The Paragon Antaris - a secret World of magic #2

Chapter 17

The light seemed very bright, and I had to raise my hand to protect my eyes. Innia held my hand and turned her face to my shoulder so as not to be blinded. As quickly as the light came and illuminated us, we were grateful when it dimmed and we could finally look up.

I looked at Innia, who was staring at me in shock, and when I turned my head to Devas and Vaell, they both stared in disbelief in front of us. Looking ahead, I saw the light that was once so bright clearly dimmed into a situational shape. It went out completely, and in front of us stood a being that I had never seen or heard of. It had no exact shape but took the form of one man who looked at us smiling.

"I think this form will be comfortable for you," it said without opening its mouth, as if it was speaking to me in my head.

Looking at the others told me that they also heard the voice and were just as surprised as I was. "Who are you?" Devas asked cautiously.

The creature just smiled more and tilted its head to the side.

"I am the light...the beginning and the end. I am love and I am the creator. I am the one who knows everything. Or as you call me, the father of all beings. Devas, son of Asasel and Hannya," it said again without moving its mouth.

Innia held her hand over her mouth and fell on her knees out of respect for the being who turned out to be the father of all beings and therefore deserved all of our respect. We followed Innia's movement and fell to our knees, humble and full of respect.

"Forgive us, Father, we didn't know," I said with my head bowed.

"I have expected you, Elyon, son of Avery and Iris from Antaris," I heard the father's words.

I dared to look up and look at him fearfully.

His eyes were merciful, and he smiled at me, holding out his hand as a sign that we should get up. I stood up and looked at Devas and Innia, who were looking at me with big eyes. Only Vaell was still kneeling next to us, looking at the ground. The father of all beings looked at him and smiled even more.

"You didn't endanger him, Vaell, son of Devas and Evelyn. You are exactly what I wanted and did as I wished," he said to Vaell, who looked at him.

His gaze returned to me, and he looked at me with his chin raised.

"I'm sorry, Father, that I couldn't pass on the prophecy," I heard Innia in a sad voice.

"Pass it on?" asked the father. "You are part of the prophecy, Innia, daughter of Valerie and Charun," he added.

Innia and I looked at each other confused and before we could ask anything, the father dissolved before our eyes, and a shiny cloud appeared that took a shape in front of us and told us a story.

Since the beginning, my brother, darkness, and I have not been on the same page. While I had affection for love and light, he was addicted to darkness and pain. You are surrounded by us and live through us. I quickly realized that darkness knew that he alone could not defeat me and so he created beings to follow him. I wanted to protect love and spread the light so as not to allow him to devour everything and remain in eternal darkness. I created the angels and gave them everything they needed.

My love grew for creatures of love, and so I created more different beings to spread love and light. All my children were loved by me, but not all my children loved me.

I was betrayed, and as more and more of my children became attracted to my brother and joined the darkness, I placed hope in the people who still loved me.

Baldur was one of my children who strayed from the path of love, and so I decided to create soulmates who gave each other love and light.

Not everyone could have them, only those who served love and light and were pure in heart. Soon after, some children came driven back by love and turned to the good side. But some deepened their darkness, and the fight of good against evil seemed even harder.

The fight had already lasted for thousands of years, and I decided to proclaim my word through humans to help the good beings in the fight. I called these prophets.

Abbadon was one of the greatest worshippers of evil and was rewarded for it by my brother, the darkness. He gave him powers to fulfill his plan, and so I also gave the good beings powers to defend themselves.

I only kept the humans pure to keep my word spread. All the good creatures should hear my words from them who did not have powers, but they were all killed.

The pure untouched blood of them was the darkness's strength, and so he found a way to be released.

What I hoped for and what happened then was Baldur's return to the good side and, saved by his soulmate, he came back to me. Baldur defended the last Prophet and did not allow his blood to get to Abbadon together with the good beings he fought against the darkness. The darkness cursed him for weakening his chosen ones, and soon he was murdered by his brothers.

But my love for him was greater, and so I blessed his successor for his unselfish sacrifice. The child who got his powers of darkness but with a pure heart, his daughter Iris.

I presented many burdens, many trials and temptations for Iris, but she passed each one with only her love and the light I gave through soulmates. The last prophet announced that a being with evil powers is born good and becomes the key to defeating the darkness. So Abbadon was ordered to find Iris and sacrifice her to the darkness to free him. But Iris is not the key.

Her good soul only proved to me that she was the right one to give birth to Baldur's successor, who sought forgiveness from me and came back to me.

You, Elyon, are the chosen one. The one I chose to defeat the darkness," I heard the father's voice say.

The glittering cloud gathered again before our eyes, and the father of all beings stood before me. His gaze fell from me to Innia, and he added, "Your soulmate had to bear the burden and was carrying my message, so I gave her the gift of wandering in dreams. That's where you would have found me if you united, and I would have explained all this to you. However, my plan was destroyed by the darkness, and they took you into custody. The angels who protect the prophets bonded closely with them, and Abbadon did bad things to lure Michael to him. Michael's appearance would be a direct connection to me, and this would be the path of darkness to destroy me. You have spoken to me so often, my child. I was with you even when you did not know it and led you to Elyon to fulfill your prophecy. Your prophecy is to bring him to me, and you have fulfilled it now."

Innia's eyes were filled with tears of happiness and devotion to the Father of all beings as he looked at her. He turned to me, and his hand touched my face. The warmth I felt and the light that surrounded me felt good, and I felt my strength within me. I fell to my knees and heard a loud ringing in my ears and voices… so many voices. I held my head and breathed heavily as the feeling was so strong.

"Go back home. He has received my word," I heard the father say, and he disappeared.

As the light disappeared, so did the father.

We suddenly stood in front of Jade, who looked at us in surprise. I still held my head in pain and screamed while Innia and Devas held me.

"Take us home!" Vaell exclaimed, excited and still deeply dismayed by the experience.

Innia brought Jade to us in the dream that was hers, and she immediately opened the portal through which Devas and Vaell carried me as I screamed in pain.

I held my head and screamed, and Innia knelt next to me as she felt my pain too. I heard my parents' voices calling around me as if they were far away and not kneeling in front of me. My head seemed to be full of voices and ringing that was getting worse and worse, and from one moment to the next, I felt my aura around me.

A powerful aura that glowed dark red flashed through with bright white trails circling around me. Everyone around me was pushed aside by the aura, and the circling aura spun around me even faster.

The voices seemed to merge into one, and I now clearly heard the father of all beings speaking to me. As His words united in my mind loud and clear, my aura turned into mist and roared into me from all sides. I stood with my fists pressed and fully aware of who I am and what my task is. The strength in me seemed enormous, and I let out an inhuman roar that was so loud that all the windows and doors shattered.

I felt two wings sprouting from my back and the power rushing through my body. One half of my body is decorated with angelic signs on my skin and a white angel wing that is strong and shiny white. The other half of my body was a dragon-like demon that carried my dark red aura and a dragon wing that seemed to be as strong as the angel wing.

My body was not separated from good and evil; I was a being united by the father of all beings. Everyone stared at me in disbelief, and their wide eyes showed me that I was something that no one had ever seen before.

I looked at my father, who looked at me in disbelief and said, "I know what to do."

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