The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 11

Dreams of pleasure, magic, lions, and vampires fill me all night, and I am grateful to know its Alaric I am cwtched into, Damien’s in his usual position between my legs, on my arse, while I find Cassius hands around my waist,

“Morning, birthday girl,” Alaric purrs,

“Damien,” I growl, as he plunges his face into my arse,

“These are much comfier since the grew, more cushion for me to rest my head,” Damien spouts.

“It is too early for sexual stuff,”

“But it is your birthday, you must have us all of us inside you on your birthday,” Cassius groans,

Damien turns me on my side, devouring my pussy, situating my leg up, high enough for Cassius to play and lubes up my arse,

“You are going to rip me, with your if you go in today,” I moan,

“Nope, we will not let that happen,” Alaric says kissing me exploring my mouth,

Cassius repeats a decreasing spell, so he could fit in first go, which he does with the amount of lube he has on, “So tight,” Cassius groans, as he fills me,

An orgasm rips through me, another closely followed as Alaric fills my front, their groans of pleasure fill my ears, as I squeeze them, tightly,

“I am not going to fit,” Damien says,

“I can shrink you slightly as well if you want like I have done, but we will grow when she is comfortable with us all,” Cassius says,

“Oh no, no more please,” I groan,

“Do it Cassius,” Damien shouts,

he lifts my leg over his shoulder, stoking my already filled entrance, Alaric kissing me as I hang off his horns, Cassius is trailing his magical kisses up and down my back, Damien lubes up his slightly smaller shaft,

I moan as he slowly slides in.

Alaric and Cassius each play with a nipple, my eyes roll, as I squeeze them together, we all groan and growl, Damien loses control, thrusting in and out of me, quickly,

“Slow it down,” Alaric growls,

Cassius groans in agreement, but Damien’s lost in the pleasure with us, I feel them fill me more as Cassius releases the spell. the flutter of an orgasm starts building they all growl with me as we explode together,

Alaric bites down on my neck, Damien bites down on my leg, Cassius just holds on, I howl and orgasm again, contentment fills me as I am filled with each of them.

I twitch as they slowly remove themselves, groaning at the emptiness, but giggle when they embrace me in a hug. Alaric growls down my neck, signifying we are moving, I am carried into the bathroom where I am plonked onto the toilet like last time, to let gravity do its work,

Alaric’s body holding me up, he hands my toothbrush, washes me in the tub, and dresses me, then hands me a tea,

“Cassius said this will help,” Alaric informed me,

So, I downed it, instant relief washes over me, the magic heals me inside and out, energising every part of me and I could walk which was an amazing benefit,

The breakfast was pastries, loads of different ones which I was told to take a bote of each one, to see which I liked the best, the croissant with jam, was the dreamiest and that is the one I finished, we head to the shopping centre with the salon in, which they leave me in.

The lady hands me a list and a pen of all the services they provide, which I circle all the ones that I would like to do,

The first section I head too is the salon,

“Happy with the pixie cut and white, you have written on your sheet,” the lady with rainbow hair smiles,


“It will be a big change,”

“I know, a lot has changed in my life, and this hair, just does not suit the person I am now,”

She smiles, and ties m long hair up, shaving it all off,

“Would you mind if we donated this,” she aks,

“Yes, that would be an amazing idea,” I smile,

She hands it to the other lady, and continues, with my hair, she showed me what it would look like spiked up, then once I nodded that I liked it she applied the dye, when she pulls the towel off, I release my true iridescent colour, she looked horrified,

“I love it, thanks so much,” I say,

“I am so glad you like it,” she smiles,

She spiked it up, and removed all the cut hair, before I head over to the nail part, I choose black with a glitter nail colour which looked good on my natural nail, they did my toes as well, which I was not aware of, but appreciated that they matched,

The massage bed was not ready when I wanted to go on, so I went on the sun bed, they gave me a magic cream which would help me turn the natural brown I had chosen quicker, which really made my hair stand out when I exited the bed, I could not believe my eyes, that I was looking at me in the mirror, my boobs look amazing my but is pert and round, my hips are bigger but my waist is still slim and sharp, I forget how many scars I have until I looked into the mirror properly,

I place on the gown they had handed to me, and head over to the massage section, I had my first facial, while that was left on the, did the frontal massage, then they removed the facial and I turned over for the back massage, now I felt like I was floating, I was so relaxed.

