The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 921-940

Chapter 921

Romeo hoisted Arabella onto his back once again. “Lookslike the girl they’re

talking about was Clark’s girlfriend, Carol”

Arabella didn’t resist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured, “I

didn’t realize Carol held such a high position in the organization before.”

Being unanimously respected by the elders, she must be pretty talented.

Previously, Clark thought Carol was a sweet, fragile girl.

It seemed that Carol always presented herself as a gentle girl in front of Clark

and their parents, much like herself.

Enter title…

“Think about it, she’s been missing for a year, and no one in the organization

can find her. This shows that she indeed has some skills, Romeo analyzed.

He also wondered what kind of existence this organization was, as he had never

heard of it before.

“She managed to hide for over 300 days. That’s impressive, Arabella looked at

Romeo’s profile and said softly, “It seems our guess was right. Carol probably

wanted to leave the organization for Clark and ended up hurting the elders,

hence the death sentence.”

“Dedicated to love and righteousness,’ Romeo commented, “Respectable.”

“I wonder if she’s hiding around here, Arabella speculated, “The most dangerous

place may be the safest, perhaps?”


Even if it were safe, it wouldn’t be possible to hide under everyone’s noses for

more than 300 days without being discovered.

“I think there might be something here that’s worth our time,’ Romeo speculated,

“Perhaps some kind of leverage against the organization.”

If the elders were ruthless and didn’t hold back, then Carol might also plan to go

down fighting.

Didn’t those two men mention earlier that what the elders cared about was that


That thing might be incriminating evidence.

“Look, something’s going on up ahead”

At this point, Arabella’s gaze fell on the mountain ahead. The terrain was steep

and not suitable for setting up camp, so few people ventured there.

However, there were some lights and people at the foot of the mountain.

“Put me down,’ Arabella whispered in Romeo’s ear.

Romeo squatted down. After she got off, he took the binoculars she handed him

from her bag and looked ahead.

There were indeed people gathered at the foot of the mountain, not many, about

a dozen or so. It seemed like they were guarding the mountain.

Could this mountain hold some unknown secrets?

Arabella also took out binoculars from her bag and looked towards the foot of

the mountain. These people were walking back and forth near the foot of the

mountain, as if patrolling or perhaps protecting the mountain. Could there be

some secret hidden inside?

“Something’s off.” Arabella tried to get a clearer look, but her view was

obstructed due to the terrain.

She looked up to see a large tree nearby and softly told the man beside her,

“Wait for me here.”

In a few strides, she climbed up the tree and quickly perched on its thick trunk.

She took out her binoculars again and continued observing the situation.

Romeo chuckled lightly and followed her up the tree. “Without some unique

skills, I really wouldn’t be able to keep up with you, Arabella didn’t expect him to

follow. She smiled and continued observing the foot of the mountain. “Look,

someone’s coming out from inside.”

There seemed to be an entrance in the mountain. The man who came out was

treated with great respect by everyone, who bowed and nodded at him.

“What do you think they use to go in and out?” Arabella speculated,

“Fingerprints? Or something like a swipe card?”

“Could it be the small silver key that Carol left behind?Chapter 922

“Why don’t we find out?” Arabella, light as a feather, descended from the tree to

the ground.

Romeo followed her lead.

The guards only caught a glimpse of two shadowy figures before they found

themselves unconscious on the ground.

“I’ll handle the heavy lifting.” Romeo, unable to bear the thought of Arabella

straining herself, kicked the unconscious guards into the underbrush to avoid

drawing attention.

Enter title…

When Arabella was up in the tree earlier, she saw a man emerge from the

mountain, fiddling with a stone.

She mimicked the man’s actions, turning the stone counterclockwise. Suddenly,

a translucent scanner appeared.

It must be a security system.

Arabella pulled out her own custom-built software on her phone and scanned

the scanner. She soon discovered various traces of past check-ins.

These people must have been using a check-in system to access the area.

Each person had a different card with dozens of unique patterns. Arabella input

a string of codes into her phone, separating each pattern.

One by one, odd-shaped patterns emerged on her screen.

Suddenly, a red light on the scanner started flashing urgently, accompanied by a

cold, mechanical voice, “You have exceeded the time limit. Please validate your

identity within ten seconds, or an alarm will be activated.

Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

Among the separated patterns, Arabella spotted a key-shaped one identical to

the one Carol had given them.

“Six, five, four…”

Arabella used the small key to check-in. The scanner’s red light turned a gentle


The mechanical voice softened, “Welcome home, master.”


Asmirk played on Arabella’s lips, “Seems like the path ahead should be easier.”

A door opened in front of them, and the passage inside was illuminated with

high-level lights.

Arabella explained, “Being recognized as the master by this system means that

no traps or hidden weapons will target her. The path the master takes is

definitely different from that of ordinary people. Maybe it leads to the master’s

private residence?”

“Let’s find out” Romeo suggested, taking her hand and leading her inside.

They had reached a dead end. As Arabella was looking for the next scanner, a

door emerged from the left wall.

They went through nine doors before they finally entered the master’s private


Everything in this place was made of cold stone. Ten-meter-high walls were

decorated with carvings of giant, mythical beasts warding off evil spirits. The

eerie electronic candlelight gave off a chilling aura. If one didnt know better, they

would think they’d stumbled into a vampire’s lair. It was cold, unlike any human


The space was dauntingly vast, with sofas and tables all carved from stone.

Everything about this place screamed one message to anyone who dared enter,

the master of this place was heartless.

A giant diagram on the floor was another talisman against evil spirits.

The master must have committed heinous deeds to have such wards in place.

“There’s a path over there,’ Romeo pointed to a door on the right.

Arabella scanned the area with her detector. Finding no cameras or bugs, she

followed Romeo into the room.

Ordinarily, such a room would be a lounge or an office.

But here, it was a laboratory.

The faint smell of blood lingered in the air. Arabella sprayed a luminous

substance, revealing glowing spots on the floor.

This indicated that a lot of blood had been spilled here.

The glow seemed to protest past atrocities silently.

Could the master have been conducting human experiments here?Chapter 923


At this level, what tasks would still require the master’s personal attention?

What kind of experiments had been conducted in this place by its owner? Why

were there so many bloodstains on the floor? Wasn’t this supposed to be a

private residence? If one wanted to conduct gruesome experiments, wouldn’t

there be other places more suitable?

“These two computers are used the most frequently, Romeo said as he pulled

out his smartphone to scan the seven or eight computers around them. “Shall

we each take one and see who cracks it first?”

Enter title…

Arabella was surprised by the scanning software on his phone, but she chuckled

upon hearing his challenge.


The two of them sat shoulder to shoulder once more, their fingers flying over the


The initial task was to hack into the system, which was a piece of cake for them.

They had expected to effortlessly break through the system like before, but the

firewalls on these two computers were more formidable than anticipated.

“If the owner of this place is really Carol, | think she’s quite clever. At least she

knows how to set up her own firewall” Arabella said as she continued to type.

Unfortunately, even the most robust firewall would eventually crumble before


It took Arabella less than ten seconds to bypass the firewall and gain access to

the system. However, the computer screen was blank, most likely due to manual


She then began to recover the data, and after a while, she found a hidden file

that took up a whopping 6GB of memory.

She connected her phone to the computer, intending to take the file back for

further analysis. However, a red warning popped up on the screen.

“Please answer three questions.”

“Friendly reminder, If one question is answered incorrectly, the file will be

automatically deleted within three seconds, and an alarm will sound.”

“What is his full name?”

Arabella was speechless.

What kind of question was this?

She only had ten seconds to answer, and in the countdown, she could only type:


Surprisingly, it was the correct answer…

Could the question have been set by Carol?

Wasn’t she afraid that the person who came would be someone else? What if

they couldn’t answer the question? Would the alarm attract everyone in the

area, leading to their capture?

“When was we getting together?”

Seeing this question, Arabella rolled her eyes.

