The Otherside: Alice: Tough Decisions (Book 6)

Chapter 7

Next thing I knew I was waking up on the loveseat. I saw Duncan on the couch. Grandpa Harrison was making him drink something. I slowly began to sit up.

“Is he okay?” I asked feeling horrible.

“Yes, but he is changing. I will need to get the cure so he will be human again. I sent Aaron back in his place for this weekend since he is the only other shifter in the house. He is going to play a sick Duncan. You will need to watch over him while I go get the cure. I should have a cure before the weekend is up.”

“I’m sorry, I put you guys through this.” I felt horrible.

“You better be.” I heard a voice from behind me. I tilted my head back to see Trey. “Thanks to you, we have to babysit him.” he pointed to Duncan.

I looked back to Grandpa Harrison. “When is he going to wake up? Do you know?”

“He won’t be up before I get back. I just gave him a sedative so we don’t have to deal with potential blood lust mess.”

“I’m sorry, I should have protected him better. Wait. How did I get here?”

I heard a sigh come from behind me.

“Trey found you. He was worried when it got late and you weren’t back. He had to call Ace to get you both back here.” Grandpa Harrison explained.

“Oh, I see.” Then it sunk in. Everyone now knows I was secretly meeting up with Duncan. But that doesn’t mean Duncan and I are back together in their mind right? “I-I think I am going to go to bed. I said turning my body to get off the couch.

“I am going to be leaving soon. He should be fine until morning. I gave your grandmother instructions on keeping him sedated and nourished. Please help her.

“I will. Again, I am sorry.” my eyes were watering.

He put a hand on my cheek. “Accidents happen. Everything will be okay.” he then patted my shoulder. “Now get some sleep.” he walked away to his bedroom.

I tried to get up, but because of the events that happened tonight, I was still drained and fell back down on the couch.

“Come here.” Trey said frustrated as he held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me up close to him and then he picked me up.

“I’m sorry, I screwed things up.”

“Save it! I don’t want to hear it.” he snapped as we were going up the stairs.

“Can I at least thank you... for finding us.”

He shook his head and opened my door. “You are a real mess you know that?” he started lecturing me.

“What do you...” he cut me off.

“I know you have been seeing him. I have been watching you with my psychic powers for a while now. I was hoping you would have fessed up by now. He cheated on you and...” He paused and then shook his head in frustration. “No, it’s your life. Make your own choices, but you now have to explain it to Ace. It is the least you can do since he helped me get you both back to Harrison.” I felt tears welling up again. He was beginning to walk away, but I grabbed his hand. He turned around.

“I’m sorry. I should have said something.”

He shook his hand away from mine, and a tear fell from my eyes.

“Don’t you do that to me. You crying... I said what you needed to hear... I...” he trailed off as tears were streaming down my face. He sat down next to me and pulled me close to cry on his shoulder.

“The demon almost took over tonight. I was so scared of Duncan getting hurt because of me. I was scared I would never come home. I used her power and I almost lost myself.” I sobbed. “If I never snuck out... never started secretly dating Duncan, none of this would have happened. I know I screwed up big. That is why I am so upset with myself.” I said while sobbing.

He rubbed my back. “It’s fine. The demon didn’t take over and Duncan will be okay. I’m just upset you are with him, but still after everything you done, you still deserve better. That is why Ace is upset too. He wished you would have told him. I’m sure you two can work things out when you talk. You will see.” He pulled away and wiped my tears. “Get some sleep, things will get better in the morning. Hell, you might actually be able to move on your own then.”

“T-thanks.” I said as he got up.

He ruffled my hair. “Don’t worry about it. Now get some sleep.”

“Goodnight.” I said as he was walking out.

“Goodnight Princess.” he replied before shutting the door. I laid there until I eventually fell back asleep.

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