The Palace Beast

Chapter 89 - The Fight

The enmity between vampires and werewolves has lasted for some time since many of the werewolf refused to work with the vampires. Werewolf bite to a vampire can be very fatal. A vampire's death by a werewolf bite is very slow and painful, which is why many who are bitten are ultimately 'mercy-killed' before they reach that point. It is deadly enough to even kill an Original vampire like Ambrogio and consequently can kill non-Original vampires like Bonnie, and presumably vampire hybrids. The werewolves are believed to be the strongest when they hunt in packs. But what will be the fate of this werewolf now he's alone and surrounded by both humans and a vampire?

The werewolf pounced at Bonnie and brought his fangs close to her neck aiming for a fatal bite. As he was about to bury his fangs into Bonnie's neck, John blasted him with a thunderbolt.

John wasn't sure how he did that. He stared at his palm, "How in the hell did I do that?" he sneered with concerned.

Bonnie jumped to her feet saying, "Fight now, and talk later!" She didn't want him to lose focus on the monstrous beast.

The chief of the village stared in awe as he began to drawback. He doesn't want to get involved in the fight between these creatures. Immediately he walked past the entrance of the dungeon, he slam shut the iron door, locking John and Bonnie in with the werewolf.

However, John never paid attention as he focuses his eyes on the werewolf as so do Bonnie. "What do we do now?" asked John as he glanced at Bonnie. "Try and hit him again with the thunderbolt!"

"I didn't know how I did it at first," John declared out.

The werewolf slowly drags himself up to his feet. One can tell that the thunderbolt did great harm to him but couldn't keep him down from fighting back.

Seeing this, Bonnie began drawing back. She doesn't want to engage in putting her life on the line. She had earlier warned John to let the chief's men do what they need to do to the werewolf because she knew in wolf form, a werewolf can overpower and kill any non-original vampire with ease, and are strong enough to overpower an Original vampire in small groups.

Realizing Bonnie was already drawing back, John glanced at her again. "Come on we can take him out," he said.

"I can't. A werewolf in wolf form can kill a vampire with a bite," said Bonnie.

Bonnie has been brave and John has seen that. But what John is seeing now is not that same brave vampire that rescued him from Cerberus. All he sees now in her is fear.

John realizes he's alone in this fight and has to protect Bonnie from getting bitten. He has to figure out how to use his powers to stop the werewolf or Bonnie will get torn apart by the furious creature.

Werewolves transform on a full moon. During a full moon, they turn into their 'were' form, the rest of the time they are indistinguishable from normal humans. However, they sometimes transform every night or transform at will. Werewolves are known to be shapeshifters. They are to shift their bones into a wolf-like form and adapt the features similar to a non-human animal.

The werewolf possesses superhuman strength. Their more wolf-like form, during a full moon, is more powerful and they are capable of lifting at least over 150 tons, enabling them to lift and throw a semi-truck a few blocks away. Like other supernatural creatures, a werewolf is known for having extraordinary abilities. They have super senses of sight, smell, and hearing. Furthermore, werewolves are very fast and have speedy healing abilities. A werewolf can share its thoughts with other werewolves.

As the werewolf growled again, he switched his focus on Bonnie and started making his way to her. Spits were dropping from his mouth and his claws were ready to be hurried into his victim's body. Werewolf Venom is an ability of werewolves and vampire-werewolf hybrids to generate an extremely deadly toxin that is fatal to vampires and harmful to Original vampires. It is secreted through their fangs which allow them to be transferred through a bite.

John was lost in his thoughts with no idea yet. However, Bonnie summoned courage and fangs out. She was ready to die fighting rather than stand down and be devoured. She glared at the werewolf, "What are you waiting for?!" The werewolf howled. He was enraged with what Bonnie has said. He pounced at Bonnie with his hand raised to scratch her.

Vampires are extremely strong and fast, but werewolves are faster and stronger and they have the advantage of being pack hunters - so rarely hunt alone. Vampires wouldn't need our custom body armor as they have super tough skin that can only be penetrated by the teeth or claws of Werewolves.

"Oh shit!" John exclaimed as he jumped on top of the hairy creature trying to stop him from scratching Bonnie with his claws. "You will let her go now!"

John countenances changed. His eyes turned blue as a mysterious wand with an eagle head appeared in his right hand. Suddenly he became aware of what to do with the wand and without hesitation he strokes the werewolf with the wand. There was a flash of lightning that came out from the wand and entered into the werewolf. Immediately the werewolf returned to his human form.

Seeing what has happened, Bonnie quickly made her move. She grabbed the pale-looking young man and lifted him off the ground. With the other hand, she ripped out his heart and crushed it underfoot, and releases him off her grip and the lifeless body of the young man slump to the ground.

The chief all this while has been watching from outside the dungeon. On seeing what has happened, he quickly opened the iron door and ordered his imperial guards to seize the vampire.

"I will not let you touch her," said John as he points his new wand at the guards. "Anyone that makes a move will feel my wrath."

"We can't let her walk out from here. Who knows how many people she has killed and how many she will kill or even turn?"

The chief makes his way into the dungeon as he unsheathed his sword strapped around his waist. He knew quite well that his blade was made of silver and it has no effect on vampires. However, he never wanted to fight Bonnie with it but John.

He switched his attention towards John with his sword pointed at him. "Even gods can be killed and if killing you will make me get to her, so be it!"

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