The screen displayed a countdown, “Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

Arabella quickly thought back to what Clark had told her. He said that Carol had

disappeared for a year. Before that, they had dated for a year. Clark had once

mentioned that the day they started dating was a holiday, and the place was

crowded. He had plucked up the courage to ask her out to the most beautiful

amusement park in Summerfield. That day, even the grand fireworks couldn’t

compare to her radiant smile.

Arabella turned to Romeo, “When does the amusement park have fireworks?”

“On the first day of every month.”

“So, it’s October 1st?”

It was indeed…

If it weren’t for Clark’s previous conversation with her, they would have been

trapped there today.

“When is his birthday?”

Arabella was speechless again.Chapter 924

During the countdown, she swiftly dialed David on her smartphone.

Hans’ stern schedule was nerve-wracking. Chasel often had special

assignments that made phone calls inconvenient, and her parents were already

fast asleep at this hour. The only one she could rely on now… was the night owl,


“Huh?” David was flabbergasted, thinking he had misheard.

“Speak up.”

Only four seconds she was left.

Enter title…

“It’s Singles Day, November 11th, but Bella, why are you suddenly asking about


Arabella promptly hung up, typed in 1111, and got the correct answer.

The data package began to download automatically. Arabella breathed a sigh of

relief and turned to look at Romeo next to her.

His side profile was flawless, his slender fingers tapped on the keyboard, and

his bright eyes were beautiful.

Soon, the defensive program on the computer was rewritten, and the data

package was downloading smoothly.

Arabella noticed the name of his downloaded package: Experiment Data.

So, what was she downloading?

It didnt even have a name, just an C to represent.


Could it be a memory of Clark and Carol’s past?

Or does it imply anything else?

Soon, the data package was downloaded, and a line of text popped up on the

screen, All data will be destroyed in 10 seconds, countdown 10, 9, 8, 7…

Arabella watched it count down second by second until the screen displayed,

Destruction complete.

She then stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

The two had just stepped out of the icy private residence. The stone door

behind them hadn’t closed yet when countless hidden weapons came flying


“Watch out.” Romeo was agile, blocking many of the hidden weapons for the girl

in an instant.

In the narrow stone path, they were in a stark contrast to the dark crowd

opposite them.

Standing at the forefront of the crowd was an awe-inspiring old man, his aura

filled with a sharp chill.

He had at least thirty subordinates behind him, clearly targeting Arabella and


The commanding old man spoke with a powerful and domineering tone, “Who

sent you? And how did you get in?”

The rain of hidden weapons continued, and Arabella kicked one after another,

which were easily blocked by the old man at the forefront.

The old quy was quite agile.

She suddenly thought of that old man in Florida, who probably belonged to the

same group.

When the rain of hidden weapons stopped, the old man signaled his men. The

thirty or so people rushed towards Romeo and Arabella, and some even barged

into the master’s private quarters.

Within a minute, someone ran up to the old man and reported, “Mathew, there’s

a lab inside. All the computers in the lab are displaying four words: Destruction


Mathew revealed a terrifying look, coldly staring at the fighting man and woman,

his tone as if he wanted to tear them apart, “What did you destroy?”

Who sent them to do that?

Was that… Carol?

In this place, apart from Carol, not even the highest-ranking elders were allowed


In the midst of the fight, Arabella’s silver key fell to the ground. Everyone who

saw the key on the ground was shocked, their faces changing. Chapter 925

This was Carol’s “key card”, a symbol of her identity! How on earth did it end up

in this girl’s hand?

Arabella effortlessly flicked the key into the air, catching it with a swift movement

before continuing to deal with the dangers surrounding her.

Could she be Carol? She had an agile form and skillful moves. Despite the girl’s

clear eyes that didn’t resemble Carol’s, Mathew took a cautious step forward.

Mathew, swift as a gust of wind, appeared before Arabella. He had intended to

test her skills, but Romeo beat him to it, forcing him back a few steps after only

a few exchanges.

Enter title…

“Who are you?” Mathew asked, his anger apparent. “Did Carol send you?”

Arabella knocked down one of the henchmen, stepping on his stomach. She

kicked up a hidden blade from the ground, holding it with lethal precision. With a

teasing smirk, she retorted, “Why should we answer your questions?”

Her arrogant and cool tone strangely reminded him of Carol.

With her youthful voice, Mathew guessed she was a friend of Carol’s, probably

around the same age. He had warned Carol not to make friends on her own, but

she had continued to defy him.

Feeling betrayed, Mathew’s anger turned into cynical laughter. “You’re stuck

here today. Tell me where she’s hiding, and maybe I’ll spare your lives”

“You should be more concerned about where you’ll be buried.” Arabella swiftly

attacked, engaging Mathew in an evenly matched fight.

“You go ahead, I’ll handle this.” Romeo took over, pushing Mathew back several


More and more people flooded in, blocking the only exit.

Escape was no longer an option.

“They came in on their own. Even if they die, they’re asking for it!”

“Either hand over Carol, or we won’t leave you in one piece!”

“Mathew, they’ve destroyed all the data in the lab. Do you think they might have

the data on them?”

If they did, it would be a disaster for their organization.

“Kill them.” Mathew made his decision, not wanting to waste any more time.

Meanwhile, Arabella’s phone vibrated in her backpack. She heard the buzzing

sound coming from behind her, but she and Romeo were too preoccupied trying

to find a way out.

Her phone kept buzzing. The caller standing outside the castle, soaked by the


No one answered on the other end.

Looking at the crowd in front of the castle, Dennis put away his phone and

pleaded. “| urgently need to speak to her, and please let me in”

“Our boss is asleep. You can talk tomorrow.’ A group of about twenty men,

armed and ready, stood in front of the entrance, blocking his way.

“| must see her today.”

“Do you think you can see our boss whenever you want?”

“Bro, can’t you see what time it is? It’s 2 am. Aren’t you making things difficult for


“Whatever it is, it can wait…”

The commotion attracted Tom’s attention.

With Jack and Jones absent, he was in charge.

Seeing Tom approaching, the group of men echoed, “Bro Tom.”

“What’s going on?”

“This guy insists on seeing the boss. He won’t listen to reason.”

Tom looked up to see the wet figure of Dennis, whose eyes were filled with

urgency and anxiety. Chapter 926

He was clearly urgent.

Tom stepped forward, whispering, “Our boss isn’t here, come back tomorrow if

you have business with her.”

He was afraid of causing a ruckus and waking up Clark Collins inside.

“| don’t have time, Dennis looked desperately urgent, “| need to see her, right


The crowd of twenty or so people was pissed.

“You think you can just see her whenever you want?”

Enter title…

“We show you some respect because you saved the boss once; don’t get


“You want to see the boss? You’ll have to step over our dead bodies first.”

“Who the hell do you think you are? Our boss isn’t your lackey, you can’t just

see her whenever you want. Do you think you’re someone important?”

Even Romeo wasn’t that arrogant.

Did that little shit think he could boss them around just because he’d saved the

boss before?

“Sorry then, no offense,’ Dennis moved quickly.

Tom immediately intercepted, not intending to harm Dennis, but to explain the

situation to him, “The boss really isn’t here. She’s out”

“| don’t believe you.”

Every second was precious to Dennis at that point. He had to see Arabella

Bennett, and he couldn’t wait another moment.

“The truth is she’s out. You could search the whole mansion, but you aren’t

going to find her,” Tom still didn’t hit him hard, just dodged when he could.

He owed Dennis for saving the boss, after all.

But Dennis at that moment was quite different.

Desperate to see Arabella, his blows were fierce and ruthless. In less than a

minute, he’d landed several hits on Tom.

That naturally sparked outrage.

“Tom’s letting you off easy, and you’re pushing your luck.”

“Who the hell gave you the balls to cause trouble here?”

“Let me at him!”

Meanwhile, in the bedroom.

Clark had a terrible dream. He dreamt that Carol was suffering from the effects

of some medication, crying in agony.

