The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 10

Breakfast is a crumpet this morning, I devour three happily, Alaric is smiling but Damien is pouting hard, I know it is because of the mark Alaric left on me, but I cannot be bothered with their childish games, I kiss Cassius for making breakfast he smiles, with a light blush across his cheeks, then we leave, waving as we pass the Library, then enter the programme hall,

Principal Langdon smiles at me as she enters the hall, standing in front of the mic, “good morning class, we have our first ball coming up the end of the month, you are required to appear at least for two hours, then you are free to leave, the theme for this one is autumn, nothing too bright, and please enjoy,” she finishes before walking straight to our table,

“Everything going okay,” she asks,

“Yes, thank you, see you soon” I reply as she leaves,

Cassius had a wild grin on his face,

“Should I be worried,” I ask,

“Nope, just wanted to tell you that everyone has replied yes to coming to the party Saturday,” Cassius says,

With that everyone’s phones pings including ours,

“We have sparing today, fancy a little fun,” Alaric asks, chuckling to himself.

“Sure, but I take no captives,’’ I smile,

I create the lucky potion and re-order the grimoires slightly, Damien smiled and placed the potion in the lock box, before we head to the huge, matted sparring room.

Alaric heads to the matt at the back where we place our bags, shoes, and my jumper, I wore a vest top with a lion’s head on it, and leggings that made my but look bigger underneath the jumper,

Damien purred with delight when he saw my vest,

“I see how it is,” Alaric mocks with a grin,

He throws a wooden sword, at me and a spark ignites, I remember doing this before,

“All you have to do is diss arm me,” he says,

“How about a challenge, instead of disarming, we have to get the other out of the 3-metered circle,” I smile, positioning myself to start,

“I thought I heard you say challenge,” he growls, charging toward me,

I duplicate myself, placing me behind him as he takes the second me out,

“I win,” he says, with a victorious smile, until it drops when he sees me in the matt, “that is cheating,” he shouts,

“How could it be cheating when we never set any rules,” I smile,

We clash swords, repeatedly, smiling as each swing brings us joy, memories of principal Langdon teaching floods through, I am a fast learner, and she is a good teacher, making sure my posture was strong and unwavering, I swing hard, our swords explode sending shards of wood everywhere, giving me ample opportunity to nock him out of the ring,

“You know that is slightly cheating as well, and those swords are made with magic they should not have split, unless too much power enters them,” Cassius smiles,

“Still no rules, the challenge was to push the other out of the ring, I did that, and I won,” I reply with a smile,

He lunges back at me trying to grab me with an open sneak attack, I slide into his attack, flicking his sack, he tumbles to the ground growling,

“You left yourself wide open, next time, where a box,” I say,

“I thought my junk was safe with you, with how much you enjoy it,” he growls, clutching his junk on his knees,

I growl, but was interrupted by the blonde from Saturday,

“I want to spar with you, magic to magic,” she says,

“Okay,” I reply, without hesitation,

Alaric moves out the way, clutching his junk, and stands by the other two, the blonde does some warmup jumps, but I just wait,

“I am Eliza by the way,” she smirks, flinging a set of knives at me,

I dodge all but one, which impales my leg deeply, I throw the two back at her, scratching her arm and leg but I know I threw them harder.

She lunges toward me throwing punches which are average, but her magic zapped me, sending me rolling across the floor, I turn to face her jumping to my feet, she lunges at me again, missing my face with the knife, but that was on purpose she was aiming for the knife in my leg, hitting it further down, and electrifying it

Punching out, I hit her hard in the abdomen as she stumbles backward, i elbowed her chin, then swiped her feet out from under her, as she landed hard on the floor, she screams at me, but I smile not realising her hand was on me, which sends more volts up me,

“Urgh,” I shout, falling to the ground,

She laughs her last laugh as I catch my breath and punch her in the nose knocking her unconscious, I turn to smile at the boys, as they rushed over to me.

Cassius swoops in the fastest, shoving his fingers into the wound, I growl in pain,

“Is that really necessary,” I shout,

“Yes, I can heal faster when I am directly touching the wound,” he smiles,

Alaric sits behind me, to make me comfortable, offering me his hand to bite down on, which I take as Cassius magic burns through my leg, healing it quickly,

“Well done, you fought well, even if she cheated, using her good parlour tricks to make you weak,” Damien says,

“This will turn blue like a bruise but there is a catch to healing a wound so deep made with magic,” Cassius says,

“Enlighten me, already,” I growl,

“You may find times where you cannot walk on it, but fear not this should only last for a couple of day,” Cassius says,

“Great, I will deal with that later,” I reply,

She has marked my leg, with her magic, a huge red scar now runs down my leg, which pisses me off. In my anger I slice her hair off, into a butchered bob, before hobbling off.

The boys follow after me which I am glad for when my leg gives way, Damien and Alaric catch me, before I hit the ground.

