The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Seven.

Ruth faded from view, “Know I am with you, and that I will keep you safe, there are over twenty of my kind here within your shelter as you are not the only one to have invited Jesus into your life. Others of your cloned army have also invited Jesus into their lives, and they like you have been informed of what is happening, know you are not alone and that we are here to keep you protected. As for now, I have been ordered by Admiral marshal to place you in overall command, the others have been informed of your promotion.”

Elisa’s door opened and in walked various team members from her original crew, and some of the newer cloned warriors, immediately Elisa could see whom among them had given their lives to Jesus, and as she was in command, Elisa segregated them into teams.

“Philip, I want you to take Team B which I designate to those under your command and to go out and cull as many OAM infected as you can find. I will lead team A, and we will greet the cyborg warriors, and ensure they are protected until they can disembark and organise themselves. But before you go there is one important matter in which we need to discuss, I know like me every person here has discovered the Bibles and like me because of the genetic makeup we have an insatiable appetite for knowledge.”

Elisa paused breathed in and quietly prayed, “What I am saying is I invited Jesus into my life and I want you all here to consider doing the same, you have faced the same opportunities as me, and I believed, yet I know for some of you, well you laughed and chose to reject, that is your choice, however, I ask you to pray and reconsider, as you are about to go into battle with creatures of the like you have never faced before, and I want you to reconsider, and invite Jesus into your life, before it is too late.”

Some within the group laughed and joked while a few others listened. “If your God is so great then why is there so much suffering, that’s not love.” Came to the reply from some within the group. It was evident they had at least discussed the subject in the past. Phillip shouted. “That is your commanding officer do I need to discipline you.” “No sir, sorry sir,” came the reply. “It is alright Phillip, I felt it my duty to talk with your team, as some of you might not return.”

Phillip looked at Elisa, “thank you, Mam.” “OK men there is work to do so why are you standing here…, go and may God go with you,” said Elisa.

Philip looked at the seven hundred plus warriors within his group, he outnumbered Elisa’s group by over three to one. “Yes Mam,” he saluted and then led his team to their exit points, and from there they became invisible to the eye and vacated the safety of the compound.

As Elisa watched them go she looked at the remaining team members before her, “OK Team A, we have a job to do, and let us ensure that those who are risking their very lives to help us, are themselves protected and give them every possible opportunity of entering this facility alive, and if possible intact and uninjured.”

No sooner had she spoken when one of the crafts was seen to explode from upon the viewing screen. Thousands upon thousands of OAM infected, and huge giants suddenly appeared, and they were armed with munition’s as of the like’s unseen by humans before. “what in heaven’s name are those”, cried out Elisa as she saw her own troop within Team B starting to attack those firing upon the descending crafts.

It was Ruth who answered. “They are using technology not designed by your world, the fallen as we call them have equipped them with advanced technology and you will need to adapt to defend yourselves, those caught outside will not prevail, and the captured will be offered the chance of betraying you and to switch sides or die.”

Elisa realised the seriousness of the situation, and immediately ordered all exit and entrance points to be sealed and the key codes changed. Only one exit remained open so the descending crew members could disembark to safety. Suddenly infected started falling like dead flies and hundreds upon hundreds died within seconds.

“What is happening”, cried out Elisa. “I have ordered my ship to defend those arriving and ordered the cyborg pilots to not land but order the troops to jump the remaining twenty metres directly into the compound area and immediately secure the area while the ships return to their new base station upon the moon.”

The screen showed friendly troops dropping from the crafts, and still, some were being killed in their action, and been shot by OAM infected as they materialised from what was apparently empty space.

“Can you not help them,” cried out Elisa, Ruth grimaced? “I only have the one craft here, even I had not expected this number of resistance, they are by far better organised than we realised, their sheer numbers alone make it impossible for us to kill them all in time to protect those trying to come to your aid.”

Suddenly from out of apparently empty space, a huge craft materialised, it was some two miles in length and equipped with highly advanced technology. Immediately the fallen faded away leaving many thousands of infected humans to their fate. In a blinding light that incinerated all hostile humans, the war zone became quiet as every warrior, insect or animal caught within the blast area disintegrated, leaving the descending friendly troops to disembark in safety.

Then the viewing screen showed a humanoid, only he looked like a human of light. Immediately Ruth lowered herself to one knee. “Stand up Ruth you are not to worship me nor my kind, we are servants of the highest, and it is He whom you serve. We were ordered from the higher heavens to assist, but the ruler of this world delayed our arrival and is grouping in force to declare war and win over control of this world. Know you are near to the end time, but even now the countless billions group to declare war, and the fallen in all their power are uniting under their leader to fight the final battle.”