He wanted to help her but felt powerless. He could only clean her tears and hold

her close.

Suddenly, a thunderclap jolted the night sky, waking Clark up from his

nightmare, sweat beading on his forehead.

He realized that it was just a dream.

He sighed in relief, wiping the sweat from his brow. He could hear the storm

outside and, faintly, some sort of argument.

Ignoring the pain from his injuries, he got up and went to the window. It seemed

like someone was trying to force their way into the mansion and Bella’s men

were stopping that person. A fight had broken out.

Growing worried, he opened his bedroom door. Seeing a guard not far away, he

signaled for him to come over.

He didn’t expect his sister’s security to be even tighter than at Villa Cascada.

There was a team of men guarding the second floor around the clock. It was

extremely secure.

“Mr. Clark? You’re awake? Can | help you with something?” The man speaking

was Donald, one of Arabella’s loyal aides.

Clark asked softly, “What’s going on outside?”

When Donald heard that, he explained, “Someone wants to see the boss. We

didn’t let him in.”

“This late? Looking for Bella?” Clark checked the clock on the wall. It was

already 2:14 a.m.Chapter 926

He was clearly urgent.

Tom stepped forward, whispering, “Our boss isn’t here, come back tomorrow if

you have business with her.”

He was afraid of causing a ruckus and waking up Clark Collins inside.

“| don’t have time, Dennis looked desperately urgent, “| need to see her, right


The crowd of twenty or so people was pissed.

“You think you can just see her whenever you want?”

Enter title…

“We show you some respect because you saved the boss once; don’t get


“You want to see the boss? You’ll have to step over our dead bodies first.”

“Who the hell do you think you are? Our boss isn’t your lackey, you can’t just

see her whenever you want. Do you think you’re someone important?”

Even Romeo wasn’t that arrogant.

Did that little shit think he could boss them around just because he’d saved the

boss before?

“Sorry then, no offense,’ Dennis moved quickly.

Tom immediately intercepted, not intending to harm Dennis, but to explain the

situation to him, “The boss really isn’t here. She’s out”

“| don’t believe you.”

Every second was precious to Dennis at that point. He had to see Arabella

Bennett, and he couldn’t wait another moment.

“The truth is she’s out. You could search the whole mansion, but you aren’t

going to find her,” Tom still didn’t hit him hard, just dodged when he could.

He owed Dennis for saving the boss, after all.

But Dennis at that moment was quite different.

Desperate to see Arabella, his blows were fierce and ruthless. In less than a

minute, he’d landed several hits on Tom.

That naturally sparked outrage.

“Tom’s letting you off easy, and you’re pushing your luck.”

“Who the hell gave you the balls to cause trouble here?”

“Let me at him!”

Meanwhile, in the bedroom.

Clark had a terrible dream. He dreamt that Carol was suffering from the effects

of some medication, crying in agony.

He wanted to help her but felt powerless. He could only clean her tears and hold

her close.

Suddenly, a thunderclap jolted the night sky, waking Clark up from his

nightmare, sweat beading on his forehead.

He realized that it was just a dream.

He sighed in relief, wiping the sweat from his brow. He could hear the storm

outside and, faintly, some sort of argument.

Ignoring the pain from his injuries, he got up and went to the window. It seemed

like someone was trying to force their way into the mansion and Bella’s men

were stopping that person. A fight had broken out.

Growing worried, he opened his bedroom door. Seeing a guard not far away, he

signaled for him to come over.

He didn’t expect his sister’s security to be even tighter than at Villa Cascada.

There was a team of men guarding the second floor around the clock. It was

extremely secure.

“Mr. Clark? You’re awake? Can | help you with something?” The man speaking

was Donald, one of Arabella’s loyal aides.

Clark asked softly, “What’s going on outside?”

When Donald heard that, he explained, “Someone wants to see the boss. We

didn’t let him in.”

“This late? Looking for Bella?” Clark checked the clock on the wall. It was

already 2:14 a.m. Chapter 927

Was that man out of his mind?”

What can’t wait till morning?

In this godforsaken hour, and in the rain, no less, he came here causing a


“Don’t mind him, Donald assured, “We’ll handle this, sorry for waking you, Mr.


“No worries,’ Clark replied, glancing towards the neighboring room, he

whispered, “Bella wasn’t woken up from all this commotion, was she?”

Enter title…

“No…” Donald lied, averting his gaze, “Perhaps the storm drowned out the

noise…or maybe she’s just exhausted and sleeping soundly.”

Remembering all that his sister had been through today, Clark nodded in

agreement, “Thanks for your help.”

“It’s our pleasure to serve you and Bella,’ Donald replied with a smile on his


Just as Clark was about to enter his room, he added, “Oh, and leave hirn alive.”

Tomorrow, he, Bella, and Romeo were set to visit a location that Carol had left

behind. He didn’t want to attract unnecessary attention.

Donald paused for a brief moment, and then reassured him, “Don’t worry, Mr.

Clark, he saved our boss’ life once.

We won’t harm him.”

“Saved Bella?” Clark turned back, “How come?”

Donald didn’t expect Clark to be unaware of that. He was surprised, and then he

explained, “When our boss first came here, she was alone and vulnerable. She

nearly died…but he saved her. | heard she was severely injured, barely hanging

on to her life…If not for him, she might have…”

“Why was she injured?” Clark asked, his heart aching, “Who hurt her? Why

would they?”

Donald was taken aback but he continued to say, ‘Our boss is beautiful, and

when she first arrived here, it was inevitable that some would have ill

intentions…wanting to claim her for themselves. She came here alone,

searching for herbs. She had a hard time.”

The whole of Mafia Flame felt sorry for her.

Clark understood the situation, and it hurt even more.

Of course, his beautiful sister would attract attention in such a ruthless place.

No wonder she hid her identity as a woman and rarely showed herself. When

she did show herself, she posed as “Mr. Bryant’ to avoid unnecessary trouble.

“Mr. Clark, please don’t tell our boss that | told you about this, Donald pleaded

as he was nervous. He had no idea that his boss hadn’t told Clark about her

past, probably to spare him the pain.

Seeing Clark’s reaction made him regret his loose tongue.


Dennis held a knife to one man’s throat, “Don’t push me to do this.”

“You, you, you, let Arnold go!”

The crowd was furious.

Arnold was held hostage, too scared to even make a move.

“Enough!” One man yelled, “We’ve given you enough leeway out of respect for

Bella, don’t push your luck.”

“Do you plan on waking the entire castle tonight?”

“| warn you; Bella hates being threatened. If you know what’s good for you, let

Arnold go!”

The commotion outside was growing. Clark didn’t return to his room, instead, he

went to the window overlooking the courtyard.

It seemed like one of Bella’s men was being held hostage.

Donald was anxious, if Bella didn’t come out of her room, would Clark realize

that she wasn’t there?

Thinking that, he urged, “Mr. Clark, don’t worry about it. You should go take


“Arabella…| need to speak with you…”

In the midst of the storm, Dennis’s voice rang out clearly, “I need to see you…?Chapter 929

Could it be that the place where his sister went was the location that Carol left


He was worried about the dangers, that’s why she didn’t let him follow.

Upon a closer look, Romeo, who had returned with his sister, had also deceived


He and Bella’s wedding plans were not even settled yet, and they were already

teaming up to deceive him.

Clark decided to go and “settle the score” with them.

Enter title…

“Clark, don’t get upset. She just wanted you to rest more since you’re injured’

Donald hurriedly followed, trying to explain, ‘The boss didn’t tell you because

she didn’t want you to worry and lose sleep.”


Romeo, with his head lowered, asked the girl in front of him, “Where do you

want to go?”

Off to the side, Dennis was anxiously whispering, “Arabella, we’re running out of


“Can | tell you later?” Arabella wasn’t sure what was happening, but she had a

hunch it had something to do with the person Dennis mentioned that day.

That person was probably not going to make it.

