The Omega Best Friend

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 

What We’ve Been Waiting For 

Gabbie POV 

“Hurry up. Light the torches as soon as you set them up,” Athena demanded. 

“Don’t forget the moon stones. They have to be on every corner. 

“Geez, I’ve never seen Athena this agitated,” Emery hissed. 

She and I piled water gems from the basement into baskets while the other omegas dealt with the torches and moon stones. 

“Everything must be perfect!” She yelled.. 

“It’s a big night. I feel like yelling too,” I said. 

We gathered the last of the water gems and rushed to the ground. I hadn’t seen Kade since this morning or Alex since yesterday. Though, an Alpha female with white hair had been prowling around. There was a chance she could face Kade if they both win their battles. 

“I’m sorry about your date. We worked extra hard on it, Emery said

“I can’t believe you hid it from me!” 

She laughed. “It was fun to do something normal for once. The Academy hasn’t been the same. Sometimes I think Blair made the right choice. 

She stared at the basket of water gems. They were oval shape made of glimmering neon green and sky blue. 

“You’re not thinking of leaving, are you?” I asked. 

She dropped her shoulders. “If I leave I won’t get a good position back home. That’s the best my parents hoped for when we discovered I was an omega. 

“I’m guessing they aren’t omegas?” 

“No, gammas and my brother’s a beta.” 

“I heard about Tristan’s mate.” 

Her nostrils flared. “I’m sick of him and her. It sucks that I’ll have to see them together when we all go home.” 

“Are you done for good now?” 

“If only Tristan gets that but he won’t leave me alone. 

I recalled what Leiah told me abour Tristan being a special powerful wolf an annetite for blood. He was 


a good guy but I didn’t want my friend hurt or worse. 

“You should keep your distance he’s already got a crazy mate.” 

Emery nodded. “I will” 

“Gabbie!” Alex yelled. 

He jogged up to us, wearing nothing but grey sweats. He wrapped me in his arms and squeezed. His cologne and sweat filled my nose. 

You know everything,” he breathed out. 

“I do,” my voice cracked. 

“I’m sorry. I only wanted to keep you safe that’s why I didn’t tell you anything. 

He pulled back and brushed hair out of my face. I imagined his perfectly smooth face beaten up in a few hours. 

“Alex…” my voice cracked again. I couldn’t tell him to be careful. I wouldn’t make sense. Nothing felt right in that moment. 

Alex and Kade were stubborn and neither of them would stop until victory was theirs and that scared 

  1. me. 

“Please come back okay?” I said.  Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

His brows dipped. He stroked my cheeks. “I’ll come back.” 

I nodded and brushed a stray tear from my face. 

“Come on everyone. This is what we’ve been waiting for!” Athena yelled as she stomped to the field. 

“I’ll see you tonight, Alex said. 

I nodded and watched him leave. My heart mourned. 

Everyone dressed according to their packs tonight and stood according to pack and rank. Which put me at the back of the group. I found a rock and stood on it to see the Alpha families arrive. No handshakes. Alex’s little sister sat next to her Mom. She looked as nervous as I felt. Kade’s side was massive but I couldn’t tell who was family and who were officials. 

“Oh my gosh!” Emery jumped on the rock wobbled so she could see what was going on. 

You shouldn’t be here!” I hissed. 

“Everyone’s too busy to notice a Richmond omega among the Henry omegas.” 

She had a point. 


“Here they come!” Emery said. 

As the cheers erupted my heart beat slowed and the sound vanished. Everything moved in slow 

motion. My eyes locked on him. His wayward eyes scanned the crowd until he spotted me. Kade had to come back to me. We had no other choice! 

Alex emerged from the other corner with his betas. 

“Who do you think’s going to win?” Emery asked. 

“I have no idea.” 

Athena and Mr Miller stood between Alex and Kade. They stared each other down. Miller explained the rules which they already knew. Miller declared the fight before I was ready. 

The crowd zoomed forward. The Alpha families shot to their feet as Alex slammed his foot into Kade’s gut sending him three feet away. 

“Get up Kade! I jumped but couldn’t see over the heads of the crowd. 

