a grin,

‘Splash’ they threw me in the pool,

“Where are you going,” I ask,

“Food, your second favourite thing,” Damien smiles,

“Mm, I think it may be my first,”

I throw my wet clothes at them and dive under the water, hoping it will relax me, even though, I am at war with my mind.

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