“Be careful with everything and call me anytime if there’s any situation.”

Romeo didn’t want to restrict her freedom or ask too many questions about what

she was up to. He gave her great trust and space.

“Come back soon,’ He gently patted Arabella’s head, like reminding a child.

A subordinate handed an umbrella, Dennis took it first, waiting for Arabella to

take the first step.

“I’ll be back soon; we can keep in touch.”

Arabella’s words seemed to put Romeo’s mind at ease, his expression softened.

Seeing him smile, Arabella and Dennis left together. Her slender figure slowly

left Romeo’s sight.

Romeo watched her leave, with a complex expression on his face. Tom held his

breath for a while before finally saying, “Don’t worry, Mr. McMillian, the boss just

went to take care of some business, she’ll be back soon enough.”

Romeo still stood there, watching the car drive away into the distance, no one

knew what he was thinking.

“Dennis was in such a hurry, must be something urgent that he needs the boss’


“He rarely comes here.”

“There’s no choice but to help him, the boss owes him a favor.”

No one knew who said the last sentence, but Romeo’s gaze fell on him as he

curiously asked, “Owes hima favor?”

“Didn’t the boss tell you?” The man realized he had misspoken, quickly covering

his mouth, but it was already too late.

Romeo’s gaze was too intense for him to bear, so he looked to Tom for help.

Tom could only briefly explain the situation.

Even though it was brief, Romeo’s heart still ached.

So, before he knew Bella, she had already suffered so much.

Some hardships, even men couldn’t bear, but she persisted.

Just as Clark was about to step out of the castle door, he saw Romeo walking

back with an umbrella, step by step up the stairs.


The tone of Romeo’s voice felt like he was a bit surprised.

Clark’s face was gloomy, “It’s one thing for Bella to act recklessly, but how could

you join her? In the middle of the night, in torrential rain, if something happened,

| would feel guilty and miserable for the rest of my life.

Although you can protect her, it’s the unexpected that’s terrifying.”

Donald, standing nearby, pleaded with Romeo with his eyes.

He didn’t mean to spill the beans.

Because he mentioned that Dennis owed Bella a favor, they wasted some time,

and that’s why things escalated to that point.

“We finally found Bella in our family, and | don’t want anything to happen to her. |

especially don’t want her to be in trouble because of me, can you understand

that?” Chapter 930

Clark’s voice deflated like a punctured football, “| know, | know I’m injured, and

I’m just going to slow you guys down. But at least | can take a bullet for Bella,

right? I’m willing to be a human shield, however much | can block. And if it’s

about Carol, | don’t want to miss any chance to uncover the truth. | want to be

involved that is all I’m asking for”

He dicin’t want to feel useless, just sitting at home waiting for news, with

everything being taken care of by his sister and brother-in-law. He wanted to pull

his weight.

Especially because that involved Carol.

Enter title…

“Clark, we don’t think you’re a burden,” Romeo said, his eyes brimming with

sincerity, his voice warm and respectful, “You’re injured, we just want you to get

some rest. That’s all. You haven’t been sleeping well, we can see that. It worries


Seeing Clark’s mood slightly improve, Romeo continued to say, “Bella and |

know this area well, it’s easy for us to move around. The only reason we kept

you in the dark was that we didn’t want you to worry, we were afraid you’d lose

another night’s sleep.”

He again explained, “Bella knows you. She knows that as a big brother, you

would risk everything for your sister in a dangerous situation. So, she doesn’t

want you to be a shield. She just wants you to be okay, to find Carol, and live a

happy life. Clark, you shouldn’t feel like you haven’t contributed. Getting to this

point wasn’t the result of any one person’s efforts. It was a team effort.”

“There’s one more thing,’ Romeo said, suddenly changing the subject, “Tonight,

Bella and | found the place. It’s an unnamed mountain, guarded by many

people. Using the key Carol left behind, we managed to sneak in. In the

innermost lab, Bella cracked the code. When she tried to download the data

package, three problems came up.

Clark’s heart clenched: his attention redirected instantly as he worriedly asked,

“What problems?”

“They’re about you.”

Romeo briefly recounted that night’s events. Besides surprise, Clark’s heart also

filled with a sense of thrill.

All three questions were related to him!

Who else but Carol would set such questions?

“At the most critical moment, she set these questions. It shows that in Carol’s

heart, you’re a very important person, Romeo added, “Clark, you’ve been

protecting what’s most precious to Carol in your own way.

Clark’s heart stirred again as he curiously asked, “Did she leave behind any


“No; Romeo took out his phone, “But we cracked two data packages. I’ll send

them to you right now. They probably contain the truth that you want to know.”

Why did Carol suddenly break up with him? Why did she disappear without a

trace? What was her relationship with the organization they encountered that


Probably they all were answered in the data packages.

Clark took out his phone, anxiously waiting for the data to be sent. The cause of

their breakup that had troubled him for so long, the truth behind her

disappearance that he, Bella, and Romeo had been investigating, was about to

be revealed.

His emotions were a mix of excitement, unease, trepidation, and anxiety.

Clark took out his phone, anxiously waiting for the data to be sent. The cause of

their breakup that had troubled him for so long, the truth behind her

disappearance that he, Bella, and Romeo had been investigating, was about to

be revealed.

His emotions were a mix of excitement, unease, trepidation, and anxiety.

“One is 6GB, and the other 7GB,” Romeo said, referring to the size of the data

packages. That indicated there was a lot of information, too much to go through

in one sitting.

Just then, Romeo’s phone vibrated. He glanced at it and looked up, “Clark, |

have some business to attend to.

You start reading. Take a break if you get tired. Bella’s gone to run an errand. If

you need anything, just reach out to me.”

“Okay, be careful on your way back,’ Clark was about to go upstairs when he

suddenly remembered something.

“Tonight, neither of you were hurt, right?”


“That’s good.” Clark sighed in relief, “From now on, no matter what happens,

don’t keep anything from me.”

“Alright.”Chapter 931

On the other side.

David’s eyelids were on the verge of surrendering to the force of sleep and had

nearly closed multiple times.

The screen of his phone was dimming. In a rush, he lit it up again, only to find

out that his sister hadn’t replied to his WhatsApp message, nor had she returned

his call. Suppressing a yawn, he squinted at the screen, waiting.

In case his sister saw his message, he had to reply instantly to it. He couldn’t let

her feel neglected.

Enter title…

He mustn’t sleep.

He pinched his thigh hard.

The pain brought tears to his eyes.

Why did it feel like Clark, after just one trip home, had a higher status and

received more affection than him.

Was it because he recently spent less time with his sister due to his efforts to

earn more money for her, allowing Clark to step in.

No way, he had to call his sister more tomorrow to show his concern.

Arabella sat in the car, glancing at the drenched figure beside her. His driving

reminded her of a jet taking off, the gas pedal pushed to the limit, showing his


“Is she suffering a lot?” Arabella worriedly asked.

The mere mention of it almost broke Dennis down. He choked back his tears

and said, “She’s in a lot of pain. | want you to help alleviate it.”

In her final moments, Dennis wanted to ease her journey, “Is there any way she

can feel a bit better in her last moments.”

Arabella was confused as she curiously asked, “What kind of illness does she


“It’s not an illness. She’s been poisoned with a slow-acting toxin. There is no

cure for it. As her life shortens, the potency of the poison increases. Every

second is torture for her now.”

Every time Dennis thought about her pain, he wished he could bear it all for her

to relieve her of that pain.

She was in so much pain that she was constantly crying.

She used to be so strong, not even flinching when she was injured or bleeding.

But at that moment, her tears flowed spontaneously, subconsciously, the pain

seeping into her bones.

Seeing his emotional turmoil, Arabella couldn’t help but ask, “Why don’t you let

her go quicker?”

Although it was an extremely difficult question to ask, it seemed better to let her

go than to endure such unbearable pain.

“She has a last wish, which | must fulfill’ Dennis’s voice broke as he spoke of her

last wish, “Until | return, please take good care of her and help ease the pain of

the poison.”