“Ouch!” I found Emery laying on her stomach, peeping through people’s legs. 

“You’re going to get your head smashed.” 

“Let’s go to the end.” 

She got up 

and ran. The ground gasped again and I ran behind her. I could hear the blows but the tightly knit bodies prevented me from seeing the action! 

We got to end of the crowd in time to see Kade lock Alex in a chokehold. Alex dug his feet into the ground but Kade had him firmly locked. 

I gasped. 

“What are you guys doing here?” Tristan asked. 

“Watching, duh!” Emery snapped. 

Leiah and Gareth were beside him. Leiah watched nervously as Alex continued to struggle. 

I shouldn’t have come here. I couldn’t bear to watch anyone get hit. I couldn’t bear to watch the defeat settle on the loser’s face. 

“Damn, they’re both good,” Gareth muttered. 

Alex broke free from Kade’s hold. He threw a punch but Kade narrowly missed it. Alex was winded. He shuffled back to regain his composure. Kade scanned the crowd cheering and clapping vehemently. Kade stopped and focused on me. 

My heart beat so fast with anxiety but in the moment I believed Kade wanted me to trust him. Alex’s fist connected with Kade’s jaw


Gareth snaked his arm around my waist

“No, you don’t.” 

I should have known not to stand next to him. 

“I should have done that a long time ago, Alex said. 

Kade rubbed his jaw. “I should have destroyed you after you kissed my mate.” 

Heat rushed to my face. They thought now was the best time to air dirty laundry? 

“You kissed, Alex?” Emery asked. 

“Not on purpose!” 

“You took what was mine.” 

Kade grunted as Alex’s fist connected with his jaw again. Kade grabbed Alex’s fist before he received. another blow. 

“She was never yours, 


Kade released and smashed his foot into Alex’s chest. Alex hit the ground. Kade marched over and picked Alex off the ground and threw Alex’s heavy body on his back. The crowd roared with 


Kade threw Alex several feet. Alex bumped and rolled until he came to a stop. 

Our small group ran to get a closer look at the action Kade grabbed Alex’s neck and pummelled him. 

“No, I can’t watch.” I covered my eyes. 

“You might want to,” Gareth said. 

I peeked through and Alex was back on his teeth going toe to toe with Kade. 

“Why don’t they shift and end things!” Leiah said in frustration. 

Kade swept Alex off his feet. 

“Yield,” Kade growled. 

“Fuck off.” Alex spat blood to his right. 

Kade knelt and cammed his fist into Alex’s face. 

“Give up Alex! If I shift I’ll tear you to shreds.” 

“I’d rather die than yield to you.” 

“Kade’s right. They’re too fired up. They won’t have much control if they shift.” 


Gareth’s hold on my waist loosened. Sooner or later Kade would be forced to shift. They were tiring already and Alex had taken too many hits I didn’t like his chances. While Gareth was too busy I darted. free and ran to a bush that acted as a divide between us. 

“You’re not a killer Kade.” I said. 

He looked up and growled. “Stay out of his Gabbie.” 

“No! He’s not going to give up. This isn’t worth it, Kade.” 

Kade growled. “Then tell him to give up. 

“Never,” Alex groaned. 

Gareth and the others caught up to me. 

“You can’t stop this Gabbie, this is ancient tradition.” 

Tears filled my ears. I buried my face in Gareth’s chest. I couldn’t watch. 

“She can’t, but I can. I yield.” 

“What?” I gasped. “What are you doing?” 

The crowd burst into shock. From across the field. Athena and Miller marched with steam blowing out. of their head. 

“I told you I didn’t care about anything anymore. I meant this. It doesn’t matter to me anymore.” He glared at Alex. “It’s not worth it.” 

This is everything he ever wanted. 

Kade turned around and walked away. Alex growled and jumped to his feet. He spun Kade and pummelled him. 

“No!” I screamed. 

Gareth did his job and locked us together. 

Kade dropped and Alex loomed over him. 

“I yield too.” 

“What?” I asked. 

Athena and Miller finally made it. 

What is the meaning of this?!” Athena yelled. 

“Two forfeits.” Gareth said, releasing me. 

I could imagine this would not go down well. 

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