The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Eleven.

Elisa remembered this subject had fascinated her and, in her downtime, and while alone she had studied these words, and cast her mind back to her times of study from the Life Application Study Bible NIV, which she had found one day while seeking out the infected.

Elisa smiled as she realised the name (Faithful and True contrast with the faithless and deceitful in whom she had been fighting against. Upon reflection of verse eleven onwards from Revelation 19: Elisa realised that as the heavens opened, Jesus himself appeared but this time not as a lamb, but now as a warrior on a white horse and symbolising victory.

Jesus came first as a lamb to be a sacrifice for sin, but he will return as a conqueror and king to execute judgment, Elisa thought of 2 Thessalonians 1: 7-10. Jesus first coming brought forgiveness, his second will bring judgment.

Although Jesus is called ‘Faithful and True’ ‘Word of God’ and ‘King of kings and Lord of lords,’ this verse implies that no name can do him justice. He is greater than any description or expression the human mind can devise.

As for the robes dipped in blood, it is difficult to imagine how blood could make any cloth white, but the blood of Jesus Christ is the world’s greatest purifier... because it removes the stain of sin. White symbolises sinless perfect in or holiness, which can be given to people only by the death of the sinless Lamb of God on our behalf. This is a picture of how we are saved through faith. Elisa then cast her mind to Isaiah 1: 18; and Romans 3: 21-26.)

But her concentration was broken as Admiral Marshall appeared once more before her upon the security monitor screen. “Elisa, we are under attack, fortunately, the vast majority of our cyborgs and space crafts are secure and in the protection of the Mars base, however, we do not believe we can withstand this attack for much longer, the forces been drawn upon us are vast, and far greater than I ever envisaged, it has been an honour to have known you, Elisa, and I pray we brought you and the scientific teams time to build your defences…” it was then the signal died and laughter was heard coming from the security monitors.

Ruth and Elisa knew the moon base was no more and that Admiral Marshall and so many others who had sacrificed so much, were now presumably dead, it was then a hideous face appeared upon the screen and it was still laughing. “Puny humans you are no match for us, soon, one way or another, we will gain entry and you will become my prisoners, surrender now and I will promise you wealth and the desires of your hearts.”

Alisha looked at the technician responsible for controlling the monitors and nodded, immediately the screen switched off, and all within Bear mountain knew the end of time was rapidly growing closer. Sirens started to sound and internal screens suddenly showed Lewis frantically fighting off a small army of cyborg warriors.

He had been caught trying to open one of the side exit points, and the technician informed Elisa, that an invisible fallen angel was outside. “Soldier stand down, we have known you were a plant ever since you returned, you are outnumbered, outgunned and measures have been put in place to ensure you can never vacate this facility or endanger us again.”

Lewis was now in a rage, as his mind was receiving orders from outside the mountain complex, but measures were in place to prevent him from going closer than two metres of any exit point. As he tried to focus his will, his mind screamed in acute pain and the closer he travelled to an exit point the more severe the debilitating pain, until he collapsed, and became unable to function. As Lewis was carried away he was to never awake as his body was dissected and sent to scientific teams within the mountain complex, and for analyses.

The heavens started to fall as huge debris from the moon and that of wrecked and destroyed ships started falling to earth. The oceans suddenly no longer under the gravitational pull of the moon, were sent into turmoil as chunks, well huge portions of the moon fell towards the earth and creating gravity pulls of their own, and upon impact into the oceans, huge tsunamis covered the lower regions of the earth.

The devastation was immense, and this was only the early part of the final stages, and with yet more, and Elisa knew this was still to come. As alarms sounded and the huge shock waves impacted into Bear Mountain, the internal dampers and sheer mechanical engineering specially created within Bear Mountain to resist multiple nuclear attacks, enabled those within to remain in safety, while those caught outside faced rock falls and the earth opening and closing and debris falling from the sky.

Volcanic eruptions made it worst, and for a time vast sulphuric clouds blotted out the sun, along with acid rain and even times of snow and intense cold as the sun’s rays were unable to get through. Volcanic ash started falling and covering the ground, along with the wind causing drifts many metres thick.