“Tl try my best.”

Dennis drove the car to an extremely secluded spot and stopped, “Let’s hurry.”

He was truly racing against the clock, wanting to fulfill the last wish of the person

inside.Chapter 932

Arabella trailed behind him through the courtyard to the front of the house.

In a hushed tone, Dennis said, “She’s of special status. Seeing her face could

put your life in danger.”

Arabella was taken aback. That really sounded serious.

“So, all you must do is taking care of her from inside. No one else will be there.”

They were separated by a frosted glass wall. There was a small hole in the

middle of the wall.

Enter title…

Arabella realized the situation. Care-taking through the wall? Quite an unusual


Dennis bent down to the small hole and said to the person on the other side,

“Diana, my friend is here. If you feel uncomfortable, just let her know, On the

other side of the wall was the girl’s bed. She was curled up in pain, every organ

in her body seemed twisted in knots.

She clutched the corner of her blanket, her slender shoulders trembling in pain.

Sweat dripped down her forehead, landing on her beautiful yet pale face.

Despite her pallor, she was strikingly gorgeous.

If it wasn’t for the pain, her features could easily be described as breathtaking, a

rare beauty to find.

The girl could hardly utter a complete ward, even the smallest sounds seemed

to be squeezed out through gritted teeth.

Still, Arabella could tell that she was young.

“She’s in a lot of pain, she can’t get up to greet you,” Dennis turned to Arabella

and explained, “If you can, please help ease her pain when she’s not feeling


“Sure, I’ll do my best”

“I’ll be back soon,” As Dennis was about to leave, he bent down again and said

gently to the girl on the other side of the wall, “I’m leaving now but I’ll be back

soon, just wait for me.”

She had to wait.

At least, let him see her for one last time.

Arabella saw the pain and reluctance in Dennis’s eyes. She reassured him,

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her until you return.”

“Thank you,” Dennis looked at Arabella gratefully.

That was the reason he sought out Arabella. In that place, only she had the

capability to help Diana at that crucial moment.

After Dennis left that place, Arabella softly said to the girl on the other side of the

wall, “Give me your hand, let me take a closer look.”

Despite the pain, the girl extended her hand.

It was a slender and fair hand.

Arabella felt her pulse and after a while she said, “Your condition is quite

complex, but I’ll help you with the pain first”

The girl heard the sound of Arabella opening her medical kit, and then the noise

of a needle!

She quickly withdrew her hand, looking at Arabella with caution and suspicion.

Arabella was a bit surprised as she asked, “You recognized the sound of a


She had merely picked up the needle, and it had barely grazed another, but the

girl had already identified the sound!

Indeed, that girl was not an ordinary girl.

“Acupuncture, for pain relief” Arabella started sterilizing the needle again, “Can

you smell the disinfectant?”

After hesitating for a while, the girl extended her hand again.

“Did Dennis tell you that he once saved my life?” Arabella placed the needle at

the tip of the girl’s finger, her voice steady, “| won’t harm you.”

The girl was always cautious. Arabella’s words did not make her let down her

guard. Instead, she remained vigilant.

“Switch hands.”

The girl extended her other hand.

After the acupuncture, Arabella said, “The pain should lessen.”

The girl was somewhat surprised. It seemed Dennis hadn’t lied to her. That

woman, Arabella, was indeed skilled in medicine.

“Left hand’ Arabella started to remove the needles, then after a while she said,

“Right hand.”

The girl started to obediently follow her instructions. Chapter 933

“Does it hurt less now?”

“Much less,” The girl on the bed didn’t expect Arabella to be such a skilled

doctor, and she gratefully said, “Thank you.”

Just moments before, she was writhing in pain, feeling as though life was

unbearable. If not for a dying wish, she would’ve already slammed her head

against the wall.

“How much longer can my body hold up?”

She didn’t know if she could last until Dennis came back.

Enter title…

“It’s really hard to say” Arabella said, while packing up her acupuncture kit, “Your

condition is indeed complicated, but not beyond help.”

Upon hearing that, the girl’s eyes shone with hope, “Is that true?”

“Yes!” Arabella finished packing, raising her beautiful eyes, she softly said, “But,

getting rid of it completely won’t be easy.”

“Do you have a way?”

“| need to take a bit of your blood for testing, Arabella explained, “There are

many toxins in your body. To completely cure you, we need to use a variety of

treatments. It won’t be a quick process, at least that’s for sure.”

“What are your chances?”

“Seventy to eighty percent, perhaps.”

The girl’s eyes widened in surprise, “That much!”

She had previously consulted countless renowned doctors who all said that she

was beyond help.

Including the famous local physician, Mr. James Newton. He shook his head

and admitted his inability to help.

However, he did recommend someone. He said that Dr. Bell might be able to

help her out.

But Dr. Bell was elusive, with no one knowing his whereabouts for years. Until

now, she had no luck locating him.

“So, can you save me?” The girl on the bed asked hopefully and anxiously,

waiting for Arabella’s answer.

Arabella looked at her slender wrist and asked softly, ‘What’s your relationship

with Dennis?”

“Sister The girl answered honestly, “His real sister.”

Arabella was somewhat surprised; she had never heard that Dennis had a


“Because of the sensitivity of our status, we’ve never mentioned it to outsiders.

You’re the first one to know about our relationship, The girl explained.

Arabella nodded, “Alright, I’ll do my best.”

It was her way of repaying Dennis for saving her life.

“Thank you. Could you please call Dennis for me? Ask him to come back.”

If she could really survive, there would be no need to fulfill her dying wish


Once she recovered from her life-threatening illness, she could do it herself.

Arabella took out her cell phone and dialed Dennis’s number. But it was

switched off.

Hearing the cold automated voice, the girl felt guilty again, “Before, Dennis took

me to many doctors. They all said my condition was complex and incurable. |

thought | was done for”

So, when Dennis thought of Arabella and the whole mountain of herbal medicine

that she had managed, he wanted to take his sister to see Arabella.

But the girl had already lost her will to live.

“Do you know? Every day, | live in pain. There are many times I’ve wanted to

end it all, but | know that if | go, my brother will surely follow. We’re each other’s

only family left.”

“| can see that; Arabella said softly, “He cares for you deeply, otherwise he

wouldn’t have braved the storm to seek me out in the dead of night:

He even fought off her guards to get to her.

She needed to make him apologize and pay for that. She couldn’t let him off that


“He braved the storm to find you?” The girl felt even more guilty. After a while,

she asked, “Your voice sounds young. How come you’re such a skilled doctor?”

“It’s a skill passed down from my grandfather.”

“Then this grandfather must be very impressive, and valued you a lot, otherwise

he wouldn’t have taught you such a powerful skill.”

As the girl said that, she started to feel a wave of pain again.Chapter 934

Arabella sensed something was off, and asked in a soft tone, “Are you in pain


“Um. The girl clutched her stomach, gritting her teeth, but tried to reassure, “It’s

really nothing, just a bit of discomfort, much lighter than the pain earlier”

“Let me see your hand,’ Arabella began to check her pulse again.

Curled up in bed, the girl faced the wall. Through a small hole, she could see

Arabella’s beautiful chin and the long, elegant fingers resting on her wrist.

For same reason, she suddenly thought of him.

Enter title…

How she wished she could go back and see him, even if it was just a glimpse

from afar.

“How long has this poison been tormenting you?” Arabella released her hand to

fetch a small bottle of medicine from her bag.

“A year and a half” the girl managed a bitter smile, even surprised at herself that

she had endured for so long.

Hearing ‘a year and a half, Arabella paused, inexplicably reminded of Carol.

The poison had been in Carol’s blood system for at least a year, maybe even a

year and a half.

“Take some painkillers and get some sleep,’ Arabella poured a small pill from

the bottle and handed it over to her.

The girl had only seen Arabella’s fingers before, but seeing her entire beautiful

hand was a sight for sore eyes.

