The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Eight.

Lewis one of the Team B members quietly blended into the background and appeared to have remained undetected, while he watched the remains of Phillips body been lifted, and then placed upon a spit roast like a wild pig, and later consumed by ravenous hybrids.

As the area quietened down, Lewis slowly made his way back to one of the designated emergency entry points and discovered the key code for the computerised lock was changed.

Knowing the exact location of the hidden security cameras, Lewis wrote a note and held it before one of the camera’s, it simply stated, avoided capture, Phillip dead and the others surrendered. I hid and require entry, Lewis.

Ruth quietly looked at Elisha Wilson, as she viewed the various monitors to read not only Lewis’s vital signs, but that of all within Team B… “You were correct, the team members are changing, and already showing signs of animalistic aggression, yet Lewis is the only team member to have remained relatively the same.” “Yes, his vitals are heightened, but then he is caught outside in hostile territory alone, and he understandably and possibly is afraid, and wondering if we are going to let him in,” replied Elisha.

Ruth finally spoke. “The choice is yours, but I recommend you let him in and keep him for his own safety in isolation for some days, so we can monitor him and check for further signs of contamination.”

No sooner had Ruth made the recommendation when Elisha ordered two of the cloned cyborgs to quietly exit and bring Lewis in safely.

Lewis awoke three days later to find himself in a medical ward and undergoing extensive and intrusive checks. “Soldier, stand down, that is a direct order, you are safe and inside Bear mountain with your friends. We rescued you from outside but had to sedate you as you started to resist not realising whom the cyborg rescue team was. You are safe and simply undergoing decontamination tests for your own safety.”

Lewis calmed his mind, as he instantly had recognised Elisa’s voice, and respected her authority. “Sir we were surrounded, outgunned, outnumbered and facing an enemy which even we had not been programmed or created to take on.”

Elisa could see from the readings that his mind was reliving the events which she had observed upon hidden secret surveillance cameras. Lewis continued talking. “Phillip our Team leader fought till the end, and he tried in one last desperate attempt to take one of those giants with him, but he died in vain, as even a plasma blast directly to the head failed to kill or even injure the monster, he… he was gunned down, and then taken away and eaten by the infected, while the cowards who surrendered were treated like kings.”

Although all within Bear Mountain were fully aware of the events which had unfolded, Elisa allowed Lewis to continue talking, knowing that he needed to clear his mind and that he was genetically programmed to report all events of his mission. “You did well to avoid detection, and you were wise to remain to gather intel, and report back as trained.”

Elisa’s words calmed his mind, “Thank you, mam permission please to return to duty.” “Granted soldier as soon as we have finished the tests and cleared you of contamination, we found unknown strands of mutated DNA from the OAM virus upon your clothing and skin, and we are just checking your blood…, Ar..., here are the results as I speak.”

Elisa looked at Elisha Wilson and she quietly nodded, and unknown to Lewis, Ruth was nearby observing all that was happening. “You will be pleased to learn soldier that your blood test although showing heightened strands of XDNA, you are clean of any known contaminants.”

Lewis breathed a sigh of relief as he knew small amounts of XDNA was required by his bodies chemistry to remain unseen and invisible to the human eye, such had been his exposure and length of time within the field, that his body would be saturated by above normal XDNA readings, and that it would take time to leave his system.

“Soldier you may get dressed and return to your quarters, you have been assigned to a new team, and will later be introduced to our visitors.” “Yes Mam, Thank you, Mam.”

At that Elisa and the others left the room and Lewis looked around, he was alone as he picked up the remaining clothing, it was evident his combat gear had been sterilised as all signs of blood and contaminants were gone. He dressed and quietly left the examination room.

Unknown to him he was under constant observation, and members of Ruth’s race along with selected cyborgs had been designated as watchers, and to ensure all was in order.

Admiral Marshall had taken over full control of central command and all found to be contaminated were killed, only Boris had remained believing that even now his true identity was unknown. As he entered the Admirals room to attend a meeting of his peers, he was arrested and held for questioning.

“Boris we have known of your involvement and informed you we were sending a full contingent of troops to earth, only we sent unknown to you nine ships, and less than one-fifth of the troops you requested, and guess what, there was a reception awaiting those who arrived, the enemy had been informed, and as you were the only person knowing of their departure, it proved your treason.”

Boris was aware he stood alone, he also knew his friends within core central high command had all been terminated, he looked at Admiral Marshal and laughed. “You might have won this particular fight, but you will never win a total victory, even as we speak thousands of highly advanced ships are massing to invade earth and to wage war against your kind.”

There was the sound of a gunshot and Boris acquired a hole within his head like an old Smith and western revolver delivered around directly on target, and killing him outright. “He died far too quickly,” said Davinder, but Admiral Marshal ordered the cyborgs to check he was truly dead. “No child, it was too dangerous to allow him to continue living, and we gained the confession of his guilt, and now at least we know for certain that an invasion is impending.”

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