The Otherside: Alice: Tough Decisions (Book 6)

Chapter 29

It took us a couple of weeks but we got a good mix of government in place. It is a lot like the American government except one congress, everyone gets voted in every 4 years, and if something gets vetoed by the president it goes to a vote to the people. The hardest part will be educating the masses on the new government, but I was leaving that to Aunt Nikki. All I had to do is resign and tell them the new change is coming. I got up on the balcony and spoke out to the crowd. It was also being broadcasted to other areas using communication portals. I was nervous, but I held my head up high and spoke with as much confidence as I could muster.

“Today is a day of change. Not on an individual level for me, but for us as a Nation, as a whole. We will no longer be a monarchy that does not hear its people’s voices. As the past has proven we can no longer have a single head without eventual power corruption so today marks a new era for us. We will be moving into a democracy where your voice will be heard and anyone can rule. This is no longer about birthright anymore, but about who is right for the job, and to be honest that is not me.” I took off my crown and dropped it to the floor. “We will bring in a new era of a congress, we will redefine our judicial system, and we will change the seat in the castle and take away a lot of the power it holds. For once we need to take a chapter from the plain old humans back on Earth. We have been failing with our government and I am not saying theirs is a perfect government, that is why we are not exactly copying what they have done, but it is good enough of a base for us to grow on. My first and last official royal decree is this for you. Nikki Ramero will be taking over putting this new government together from what I have constructed. I will check in every now again to see if the people’s voices are being heard. If they are not, I will help with a revolution, but I will no longer have direct authority over the throne. The long line of Harts before me, and recently Hexs are no longer royal blood. The people rule; your voices will now be heard.” As I walked away I heard a mixture of cheering and confusion. Aunt Nikki took the stage and I did not stick around to hear what she was saying but it was about the government we had discussed. I was feeling faint and the next thing I knew I was waking up in bed with Ace sitting by my bed.

“What happened?” I asked slowly sitting up.

“You collapsed after your...” he stopped mid-sentence when he saw my eyes. “Your eyes are blue again.”

“T-they are?” I was slightly freaking out. “Does that mean...” I trailed off and held up my hand. I closed my eyes to listen, but my demon was gone. “The curse... it is gone.” I wondered if it was the same for Aaron. (When I checked later the same thing happened to him).

“You must have broken the curse by giving up your bloodline’s tie to the throne. After doing that is when you passed out so it would make sense.”

“Yeah, so I guess I am free.” I said with a faint smile. Part of me was still missing Trey.

“So are you ready to head out now? Or are you wanting to wait until tomorrow?”

“You’re going to help me? Are you going to use your power to find him and take me to him?”

“No, that is an invasion of privacy, but I will take you around to the dimensions I know he hangs around.”

“Thank you!” I exclaimed as I threw my arms around his neck.

We ended up waiting until the next day to leave, so I could pack the small bag Captain Jay gave me a while back and help Aunt Nikki with any last minute things. She had pretty much everything handled though. Everything was written down in notes and had my signatures and everything so she was pretty much set. There were 10 dimensions that Trey has been to before without us. We went to each dimension and opened the compass to see if he was there. He was not, so we checked out Earth and then we ended up staying in Captain Jay’s world. Thankfully, I packed our old clothes just incase he would be here. We ended up running into Jay at a bar with Steven. It was her time in between ferrying souls to the afterlife. She told us that Trey had been there a few days ago but left. He said he would be back eventually, but did not give a time limit. I let out a big sigh. Jay invited us back to her ship for a place to stay for old times sake. Before going to bed I pulled Ace aside.

“Why won’t you just look and see where he is at? We have been at this for over a week now and it would really make this faster.” I started complaining to him.

“Why don’t you? If you are so determined to find him.” he snapped at me.

“You know I can’t see through dimensions like you and Trey can.” I sighed. “We have been to 13 dimensions that we know he has been to. How many has he been to that we do not know about. We may never find him.”

Ace sighed. “Really? Are you really that pessimistic?”

“Ace please, for me? I am begging you.”

He shook his head. “The things I do for you....” he said as he opened a portal and left.

I explained to Jay and Steven later where he went and handed Jay her compass back.

“Are you sure you do not still need it to find Trey? What if Ace doesn’t find him and you need to move on.”

“And Ace called me pessimistic.” I sighed. “I am sure you can have it back. I know Ace will be able to find him.”

“Well then, uh... stay with us as long as you need. I have the rest of the month before I need to head out again.” she said with a smile. She patted my back and then went back into her quarters with Steven to do God only knows what.

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