She took the pill and immediately swallowed it.

“I’m going to make a call,’ Arabella stood up and went outside the room, closing

the door behind her. She dialed a familiar number.

It seemed that Romeo had been waiting for her call all along. The moment the

screen lit up, he picked it up almost instantly.

Romeo worriedly asked, “Are you safe?”

Arabella calmly replied, “I’m safe right now.”

The two spoke in unison. After a brief pause, they both laughed.

“As long as you’re safe” Romec’’s laugh was warm and fond. He glanced at the

time and said, “It’s already past three. When will you be back? Should he drop

you off or should | pick you up?”

“| don’t think I’ll be back until tomorrow afternoon.”

Based on what Dennis had said earlier, he would probably be gone for more

than ten hours.

“What about tonight? Do you have a place to rest? Is the task complicated? Are

you tired?”

“Not tired, I’m just taking care of someone,’ Arabella then asked, “Any news fram


“lL haven’t heard from him yet.”

“If you have time tomorrow, can you check on Clark? Make sure he’s eating and

changing his bandages.”


“You too, Arabella added, “You need to get some rest tonight. Don’t wait up for

me, I’ll be back when | can.”

Romeo didn’t expect Arabella to know him so well. Indeed, he couldn’t sleep

well until Arabella was back, always worried about whether she was in danger

and if she needed his help.

Arabella naturally guessed that and warned him, “If | see dark circles under your

eyes tomorrow, | won’t see you for three days straight.”

“I’ll sleep, Romeo immediately agreed, “I’ll definitely sleep well tonight.”

“No staying up late.”

“I’ll sleep with the sachet you gave me, Romeo promised, “You should also get

some sleep. If | see dark circles under your eyes tomorrow, I’ll punch that guy

and give him panda eyes.”

“Deal,” Arabella laughed as she was amused. Even if she stayed up all night,

she wouldn’t have dark circles.

That was thanks to her regular consumption of rejuvenating scented tea.

“Just be careful. If anything happens, call me right away,’ Romeo, unable to let

go, gave a few more reminders before hanging up.

Since Arabella was just outside the room, the girl could hear the conversation

between them. Unconsciously, she was reminded of him again.

He was also the third child in his family.

At that thought, a poignant smile tugged at the girl’s lips. How come every time

someone mentioned ‘Clark’, she would automatically visualize his handsome

and charming face. Will it just be the same name?Chapter 934

Arabella sensed something was off, and asked in a soft tone, “Are you in pain


“Um. The girl clutched her stomach, gritting her teeth, but tried to reassure, “It’s

really nothing, just a bit of discomfort, much lighter than the pain earlier”

“Let me see your hand,’ Arabella began to check her pulse again.

Curled up in bed, the girl faced the wall. Through a small hole, she could see

Arabella’s beautiful chin and the long, elegant fingers resting on her wrist.

For same reason, she suddenly thought of him.

Enter title…

How she wished she could go back and see him, even if it was just a glimpse

from afar.

“How long has this poison been tormenting you?” Arabella released her hand to

fetch a small bottle of medicine from her bag.

“A year and a half” the girl managed a bitter smile, even surprised at herself that

she had endured for so long.

Hearing ‘a year and a half, Arabella paused, inexplicably reminded of Carol.

The poison had been in Carol’s blood system for at least a year, maybe even a

year and a half.

“Take some painkillers and get some sleep,’ Arabella poured a small pill from

the bottle and handed it over to her.

The girl had only seen Arabella’s fingers before, but seeing her entire beautiful

hand was a sight for sore eyes.

She took the pill and immediately swallowed it.

“I’m going to make a call,’ Arabella stood up and went outside the room, closing

the door behind her. She dialed a familiar number.

It seemed that Romeo had been waiting for her call all along. The moment the

screen lit up, he picked it up almost instantly.

Romeo worriedly asked, “Are you safe?”

Arabella calmly replied, “I’m safe right now.”

The two spoke in unison. After a brief pause, they both laughed.

“As long as you’re safe” Romec’’s laugh was warm and fond. He glanced at the

time and said, “It’s already past three. When will you be back? Should he drop

you off or should | pick you up?”

“| don’t think I’ll be back until tomorrow afternoon.”

Based on what Dennis had said earlier, he would probably be gone for more

than ten hours.

“What about tonight? Do you have a place to rest? Is the task complicated? Are

you tired?”

“Not tired, I’m just taking care of someone,’ Arabella then asked, “Any news fram


“lL haven’t heard from him yet.”

“If you have time tomorrow, can you check on Clark? Make sure he’s eating and

changing his bandages.”


“You too, Arabella added, “You need to get some rest tonight. Don’t wait up for

me, I’ll be back when | can.”

Romeo didn’t expect Arabella to know him so well. Indeed, he couldn’t sleep

well until Arabella was back, always worried about whether she was in danger

and if she needed his help.

Arabella naturally guessed that and warned him, “If | see dark circles under your

eyes tomorrow, | won’t see you for three days straight.”

“I’ll sleep, Romeo immediately agreed, “I’ll definitely sleep well tonight.”

“No staying up late.”

“I’ll sleep with the sachet you gave me, Romeo promised, “You should also get

some sleep. If | see dark circles under your eyes tomorrow, I’ll punch that guy

and give him panda eyes.”

“Deal,” Arabella laughed as she was amused. Even if she stayed up all night,

she wouldn’t have dark circles.

That was thanks to her regular consumption of rejuvenating scented tea.

“Just be careful. If anything happens, call me right away,’ Romeo, unable to let

go, gave a few more reminders before hanging up.

Since Arabella was just outside the room, the girl could hear the conversation

between them. Unconsciously, she was reminded of him again.

He was also the third child in his family.

At that thought, a poignant smile tugged at the girl’s lips. How come every time

someone mentioned ‘Clark’, she would automatically visualize his handsome

and charming face. Will it just be the same name?Chapter 935

How desperately she must miss him to think of him at every moment.

She wondered if he was well, how his life was going without her.

When Arabella entered her room, she heard the rustling of her roommate from

the next bed, “You’re still awake?”

“Yeah, I can’t sleep.”

Once Arabella settled in, she asked, “What’s on your mind?”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

Enter title…

Hearing that, a smirk appeared on Arabella’s face, “Eavesdropping on my call,

were you?”

“It’s a small place. Even though you were speaking softly, it’s quiet at night.”

Perhaps it had been too long since she had spoken with someone, Diana let

down her guard, a weary smile across her lips, “You and your boyfriend, are you


If she hadn’t misunderstood, Arabella was just on the phone checking in with her


“Yeah, we’re good; Arabella casually asked, “What about you? Do you have a


“lused to.”

Upon hearing that, Diana’s thoughts again returned to his handsome face.

Used to??

Arabella understood her situation; they had broken up; they were no longer


“| bring misfortune to those around me.” Diana laughed bitterly, “That’s why |

can’t meet you face-to-face.”

She didn’t want to bring harm to Arabella.

“Sometimes | just want to live, like a regular person, return to my old life:

But, as long as she was alive, she only brought endless calamity to those

around her.

Like Dennis, who had been on the run with her for a year.

Her most loyal followers, their faces unrecognizable in death.

Her foster parents, who suffered because of her.

When she was dating, they had to sneak around. When she left, she cut off all

contact with him to protect him.

She truly hadn’t contacted him ever since.

He was of high status, rarely at home, so the organization couldn’t find him.

All they could do was just ruthlessly hurt those powerless people close to her.

Upon recalling when her parents were taken hostage, she saw the news and

wanted to save them, but she was helpless.

At that time, she was in the throes of her poison, she couldn’t even get out of

bed, much less return to her homeland.

And Dennis, in his attempt to protect her, was severely injured, almost dying

before her.

So, at that time, they could only watch as their foster parents were tormented.

She would never forget that scene, the blood on the floor.

