The Palace Beast

Chapter 121 - Hail

As all the nobles of Maxis gathered, they all took their seats. The king's courtier takes his stand and started addressing the nobles. "Good Nobles of Maxis, King Edward II has sent me here in honor to the good memories of the good King who was killed by a filthy creature. As we have gathered under the seal of King Edward II, I have been instructed to announce the new leader of Maxis."

The courtier makes his way to the center of the Nobles that have gathered and continued. "Some changes have been made and I wish to call on King Absalom to stand before the throne meant for the Kings."

On hearing this, Lord Ramsey arouse in anger. He couldn't speak or interrupt because no one is dare to speak when the king's courtier speaks in the name of the king during a council gathering.

John who was seated beside Bonnie was lost and so is the nobles that have gathered. "What the hell is the courtier doing?” he whispered to Bonnie.

"I have no idea."

"I will not allow someone to take your place."

"Do nothing my love; it will be for our good."

Without hesitation, King Absalom makes his way to the throne. He was laughing as one making a mockery of someone. He stood in front of the throne staring down at the nobles.

Lord Ramsey was still standing enraged but Bonnie ordered him to be seated as his seat was at the left-hand side of Lady Bonnie and John's seat at the right hand.

After he has taken his seat, the king's courtier continued. "King Absalom has shown his eagerness in taking over Maxis. But such eagerness will have no good on the people of Maxis. He threatened to kill me days ago and a few hours ago he was close to fulfilling his threat when he held a dagger to my throat and made me swear to declare him the new King of Maxis."

"What are you doing?" King Absalom's face becomes pale. He just made a deal with the king's courtier which he agreed to. What's going on now? He totally does not have any idea.

The king's courtier turned towards Lady Bonnie. "The daughter of the late King Gilbert lives and she's here today to claim her late parents' fortified city. Therefore, I announce Lady Bonnie as the new King of Maxis. Hail Queen Bonnie." "Hail Queen Bonnie Gilbert!"

"Hail Queen Bonnie Gilbert!"

Happiness returned to the faces of the nobles of Maxis who have gathered to honor their new leader. But someone else isn't happy. King Absalom was enraged. He draws out his sword and charges towards the king's courtier to slit his throat. Before he could get to the king's courtier, the knights of Maxis seized King Absalom and disarmed him.

Lord Ramsey approaches the king's courtier. He was pleased with his actions for standing up against the tyranny of King Absalom. "Thank you."

"I did it for King Edward II, not for you."

"It doesn't matter. Thank you for being such an Princess man."

"You can say that again. I tricked him after he held a dagger to my throat and threatened to kill me."

The courtier just outsmarted King Absalom. King Absalom didn't see that coming. He accepted his deal to save his life and to shame him before the nobles of Maxis.

"Such crime won't be ignored."

"That's right Lord Ramsey. He must be charged with treason, take him away."

After the king's courtier has ordered King Absalom to be locked up, he continued with the ceremony. He asked Queen Bonnieto sit on the throne and say her pledge to King Edward II.

Queen Bonnie after saying her pledge to be loyal to the king in front of the entire nobles and the king's courtier rises to address the nobles. "I appreciate all of you for your presence today. I will not let Maxis down, this I swear."

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Lord Ramsey and the knights dragged King Absalom to the guards' quarters and locked him up in one of the guards' cells. He didn't want him to find out about Gallo and Rose in the dungeon. As soon as King Absalom has been locked-up, he quickly made his way to the dungeon to finish his conversation with Gallo.

As the ceremony has ended, Queen Bonnie makes her way to her chamber with John. As they walk back to the chamber. John began to tell her to watch after some people and be careful with entrusting herself to them. But out of her curiosity, she asked, "Why?"

"I saw the look on some of their faces. Not all of them are happy you have been made the new King of Maxis."

"I understand your concern but my people will not harm me."

"Even if they find out your new identity?"

"I am uncertain about that but as the King, I can decree that I have pardoned peaceful vampires who are willing to protect live peacefully in Maxis. I can sign it into law and my people will follow it."

"You can do that?"

"Yes of course. The King can pardon anyone she chooses to pardon."

"What the hell are you waiting for?"

"I have to draft it down and have the knights paste it all over the Fortified city."

"Then let's get to work."

...At Zeus' Palace...

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Zeus' herald with his slave boy returned to Zeus and delivered the message of John to Zeus and their encounter with him. Zeus was enraged and didn't just accept the message but sees it as an insult and threat to him. He strokes the slave boy of his herald with a thunderbolt.

Zeus in his anger approaches his herald. His herald became froze and shivering in fear thinking Zeus would kill him in the fit of his rage. "I hate such news!" roared Zeus.

"Spare me my Lord; I am only but a mortal."

"I don't spare failures, but for you, I will make an exception. Go and bury your slave boy and return to me for further duties."

...At Maxis...

Queen Bonnie was taking some scrolls from the library's shelf of Maxis after she have penned down her decree pardoning vampires who can live at peace with them. As she was going through other shelves, she heard footsteps approaching. When she turned to see who it was, she was startled by seeing Lord Ramsey.

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

"You just startled me."

"I never knew your kind can get startled."

"What are you talking about?"

Lord Ramsey brought his face closer to hers and then whispered. "I know what you are."

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