As the angelic figure was speaking, the screen changed views to show an endless sea, and Amador of alien looking space craft’s encircling the earth. “This is what faced us and slowed our arrival and what you see is but a tenth of the entire force to be waged against you.”

The sight of so many advanced space craft’s made Elisa shudder, “How can we face such an army if one of the highest servants was delayed what chance do we have?”

Ruth looked at Elisa. “Child, you are looking at it the wrong way, consider this, before our very eyes we saw for ourselves at least seventy thousand advanced crafts, and which were above that of your understanding and technology, yet one single ship of the highest servants got through, yes they were delayed but not destroyed, nor wounded, nor prevented from reaching here; one single ship.”

Ruth’s words made sense and Elisa realised she was looking at the problem from the wrong perspective, she also remembered reading the bible that an angel was delayed in coming to the aid of an answered prayer, she also remembered reading that such angels used chariots of fire, and smiled realising they could have been what we term today as space crafts.

“My child the highest angels as you call them to outnumber the fallen by over three to one, and when the time arrives no force can ever stand against such an army. It is written, ordained that Jesus your saviour will return and lead such an army, and I have seen their crafts, they are huge by such standards, and like a city within which the fallen have no defence.”

Elisa remembered reading the book of Revelations, and of the description from within chapter 21: (Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth, had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ’Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.)

Elisa cast her mind back to the description of this vast city like craft, and its walls alone were some 66 metres thick, and with 12 layers within the walls, and such was its size that it required twelve gates or entrance ports; with the length of the city been some 1,400 miles, and she then remembered it was cube-shaped, and as depicted in the book of 1 Kings 6: 20 in the Bible.

As this revelation came to Elisa, Ruth smiled, “Yes child the vision you just shared was a gift from the highest, fear not you are among his chosen.” Elisa now felt stronger and secure in this knowledge but also realised that for so many fellow Christians, and of whom were not fortunate enough to be in such a place of shelter and refuge, that they faced times of extreme hardship.

Looking over to Ruth Elisa was about to ask her a question when her attention was needed by her team members. “Mam the infected are returning and we still do not have all the troops safely inside.” Elisa looked at the security monitors which showed her a few remaining cyborg troops still to enter the facility and Philips team B trying to defend them.

Elisa felt helpless as the huge angelic ship had departed, and the solitary alien craft was unable to protect those remaining and been forced to shield itself and leave for its own safety, and sadly leaving those still upon the ground defenceless against such formidable odds.

Team B fought valiantly and even though outnumbered vastly by the enemy, they confused the enemies by changing shape and appearance until the enemy could no longer tell who they were.

Yet the sheer numbers of the infected were so vast, that Philip knew eventually they would fail. As the last of the cyborg troops and technicians acquired safety, Team B fell victim to the sheer force against them and they were surrounded, outnumbered and had crafted from the air targeting them.

A fallen, one of the giants appeared and spoke. “You fought valiantly for which we commend you, but where are those who defend you, are you not worthy of such, have they not abandoned you to your fate, they were not your true friends as if they had been, then they never would have left you alone.”

His words made sense and carried power, and he was formidable in appearance, and standing over twelve metres in height, and equipped with the technology of the likes Philip had never seen before. “Had I wanted I could have killed you, yet it is I and my kind who are your true friends, and we offer you, life comes and join us, and fight against those who abandoned you to face death.”

Phillips team members knew the sheer futility of resistance and started surrendering. The giant looked at Philip, “You are a mighty warrior of which we respect, we offer you not only life, but munition like you have never seen, and all the pleasures your kind desire, we have captives, take who you want, take what you want none can stop you.”

Philip lowered his rifle and knelt to one knee as if he was subjecting himself to the fallen, but quietly he prayed for the first time in his life. “Jesus, I accept you into my life, please accept me as I am, a sinner, and unworthy of your love.”

The fallen giant saw Phillips humility and smiled. “Good you see the wisdom in my words.” As the giant lowered his own weapon, Philip raised his rifle and fired a plasma blast of light directly into the giant’s head.

“Never, I choose to die rather than serve a false god, you are the enemy, evil and never will I surrender to your kind.”

But his words were cut short as the orbiting crafts fired upon him, killing him outright. It was then that the others who had surrendered saw the giant recover and laugh. “Foolish human, he was no match for our kind, you choose wisely to serve me and my kind, that one is no more, yet you who surrendered shall live.”

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