I dressed and headed to the makeup section, where they applied tones that matched really well with my skin, a personalised eyeshadow palette which complemented me, and some mascara and eyeliner, they packed all the items they used, new in a bag for me to use at home with some face cleaning products as well, which was amazing.

Lastly, I headed over to the piercing section, they left me here do as I wanted, which is definitely what I am going to do, I choose a tongue piercing, then three piercings on my vagina, she suggested the Christina and the labia, the men like the labia the best, I was shocked to find I did not feel a thing,

“What about your ears, they would look lovely with the light to dark iridescent earrings I have,” she said showing me the studs,

She showed me the black fire opal, a green and a blue, which did look really nice together, “Yes, please they do look lovely together,” I smile,

“Would you like any other, or shall I just design your ear for you,” she asks,

“Go for it, your taste in matching for me seems on point, I trust you will do an amazing job,” I reply,

She gives a huge smile, as she hums away, adding the three in my lobe each side, and orbital on my left and a helix and tragus on my right,

“How about your nipples to finish the new look off,” she smiles,

“You can have them done,” I gasp,

“Of course,”

“Then yes please,”

She giggles quickly and swiftly finishing them, I straighten myself out, a little sore and red, then she hands me the tea which tasted a little like Cassius tea, but sweater, the burn and soreness dissipated, and I knew I was all healed.

I head to the mirror once I had finished the tea, only to see a person that I no longer recognised, one that looked cared for and happy, I seem to have my spark back and I love that it is the boys that have sorted that for me, and I cannot wait to show them.

I walk out to find that they have returned for me, playing on their phones as they wait,

I clear my throat standing in front of them,

Alaric looks up, groaning, “Now I am going to have to take two cold showers a day,”

I giggle at his comment with a wide smile,

Cassius, leans in to kiss me, “beautiful,” he whispers,

My smile widens,

Damien’s face was a picture, words had left him, so I walked out in case he said something, preventing me from ever coming back here due to embarrassment,

“Shopping next,” Cassius smiles,

Three hours later, six bags of stuff I did not have a choice on, I have three new bags, one of which is now on my shoulder with a purse, my phone, which has a new case on which I did choose, I could not leave it there when it had magic, a lion and vampire teeth on it,

Cassius insisted on getting me a pair of sunglasses in the shape of butterfly wings, and Alaric insisted on opening me a bank account, they each placed cash in my wallet apparently it is bad luck to hand someone a wallet without money in it,

I suggested to capture the day with the photo both, I cut them up so we each had one on our person, they liked all liked that idea.

The rest of the bags had, six dresses, two new pairs of docs, some lingerie pieces they each wanted me try wear for them, two hoodies one in Alaric’s size and one in Damien’s, they are insisting wearing them for me, so I will smell of them,

The smaller bag has my box for the beautiful silver bangle Cassius bought me, I hugged him when he placed it on my wrist, Alaric bought me a thumb ring, which was black with red steaks through it, I also hugged him when he placed it on me, and Damien bought me an anklet for below his mark he made, it had a small lion charm that dangled off the gold chain, he bent down in front of everyone to attach it to my ankle, when he got up I also hugged him, not wanting him to feel left out.

I had my first KFC, the flavours on the chicken were divine, a smoothie with strawberries bananas and kiwi, which was lush, the last shop we went into had a range of sweets and things in it, apparently just a regular supermarket, but I took my time choosing things, I had to fill the basket, after explaining that I would become fat they said that no was not an answer they would accept, and it wasn’t like they were forcing me to eat it straight away.