Thinking that, Diana clenched her fists. Although it would be difficult with her

strength alone, if she could cure that poison once and for all, she would

dismantle the organization’s lair and live proudly under the sun.

She wouldn’t be manipulated anymore by anyone.

“The people around you, none of them think of you as a curse. | believe they all

like you, willing to stand by your side, just like Dennis, always protecting you.”

Arabella’s words left Diana stunned.

Arabella continued to say, “So, you have to survive, and not just survive, but

thrive. Show everyone that you are not a curse.”

Diana was moved again by her words.

Perhaps it was due to her unique circumstances, but in those past years, no one

had ever said such things to her. Chapter 936

“If you feel like your sickness is a burden to others, then get better soon.”

“If you believe your status is causing misfortune to those around you, find a way

to shake it off.”

“We’re only given one shot at life, live for yourself at least once. Don’t surrender

to fate, don’t admit defeat so easily, that kind of loss isn’t cool at all.”

“Even if you have to leave this world, you can’t do it in such a disgraceful way.”

“Next, you need to take care of your health, have faith in yourself. Your

confidence will inspire those around you to be confident and brave.”

Enter title…

“Arabella, thank you,’ The girl’s heartstrings were pulled, her voice full of

gratitude, “Do you know? All these years, no one has ever spoken to me like


She was like a puppet on a string, manipulated and commanded from a young

age. What to do, what not to do, everything was planned out for her.

All sorts of restrictions and rules bound her.

No one ever told her that she could live for herself and that’s what made her so

pessimistic about life.

“Get some rest, Arabella glanced at the time, it was already past three in the


“You can sleep in the bed next to you, The girl’s voice was even softer than

before, clearly treating Arabella as one of her own now, “Dennis has already

washed the sheets and blankets, they’re clean.”

“No need, I’ll just rest my eyes,’ Arabella sat in the chair, leaning back against

the wall in a cool boss-like posture.

Through the glass wall, the girl could sense Arabella’s cool aura. Their

personalities seemed to mesh well.

Another hour passed, a light rain began to fall outside, a cold wind slipped

through the gap in the window, bringing a hint of chill.

Arabella heard the girl next door carefully turning over, opened her eyes and

asked softly, “Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

“No, I’m fine.’ The girl was almost gritting her teeth, the poison inside her body

had struck again. Over the past year and a half, she had been living in that

torture, in endless pain.

“Give me your hand, Arabella guessed that the pill from earlier was working.

Apart from relieving pain, coupled with acupuncture, it could also force out some

of the poison in the body.

Of course, only a small amount.

The girl was already shaking with pain, she extended her hand, Arabella’s

slender fingers fell on her wrist, sure enough.

The poison had been forced into her chest but it needed a little more push to be


Suddenly, the sound of something falling caught Arabella’s ear.

The girl saw her most precious thing fall to the ground, she wanted to pick it up,

but she had no strength left in her body.

“Dropped something?” Arabella asked softly, ‘Do you need help?”

“No need.” The girl stretched out her hand to pick it up, but fell to the ground

along with her, making a muffled noise.

That time, Arabella couldn’t just sit by, she got up and went to the room next


The girl heard someone knocking on the door, and immediately said, “Don’t

bother about me.’

Her voice was too soft, completely drowned out by the wind and rain outside,

Arabella didn’t hear it, and just said, “I’m coming in.”

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, the girl quickly raised her

voice, “Don’t come close!”

Arabella smirked, “Are you afraid of dragging me down?”

“Everyone who has seen me ended up badly, they were hunted down.”

The girl thought that would deter Arabella.

But Arabella just smirked dismissively, “Oh, that sounds quite thrilling.”

The girl was stunned by her words.Chapter 937

Arabella stepped inside and saw the silhouette of a girl sprawled on the ground,

seemingly reaching for a necklace.

Arabella moved closer and picked up the necklace.

Just then, her mobile phone vibrated in her pocket. As she took it out of the

pocket, a small silver key and a symbolic necklace unexpectedly fell to the


Seeing those two items, the girl on the floor instantly narrowed her eyes, her

suspicion and alertness towards Arabella growing.

Enter title…

“Spit it out,” Arabella said, answering the call without first noticing the girl’s face.

“Boss, the results of the second phase of Project P3 have been released.”

“I don’t have time for this right now, Arabella said, ending the call. She picked up

the two little items on the floor and put them in her pocket before handing the

fallen necklace back to the girl.

The girl’s cold, pale face caught Arabella’s attention, causing her to freeze

momentarily as she was stunned, “Carol?!”

That face was identical to the one in the photo Clark had shown her earlier,

except it was a shade paler and looked a bit sickly.

Withstanding the pain, Carol made a swift move towards Arabella, who

managed to dodge it. Just as Arabella was about to speak, Carol gritted her

teeth and asked, “Why do you have those two things on you?”

Arabella was a bit puzzled as she curiously asked, “Are you talking about the

things I just dropped?”


The silver key was a gift Carol had hidden in her mother’s scarf. And the

symbolic necklace was a significant item she had entrusted to Clark, hidden

inside his amulet.

But why were those two items in Arabella’s possession?

Was Arabella a part of the organization? Had the ald men sent her?

Understanding dawned on Arabella. She smirked, pulling out her phone and

turning on the video recording function to document the upcoming scene.

“Since you’ve guessed it, I won’t hide it from you. Yes, Clark is dead”

Carol’s beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, “What did you just say?”

Clark was dead?

The person she cared for the most was dead!

When did that happen!

The sudden bad news made Carol’s heart clench; the pain became even more

intense than before.

“Clark was an obstacle in your path. I had to remove him for you.”

Carol’s thin body trembled in anger. She glared at Arabella, “Who gave you the

right to decide for me? Who allowed you to lay a hand on him?”

Her last sentence was filled with rage. Anyone could easily tell that she cared

deeply for him.

Good, the poison within her body would soon be forced out.

“Is it Mathew? Or one of the other old men? Who gave the order? Who allowed

you to touch a hair on his head?!”

“It doesn’t matter,” Arabella said indifferently, “What matters is that Clark is dead.

The obstacle has been removed.”

“I told you, none of you were allowed to touch him! Are you all deaf, not one of

you heard me clearly?”

Carol’s enraged appearance bore a striking resemblance to her own.

Arabella smirked as she continued to tease her, “You’re like a completely

different person now. I must say, I quite preferred your gentler side. It’s just a

man, if you return to the organization, I can easily find you another one.

“You could search the world and not find another like him, Carol retorted

disdainfully, “Besides, I don’t even want one. I won’t be returning with you.

Today, I’ll take your head first, then send the rest of the old men to hell to repent

to him”. Chapter 938

Carol lunged swiftly, only to be easily blocked by Arabella as she mocked her,

“You’re no match for me.”

“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch,’ Carol retorted, her moves

ruthless, “Today, I’ll risk my life to avenge Clark.”

Arabella parried with a hint of amusement in her eyes. “If you loved him so

much, why did you leave?”

“That’s none of your business.”

Enter title…

At that moment, Carol wished she could tear the woman who had hurt Clark to


Seeing that the poison hadn’t been forced out of Carol’s body yet, Arabella

added, “Until his last breath, he was calling your name, begging me to spare

you. He knelt at my feet, incessantly bowing his head.”

“You’re lying,’ Carol shot back, launching a few more attacks, “Clark would never

beg anyone, no matter who they were.”

“Well, you’re wrong. He was willing to do anything for you. I even had him slice

off his own flesh with a knife, and he dutifully complied with it” Arabella smirked,

a chilling smile on her face, “I even recorded it. Want me to send it to you?”

“You’re sick!”

The intense pain coursing through her body forced Carol to lean on the edge of

a table, sizing up Arabella anew.

“You’re young and beautiful, but your heart is as venomous as a snake’s. You’ll

pay double for every bit of pain you’ve inflicted on him!”