Fortunately, the internal air filters prevented such contaminants from reaching those within the mountain, yet Elisa’s heart went out to those Christians who had no shelter or means of keeping safe, warm or finding clean drinking water and food to eat. She was scared and she could not imagine how those trapped outsides must feel.

Quietly in the privacy of her room, Elisa prayed. “Father God, dad you have been a friend to me, even a brother, a companion and there to comfort, help and guide me, how can I not love you. I know these are the last days and that soon, very soon I pray that your Son Jesus my saviour will return as a mighty warrior king and bring heaven with him. I know not how as it is beyond my understanding, only that I know in my heart that it is ordained and will be so. Hasten the time forward if it is possible, multiple thousands of fellow Christians are caught outside, unprotected, and they are dying, and scared, suffering and like me, resisting even now the evil that is entrapping and attacking us. In your grace and love have mercy dad please.”

Elisa paused as she could sense even from within the mountain that the very atmosphere was changing. “I ask this in praise and love in Jesus name.” As her, words finished the internal monitor lit within her room. “Elisa you need to see this.”

Elisa made her way to the control centre and within and displayed upon all internal security monitors was broadcast from one of Ruth’s ships in high orbit. Thereupon the screen was our planet’s sun, and incredibly from within was the clear shape of a huge angel, and amazingly his brightness outshone that of the sun. “Holy shoot…” cried out one of the team members “That dude is awesome.”

There was laughter and Elisa realised her prayer had been answered. “That soldier is one of Gods angels, and he is about to announce that Christ Jesus is coming, by calling to all the birds flying in mid-air, to come and gather upon the great supper of God, and to feast upon the flesh of those about to die.”

There was shouting and praising to God, thanking Him for Jesus and that the time was almost upon them. Yet even then within their hearts they could not but feel for those who were lost, those who had the chance to take Christ Jesus into their lives yet rejected him, even some of their friends and those whom they had known, like those who were among Team B, and now it was too late and they soon faced the price for their rejection.

Elisa took control and ordered attention, as all within the complex calmed and responded to Elisa’s order, they looked to her for guidance. “Soldiers it is now only a matter of time, according to scriptures and Gods word, an almighty battle is about to take place… and rulers, kings and billions from all over the world are at this very moment amassing for a great battle against our Lord and Saviour. What you are seeing now and about to happen is the exact opposite to the great wedding feast of our Lord. The wedding feast was one of celebration, and of joy, this coming great supper of God will be a time of utter devastation.”

Her words dug deeply into their collective hearts. Elisa remembered having read from the study notes of the Life Application Study Bible and quoted the commentary. “As we learnt in Revelations 19: 19-21. (The battle lines have been drawn, and the greatest confrontation in the history of the world is about to begin. The beast, or the antichrist and his false prophet have gathered the governments and armies of the earth under the antichrist’s rule. The enemy armies believe they have come of their own volition; in reality, God has summoned them to battle in order to defeat them. That they would even presume to fight against God shows how their pride and rebellion have distorted their thinking. There really is no fight, however, because the victory was won when Jesus died on the cross for sin and rose from the dead. Thus, the evil leaders are immediately captured and sent to their punishment, and the forces of evil are annihilated.”)

As Elisa paused there were cheers and shouts of joy, but Alisha raised her hand for silence and all went quiet realising their commander had yet more to say. (“Be thankful you are among the chosen, Satan himself will be thrown into the lake of sulphur, and those whose names are not written in the book of life will likewise follow and be thrown into that bitter lake of fire, then those chosen of whom are written in the book of life will live under the rule of Christ Jesus our Lord. But understand also a time will come when heaven and earth as we know it will be no more, and then a new home will be given us, as the city of God descends from the highest heaven) as described in Revelation 21: and for those of you who have not read the book of Revelations I encourage you to do so, I have obtained copies of the NIV Life Application Study Bible, read it and understand, now go about your work, knowing soon all this suffering will be over.”

There was a collective shout of “Yes Mam” and then the troops saluted and dispersed to their various duties, knowing now that it was almost over.

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