The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Twelve.

Ruth walked up to Elisa and placed a hand upon her shoulder and quietly from within her mind spoke words of comfort and support to her. “You are a good friend and leader to them, I can see why they love you so much, your heart genuinely cares for them even above your own comfort and suffering.”

Elisa smiled, “I am responsible for their safety, as they are under my command.” “Yes, they are, yet I know and can see in your mind, heart and soul that it goes so much deeper than that, I would even go as far as saying that you love them as Christ Jesus himself loved you.” Elisa blushed, “Oh that is a good thing child, as it comes from here in your heart, you do it naturally without thinking even and that is as it should be.”

They were about to continue talking but yet again the internal alarms sounded and upon the security screens, Ruth and Alisha could see a huge battle taking place within the heavens, and also ships belonging to the fallen were now firing weapons upon the Bear mountain complex.

Such was the sheer volume of constant explosions impacting into the mountain that those within were thrown like rag dolls, and if it had not been for their genetic trans-human abilities, they would have died, as within sections of roof structures started to collapse and huge machines toppled over.

There was the sound of what can only be described as a trumpet call, and a blinding flash of light and all within the complex vanished, as did every Christian remaining upon planet earth.

As they realised, they were no longer in such danger they collectively materialised upon one of the huge angelic space ships, and even though it was being repeatedly attacked from the fallen space crafts, yet their weapons were unable to affect or destroy the mighty angelic craft. In the blink of an eye, the huge craft entered sub-space and took its precious cargo into the highest heaven where they were greeted and taken to safety.

Below the heavens, earth faced its final almighty battle and billions congregated together to fight against God. Such was the size of the army, their pride and might, that they truly thought nothing could prevail against them. These were the strongest of the strong, the warriors who had fought and killed others to force their way to the top and having claimed Christians as their rightful prize.

Now they faced an army and a warrior of the likes they could never imagine, and regardless of their numbers, weapons and power, the so-called evil mighty warriors were soon to be judged and to face an eternity of pain, and of which they could never imagine.

As the battle began Elisa knew it was already won, and soon to be over, as no power within creation could stand against the living word of God, none were higher or more powerful, all would fail and pay the cost, and what a cost they were to pay.

Even now from the heavens Elisa shed a final tear for those who rejected Christ Jesus, the clock of time had been set, and they like others had the choice, the chance, the opportunity to believe in the Son of the true living God, and they chose to reject, to not believe, and to even for some, to ridicule, persecute and condemn those who took Christ Jesus as their saviour and Lord.

Now they knew the truth in the Holy Word of God and that Christ Jesus was the answer, as in John 4: 42b. (For we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.)

John 3: 16. (For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.)

Romans 10: 9. (That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.)

John 6: 47. (Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.)

And finally. Philippians 2: 9-11. (Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.)

The End.

I pray you enjoyed this short story; I also understand for those who do not believe in God and his Son Jesus the Christ, that you might find the subject controversial.

You do not need or are you forced to read this book, but I would urge you to pray, and fully consider your standing in life, our time here upon earth in comparison to eternity is but the blink of an eye, and the truth is there before you, and you need to consider it, talk to God as you would to a friend.

Let me guide you and give you an example.

“Father God I am struggling with my life, I know not if you are real, help me to understand.”

That was a simple yet effective prayer, and for those who are ready, it is just as easy, again let me guide you.

“Father God thank you for Jesus your Son and the love and price that you paid, so I might return to you, and be forgiven my sins and mistakes in life. I invite Jesus into my life, I acknowledge he Christ Jesus is your beloved Son and that He died for my sins, paying the price of death and rose again, guiltless, so I can be free and with Him, and to live in my heart and mind.”

For some of you, you might even decide to take it a step further and ask for the guidance of Gods Spirit to help you draw closer to Jesus and become the creation, and the person He knows you can be.

Find fellow believers and a good strong church to share fellowship in, and where you can give praise and make new friends and grow with your new family in Christ Jesus, your Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Should anyone want a bible then please contact me at:

[email protected] and let me know if you have invited Jesus into your life. If you are looking for a good place of worship email me and I will talk with my leaders and pastor and see if we can guide you to a place of fellowship near to where you live.

Bless You.

John R A Smith.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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