“Angry, are you? Seems like you care about him,’ Arabella teased, a smirk

playing at the corners of her lips, “But you just gave me a great idea. I think it

would be fun to repeat the process with those close to him.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Carol tried to attack again, but the pain was too intense,

forcing her to stop. Anguish was evident in her trembling voice as she bit her lip,

staring hatefully at Arabella.

She had never imagined that Arabella was sent by the organization.

Had she been getting close to Dennis for that very day?

Had the organization known about her and Dennis being siblings all along?

No, that couldn’t be possible. If they did, they would have killed Dennis long ago.

What could’ve possibly gone wrong?

Regardless, she would not let the person responsible for Clark’s horrific death

off easily!

Suddenly, a cloud of white powder floated over.

Arabella blocked it with her hand, her curiosity piqued as she asked, “What’s


“Deadly Seven Step,” Carol replied with a confident smirk on her beautiful face,

“It’s a drug I invented. No one else has the antidote. Now kneel down and taste

the pain Clark had to endure.”

“So, if I take more than seven steps, I’ll faint?”

“No, you’ll just drop dead,” Carol corrected, “Of course, I won’t let you die that


Arabella chuckled, an elegant smile gracing her pretty face, and then she

named the ingredients of the drug.

Carol didn’t expect Arabella to identify the main ingredients so easily, which

made her even angrier.

Arabella lunged, swiftly landing a strike on Carol’s heart. Whether from rage or

Arabella’s attack, Carol coughed up a mouthful of poisoned blood.

Looking at the blood on the floor, Arabella said nonchalantly, “Finally, it came

out. You have quite the endurance, unlike most people. It took quite a bit of

coaxing on my part.”

At least part of the poison was out.

“Do you feel better now?” Arabella asked.

“What do you mean?” Carol leaned on the table, feeling much better, but she

was still puzzled and wary of the two things Arabella had mentioned.Chapter 939

“Are you Carol, Carol, right?” Arabella coolly extended her hand, “Pleased to

introduce myself, I’m your future sister-in-law, Arabella Collins. Clark is actually

my brother”

Carol froze on the spot, it took quite a while before she denied, “You’re lying,

Clark only has one sister, I’ve seen her picture, it’s not you.”

“Oh, you mean Serena Collins? She’s the adopted sister,” Arabella apparently

didn’t consider Serena significant.

But Carol still wasn’t convinced, “I’ve never heard Clark mention this.”

Enter title…

“Why don’t you ask him later?”

At that, Carol perked up, Clark was coming too? Really!

“My brother Clark is not far from here; he’s been searching for you for a whole


Carol recalled the surroundings, “Not far from here there’s only a Mafia Flame,

did he get captured by the Mafia Flame?”

Was he in danger? Where in Mafia Flame?

No, she must go rescue him right away!

“He wasnt captured, but he did get hurt quite a bit, because of you, and your

family, all thanks to your organization.”

Arabella picked up her recording device again, paused the recording, sent the

video she just filmed to Clark, and then said, “But don’t worry too much, he just

got a few slashes on his arm, took a hit in the back, needs help walking, can’t

eat, can’t sleep, his mind is just on finding you, that’s all. He won’t die from


Carol’s heart tightened unexpectedly, was his injury that severe? Did he see a

doctor? That fool, why did he even come here?!

Didn’t she break up with him!

Why was he so foolisht!

“As for my identity, if this doesn’t prove it.” Arabella opened her contacts, found

Clark’s number, waved it around, “You can also call and ask him yourself.”

Carol saw the “Clark” in her contacts was indeed Clark’s number, but getting

Clark’s number wasn’t a very difficult feat.

At that moment, Arabella heard noises from outside, and immediately said, “Be

careful, someone is coming.”

Ten or so people just burst through the door, menacingly.

The man at the front sneered coldly, “You traitor, you really are here! You’re all in

this together!”

Ever since Arabella left that mountain, someone had been secretly following her,

because the rain was pouring so heavily, Arabella’s anti-surveillance skills

weren’t as good as usual, many sounds were masked by the wind and rain.

The organization’s people saw Dennis run to the front of the castle causing a

ruckus, a long time ago, they suspected Dennis’ identity, in the end, they saw

Dennis bring Arabella there, and even purposely waited outside, until that

moment to burst in.

“What’s your relationship with Mafia Flame?” The man at the front angrily asked

again, “Are you Mr. Bryant’s woman?”

Only Mr. Bryant’s woman had the privilege to live in that castle, and receive so

much respect from Mr. Bryant’s men.

Arabella was stunned.

“Oh, you could say that, Arabella smirked playfully, “Aren’t you going to make a

move? You’re so slow, is this the speed of your organization?”

“You dare to look down on us? You hurt our Mathew and so many brothers,

today, I will definitely tie you up and take you to Mr. Bryant, let him personally

punish you!”

For the stability of Mafia Flame, Mr. Bryant certainly wouldn’t discard a woman.

After all, Mr. Bryant was notoriously cold-blooded.

That woman even had the audacity to cause a commotion in their organization

and delete the records on all their lab computers.

They must make an example out of her!Chapter 940

“And you, Carol, you traitor, come back with me and kneel before the elders!”

“In your dreams!” Arabella and Carol spoke simultaneously, casting each other a

surprised glance. They didn’t expect to be in such an agreement.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had a good workout.”

After being hit by Arabella, some of the poison in her body was expelled, making

Carol feel much lighter.

She flexed her wrists, ready for a showdown.

Enter title…

The masked man at the front sneered, “We’ve set a trap for you. You two have

no chance of escaping from here.

You might as well surrender.”

“Talks too much,’ Carol and Arabella once again spoke simultaneously, both

displaying a mocking smile. Their beauty had a touch of chill and coolness.

Arabella said with interest, “Show us what you’ve got.”

“Take this; Like a bolt of lightning, Carol quickly moved to the front.

Arabella was surprised that Carol was so much faster than before, just by

expelling some of the poison. Her moves were quicker, and more precise.

Arabella was also gaining the upper hand on those men. Those small fries were

easy for her to deal with.

Waves of people kept on pouring in from outside, like mushrooms after the rain.

At the same time, bullets were raining down on them.

Arabella overturned a table, sending it flying in front of Carol to shield her.

Carol picked up a small knife that someone had dropped and threw it accurately

toward the man sneaking up behind Arabella and hitting him.

The two of them were protecting each other in their own ways.

The masked man was taken aback by their seamless cooperation, and the

formidable aura they exuded.

It seemed like Mr. Byron was right, Arabella was one of the forces Carol had

trained in secret for the resistance!

Not only did she train people in secret, but she also collaborated with Mafia

Flame, harming their own people.

Those two crimes alone were enough to send Carol to the depths of hell!

The others in the organization wouldn’t dare to protect her after all of that!

At that point, Arabella looked at Carol and hurriedly asked, “Where is the thing

from earlier?”

Carol was confused, what thing?

Suddenly, she remembered and took out a small medicine bottle from her

pocket, asking in confusion, “This?

Deadly Seven Step?!

Arabella raised an eyebrow as if to say, yes, that was it.

Carol immediately threw the bottle over. Arabella caught it easily and in less

than two seconds, she had mixed the Deadly Seven Step into another medicine

she had.

With a flick of her wrist, the grey powder flew towards the others. They didn’t

understand what was happening to them until they started to fall one by one,

unable to move.

The masked man immediately covered his nose but still inhaled some of the fine

powder. In a few seconds, he also felt weak and powerless.

What was that stuff?

It was incredibly potent.

Did Carol and that girl research some kind of drug in secret to use against the


Thinking about that, the masked man’s anger flared, he felt that Carol had gone

way too far!

She was like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The organization had nurtured her for so many years, only to raise a scourge!

“I call this one ‘One Step Down’? Arabella improvised a name, smirking at the

dozens of defeated men lying haphazardly in front of her. It seemed like the

organization wasn’t as formidable as they thought.

Carol was stunned by Arabella’s intelligence. Just by mixing two drugs together,

she’d produced such a potent effect.

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