The Otherside: Jay McClayn: This Is High School (Book 1)

Chapter 28

My memories, they were flooding back; quickly, they were playing in order. Alice was my younger half sister. She was younger only by a year. I didn’t see much of her and had only met her a few times in the castle, before she was banished from the castle. She lived with her mother. She had major rage problems which is why my father didn’t want her around and banished her at age 6. Is that why she is so mad at me? But then I realized it was just a tad bit more than that.

Another memory that I remembered more, was Jason teaching me how to go out of body, like he did at state, (the only good thing being out of body is it slightly enhances your powers and you are invisible to humans, but it leaves your body vulnerable and well there are no humans in the Otherside). Before we fell in love Jason had been teaching me magic and stuff from the bible. Well, even after we fell in love, he was still teaching me. The last thing that stood out was some unfinished business that Harrison probably hoped I wouldn’t have remembered. Before the attack and me leaving and losing my memory, Jason was trying to find his father. I was doing research and dug deep and found out who his father was. Someone Jason would have never expected, Harrison. I had confronted Harrison about it and told him that if he didn’t tell Jason by the end of the week, that I would tell Jason.

Eventually, I got through all my memories and I realized, I wasn’t a very nice person. I was mean to a lot of people. Harrison, Melanie and Jason were the only people I was civil with and Jason and I weren’t even civil at the start. The first time I met him, he saved my life from a thief and what did I do? Got mad at him for saving me, and not letting me do it. I was not nice at all.

I slowly woke up to see Madison. “What happened? I got a call from Harrison. I told him you were okay. Why didn’t you put up a fight? I know you weren’t trying or you wouldn’t be in this hospital room.” Madison went on, I kind of tuned her out as I looked around. I saw a massive amount of wires and needles in me. I didn’t feel a thing.

“Madison, I remember everything.” I said with no emotion that was all I could say at the moment.

“Oh, so that is why you were out for a month. Alice must have done THAT spell. It is unadvisable due to the lengthy time it knocks someone out, but it is an effective memory spell.” She replied putting pieces together.

“A month!” I sat up quickly and she pushed me back down.

“Calm down. Your plane was rescheduled. You’re leaving tomorrow. Snowflake has been covering band camp for you.” I took a couple of deep breathes. I felt like a science experiment.

“Why do I have so many wires and needles in me?” I asked a little annoyed.

“We were wanting to make sure you were okay. Most of the wires and needles are going to machines to checking a different things. A few of those needles are giving you things to regulate your body. It is just extra precaution because you had been out for so long. We can try getting them all taken out, but fair warning you are going to be in pain.” She said trying to explain so I wouldn’t be so mad.

“Why would it hurt?” I asked confused.

“You have not been moving for a month. I’m pretty sure you are stiff and you are full of needle holes.” She replied.

“I should be fine. Can I also get some food.” Madison walked out to get a nurse. (I found out later the hospital was run by shapeshifters, which is why it was safe for me to be there).

Once Madison came back with the nurse, they took all the needles and wires out and let me eat. They gave me chicken noodle soup. After I was done eating, I got up and walked around. It wasn’t much longer until I was released from the hospital and we went back to my aunt’s house. It was finally sinking in, I was going home tomorrow. School will be starting up again soon. My senior year was coming and so was a battle. A battle for my kingdom that I can’t do alone. But first thing I’m going to do is have Harrison tell Jason the truth.

Once I got to Madison’s house, I packed my suitcase and talked to Madison about a lot of things that were coming up. She told me Nikki was going to stay and help with the war. She also said that Mason and her will come when the war was closer to happening and if I needed her to call her. She had becoming like a mom to me; since Melanie is gone it’s great to have someone like that again. Eventually, like all days, that one had to end and we went to our separate beds for the night. Tomorrow we will be going our separate ways for longer than just a night.

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