The Prodigy Antaris - a secret World of magic #1

Chapter 32

It was only a short time that we, as new parents, had to enjoy our children before all hell broke loose.

Only an hour had passed after Elyon and Elaria were born when Devas burst into our room and alerted Avery to something happening outside our window.

When we looked through the window, panic was already clearly visible among the fellow citizens of Antaris who were standing on the street and looking at the sky.

The sky was clouded with attacks and attempts to invade Antaris. They tried to penetrate the atmosphere and the protective shield of Antaris. However, every attempt so far had been unsuccessful, and we saw many of the attackers' limbs being cut off from the sky as they tried to enter. I was still visibly under the impression of the birth, in a state of shock, when I looked through the window. However, this state burst like a soap bubble when the voices of the others in the room became more and more clear to me, and the crying of my children brought me back again.

"Aidan, everyone in position! Devas, you and Lilly take over the attack. Noah, you go with Bael to the defense. Ava, make sure that all the women and children go into the shelter and make sure that no one can get in... Jade, take our children and go to the shelter. From there, open a portal and flee to safety with all the women and children at the signal!" Avery ordered us as he had already realized the attack and was preparing.

I kissed my children before Jade and I exchanged a look that said more than a thousand words. I knew that Ava and Jade would protect our children with their lives. We stood in front of the mansion with our amicus and watched as the last children were brought into the shelter.

Alatus was excited and angry. Excited about the birth of the twins, which he couldn't be there for, and angry about the attack that endangered their lives. He understood me, he could understand my feelings, and the love I felt for my children were also his feelings.

The attacks became fewer and fewer, and when they stopped, all of Antaris was silent, waiting to see what would happen next. The whole army with all the armed warriors stood ready. All the beings, one next to the other, stood ready to fight for Antaris... To die for Antaris. Including us.

We watched as a point in the shield glowed and noticed that the tip of a sword penetrated. The sword drew a straight line that cut through the protective shield, and the resulting cut extended. The crack had an opening that now let our intruders in, and as the hundreds and thousands of Abaddon's demons and creatures invaded Antaris, we watched in shock as our beloved home seemed to be overrun.

At the front of the attackers was Abaddon, and next to him was Belial, who entered Antaris without any trouble.

"Long time no see!" Abaddon shouted as he laughed and looked down at us.

"You're probably wondering how we managed to get in." Belial said as he practically laughed at us.

"This sword..." Abaddon showed as he held it up in the air in front of him. "With this sword, I was able to destroy the barrier. Because look, little king... The blood that was on him belonged to your father. With the blood and a few tricks... Tadaaa!" he sounded while Abaddon enjoyed the pain on Avery's face.

Our Legion stood ready and waited for the order to attack, but before Avery could give it, Abaddon saw Lilly.

"The last half-angel! Here on Antaris! The children and the sword all at once... I couldn't have planned it better." came the sound as Abaddon, laughing, pointed out Lilly to Belial.

"Destroy them! All of them!" Abaddon gave the order and his arms charged towards us while new creatures entered through the narrow pass to Antaris as they ran in our direction.

The force of demons that hit our defenses seemed like a huge wave.

The fight began.

Now we are fighting for all of our lives. Avery gave the signal to attack, and he and Devas led our fighters. Our luck was that the pass wasn't big, and so the demons couldn't all penetrate at once, because although Abaddon split the protective shield, he still only managed to make one cut into the sphere. The fighters were ready and showed everything they had learned in training and prepared for this moment. Abaddon and Belial split up, and when I saw Belial heading towards the shelter and the children, I followed him. Alatus immediately noticed what I was feeling and was at my side as I ran in your direction.

"Don't separate! Hold the line!" Devas shouted when he realized we were no longer in formation.

"Devas, the children!" I shouted as I pointed towards Belial.

"Iris, hold formation!" cried Lilly, who saved us all.

I wasn't aware of her power until I saw her in action. Alone, she managed to kill hundreds of demons with a wave of her hand. The paralyzed demons fell to the ground and were easy prey for our warriors who destroyed them. Lily saved her strength for what was necessary because she could destroy all the demons alone, but she would be so weak that Abaddon and Belial could easily destroy her. So it was effective that she paralyzed the demons, and we took over the rest of the destruction. We worked together and withstood them, although admittedly, without Lilly, we wouldn't have a chance.

Abaddon's plan to surprise us and invade us, to murder and kidnap our children, didn't seem to work. And when he noticed it himself, he decided to attack us himself. He was a powerful demon, a fallen angel who took on evil and released his power. The force of his attack knocked many people to the ground, and it was only with difficulty that I stood while holding on to Lilly.

He cut a second path through the protective barrier, and the number of evil creatures that invaded Antaris increased significantly. He saw me as I looked in the direction of Belial, who was looking for the shelter, and took the opportunity to attack me. Alatus reacted immediately and released a huge red fireball from his mouth to protect me from his attack. And thanks to Alatus, my attention returned at the right time when Abaddon released his Black Mist and attacked me again.

My red aura was able to withstand his attack, and the force when our two forces collided not only threw us apart but everyone who was near us. Alatus caught me, and I climbed onto his back as he rose into the air and attacked again. His red fire spread to the enemies among us, who turned to dust, and the burst of my energy further supported him.

"Find the damn children!" Abaddon ordered his brother Belial angrily when he realized that our resistance was stronger than he expected.

"They're not here! The witch brought them through a portal!" Belial shouted angrily. The princes of darkness combined their forces and attacked me.

Alone, they were strong and powerful, but together, they were a force that was frightening. They commanded their army together and drew evil power from each other to keep the army under command and in control.

Since they couldn't find the children, they wanted me. They wanted my powers to increase their own power, to create more demons to have a stronger army. Because with the loss of every brother they lost, their power became less.

Lilly was too busy to see that their attack hit me, and as Alatus and I fell onto the mansion, we broke through the roof and fell.

As I tried to get up, I felt the ground beneath me shake from the fight that was taking place. I tasted my own blood in my mouth and was in pain, but the only thought was Alatus's words in my head: "Get up, Iris! They're coming!"

My ears were ringing from the impact, and I only got up with difficulty with the help of Alatus. When the wall to our home was blown open, and Abaddon held me up in the air, choking me with his hand, Alatus was just able to repel Belial's attack. Just when I thought I was lost, I saw Lilly flying with her wings towards Abaddon. She threw him to the ground and caught me before I even touched the ground.

The two of us flew over the corridor and landed in front of the Big Court, the place where the painting was hidden. Lilly's wings protected us from another attack by the princes, and with her last strength, she managed to throw us into the room.

"As long as there are two, we have no chance, Iris!" Lilly shouted as she held me and led me towards the secret door that led to the painting.

"We have to free the sword and kill one so one alone has no chance of leading the entire army. This is our only chance!" she shouted as we dodged another attack.

Avery's amicus brought him and Devas to us through the destroyed wall on the other side of the room, and when Lilly told Avery to free the sword with her, he was surprised.

"What are you talking about? You're no longer immortal! If they hit you, you'll be dead!" Devas shouted when he heard Lilly's plan.

"Trust me, Devas. I know what to do." Lilly replied and looked at Avery, who was supporting me with his powers and blocking the door to allow them to enter.

"We have to free the sword! Immediately," she shouted as the blockade threatened to break.

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