The New World

Chapter 17 - Weapons

“You look lost in thought.” I lifted my eyes from the table and looked up at Derrick, nodding my head.

“I am.” The vampire sat down beside me and lifted a brow.

“You also look well feed, better than a day ago. And with all that blood, I’m sure your mind is working over time,” he said and I smiled.

“To some degree.” Derrick leaned his arms on the table and lifted a brow, knowing better but not saying anything.

“Do you know where Elric is? He left me.” I shook my head at his question.

“I told him to go, something came up with a coven in Span and I needed answers that he would only find in person rather than over a phone or something.”

“What could possibly be coming up that you would send him over there?”

“Other vampires are questioning my coven. You know I was powerful and many are starting to think it’s not powerful if I’m not in charge and I can’t have other vampires attacking that coven or being worried that I can’t lead.” Derrick nodded at the unspoken words and he leaned back in his seat.

“I guess that’s a good reason to leave. But who will help me?” I smiled at him and he smirked. “Does Grayson know or am I going to have to fight a wolf for you again?’ I rolled my eyes at him.

“It was one fucking time and I didn’t ask you to, you did it because you wanted to and because you hated him.”

“Beside the point.” At that comment I rolled my eyes again.

“No, Grayson isn’t quite aware but no, you shouldn’t have to worry about fighting him because he knows what I have to do.” This time Derrick rolled his eyes and I couldn’t stop the small chuckle.

“Okay, so what’s on your mind because I know it’s not that.”

“No, it’s not. Do you remember what the wolf looked like? And the vampire?” I asked.

“I didn’t get to see the wolf for long, but yes.”

“Now, do you recall that the bodies decay fast?” His brows crinkled at my next question but he nodded. “I’ve had the pleasure to fight one and though they are dying fast, they are very strong and will likely take out many of us. In fact, I think that if there were a large number, they could out Grayson and I, or at least knock us down for a bit.

“And the power of a witch who has turned is amazing. They are all strong and can do things that many witches can’t. The one we fought was throwing fireball at us.”

“No way, witches don’t have that power, that’s not one they are born with.”

“I agree, it’s not. But Tessa and Jonah talked about witches learning the dark arts, and in truth, any of us can go to a dark side. Which now makes me think about those demons. What if they are being created from the dark side? That would give him speed, strength and power that surpass what we have or could gain.” Derrick tilted his head as he thought about that.

“I guess I could see that. So, what are you thinking in the way of a weapon?”

“Weapons.” Derrick slowly turned to face me and I shrugged. “If witches can use projectiles, they won’t get in the fray or in the mix.”

“Which means we need something to shoot or to toss, like a strong bullet or hell, even a bow and arrow.”

“Yes. I know it sounds crazy given how damn modern we are, but we need something with force and distance.” Derrick tapped his fingers on the table and nodded.

“I would never have thought of that. We would also need some type of shield or barrier if they can shot like that.” I looked at him, not having thought of that myself.

“You are right.”

“Let’s go to my coven. I have the logs from the three and we can review them.” We both stood up but he laid his hand on my arm. “I know you are old, and I know you have lived many life times over, but when is the last time you went on the dark side?” I licked my lips as I thought about it shook my head.

“Hundreds of years. I hated the feeling it gave me. Why do you ask?”

“If Demonio is coming from a place of the dark side, than any blade or weapons we are going to make will probably work best coming from there as well.” I stared at him as he said that, my mind trying to process that. Although what he said made perfect sense and I agreed, but having to go that place that was hard. That’s how The General turned out to be as brutal as he was.


I got out of the car and looked at the house that was his and shook my head. After everything that happened with the wolves and the witch, all information had come here. Derrick kept a secure log within his office. Looking back on it, it was odd that I hadn’t kept it, or my coven, or even Grayson’s pack but maybe I knew something already and that’s why.

“You know way back when you and I were together; I often felt that you were always in your thoughts way too much.”

“And now?” I asked as I followed him to his private office.

“Oh, no, I still fucking think that, that hasn’t changed and I don’t think you will ever stop.”

“And you would probably be right. But you can’t really be as old as I am and not get lost in your thoughts.” I sat down before his desk and grinned as he pulled the folder out. He knew that was the truth, no matter what he wanted to say.

“Here you go,” he said as he handed me the folder and pulled the seat up next to mine, effectively changing the subject.

“So we know that silver won’t work,” I started as I flipped through the pages. “Actually on any of them, so having it won’t really do any good for us.”

“Even wolves?”

“No. The bars held the rogue in but it wasn’t the fact that they were silver. Although we all think it did listen to the authority of mine and Grayson’s voice, which we all found odd. But I highly doubt that he and I can control any army, that’s too many. And like that, I would have no doubt the only orders they follow would be from Demonio or his little puppets.”

“You really don’t think Demonio knows about Grayson?”

“No, because you know that if he did he wouldn’t have let Grayson out of his sight. As it was, at the party, did you see anyone pay attention to him?”

“How did you know I was there?” I smirked as I looked at him.

“Really? You don’t think I picked up on you being there? Or heard that muttered phrase you said when I came down those stairs?” He rolled his eyes and I was having way too much fun picking on him.

“Anyway, enough about that and back to the problem at hand…” I let him change the subject again and looked at the papers in my hand.

“So, some type of blade, like a knife? I mean, that would be close to hand to hand combat.”

“You think they need something else?” I pulled my lip between my teeth and lifted a shoulder.

“Maybe not. Once they possess a being, they are fast, a lot quicker than I think anyone really believes.” I paused and looked at him. “You haven’t seen one, huh?”

“No, just what was left of Michael.”

“I didn’t see him either. But I did see the witch and a wolf and their speed, their strength, is goes beyond anything I’ve seen. Even their power was amazing. We need a metal that would immobilize them; something that we can forge both a blade out of and an arrowhead.

“But you were right as well. We are going to have to dig a lot deeper than just one dark side. We are going to need the fire of a dark coven, the rock of a dark pack and the power of the dark arts to merge everything together. And going down those roads, that’s always a tricky path and you know that. This is our best weapon and I’m not sure that I can get everyone on board with that, especially my beloved.”

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