Alaric throws me over his shoulder, like a sack of spuds,

“What do you want to do tomorrow,” Damien asks, as we walk back,

“I have booked her into the boutique that does everything, paid a hefty deposit, but she can have her hair done, nails, full body massage and facial, the lady mentioned on the phone she would get a complementary bag of products that they use on the day, they even said they did piercings if you wanted them,” Alaric says,

“Sounds fun, I have never experienced anything like that before,” I say,

“We know, I thought I would take you around the shops to choose a few items, that you have not got, that you fancied,” Cassius says,

“And I have sorted out the meal, I booked a place called TGI’s, I know you will love all the food there,” Damien smiles,

“It all sounds amazing, but I could not possibly accept all these kind gifts, it is too much,” I say,

“Just accept being treated you deserve it, and we wanted to make sure you can have a go of everything,” Damien says,

I huff in defeat and accept their gift, Alaric throws me in the living room nook once we entered the house, while they made food, I try everything to get my leg moving, but it is numb, I cannot even tense or lift it.

Luckily, I can crawl, which I do dragging myself up the stairs, I get halfway up before Cassius spots me,

“Now that is something I could get used to, this angle is perfect for viewing,” he groans,

I continue not wanting to stop the rhythm,

“Would you like a hand,” he says, standing by me,

“Nope, I am fine, thank you,” I reply reaching the top,

He watches with a grin, as I crawl to my room, I grab my pj’s and change, but my stupid leggings were stuck, my leg was not complying, Cassius could see me struggle, so he came over to help me, heat spreads over my face as his touch sends magical shivers up my body,

“I have not stopped thinking about this body of yours, which seems more round and bigger in places, since you have been eating properly, makes you look even more delicious,” he purrs, staring into my eyes,

“I want to gift you something, since I have had my memories back, I have searched through for spells I think you would like, but o found something better, I can share my unique gift, of being able to cast a spell once an forever being able to use it, and share my power with you, if you want it, but I will also have access to your power as well,”

“I would love that, to be more connected to you, would be amazing, he says,” kissing me deeply,

I lace my fingers through his, laying on the floor as he leans over me, not caring I am in just my knickers and satin top,

“Do you trust me,” I ask him,

“Yes,” he replies,

I levitate us from the ground, continuing our kiss as I connect our magic together, I thought it would take a while, but his and my magic swirl together like they have known each other forever, making and completing a bond, I never knew I needed, we gasp as sparks run over us, flowing in and between us, light blooms through our skin, until we are one, giving each other all that we can and all that we are.

“Wow, this is spectacular,” he purrs,

“It is,” I reply,

The magical sparks continue to flows through us as his light touches drift over my body, we kiss more enjoying the touches, I float lower positioning myself in front of his erect shaft that is pressed against his trousers which I release when I magic his clothes all on the floor,

His cock is plain with no foreskin, but just as beautiful, I take his length into my mouth, pumping it with my hands, sucking it and wrapping it up with my tongue until he fills my mouth, he sweet magical juice’s running down my throat,

He matches the spell I had used on him to get him naked, and levitates me back up, where we kiss and I climb further up, slipping him into me, groaning into the kisses he gives me as I settle to the hilt, he leaves trails of our magic all over my body and I do the same to him, enjoying every moment as I start to grind my hips onto him,

I am loving the slow and sensual sex we are having, each kiss sends sparks over me, each slow thrust in and out, make the buildup slow, but it feels stronger, as it gets closer, to the edge, I can feel him twitching inside me as he nears the edge as well,

“I love you,” he says, thrusting into me one last time, making me orgasm before he fills me with his sweetness, “I love you too,” I breath into his ear,

Cassius helps me dress, and I cannot help but imagine the life I am going to have with these beautiful men, each of them have their own sparks, but I could not imagine, having one without the other, although I have not known them long, I feel like I have known them for a life time, I trust them all and.

I love them.

“Foods ready,” Alaric shouts up,

Cassius portals me to my chair, I love the grin he is wearing as he watches the power we have dance between his fingers, I watch him until Alaric places a kiss on my head and his beautifully made curry in front of me, which does not last long as I lick the bowl clean,

“It seems I am the last to leave some sort of mark on you,” Damien pouts,

“And where are you looking too see my marks,” I smile,

“The Hickie’s of magic dotted all over you,” Alaric replies,

“I huff, you said I get all of you, and I will take who ever I want when I want,” I growl, “You had me Damien, but you were more interested in eating me than marking me,”

“I think we should make them watch as I mark you,” he purrs,

“I think I am going to bed, love you all, see you in the morning,”

Alaric and Damien look at me shook in their eyes,

‘‘We thought you would like to watch a film,’’ Alaric says,

‘‘No, I want bed, I would like to walk around tomorrow, so I am hoping I can sleep off the dead leg,’’ I grumble,

“Good plan, see you in the morning,” he says, smacking my arse,

as I ascend the stairs, Damien steals a kiss, and Cassius is still in our own little world of magic.

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