Seven o’clock came around quickly, time truly does fly when you have fun, it was time for dinner in the restaurant Damien had booked, we walked straight past the evil witch from school, but she insisted on talking to Alaric who was trying to get away from her. Her bob looked awful, but I was not staying to see what they were talking about.

We were seated into a large booth, Cassius and Damien on one side and I sat on the other, I had never eaten here, and was excited to see all the different options they had to offer, but I was not sure how I was going to choose, the list went on of things I had not tried, or experienced, things I had missed, they could see I was struggling,

“Choose four items from the starters, and four from the main, and we will help you decide from there,” Damien offered,

“Okay, the sesame chicken strips, sound amazing, loaded potato skins, look divine, I have always wanted to try mozzarella sticks warm and the mac and cheese bites, sound mouth-watering,” I smile,

“Sounds good, what about mains, and a drink,”

“I will have a cocktail for sure, you choose that one, the jack Daniels ribs look fantastic, the ultimate American grill, which has a bit of everything on it, chicken quesadilla, and Fridays glazed burger with the melted cheese that dribbles over the sides, how do people choose these meals,” I say sucking up my own dribble,

“This is going to be fun to watch, any sides,” Cassius asks,

“Nope, I think I will be too full I ate a starter and main,” I reply,

The waiter comes over, I try locating Alaric, but he is still engaged in a conversation with the she bitches, who is now hanging off his arm,

“Anything else,” the waiter says,

“I have not ordered,” I reply,

“We ordered for you, a surprise, I am sure you will enjoy whatever it is,” Damien says,

We engage in light conversation, mostly trying to work out what Alaric is talking about, they bring our drinks each in goblets, they look like a slush but taste like a smoothie, mine was a strawberry daiquiri, which was like an icy smoothie with a sharp lime tang,

Cassius made me try his which was a purple rain, which was overly sweet but nice. The starters came, consisting of everything I said I wanted to try, Damien chopped things and swapped things, so each plate had a bit of everything on it,

I could have cried with the mouth-watering food, and the sheer thoughtfulness of Damien, Alaric finally returned, grumbling about her asking him on a date,

“She would not take no for an answer, so I pretended to answer my phone and waved her goodbye,” he said sliding in next to me, placing his hand over my shoulder,

I just giggled at him, “should have just said, you were with me,”

“I did, but that did not stop her,”

I shake my head not wanting her to spoil my day, I starts with placing the sesame strip in my mouth, I groan as the flavours seep into my taste buds, the skins where a perfect texture inside with the bacon and chive flavours, the mozzarella sticks where just as I had imagined stringy and delicious, and the mac and cheese bites were crunchy and flavourful,

“If you are going to groan like that every mouthful, we may have to get the bill now,” Alaric purrs into my ear,

“Ha, after this morning, I am going to take a break from the sex, in case I die of orgasms,”

They all whip their head at me, eyebrows furrowed, Damien spoke their minds truth, well more like whined, “you cannot ban us from sex we may die, than what will you orgasm on,”

“Haha, I am sure we can work out a rotation, on who gets me one-week and then the next,”

“That sounds worse, I cannot go without you for a week,” Alaric grumbles,

“I am joking, I would not deprive you, I have a gift for you that I have been working on, perhaps I can give it too you all later,”

“You cannot give a gift on your birthday,” Damien replies,

Alaric kisses my head, “we do not need a gift from you,”

“I know, but I am not spending anything, and it will be just as fun for me as it will be for you, just keep an open mind,”

“Now we are worried,” Cassius says,

I laugh, but food comes out so I do not have to explain anything that may give away too much, I could see their minds ticking at what I could be conjuring, but they would never guess what I have planned for them, I continued having my food orgasm with the mains, and I could not stomach any more, when I cleared the whole of my plate,

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